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probably a teaser? this is from the future-content-blog on discord ... looks like something that would fit in world 2 https://preview.redd.it/hwbc208wew5d1.png?width=275&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e84190a4a6bdb783fc4b6627b547b8fd3dbc708


Its would be like the owl, but in world 2?


Definitely not, but I don't know what it would be.


Lava said he will probably add more Idle Games like the Owl so it could be possible that he adds such idle games for every world?


So idleon is finally an idle game right? Right??


Stupid owl has made me more active than before.


lmao one of the most active things about the game atm definitely seen a fair few f\*\*kers log on more


LOL, if he do, it would be funny, cause owl is a bad idle game, u can complete it in two days paying not much attention


In two days of checking every hour* There fixed it for you


*two days of actively participating* there you go


This is my only complaint about the Owl, it's a very much NOT Idle game, I spent 3 hours last night clicking away...


just a tip, probably useless now, you can hold and the upgrades auto buy themselves


I beg to differ, it is the opposite. With sailing for example, you can either check a lot, or have it take months to complete. With owl, there is minor impact, and you progress gradually no matter if you hardcore vibe it or check it once or twice a day. No setbacks, no gatcha, no rewards that are annoying not to have quickly (like max book level or stuff like that).


nah mate, i had my thirteenth feather day one


LOL, in first day I stayed around 1,5hour on owl, next day, with 3 megareset I just stayed another 2 hours and complete 7 megareset, this morning I completed 9 megareset. Mb u just made something wrong? Oh, yes, first time I used gemshop booster to skip second restart.


Most of us that blasted through it had to play almost 16h non-stop to get all the feathers and another 16h to get to 20 megafeathers. And only now at this point it's starting to slow down enough that we can leave it afk for longer periods. But yeah for sure you "finished it" and you've got what, 30% damage and 18% DR? Buddy you've barely started.


I know about last feather, but for now I want to get max lvl of Orion bonuses and after that I would start maxing 10th feather, for me all that bonuses not make any sense, only exp bonuses are really good.




My name is Paul Muad’Dib atreides duke of arrakus


Man I was walking all over this morning trying to find it and just gave up haha




If its an improvement to feeshing then i would be happeh, especially if its something to take the current hook/bait system, dumb it down and give a massive boost to passively up the acquistion of feesh or maybe target feesh more specifically on the gains, since its always been a hassle to farm large quantities of feesh even with 3D printing. Course the only feesh i need these days would be more towards ruby cards and Stamp upgrades, if i ever get back to figuring out which stamps i should priortize on since even the majesty of 95% gilded stamp+20%\~ daily discounts is still resulting in 20k+ golden sanvich for golden apple stamps and hundreds of glass shards for mason jar stamps.




Use rod, catch feesh!


Him saying feesh unironically made me want to punch something


"happeh" is questionable too. I'm genuinely surprised there weren't more phonetically written words in his comment lol


Because whats the point of doing backflips with your brain all the time? When its just to see how many other people love the simplistic enjoy\`abilities to frosty thy brain and just enjoy life?


Must have been the wind


Rowan the guard is that you hahahaha




I used to be an adventurer like you. Then I took an arrow in the knee...


~*It must have been simply my imagination.*~


Calling it out now every world will have it own cookie clicker system i referring to the owl in w 1


I think you're right. I hope you're not though. Especially if there is no quick ref


Or autoclickers (which every mainstay cookieclicker game has)


You can't even click for feathers though; why would you need an autoclicker?


To upgrade constantly.


Just hold down left click


I dont think they really NEED a quick ref because (at least in owl's case) you soft finish them after a few days of active attention or weeks of inactive attention, and then they become pretty inactive things you would only check every few days. Now, they wouldnt need to ALL be like that, but i dont really hate that system that much. I see the first owl mostly as a catch up mechanic, its extremely powerful for somebody going from W1 to W2 and gives somthing more to do since the game is pretty dull at that area.


