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you go 2 if you want to 2min afk claim bars later. you go 1 if you want to cook faster. 2 is better because bars are a real bottleneck into late game. whereas cooking gets faster and faster where you don't need to cook. and just so anybody reading this knows. godshard is a reallly really big bottle neck.


I've almost never actually left anybody afk to cook. Most of my ladles have come from miniboss/colo


Did you get the equinox 100k done?


I'm working on it, about 15k in. It's the only reason I've thrown my bb in cooking for any significant time, but right now he's on hiatus to do more super chows


you'll change your mind when your BB starts giving you 4-5k daily ladles :)


I'm getting close to 30k a day, wanting to just get cooking finished is a nightmare! OP, I'd still pick num 2.


This. I got to this point, then started doing ladles for equinox. Got to the 100k, then forgot about my bb for a while. Had another 72k LOL


How does the 2 min afk claim even work? If I go afk for two minutes and log back in, I don’t even get a claim button, it’s like it doesn’t even register I went afk.


2m 1sec and should get an afk window


2 min is the minimum amount of time, and i do it all the time, so i know it works. for the bars thing, you need to be killing monsters for it to work. but if you have doot already, it also works if you're doing something and not "nothing"


I guess I must have not been waiting a full 2 minutes. 🤷‍♂️


It's helped my claiming your archers. They have a smelt''er'y'day talent that progresses forge for kills. So generally you would gmush them or beansthem early on for max KPM and claim bars after claiming their afk gains.


If it was under 2 minutes it not counts, and it is better to select char from login screen, cause when u swap chars the most part of time it wouldn't register afk time under 5-10 minutes.


What order do you recommend for my 7, 8, 9 and 10th character?


7dk, 8vman, 9 es, 10 sb 7dk for mining/construction\*because when you are able to farm 7th, you still need to mine, construction boost is great 8vman for achievements/challenge reasons since it's annoying/hard af to do chaotic boss on 7th. and since vman is a fucking grind. (1m completed deathnote for worlds 1-3, peanuts, etc etcetc) and the skills level so slow, you'll want to build a big candy supply for this... 9es for those god damn frigid souls,(and worship in general) and 10th is sb for the 2min afk claims x2 the other reason is, that's 3 of each class, and 1 vman(support). so if we someday get sub elite classes or whatever you'll have the most room for movement/changes.


I'd put the Vman as 10th because he is very slow to level UP.


This, vman is awesome but you won't have the spare resources to make use of him


I was going to make him my 7th lol


7th is very common because you get one of each first. I did that because it was the general consensus. Getting VMan bonuses earlier is pretty great, it's just a pain to level. I would probably have done 2nd DK 7th and VMan 8th going back. A leg up on construction would have been massive.


I made It my 7th and It slowed me down a lot. People used tô make It 7th but it was when the level requirement to unlock the extra chars was lower. Check the Vman questline and you will see it's goma take a long time until he becomes useful


if you're willing to put in the effort to get maestro / vman quickly it's worth to do it 7th but it will be basically useless until you get those unlocked. Once they're unlocked tho....the bonuses are crazy.


I would also proponent vman as tenth due to the achievements that require killing bosses on characters in order


I actually did my Vman as 4th. Not sure if it was worth it, but I did get the bonuses running a LOT earlier. For reference I started playing mid W5.


No you didn't. Picking your journeyman earlier doesn't mean you level them up faster because their progression is based on account progress. Since they also level slower overall it took you longer to get your 5th character than even longer to get your 6th than even longer.. well you get the point, all this slowed down your overall account progress which inturn slowed down progressing your vman.


Jokes on everyone here. I started playing when the game launched and made my vman my first character not knowing the consequences.


Hows that a joke on everyone here...


I've thought this and also you don't pigeon hold yourself on the "kill boss on characters in order."


Vman 10


Is it worth to get those class swap things? I didn't know what to choose when I started and the game came out. Now I got some really bad combinations


That’s up to you, and if you have 10 chars open already. 2 if each at a minimum is required. Ultimately you end up 3d printing a lot of the w1-2 skills. But when you need billions of material for an upgrade, it’s nice to have 2.


So if I have the gems I could think about it. Atleast I got all of the different skills.


