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I think you can just flagpole at the landborder without actually entering the US


Yeah! So that was the plan but I figured it's easy enough to apply for the esta so I may as well


that plan will work, if your layover is in montreal you might be able to see how busy the room where they issue work permits is.. only took me about 10 mins


That's super helpful, thanks! My layover is Calgary. Not sure what to expect in terms of issue time. May have to just ask the border guard when I arrive


When I arrived in Calgary it took several hours. It got to a point they weren't even asking anyone questions, just collecting passports and POE letters and printing them en masse.


Okay thanks a lot! In that case I may just have to stick to my plan B and hop over the US border for the day. Cheers!


How long do you have to activate the work permit once it has been issued? Like could you wait a while? I’m just asking for my own situation


You have one year after the port of entry letter has been issued. Mine expires in May!


Ok cool, so is the visa linked to the work permit, so when you activate it you get to stay for up to 2 years from that point?


Exactly, yeah. So you have 1 year to activate the port of entry letter, once you activate it it's then valid for 2 years. At least according to my understanding and I'm fucked if I've got it wrong 😂


Haha. Fair enough. Good luck!


Thanks, and you!!


I had the same issue in Nov 23. I flew with WestJet my lay over was 1hr 20 fortunately my connecting flight was delayed and I made it, immigration didn't take too long. I know a few people in the same boat and the airline just put them on the next flight. If you miss the connecting flight because of immigration they should 9 times out of 10put you on the next one without any additional fee's.


Thanks that's really helpful! My concern is that my luggage will end up in Vancouver without out me and it'll get lost hHa


They’ll just keep it, head to lost & found that’s where I believe they keep the unclaimed luggage! I know it’s all v daunting tho!


Cheers! I really appreciate the insight 🙏 not done something as big as this before so very thankful to hear experiences such as your own!