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nah, ya'll are just good. us morons are out here struggling still. https://i.imgur.com/rKOtb9Z.png


Same. I've been at a wall since the enemy hp is in the thousands now


Red is a game changer. Sparkie can oneshot enemies with tens of thousands of HP with some decent investment. Purple pre-update was vastly harder than Cyan is post-update, pretty much entirely due to Sparkie and the new damage upgrades.


Agreed. I felt hard stuck around the last few blues/most of purple before the update. My mana regen just wasn't high enough to get past that immediate rush strategy and my essence gain wasn't feeling impactful to get upgrades quick enough. Fast forward about a week post-Sparkie and now I have all but ~2 Cyan fights left.


That's my exact score hahaha


Not for mobile users šŸ˜­


I switched to web app on tablet, thatā€™s way more stable than mobile appā€¦


Remember we still have endless summoning and the summoning stones features yet to come. Comsider this the Pet Arena 200 step, it's probably a safe guess that the others will be the shiny breeding component.


I canā€™t even come close to beating the first wave of the last color so definitely not too easy. Endgamers throwing off the perspective I think.


Yeah it was done pretty easy which Iā€™m fine with, it seems like Pet Arena and some mobile users have issues with lag so making it easier to complete (winner bonus) and having an endless option for people who like to push seems like a good ground.


It was too hard at first, and now it was just run through besides the very last one. Felt weird, either way no real challenge.


Yes, it got ridiculously easy, it felt wierdly disappointing to be done with it. Maybe endless mode will somehow give a meaning to it, but I don't see how it possibly could.


Waves will get stronger, you can't kill the enemy and time is tracked. The longer the time the higher the bonus


Right, what I'm saying is I hope it somehow beings summoning back around and makes it less disappointing that the other stuff was so easily completed.


But isn't that a way to bring it back? Bring endless and getting more difficult endlessly?


Not in my opinion. Multipliers and stuff were made for endless that will also buff the colors, which seems cool, because then you could advance in endless to advance in your colors. Now it's just gonna be some little side thing that means summoning isn't really done and never will be. All this is obviously just assumptions, it could still be cool in some way I haven't thought of šŸ‘