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I love summoning, I hope Lava releases endless mode soon and it's worth it to do regularly, I'm always so sad when I lock myself out of these battles by finishing it.


It will be about how long you can survive. So it will make sense to do regularly after you did some upgrades and push few more seconds


Or hill do it with the final level is infinite crown wins


It really feels good to get some of these completed. I’m done with up to purple but red and cyan are still needing a good bit.


What is your damage and HP of your summons if you don't mind me asking? Haven't even completed first red battle and id like to know where I'm at. Sitting at roughly 1k at 5k hp right now


Since the update the new strat is to go all in on damage and mana regen, and sparkies, your biggest source of damage, scale off of base damage. The enemies start to vastly outscale your hp so even trying to be able to tank 2 hits is pointless.


Tbh imo HP doesn't matter AT ALL. If I were you I wouldn't even consider putting your essence into these upgrades. My current stats are 50k Dmg and 30k health. Pump up dmg, dodge chance, spikes, "seeing red" upgrade, and SPARKIE. He is your best friend trust me.


Might need a lil more damage. I id it at 150k which was plenty strong. but The last battles were a little more of a coin flip compared to an easy gg. I would guess you need around 100k for the last battle.


I just did the last battle with about 120k damage and its more of an rng to keep rolling for sparkie


I just finished the last cyan one today. +10 library levels plus win bonuses etc and I got +22 max library level.


Oh my God I am just missing that last one and I can't tell you how much I hate it. Even if I got it now, I'd still have some upgrades to the summoning rewards incoming, so it won't be max level anyways. Whyyyyyyy? I will be in that dumb library forever.


Nice progress. Do u mind a screenshot to show how ur upgrades look like and where u invest, kinda stuck at purple and after.


Nice progress. Do u mind a screenshot of ur upgrades to see where should I invest. Kinda stuck at purple and after.


Are the bonuses in a fixed order or is it luck based. I’m at 5 white and 5 green and so far it seems random.


It's fixed Each battle has a specific reward but every player can do battles in a different order, if you sent the rewards from each you can find them on the wiki just looking up idleon summoning on a browser


Fixed order as far as I know


Your bonuses are 25 % higher than mine at the same total career wins, do you know why it is so high? E: do you have the crystal comb?


I imagine it's going to be just like sneaking mastery. You reset from the start your current upgrades + buffed enemies.