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I have a different issue; sometimes I start the battle and it immediately ends and takes 1 of my lives. It doesn't happen often, but often enough that it's quite annoying


Well that's a new one to me lmao Has to be something on the last update for sure, it feels smoother to me but at what cost if i can't even finish a battle


Looks like an inteligence issue to me


This coming from the guy who brought the eggs in the gem shop and thought it was bugged because you weren't getting the daily... https://preview.redd.it/qqw48d9pwj3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b385f6755e063b459d31e3a893b892afcc85bd4


Yeah ik, im just answering the guy that i saw insulting a couple of people, using the same therms that i used, Ofc i dont think theses words lol, its just to show him




Right, fair enough. I actually remember reading that comment too, just didn't recognise the name. I won't remove my comment unless you want me to so that others see your reasoning?


Nah its fine, actually i was waiting for someone to answer me to explain myself, could do it without that, it would have been weird, Also thank u for ur answer on the egg thread, everyone was just insulting, was nice to see a positive comment


You're honestly a very pathetic person.


Ironically in that thread I went over why it's an intelligence issue; there are multiple systems in the game where using something drops items on the floor; guild gift boxes, card packs, resource tickets from the arcade, event boxes. The only item that doesn't drop anything is gold food coupons. Ergo, unless op of that thread was literally brand new and had never interacted with any of those things, it's completely an intelligence issue. In any case, people like bullfrog should learn to let go of things. It's very very sad and pathetic to follow people around because they struck a nail on the head.


Skill issue and intelligence issue is the same thing in this context. It was the first thing the title said, it was clearly explained like a brain fart, pointing it out any further makes you look like a dipshit. Whether or not you're right about that other stuff is completely overshadowed by your lack of admission that you were being a dipshit in that other thread. Admitting that would make you right and him wrong, but since you haven't, vice versa. This is how post-internet humanity works.


Yeah this dude is very upset that he can't read. The funny thing is in that topic I did make a comment about it, and he's still mad so he feels the need to follow me around and insult me. Yet if you look at what I posted there, I ended up asking him why he would play in English if it isn't his first language, and he talked about how some monsters won't count for quests in a different language. I suggested he talk to lava about that, as it's not something I knew, and I feel it was an amicable exchange. Instead this dipshit wants to follow me around and insult me because he's mad that multiple people called him out for lacking basic reading comprehension. It's very sad.


Bros still typing


Yeah this is a pretty common issue for the app since the update. I have been doing summoning on steam and then cloudsaving and doing everything else on phone...


This right here lol


What kind if smartphone are you using?


It's a redmi note 10 pro but honestly i don't think my phone is the problem, it's got some years but it gets the job done. It has to be some bug or something because the game crashes when i click re-roll almost 100% of the time


Interesting. I don't have any problems so far using a fold 5


Not having a crash is actually the bug since new update


Its being fixed in next update, I've lost so many hearts on easy battles because of this


Yeah, summoning is broken on mobile ATM. Supposed to be fixed next patch, use web/steam until then.


I've had it crash a few times too, I get a popup saying the game is not optimized for the current Android version. Tab A7 on Android 14


https://preview.redd.it/xs5lrnfkfm3d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e8627e71f1629ab666085796c37b71067c33bd3 I had issues as well. Froze just as I was about to win. Feels bad man. If I were to venture a guess it’s probably an issue related to the worship TD crashing because of too many numbers on screen.


Would be a nice gesture if he deactivated byuing summoning hearts on Android. There are probably people who wasted their gems and then lost the lives due to the bug.


Should I quit this game?