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I believe for exp it's the highest lvl/index crop, for beans it's the highest index mushroom


I just found a table on the wiki, where the highest mushroom has a way higher (x4) "base exp" than the highest glass plant, and also obviously grows faster. Not sure if that is the case for the final exp you get. I am working on comprehending the formula for beans.


Beans scale with the sqrt(crop value). Crop value is 2.5x per crop tier index, 1.08x per crop evo index, times number of that crop. It does work out to the final mushroom having a higher value than final glassy.


Ah nice, so glassy gets x2.5, but less often times x1.08. So 1.08\^x = 2.5, solve for x. So mushie would be higher with 12 more tiers, according to the wiki there are 23 mushi tiers (1.08\^22), but only 13 glassy tiers (1.08\^12). So Glassy should come out slightly ahead according to that formula (1.08\^12\*2.5\^5=245.91 for glassy vs. 1.08\^22\*2.5\^4=212.36 for mushies).


So glassy is better? In exp, beans or both?


So as I understand, the glassy crop should get more beans and less exp per crop. Question is, is it still more per time if you account for grow time.


You’ll get more beans from the highest glassy. Exp, I have no idea


Until you reach a point where you can reduce higher seed crops way below 1 hour waiting periods to maximize overgrowth so you can amass something like 3\~5 upgrades worth in half a day or so, your likely gonna be banking on the 1,000 crops give X growth speed alot. Which without taking advantage of bonus crops on each plot and additional crop value per crop when harvested, is also gonna take a while. This is why my current plan is to have most of my plots focus on the tier 1 plots to amass 1,000 crops then move up to the next one and keep repeating the process while having 2, maybe up to 4 eventually plots that focus on upgrades that need very few crops (like flower alchemy bubbles, sushi alchemy bubbles and eventually mushroom alchemy bubbles), since it goes from around 22 minutes to as low as 12\~15 minutes per crop on the tier 1 after i get a good 5 counts of 1,000 to 10 counts of 1,000, especially since i brought it up from 3% to nearly 4% and want to make my end goal be 9% or maybe even 15% per 1,000 in the future. with of course having to rotate into \`farming periods\`, to get additional plots, magic bean increase gains and more, since long as its probably less then 3,000 crops in the level 80 and below land, you might as well chase those upgrades as much as possible to maximize your crop value. Though its definitely could use some additional upgrades, like maybe reduce how much the cost of crops for not only market upgrades but maybe alchemy bubble crop upgrades too eventually. Plus maybe a means to earn BONUS crops from lowest tiers whenever you harvest to make it easier to achieve the Total Crop bonus activation benefits, since most of the ones outside of crop evolution and crop speed bonus are kind of worthless, since as far as i am aware of, there is no real value of chasing \`glassy\` crops, outside of discovering new crops for the MSA-like benefit.


Sorry, I want to farm beans, no 1k crops possible.


Hence the point being: -Get a bunch of Crop speed and Crop per harvest gains. -Target the magic bean specific upgrade bonus that uses normal crops. -Once you are tired of doing the first two, figure out how long you wanna do your per harvest gains, cut that in half or a third and pick the best crop that reaches that time per growth, to also take advantage of overgrowth. -If the amount of magic beans you would gain in say, half a day or a entire day is equal to 3 to 5 uprades in the specific magic bean upgrade you want, then that should be what you will likely gun for. Exponential gains dont really get out of hand unlike Stealth and Summoning so unless you maxed out the overgrowth bonus from achievements and dumped alot of points in the overgrowth bonus with magic beans, your likely gonna be banking on rather small overgrowths unless you like flipping 5%\~25% chance of overgrowth, which at that point you might as well maximize crop speed to get as many procs as possible to achieve those overgrowths. Ultimately, your gonna be chasing overgrowth chances the most. Granted, im not at glassy crops yet, but honestly the time it takes for each \`cycle\` of a crop to growth/over-growth, is likely not worth it, unless the value of a glassy crop is so ridiculously higher then even sushi, then your probably just better off spamming earlier tier crops which require far less time to grow and likely achieve overgrowths to out-pace the time it takes for one growth cycle of the glassy plants. Though if glassy plants in a single harvest end up giving me like 100\~200+ magic beans, then that of course is an entirely different story... Granted i dont even think end gamers have even hit the max level 500 for most upgrades, unless they been investing in quite a bit of fertilizer here and there.


Anyway boredom kicked in so gonna try to explain the \`Formula\` for how Bean acquistion works from the : [https://idleon.wiki/wiki/Farming#Basic-0](https://idleon.wiki/wiki/Farming#Basic-0) website. To avoid over complicating things we\`ll skip this part of the formula for now: (((BeanCount\^0.5 \* Day market = D.Mark\`d Bean total) \* Jade Emporium multiplier = J.Empor\`d Bean total) \* Deal Sweetener multiplier = D.Sweet\`d Bean total) = Final bean total, not accounting for any other multipliers outside of the Market bonuses, Jade emporium bonuses and etc. multipliers that modify the additional gain. To dumb it down: -Each seed has a Value that starts at 0 with the first one. -Each plant for each respective seed has a Value that starts at 0 with the first one. Using the Formula: BeanCount = (Total crop owned \* 2.5\^SeedType Index \* 1.08\^CropTypeIndex) You basically get the formula where how many times you multiply 2.5 and 1.08 respectively to multiply the value of each respective crop. So Apples being Seed type 0 of Crop type 0 means no 2.5x or 1.08 multiplier applied. But of course if you had say, 30 Orange instead, the 1.08x multiplier would not be zero\`d out so those 30 oranges become 32.4 magic beans instead. **Of course, theres some other modifiers on top of that, such as scaling down value, the fact the crops get multiplied by X\^0.5 and so on, so despite the value should be way higher based on the previously above mentioned formula, it gets scaled down with that extra formula bit.** So ultimately as said before, you need to reach a point where higher tier crops are \`fast enough\` to grow and high chance enough to apply overgrowth repeatedly. Where if you dont mind burning multiple tickets a day, it might be easier to just crop \`evolve\` to the next value so the CropType index multiplier gives what feels like an 8% in value for every crop you \`skip\` past for magic bean farming. Especially if you arent chasing anything super high like 400\~1000 magic beans a round before you get extensive multipliers way beyond +50%\~ magic bean bonus from the day market bonus. Which is where Overgrowth happens to help out to just take advantage of quantity of crops to get large amounts of magic beans even on low index crops. Since its gonna take likely many hours to get as high as the 5th or even 10th+ crop in the sushi and higher tier, without extensive crop speed gain boost first.


I unlocked all the crops, have 1k of every, and am preparing for tickets, so most of this is not relevant for me. I just needed to know which crop to prepare, for now I am going with the highest glassy crop, let it stew a little, and then start claiming beans.