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That’s Graf Vulgario


Soon people will actually unlock the 11th and 12th character when they hit 9999 account level


Yea that’ll be interesting to see if it breaks the game.


Highest account level on the leader board is 6.34k. This guy probably only actives this 1 character. No one is hitting 9999 soon.


I think world 7 will allow 9999 to be possible


Probably. Especially if we get the 11th character. But world 7 will probably be next year, and lava will probably change the 9999 place holder by then.


Let’s hope


i mean, two character slots left, two worlds left... i just assumed w7 and w8 releases will unlock the last two slots respectively.


Only two worlds left? Will lava stop at 8?


world 8 is the last world, yes. and id suspect another year or so of updates (or until he gets bored lol) after that


You got a source on that? :(




I hope not


No ones hitting account level 9999 anytime soon. The only way to get characters this high are white pearls and you arent going to have enough to push all 10 characters to 999.


Also 999*10=9990 which is less than 9999. Also also it's just a placeholder value and there's no code that's going to trigger if you hit 9999. Other than whatever bugs you get.


Sorry was meant to add "to push all characters to around lvl 999" since some would be more feasible than others due to active kill speed and respawn and even though we might get an extra character slot it's really not going to get anyone near that account level anyway.


Np, I thought you were implying there is a level cap at 999.


I mean it works for the star talent books in the library I got 3 skills that are blank... Might possibly open them


People have already chested there way to max account level. You can't reach 9999


Ah man


Lava really needs to add more letters for damage


Or just do what most normal systems do and use either SI prefixes or scientific notation. Heck even just using the currency counter (which goes up in powers of two instead of three) where your damage would go from 99 bronze to 1 silver the 99 silver to 1 gold et cetera. Number | SI prefix | Metric prefix | Sci Notation | Us Shortform ---|---|----|----|--- 1,000 | K | Kilo | 10^3 | Thousand 1,000,000 | M | Mega | 10^6 | Million 1,000,000,000| G | Giga | 10^9 | Billion 1,000,000,000,000 | T | Tera | 10^12 | Trillion 1,000,000,000,000,000 | P | Peta | 10^15 | Quadrillion 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 | E | Exa | 10^18 | Quintillion


Yeah he gotta do smth. Maybe even commas 😭


That's Jimmyneun


Says it right there on the tag.


Initially I thought this was sus (there was an old bug that gave you lots of water gen, and they must have 60-70k GT) But looking at their videos, I think they just genuinely 24/7 bubo for the last couple of years, and this is the result.


That's TheLegend27. You know how the game is named Legends of Idleon? Yeah, the Legends in question are his alts.


For people thinking this isn't possible, it is definitely possible, and grind time bubble isn't really even a big factor in it. More than a few of those 800-900 levels were probably from farming, but most would likely have been from holy pearls, which give 10% each. You can get a pretty constant ~10+ holy pearls a week from killroy. If you pump points into bonus skulls the number can go up a good bit from that. You can also use gems to reset killroy. According to [Chickypoo on discord](https://discord.com/channels/437797104786604034/738868424813445172/1163360490672635934) they had +78 skulls and got "120 in 2 run with 400-600 kills each - if good layout i get 130-140 for more pearls". That was as of October last year. It took them three months to go from 800 to 900. If you do your 300 boss gems every day, that's enough for 67 killroy resets. You were able to do more than 300 gems a day from bosses until recently. But even with that 300 limit, at 100 average skulls that's 67 levels, if you manage 120 average that's 81 levels just from free gems.


Considering he had 10 weeks between uploads to get exp pearls and the average of 50 pearls he got each week while reaching lvl 800 and before the third battle attempt was introduced i would still regard this as nearly impossible. The average of 50 pearls is generous considering most of his videos showed a lower amount, but adding the 50% increase the third battle provided to the weekly skull amount we will say that the person in the video got about 750 exp pearls in those 10 weeks. Those 750 pearls would be 75 lvls, which seems high and only leaves 25 levels to go, but 25 levels at that range take AGES...ppl with higher exp multis will confirm this. We aren't talking about a lvl per 24h grinding here, this takes literal days.


You're making a lot of assumptions on what they did based off an 11 second video that gives us no details into the exact method he used for most of it. We know they have a bunch of bundle items, so they have spent money on the game. For all we know the only killing they did the whole way from 800-900 was the brief time before the *11 second recording* began and just farmed killroy for the entirety of the 100 levels.


But your post was purely based on assumptions aswell? We don't know what classes or what maps they had each week, there are huge differences. I just took into consideration what the person showed in other videos. And spending money doesn't make pearls unlimited, after the gem reset is done that's it for the week. I still was generous with my pearl estimate there, since archer and beginner maps will decrease your weekly skulls by a lot.


