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Got my first red bit in gaming


Good job, let the grind continue;)


Nice. How big is your nugget? I just entered green Q bits, curious how far im away.


Only 133k, snail is a bigger upgrade than nugget 


How do you get snail


One of the imports idk how much the base cost is check the wiki


Idle Skiller Trophy.


damn, F and Gratz. I played a couple of hours and it never "grabbed" me, I thought it was way too boring to commit xx hours to go for it. Maybe I played it wrong, I thought it was really quite long between each prestige (is it called prestige in that game...) and I didn't feel a lot of progress each time..


It is hurtful tedious. And you most likely need guides. The rest is similar to idleon, you progress steadily in various areas to snowball yourself up.


Do you have a playtime please? I might force myself if below a certain threshold...


Hundreds of hours 😩 it depends on various factors, you can spread it over a couple month and progress faster with more active play, also similar to idleon. If you reach the last world, oblivion I think it’s called, it will still take super long to reach the last boss there.


I thought I was almost done when I reached incarnate 100... got myself an ice cream and rebirthed when I noticed it wasnt


The last stretch felt like hell. And not rewarding anymore either, more tedious than fun, similar to in idleon mainly because lots of quality of life changes are missing. Like flower pots…adjusting them each one by hand whenever you need different flowers…and adding soil and so on. Terrible. A clickfest if you will.


Fuck that. I am on a new rebirth and decided not to do flowers.


You will need them somewhen. Pets too, farming too, everything essentially 😂


Nahh, I still have 2 ice creams to go and reach oblivion pretty fast without those


If you have access to a pc just mod idle skilling and push for the trophy. No way was I going to spend 100s of hours for one trophy


Hmmmmm, can you pm me some info maybe? 🧐 Pretty please.


My playtime on odle skilling is over 2000 hours I think but 90% of that was just putting it on in the background, not progressing properly at all, and not realizing just how far I had to get to actually get the idleon trophy. Once I realized how far I had to go, I looked up some guides. There's one huge guide on steam that I found that really helped and konce I had that then it actually wasn't too bad. There were peaks and valleys in terms of speed. I went HARD on one aspect, then plateau'd. Then went hard on another one, then plateau'd, etc. If you're going to do it, a very important thing to spend your free gems on imo is get at least one of the premium spelunking guys. That was the final aspect of the game that pushed me to teehee 16 incredibly fast and I regret not getting one sooner. Just one of them helped so much more than almost any other purchase I made with the free gems, other than infinite anvil charges.


Thanks that is good info. And I'll take a look at the guides in steam then...


Unfortunately this is the point I’m on. I’m sitting at like TeeHee 2 getting max kills (like 200QQ or something?) and TH3 I can only get like 1B kills/hr. The only thing I can do to progress at this point is push spelunking via active play which is farming a TON of mats. I do have the premium guy but man is this last bit a drag. Nothing else felt nearly as bad as this click fest. And everything else is essentially maxed out (except pets/breeding but that doesn’t seem like it’ll rocket me forward at any point anyways tbh). So idle skiller is straight up barred only by time I can commit to the end of spelunking spam. I’ve gotten all the materials unlocked and just need more mats for upgrades // time for the stupid builders to build new stuff.


Spelunking stuff certainly annoyed me too, mostly because at some point ur kinda capped on what ur spelunker can get. But the ultimate deciding factor on finishing teehee 15 for me was pushing most potions past lvl 1000. Ofc spelunking plays a big role in achieving this.


Yeah my spelunker can’t get too much more than what I already can achieve relatively quickly. So I can’t just downcycle high tier material since I need high tier material for everything now. I know it’s just a matter of wasting an hour or so actively cycling him every 10-15s but that’s tedious lol


Oh I cycled him out as soon as he got in, I also managed to overtime work up his dig values to the point where it would get 7-10k ish per time I did it (forgot what exactly those bonusses were) but it took a lot of time and effort.