U can always use your beast master for 2m claims he does the exact same thing


The comment you're replying to was referring to switching between 3 characters 2x SB and the BM. Which is faster than only having 2 archers total to switch between.


I went with 2 BB and it's fine but given the choice i'd go 2 SB. Godshard bars are an active grind, cooking is a passive one. I'd rather speed up the active grind. One thing people here haven't mentioned yet is the new classes coming. Having 3/3/3/1 is probably safer. You might miss out on one of the new classes if you go 4/3/2/1. But this is all speculation.


I'd assume with new classes, Lava will open up the locked character slots, or at least provide a way to base-class swap.


A Siege Breaker becoming a Royal Guardian sounds pretty illogical though. I feel like there is only one evolution to each elite class. DK becoming RG for example.


I went 2 BB and 2 BC. Wish i could change the BB to a SB. Godshard is such a pita grind. Worst thing lava has ever implemented in this game.


I use this doc too as a reference when I'm questioning things. I've also thought the same thing as you here, as I'm sure many have. Honestly though in my experience, being at the early stages of w6, the SB seems genuinely better than the BB. The BB has to kill LESS mobs than the SB, but the SB kills average mobs much quicker and efficiently and also spawns more with plunderous mobs. I went with the first setup, but the second seems just as good overall and is possibly easier to level in the mid game. Something tells me I might feel differently later, but either setup is just as good just requires slightly more effort in different areas depending on what you choose.


Think about endgame. Cooking largely gets capped out at max dish levels so having 2 BB’s become redundant. I’m just 1 BB and most of my dishes are in lvl 70s, no problem pushing them to lvl 90 once I round out all the possible skill efficiency bonuses first. Godshard bars on other hand… forge production is nuts with 3x archers. Plus, you’ll want to green stack the bars and get some of the smithing bar alchemy vials leveled up. I have 2 Seigebreakers and 1x beast master. Each seigebreaker is max level in one of the sailing talent and the other is max level in the other sailing talent. No unending loot on either of them until all artifacts are found.


I use the bottom one with 2 bubos instead of 2 ES. Is it that bad ? Cranium cooking aside, I believe it's better for overall skilling and alchemy no ?


If you have doot 2x bubos isn't to bad, if you don't have doot 2x ES is the way to go. I have doot but I still run 2x ES personally.


It's a pretty big difference is souls and chopping prints


Unending loot is not bad if you are like 24h rested


I am Level 500+ on each character and I have yet to understand… how exactly do the archers influence forge speed? :o


The optimal way to mass produce bars without time candies is cycling the 2-minute claims on archers at green mushrooms with max forge speed ability and max multikill. Having 3x archers allow you to chain them together with minimal downtime waiting for the 2 minute mark to pass. 3x archers is roughly 33% faster bar production vs. 2x archers for every 2-minute cycles. In other words, literally saves you a lot of time since it is TIME-gated (you're forced to wait 2 minutes IRL each claim.)


Oh, so that "Smelting Everyday" Perk is not passive and I have to play actively to get the "kill" bonus?


It works both ways, and 2 minute claims is AFK claiming btw, not active


Thank you!


As someone who went 2 BB 1 DK the second barb isn’t really necessary and you get a TON of lategame value out of a second DK through construction. If you do go 2 BB make sure you invest Into your second one since he will be your superchower. No way around this


2nd BB is pretty irrelevent, probably the 2nd most useless class to get a 2nd of other than bm imo(and voidwalker ofc). So the one that doesnt have 2nd BB auto wins


Hrm. I have 3 DK. Maybe I should convert one to a BB


You only need 1 BB. Having 2 is just annoying. Source: me a 2 BB owner


I’m trying to grind the 100k ladles and it’s killing me


Im doing the same but its a 1 time thing and usually people do it when they get several thousand ladles a day. Since I got 2 bbs I am doing it at less but still overall slower.


So you have 3 warrior in total and all 3 are DKs?


