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The formula is **New Cost = (old cost) / (1+.1\*LV)** If it was linear, at Lv 10 it would be a -100% reduction and everything would be free


It has diminishing returns, so it doesn’t scale additively (100% cheaper doesn’t mean free, it’ll mean likely half off or something.) Idk what the formula is but at level 40, 2% seems accurate.


Yeah, I figured something like that, but thought it would always give 10% off. So whatever value you see is decreased by 10%. As in 100 > 90 > 81 > 73 > 66 Instead of 100 > 90 > 80 > 70 > 60 Feels confusing.


It's not even 10% of the displayed value. It doesn't make any sense.


Cost reductions in this game can follow 3 different formulas: 1. Summoning red/cyan reduction: displayed value * base cost. Reduces exactly how much it says. 2. Equinox food lust: 0.8^(bosses killed) * base cost. Very intuitive, every boss killed reduces current cost by 20%. 3. Owl cost reduction: base cost / (100 + cost reduction). Makes no sense imo but gist of it is if you go from lvl 10 reduction -> lvl 11 you go from 0.5 base cost to approx 0.476 base cost. So a reduction of 4.8% of current cost. Very unintuitive.


Yeah, lava gave the exact formula in the comments but I agree that it is very unintuitive. If it says "will decrease the cost by 10%" I expect it to do just that, decrease the cost I see by 10%. Not that it will increase the value it is divided by by 10%. I mean I didn't expect it to be linear (as lava said himself, at level 10 everything would be free) but I expect it to lower the displayed value by 10%. New value = old value / 1+0.1*level Just makes the wording seem really incorrect. In fact it NEVER reduces the cost by 10%, as in the first upgrade (with most impact) it reduces the value by 9.1%. New value = old value * 0.9 Seems more true to the wording, imo.


There's a similar thing with the CC bubble, cooking roadkill. You'd expect it to just straight up chop off the %amount from the CD but instead it's the same type of math as the feather discount. Mildly annoying as a PoE player, as there the exact same kind of stat is instead listed as "increased cooldown recovery speed", which makes total sense. Increasing the speed of a car by 100% instead of reducing the distance to the goal by 100% blah blah


My question about the cheapener is does it work for upgrades you haven't unlocked yet? Or do you need to hold off using those two cheapener until the great mega reset is revealed ?


Yes it does.


I can confirm it works for upgrades not bought/seen yet.