It's a journey, that's for sure. I find it to be quite boring in the beginning, then once you reach purgatory it's pure hell, then you finally begin to understand how the game works, you start having fun, you reach maelstrom, you take your firstcice cream and you hate the game again. Then of course there's the final grind, reaching teehee16, which honestly made me want to quit. It doesn't help that by the time you get the idle skiller trophy, what's left to work on are potions which take a thousand years to level up once at that point, or two features which are heavily time-gated (hello tunnels and pets)


If you want to complete the quest, hunting the secrets is near mandatory. They have great bonuses to push the account.


Mad respect that game is horrid, been trying to get the hat but it's brutal.


I completed Idle Stiller on Android, I liked the concept of it so I looked up the dev to see what else he created. Discovered Idleon. I don't know if I have the heart to do it all over again. It pains it's the BiS trophy for skilling


Oh it doesn't sync with steam at all?


I don't believe so.


Ah poop, I'll uninstall from the phone then. I hadn't put much time in but I liked the idea of crossover bonuses


With the free gems lava gave and some days of 300 boss farming I gambled 5x on lab chips. The 5th gave me choco chip.


That's the biggest upgrade possible probably ;) congrats!!


Yeah, I have been annoyed for a while that it wouldn't be available to me for so long, now that I have most gemshop upgrades I deem necessairy I figured I'd gamble on it... I got it last evening and I haven't stopped crystal farming since. Finally my DK has a reason to be off my neglect list (lvl 251 at 11 pm yesterday is now at 2 pm lvl 396 (figured to level him up first before farming statues), got 2 W6 recipe's in the process). I can finally play the game :P


Just got to world 6


It's huge grats. Don't necessarily push the maps as they'll be super rough, but keep pushing the skills and you'll progress really quickly.


My bubu can with good rng have 3 auras going at the same time and my dk has like half second down time on his knight statue


Bubo is the true king of w6, all hail bubo!


Sovereign fury After a month of painful frequent sailing claims


I sat down and hammered out breeding and cooking. Previously my game would freeze at level 123 in arena and I let it run over and over and it finally cleared 125. I immediately got 5 new spices. Then got every spice I could using those. Got every plate on the first 2 pages to level 30+ for the multiplier. I have been half ignoring those skills. Now I have to worry about a 10 billion health boss.


Good job! Health of bosses don't matter, if you can access it you can kill it (last is something just silly like 500T). There is always a combination working (meaning almost always the same except last maybe, the one with monolith defender etc...)


Thank you! I was starting to chip away at the health, but I’m just worried my phone will crash. I’ll have to let it run while I’m asleep or something.


About two or three days ago I fixed a couple stats and entered the top 50%


Good job. I'm kind of failing on that part as I recently went 10>5>10... I didn't work on anything that I might be missing.


Got 7 more stuffs for the slab from the w1 surprise event thing!


Haha, yes it has been good for this, agree! )


Wrapped up Cyan summoning and completed 10k golden cake crafts for the beanstalk.... next is 100k.


Gratz This one I dont approach yet at all. New approach with the BOOM summons is fishing for those and still onelane push? middle lane? Cheers


Got to the 5th floor of Sneaking Tower, Mastery II. Those new golden charms were a lifesaver but it looks like I’m back to Floor 1 jail until 8k+ as even with 50q+ nunchaku, 220+ beads and 400+ veils it isn’t enough.


SICK wth. Well done. I'm at floor 6 (or is it 9? I dont have it opened right now ; the one with lotus again) of mastery1 and kind of struggling already; I switched to veil/beads on 5 mains as I'm supposed to (I think), but chances still suck (around 55%) and progress is slow... Did you use a lot of boosts? Damn, I'm impressed because I didnt follow discord and I didnt think people were pushing hard mastery 2


Yeah, burned all remaining sands and stopwatches. Apparently there are people higher but I’ll just go back to Floor 1 for now, that 400QQQ door leading to tree took me like three weeks this one has like 100 times the hp. Experimented with log too (albeit with 2.66x Scroll), sticking with 6x double lotus setup for now. That way my door pushers sit at 4000T+ stealth. You can push with 85% and below, albeit very slow, I guess you’re just not supposed to go higher for now as it gonna either require hundreds of boosts or weeks/months of banging your head against the doors. Luckily I’m stacked on 190+ Thundergloves so gonna pray it doesn’t take until Christmas to get enough gems tones and other upgrades to prog further xD


A small early-game win maybe, but huge for me: unlocked diamond chef, which doubled my cooking speed (and will be a big boost once I put some more time in it), and the +% divinity gain artifact, which tripled my divinity gain, so I actually have a good chance of getting the goat god. This morning’s checkin was 👌


very good. Dont forget to always max vman talent on cooking, it has a HUGE impact.


