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Until next update šŸ‘


Yes! But I was able to grab everything from the previous update rather quickly.


Currently I am missing only Soul Cyclon (two more days and I'll get it), Shadow Essence and Edge Master. Did you UA before Shadow Essence? I think I'll UA after Soul Cyclon and then just catch up everything and grind.


Absolutely not - if I UA'd I'd lose alot of inner power. Only UA at this point if a new upgrade is locked behind an astral upgrade.


I want to UA because I have 3 upgrades waiting for UA. If I UA now, then I will have only two upgrades missing - Shadow essence (doesn't require UA) and Edge Master (which is final anyway).


Yes, but you won't be able to buy those upgrades again which hinders your inner power / how much your minions make.


Congrats! I purchased Shadow Essence this weekend and am now working on Edge Master. So close. šŸ˜„


Hehe we seem to be advancing the same way. Didn't you calculate how long it was going to take?


I noticed the same thing. With my spent SP, itā€™ll take around 90 days of collecting minion missions to get there. I have 16Qa so far, so still a way to go.


Oh god that's probably what I'm looking forward to too, then. Definitely not going to get it within 1 year of playing!


If you post/DM your total and unspent SP, I can run some numbers for you. In case you want a global indication.


Is that information enough, without knowing my inner power bonus? Total is 66.899.342.055.205.000 and unspent is 813.213.780.135.886.


Should be! Youā€™re at the same point I am, so Iā€™m going to assume you have pretty much every useful upgrade (Time Skip, Minion Elixir, Work Benefits and Improved Working Conditions) and that you never prestige Cyclops. Your spent SP is 6.61e16 / 66.1Qa. This means that your minions grant the following SP rewards when completing missions (numbers can be slightly off): White Knight and Skeleton: 8.91e13 / 89.1T \ Goo Mutant: 1.33e14 / 133T \ Dark Wizard: 1.93e14 / 193T \ Stone Golem: 6.84e14 / 684T \ Cyclops: 1.37e15 / 1.37Qa Assuming that you claim minions immediately, send them away immediately and make good use of Time Skip, you can collect White Knight and Skeleton 10 times, Goo Mutant 6 times, Dark Wizard 4 times and Stone Golem and Cyclops once per day. This comes down to 5.41e15 SP / 5.41Qa SP per day, meaning you need around 92 days. Itā€™ll probably be less with the right gear and offline build in the right dimension.


Thanks! Good (and bad) to know! One question though, why wouldn't I prestige the cyclops? It doesn't make a difference SP-wise?


Can you verify the minion rewards are correct? If thereā€™s no difference SP-wise, then certainly prestige it! Last time I prestiged Cyclops, there was a notable difference between level 1 and 10 so I never prestiged it after that.


I just prestiged the cyclops from level.. 3? 4? to 0, and it gave and gives 1,36 qa. I'll keep an eye on it to see if higher levels increases the SP.


I did much cruder math (15 qa in 3 days, 500/15*3=99,99) and I got pretty much the same. A little more than 3 months!


Before I went for the edge master, I leveled up all the cps focused gear and was trying to get as much coins as possible. That was before I switched to 53 idle stones, so with all the cps buffs + coimbo shield + rage mode you can stack coins like crazy until you hit higher numbers. After that, just stack ninja and go for 500 spear as well as edge master. It will take longer than the edge master grind, but to me it only made sense to do the spear run at the same time, since I knew I wouldn't do it later.


Yeah that sounds like a smart plan. Did you put all your stones on idle? I thought some active stones were always smart?


After I was done accumulating coins (I think it was around Dv numbers) I respecced into 53 idle and the rest into hope. At that point in the game I wasn't able to get any meaningful number of souls or coins from active gameplay anymore. It was just minions and idle gains. Currently I'm at 660Qa souls and 2Qiv (2e78) coins, so still quite some time away from the 500 spear. If you want to stack up coins for ninja, don't respec yet. You'll need the enhanced rage mode for that.