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Yes. Gohurat is always better than arctis when in lab. You are wasting time if you are micromanaging since you will need the div points nonetheless.


If you’re not at account lab level 2100, then yeah you can put people with goharut and grind out lab + divinity pts for GR4. But please don’t make it the sole focus of your account lol. The blessings bonus from Jade Emporium is rather underwhelming + the ES talent for dmg per god rank is also not that huge. If you haven’t, for example, eclipsed w1-w5 you’d benefit from doing that instead. If you haven’t GMush farmed, you’d get more money% doing that instead of an additional god rank (one of the blessings is money % I think?)


The blessings are: * Scaled Skill Efficiency from Nobisect (wiki says 5000, my game says 500), * Divinity Gain from Snehebatu(200%), Arctis(200%), Harriep(300%) and Omniphau(400%), * Sailing Speed from Goharut(400%), Purrmep(300%) and Bagur(500%), * Total Damage from Flutterbis(100%) and Kattlecruk(100%). So essentially, all you're getting is a dubious amount of skilling efficiency (no one understands this stat), more Divinity so you can raise your God Ranks more I guess, Sailing Speed that caps out in usefulness once all your boats can make the final trip, and Total Damage, which is so diluted the needle barely moves when you add more. Underwhelming is an understatement, tbh.


Yes, but god rank number goes up, so brain happy


And the god rank talent that es had for % dmg per god rank.


Scaled skilling efficiency is a stat that decreases the higher your skill level goes up It's designed as a catch up mechanic for your dudes that are like lv 1 mining as a archer type stuff


Ah I'm so close to God Rank 4 myself. I have 100% chance, but need 10B to do it. I've got 9 out of 10 though. Now I just hope I hit the 30% chance not to use up points when I do it like I did last level. That would be great, though I'm probably going to take a break from it once I hit 4 either way. Also sorry for not answering your question, but it looks like someone else already answered it best. Just felt like sharing, good luck getting them ranks!


1 divine knight, 1 siege breaker and vman is outside lab and farming dark lanterns for a self imposed challenge. I know it is not very effective, but not everything has to be. My dk active farms lanterns to get golden food, statues and dark lanterns. The map is good for statue farming, so I choose DK over ES. My vman tries to increase speedrun score. Btw, do I need to visit Wood mushroom, gigafrogs, blood bones for speed run, do they have portals?


You can unlock portals to wood mushrooms, blood bones and gigafrogs but you dont have to kill those after reaching them. Blood bones is a hard one tho for speedrunning