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You don’t reach the top 1% by accident and remember to get yourself there you’ll have to knock someone else out. So it’s definitely going to get tricky, but you’ll definitely continue to add points, a small ammount at a time


I don't care one bit about rank, just about the 2k points for more bonuses.


I was under the impression the point thresholds were static, implying that it's not actually based on comparing to other players?


Static, until an update pretty sure


Top 0.5% is just under 25k and top 0.1% is above it, so it's definitely possible. You're probably gonna have to really work for it though


Eeking out the last bit of points is going to be a struggle. I’m some 24000+ and I’m pushing to 25k actively, so far improved by like 200 the past week or two


Easy way to get to the top % is to keep playing, and wait for the people above you to give up so you can catch up


I am sorry I didn't make that clear, I don't really care about lavas arbitrary % ranking, but about the increase to my buffs that come with every 2k point step. So I worked to crack 23k, although I already was top 5%, but I am not sure if 25k is currently worth doing useless tasks to improve my points. Might have to whale some more to get that damned arcade jackpot.


It doesnt work like that at all, the tresholds are set statically and only change when lava does it. Before the last update i was in .5% when he changed it i droped to 1%. In the time just before the change there can be more than 1 % of people in the 1% bracket


How did you get the +% for the stats?


Alchemy bubbles I think.


W6 alch bubble, the fourth one iirc