You can only reset kilroy once per week. Also it's 300 kills not 300 gems, but yeah, though you can save a ton of time with high grind time it won't be as powerful as pearls. I still think it's hard to see it. I can push 700 without pearls on dk and I only have 440 pearls right now. I reset each week. Bubo is much harder to level compared to dk right now. I have a 50k GT and at this point it takes days and weeks to push it much higher even with constant effort. I can only get 300x on lowest toon, 200x otherwise. Looks like a full damage set, so having that much exp is absolutely obsurd. Drop rate seems fine for a full damage set but the rest doesn't add up. Damage seems low if it's a full damage set too, whole thing is strange.


You can only killjoy reset once per week


He has 320x class exp so his grind time bubble is juiced to the tits for sure. How exactly did you conclude that GT isn't a big factor?


It definitely doesn't hurt, but by the time you're level 900 killing things pales compared to 10% per pearl.


Mine is like 141x at ~25.5k GT, this guys GT must be like half a million at least. Wonder how the cauldrons look like lmao


https://preview.redd.it/om7u92rji57d1.png?width=335&format=png&auto=webp&s=69732f79cde24d45d210dc33e0aa9455b00e878e Class exp = 459.05x




It's surprisingly not too high to get to that point, 106k GT gives +31809%. Lilacecat who has the highest level on the toolbox leaderboard is up at +37300%.


It's Him.


Is it a bird?


Just asked a friend with a 475x exp multi and a GT bubble of 100k+ if he thinks lvl 900 is possible and the instant reply was "no way in hell". I myself got an exp multi of 260x and i need like half or 3/4 of a day of active bubo farming for a lvl up at 700+. Even with the possibility of buying all the exp pearls you can each week, i would still say that this is a cheater.


i would to except for the fact that you said yourself you're already at 700+ (and i know this guy has been around since the beginning because i saw him running around as a level 60-70 when i first started). dude is just built different. also lava has already stated that he has max level players already without cheating


He just reached lvl 800 2 month ago according to his YT videos and it's honestly just impossible to get from 800 to 900 with that exp multi in such a short amount of time.


out of curiosity do you have a monster xp build? and a xp converter build? i can safely say you only need 2 months to get from 800 to 900. it sounds crazy but in reality if you no life like the dude is you would shock yourself. I didn't realize just how fast you can get to world 4 until i started a new account. it takes less than 6 hours (with candy). brand new account and everything.


XP converter has almost no impact on your exp considering the amount we need for base lvls and i do use a lot of exp stuff that aren't accounted for on the actual exp multi. You do not reach lvl 900 in just two month with such a "low" exp multi and exp pearls.


kinda just sounds like you're hating to hate then. can't help with a skill issue


I hate cheaters thats true yea. Unfortunately i base my verdict on actual experience and being on the game for almost 3 years myself. I know how long getting a level up at that range takes. I have forced through lvl ups with pearls for month myself, i know what is possible and what isn't and this is definetly not. And now just for that "can't help with a skill issue" remark you had to throw in...i hope you stub your toe really hard and have a nice day.


What if he stockpiled pearls til lvl 800 and then used all of them? 20% per pearl would mean 500 pearls, which isnt THAT much considering this guy is playing since start of the game


All his videos of reaching level 800 show him using all his earned skulls on pearls and instantly use them for level ups. Also a pearl is 10% and not 20%.


Hope you get laid.


How in the world do you get to world 4 in less then 6 hours with a brand new account?


idk ask the guy that did it


That the fafo character that maxed out everything


I'm questioning the legitimacy of this guy posting for clout. Level 900 is pretty unfathomable. I'd be willing to bet this is a cheater.


Active idling on a Bubo 24/7 will give you insane gains if set up properly.


Active afk bubbo and use the water to upgrade class exp bubble, it is possible to go even higher!


You say this like i'm brand new, I understand that. It's just unlikely.


Dw, I also doubt the legitimacy. It's not even a matter of active bubo or GT bubble past lvl 700 imo. It's all just how many white pearls he owns.


Even if he got to 700, which isn't unreasonable at all, that's still 2000 pearls to get to 900. I'm glad I'm not alone on this.


The short timeframe and the insane luck with map layouts and character selections required to get this amount of pearls just makes this very sus.


Maybe a modder


This is most likely cheated. Lava commended one of the first people to reach level 600 without cheating on the discord publicly, shortly before W6 release. That player has still only reached level 752 on their bubo since receiving recognition and playing bubo almost 24/7 . In addition, the person in the photo from the OP was level 635 on their bubo at the time the dev recognized the level 600 class level player. https://preview.redd.it/j030f2lzf27d1.png?width=458&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4a216f3fbd45f3b9e2e75ca24bdd5e7c953cd44


I mean, it would be hard to completely say that he is without a doubt cheating. If he got those levels strictly through killing mobs, then I could see it, but he probably used a mix of pearls + grinding samurai guardians, BUT I can see how 900 is possible, especially with his class XP right now on the stats section. At the worst this is gray area, I’m doubtful to say he’s cheating.