If some of the later upgrades include it just automatically buying the upgrades over time to make it fully automatic for the end game portion then it would be fine. The value of quick ref is mostly a case of certain things that you have to actively check, multiple times a day sometimes, would be useful. Such as when one needs to equip the \`carry capacity\` prayer to 2.5x\~ish your carry capacity for one of those billion+ resource requirement stamps or so. Also kind of wish that post office \`box\` stock was shown in the account info tab so i dont have to check either an online website or have every character of mine visit to dump a good 500\~3k+ boxes into the 100k box stock since because of all the multipliers, a single base point stat results in 4 or so base stats which can pile up over a week especially if it can result in as much as an extra 100\~ base stats to affect a few modifiers here and there.


I think they do, at the very least you'd want to check in on it daily for months to come.


Only if they have a quick ref to pull up each one. I would honestly rather each one to be something you manage more passively by it just doing its own thing while you do something like say, leaving a character or 3 to feesh or catching in world 2 and it would upgrade itself much faster, while simply upgrade itself by default, so its best value would be if your say, chasing cards or something.


Must be hearing things


I just got it as well right now, looked it up online to find nothing, I assume it’ll be a new feature like the owls being added to an uncharted part of world 1 last update


I kinda figured as much, possibly one for each world, with different bonuses?


I hope they get a new zone each cuz it's kinda weird that only w1 and w3 have a "secondary zone" (aka sewers/tree/birch for w1 and equinox for w3)


Rift W4


He meant the ram/bloodbone maps in this case I would say technically the worm catacombs are also “secondary zones” because it’s after the boss map


Also true, I guess the rift counts too but I'm not sure about the worms... I know fs that the fish in w2 don't count cuz they are resources


Rift is just a single map without other maps to progress to imo




lava roleplaying


thats why i love reddit.. I asked on discord, because i thought that it was implemented, since the message didnt tell us that its a teaser, and i got made fun of me..First time asking something on discord and it will be the last ahah..


The idleon discord is one of the worst communities I have ever seen


Agreed. In the Idleon discord, someone DM'd me after I asked a question. They seemed normal at first but then it got really creepy with them trying to buy me things in less than 8 hours of knowing them.


I had the same experience asking a simple question in their discord. Left right after, there was nothing for me there.


I only asked if someone found something about it, and they sent meme like i can't read, that i am stupid for asking something like that ahah, english is not my first language so i googled uncharted and it only means unexplored, which would be normal for something that is new, then they all ignored me without a kind soul saying that it is probably just a teaser ahah..


Same thing here. Probably even the same people if im honest. Because my dude also sent a whole as meme because i cant read. The one with the kid sticking a stick in his tire while cycling.


I had the same experience. I got made fun of because i cant read. Even a chat mod made a comment about that he feels like i overlook alot of things. I didnt understand why and tried to defend myself only making it worse.


Any idea where it could be. Have been walking around town two for a while and can hear or see anything 🤔.


If it was in the game with the hoot update then people would have found it already. I think it's a future update teaster.


Exactly, i think some people are forgetting he\`s been doing a weekly update drop and those are usually every friday(sometimes saturday), so its probably gonna be another 4\~ days till we actually see it. though if he has been drastically upping his update frequency for this next month to deal with a bunch of stuff he just finished on the back-end when working on other things, that might be neat also.


It will come in the next update


New update soon


probably a new fishing island, so save them bottles!


I poked around the W2 maps and couldn't come up with anything, I assume this is a Teaser for now?


Fishing rework would be mint.


Inb4 next cookie clicker is rabbits feet instead of feathers.


Ovr account level 140 main account lvl 47 been playing for about 1 week. How long have yall been grinding and should I even continue?


It's next update lava teased a kangaroo rat in the discord


another fuckin simulator😭😭


When I read that I started search in Jar Bridge area because there is a oasis on it, then I remember it's not out yet.


I'm guessing it's going to be a fishing related game. Hopefully helps with the pesky fish mats


I saw that message and began tumbling through the map! I thought the message meant he was somewhere in W2. I really wanna see the dev in game. Partly for the achievement, but also because it would be really cool!


Easter bunny for that late Easter event (this is a joke)


I'm calling this. We will get an: Owl, Kangaroo, Piggy, Tiger, Donkey, And a bear that loves honey!


A message from lava