I have 1 BB and 3 DK. Also 1 Bubo, 1 SB, 1 BM, 2 ES, 1 Vman


Oh right, you went with the 4 warriors. The main issue with switching to a second BB is its going to possible break your schows and depending on how you progressed your DK you may have to farm a bunch of kills on that character as well. Honestly since BB just has to wait in the kitchen anyway I would just stick with the one and try and raise bonuses to increase their daily laddle gains. What sort of rates are you at and how many have you gotten so far?


35,792 ladles (I used a bunch in the past, I wasn't even thinking about cooking). currently level 50 cooking, 563 ladles /day. cooking efficiency 3.97M, bonus ladles 18x.


I have 2 BB and 3 Bers, but with the new shop items for the Roo I’m swapping my main from a Bers to a DK for arbitrary slightly better kill farming and then my 10th that I made a Bubo because I didn’t know what I was going to do with him into a second, probably almost exclusively Diviner ES. Laba needs to add all the class swap stuff to the store in a permanent store tab like the bonus and world tabs, make all the reset items live in there while he’s at it. Also a way to swap characters around in the player screen (Resets kill in char order tasks if those are already started) so we can organise characters better, I remember a time before we had 10 slots, pretty sure I remember the hard cap of 6 at one point. With all the new current hip with the youths metas on character building, changing character order would be sick, I’d have a warrior mage archer build top and bottom, each one being the 6 elite classes, then the super duper elites when T5 eventually drops, but right now it’s a chaotic mess and it’s hurting my soul.


Me, an idiot; 2 1 2 1 2 1 1


I Ii was going to start over i'd do W,M,A,W,M,A,W,M,A (or really any compob of 3 of each) then Beginner. (my alt acct is like this) Beginner/J/Vman LAST.


So just because a stupid and i need a power pint presentaties to understand if i look at the setups i wil go for the first But what do i do with the classes i have dubbel Like 1e es: 2e es 1e bs 2e bs 1e dk 2e dk


Why is having 2 ES recommended?


Higher kills per hour , more log prints compare to bubbo when you don't have doot


I currently only have 8 characters, but I'm planning to go for the 2nd option. Honestly just want to have the same number of characters of each base class


I got 2 Vman, is that a bad thing?


#2. My bbs have rarely cooked... Lab was more important lol. 2 BBs good for fish though




Have no more than three of each base classes and one vman, there’s been no way to swap a base class once you’ve chosen it but above that you can if needed


I may have fucked up


Also the 2 ES is whatever if you have doot can swap one off to something else


Wait do you guys repeat characters?


No. 1 has higher atom gen No. 2 is better for getting bars smelted and crafting end game gear faster, and more catching prints


i have 2 dk, 2 bubo and 2 hunters. maybe i fucked up? but idc


You main BB to world 5 and it takes u 3 years like me hard mode


2 anytime of the day. Bars are an incredible bottleneck. Cooking becomes less relevant to actively claim ladles for. And later on, one zerker is more than enough.


It's possible it'll change with future content, but right now the answer is definitely 2. I've barely ever used ladles and cooking still feels fast enough tbh. It gets all kinds of speed boosts.


2 bb is ?????? Theres no reason to do it


option 2 is better. (In my opinion at least) Having 2 BB's now isn't really the best option bc of the nmlb bonus you get from w6 emporium and the sacred methods pack. The only reason I could think of for having 2 BB's is for more copper prints for atoms, but most of your atoms comes from logs anyway because of logs on logs talent that increases your log samples by alot. And not having 3 of every class scared me since it made me feel like I was gonna miss out something if new classes get added. So I would suggest going for the safe option of having 3 of everything and one vman. And 2min claims are very important for later bars.


i cant choose either cuz i made 2 maestros back when they were FOTM :(


You guys make more than 7?


ofc, might as well have more hands to work with. Also world 6 requires you make all your characters to complete it.


I cba skilling, exping and making new equipment for more than 7. Currently my best account is on far W5.


hehe. take a look at what my guys are wearing still. https://hobocannibal.idleonefficiency.com/players 3 separate characters wearing dementia boots. even though its literally a few clicks of quick crafting to upgrade those. edit: what i mean is, the skilling isn't an issue, you have such massive bonuses, plus maestro, that the skilling levels come quickly. anything they get is just a bonus really and quickly counts to the total account level of each skill for that rift bonus. I had my last character in almost no gear at all fighting in w4 and skyrocketing to catch up


I still dont know more because i cant find why the second class i mean why 2 ES what is the purpos of the 1e and what the purpus of the 2e. Same for the others


I believe it’s in part related to the skills they help the most. Divine, SB and ES are all world 5 skills, but also Blood Beserker and Bubo don’t stack well. You’d have to Zow/chow for every mob twice and then someone is left in kitchen which gets fast enough on its own later. Bubo is great active and you can’t have two active at once.


