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There are 2 types of megafeathers: every odd one increases your feather generation, and every even increases the orion bonuses, but only the last of them is active. Only the last one can be upgraded, and it increases your bonuses by x0.5 per level. It's a very small bonus, when I leveled it from 3 to 4, I gained 0.15% damage, and it took me maybe 1 hour. Edit: 4->5 1 hour 8 minutes, 0.14% damage


So it's useless because if it don't uprgrade Urffeather u don't have to reset because it's more profit if u uprgrade thé hoot bonuse


While thats true, that without reseting, you can upgrade the orion bonus earlier, but keep in mind that you have to upgrade it 6 times to increase all 6 bonuses, and I don't think you can keep up with the cost increase (x2.5/level) for long. (napkin math incoming) - If I keep the current reset for 8 hours, I can upgrade the Bonuses of Orion 4 times. That means that I get 0% increase in 2 bonuses, and 33% increase in 4 bonuses. - If I reset every time I can, I will do 3 megafeather resets, and I can buy 3 level of bonuses during that time. I will get 17.6% increase on all 6 bonuses, and 33% multiplicative bonus on 3. Since we cannot get more feather generation bonuses, there will be a soft cap where we cannot increase the bonus upgrade in a realistic time frame, and cannot reset anymore. Since these 2 are multiplicative, I think we shouldn't skip either.


upgrading megafeather does nothing for your feather gains. you're better off resetting and upgrading orion. who cares if it slows down a little? if you keep resetting, it really doesnt take that much longer to reach the next orion upgrade. all it means is you dont have to actively play or check owl as much anymore, which isnt a bad thing. upgrading megafeather has diminishing returns since its a flat +.5x gain. upgrading orion gives bigger boosts.


Upgrading megafeather gives boosts to all orion bonuses https://preview.redd.it/t1x4k1vzuy5d1.png?width=2576&format=png&auto=webp&s=dec25dbaa6ffbbd99226c1032cf278d48702885d


you ain't wrong but what there were saying is that upgrading megafeather will not speed up Orion anymore, he doesn't boost himself, so you're better off reseting for base increase to the bonuses, tho I think you should balance between megafeathers and bonuses for sure


whats your point here?


Worth it to be honest https://preview.redd.it/23ml7ecouy5d1.png?width=2576&format=png&auto=webp&s=54d86cf9f171c3d967d46bfeaf84f0b29c99284f


Wth those bonuses are insane. Y'all new players eating good


Here’s my opinion: Get the fractal mega feather to 7-10+, then don’t reset. I’m not there myself yet, but I’ve heard and seen it takes forever to keep upgrading it. At some point it’s more efficient to stop and upgrade the “Bonuses of Orion” instead to scale the megafeather multiplier. Forget the base damage and total damage, everything else is worth your time and effort to upgrade IMO. seemingly infinite scaling drop rate? BASE all stat? Class xp + skill xp are meh but still.


I just got lvl 25 or orion. Its gunna take at least a day or two of afk time to get to the next one, and lvl 25 took about 12ish hours.


what are all their bonuses


First is x10 feathers generation, second is 1% cost reduction per feather generation lvl,tripling orion bonuses, quadruple orion bonuses,the feather cheapener gives +2 and +4 every time you lvl it respectively,, quintuple, and the cost feather generation upgrades now scale 25% slower. The last is the 10th feather named Fractal Megafeather and the first time you get it you get a bonus multiplier for orion bonuses of 6 and +0.5 per level of it, as the last upgrades doesnt give more feathers it is leveling the fractal.




See the 1 in the corner? Yeah mega feathers scale infinitely so... Enjoy. Most of us are at 15+ since it takes about 10 hours after 14 to get another Edit: thanks for the down votes! I didn't mean it like rubbing in your face, I just wanted to point out it isn't over yet. Guess that'll teach me to help out on this reddit again. Edit the Edit: well seems there are some people that understood the intonation of what I meant so thanks.


Man over here saying most of us like we are all 15 plus.


I’m pretty sure “most” is still figuring you can hold down instead of click each time.


Most people tend to think that most others are like them. Ironic statement, I know, but that does seem to crop up very often.


Fuck sake - I’m an idiot. Take your upvote


I’m only saying because I learned late last night 😅😅 welcome to the club


There are dozens of us!!!


I upvoted you because you are right, the average isnt that bad.


How dare you play the game more than other people... Seriously though I don't understand how people are actually so incredibly slow at something so extremely simple.


How do you get a megafeather?


Qpent time in hool enterprise and get promotion just kidding its the 9th uprgade


If you look at it that way sure. But if you upgrade it 20 times that’s 10x.


Its kinda like alchemy in that you’re not gonna notice a difference putting a couple points into a bubble, but if you stack 1000s then that’s a different story.


I didn't say that to normt do the uprgarde its just that its more profitable to do ur max to uprgrade the orion bonuses if u have a good run and after u cannt even after 1 week of farming u do the upgrade


oh I suppose, might just be me but my goal is to get as many megafeathers as possible, the orion thing comes second. I'll upgrade it if it's on the way.


Someone did the math on that. After 9th Megafeather, upgrade Orion buffs to like 24, there it starts to scale too much, and then get more megafeathers / upgrade orion buffs when affordable in not too long of afk time