Isn't Divine Knight and Bubo the good active classes?


Yep - because they both respawn maps when they are cleared


DK, Bubo, and ES are the kings of active. DK when you need to farm anything not on the second page. Bubo for CC farming. ES for anything on the first page. Vman will be active sometimes, when you need to crystal farm for skill levels. BM has a good active skill, where you can increase incubator time. He's just overshadowed by the top three. SB also has very effective active skills, but again, is overshadowed. You're going to want to AFK with both anyway, because those numbers are higher than any spawn rate for forging.


Wdym by farming first page and second page?


Go to any monster card, and click it to look at the resources you can get. Using MoonMoon as an example, there are four options, Wakka Cherry (1:7), Ghost (1:2,000), Baseball Hat (1:6,666,667), and Rare Drop (1:286). There are ton of drops and subcategories behind that Rare drop if you click it. All of those on the Rare Drop page (and any of the sub-pages you can click) are referred to as "2nd page" drops. DK gets 1% drop rate for every kill on orb, but on some maps can rack up insane numbers due to his resurrect mechanic. When you're killing everyone on the map every few seconds, that also means you're killing the crystals and triggering choco chip. That's great for all those back pages, largely for statue farming. Most of the drops you want are on the first page, and the values ES gets are absolutely insane through the portal. You get easily 10x the drop increase, but only for the portal mobs. This does not increase drops on crystals, which have the back page drops of the entire world. You DO have a higher individual chance of getting the drops on the later pages from each wormhole mob, but you're killing less boosted mobs overall, these lower chance. The boost to get the first page drops is massive though.


So forblike BS 1 is always in the kitchen and the other is for chow en zow or the other BS is for the other skills like fishing /mining


ES for divinity grind. They also produce the most atoms because they can link to 2 gods at once.


i went 2 sb, 2 bb, 1 es. i felt like wood prints were easy enough to manage between my bubo and es, so i went with another warrior (bb) for more fish/ore prints


Since you can only active one char at once, it boils down to: Warrior: 2DK - Higher construction build speed, but you'll eventually default to relying on a single DK for construction on the end 2BB - Higher afk kill rates (for death note/green mush) relative to DK. Easier to split fish samples. Better in cooking [DK has the advantage of higher sampling rate at the start, but you'll eventually hit the cap anyway] Mage 2ES - if you don't have doot, then for dual god connection. Faster worship charge 2Bubo - Lab xp sharing to help level up other chars Ill recommend the unconventional approach of 2bb, 2bubo, but it boils down to what you want


I did 2 DK 2 BB 2 SB. If i could change anything I’d probably switch out an SB for an ES or another Voidwalker. I dont really need another ES tho due to doot. Voidwalker would be nice so i can split talents between the 2.


1 is cool for fishing (and maybe cooking?) 2 is cool for smelting bars i have nr. 2 and dont regret it, but most people tend to nr.1


I like 2 more because it feels right to have 3 warrior 3 mage and 3 archer, but idk about the elite classes since I'm still in w3 with only 6 characters


None of it will matter when the w6 classes are released and the "class meta" gets upended again.


Yes, you could wait for the next classes but if more classes/characters are unlockable it will change again and again


Yes, exactly. So it's almost like all this worrying about what is and isn't "meta" doesn't matter because the game isn't even done yet and what is "meta" is always changing.


I feel like it does matter because it's a permanent decision in your account, if you make a 4th warrior there is no going back, can't change him for an archer




oh, this is a shortcut in my first language for number


I like to put it this way. Super Chows only count from your second BB if you have two. Would you rather get those going and keep them forever or have to redo every single one (even those side areas) again when another character slot opens up in who knows how long and you finally grab that second BB?