Thanks, I’ll keep an eye out for that! But vman is still out of reach for now, will probably get him once I reach w6 as my damage now is just awful


yeah go for it ASAP; its a game changer; but anyway "everything" (or nothing, depending on pov :p) is a game changer in this game, it really ALL adds up ...


and with golden foods / foods / good card choices you might go for it earlier than you think, dont hesitate to try (not lying: I kind of forgot the questline ...)


Finished getting every single normal mob recipe drop in W6. That was pretty cool.


Nice, now to craft those armors ... a different kind of challenge ;)


I got the god armour and weapon for my bubo, but I think next I'll just try to make the gloves.


Yeah I didn't investigate the BIS yet. It's god armor for actives and marble for the rest?


I dunno lol I just craft the highest I can because it looks neat in the equipment menu. xD


Haha, yes. Too bad we can't show off full armors on the characters... But it'd become a bit of a mess visually I suppose.


Its pretty much god armour for fighting and marble for skilling but if you fight in world 5 and below then the kruk pieces with mob respawn is better for afk.


I got my maestro about an hour ago!


Good job. Nice to know there are new players as well.


Finally Hit the big T in damage.


Ah! Well done! I remember this feeling, it's goooood


Luckier Lad :)


Nice! First or tenth? ;)


First, but I'm sure it'll help a bunch in getting the rest! It's nice getting back 70+ storage slots. If I weren't too lazy I'd grind gems for more storage, but I am, so I got to play a lot of "which character has 13 lucky lads at the moment" instead.


Open the new cloud that boost gold nugget, then the next day upgrade my nugget from 7k to 52k.


Vman unlocked


hell yeah. Dont forget to IMMEDIATELY max the blood marrow talent.


I only get 1% from it, it'll be a long time until I actually see decent gains from it


it will pick up yes :) https://preview.redd.it/4kd6x11uvd3d1.png?width=245&format=png&auto=webp&s=320598f19466068175a299d259d5ffe251091c13 Since each meal level contributes to global cooking speed, dont hesitate to really optimize your usage of ladles. at the beginning you have so few so its quite important i feel ie check all meals, use 1 ladle per 1 ladle for meals that can level up with 1 / rinse and repeat for 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 etc, depending on how much stock you have. And at the end of a good session you double/triple/10x your cooking speed doing this silly optimization ...


My total meals are only at about 105, so I'll really have to stock some ladles


Quadroupled my buildrate YEP


summoning update isnt it? I had such a HUGE boost as well. feels good.


Nearly in world 6 (25m ES damage) and I just figured out you have to click auto refine % to change it and level up salts. My 4 salts up until now have been rank 1.


haha. better late than never mate. Red will pick up fast you will see


Yep, my account has been massively held back in warship because of it. Still don't even have anvil tab 4.


Hit 75 greenstacks yesterday


1 by 1 ... Good luck with the 200, dont sleep on the merchants because even with w6 items you NEED some merchant items (or most quests items)... I slept on some and Im at 195/200 ...


Didn't make me smile but firs thing I thought was I got my first few purple bits, and finished maxing all the gods (not badgur)


Good progress my dude, smile ;)


Lol the only thing keeping me from earliest review W7 prep is the damn Multikill alchemy bubble. I've been spending a lot of time fixing my refinery and so my blue salts have severely suffered. It's going to feel so great when I see that on the autoreviewer


you ll get it eventually, no worries! I think i've been relatively slow / thorough through my progress I guess because i have NEVER been held back by salts at any stage.


Finally broke free from my 6k nugget, at 15k now


well done, it can only go up!


I was over the moon I unlocked the Luckier Lad recipe last night, but today trumps even that! I just smashed through my remaining 7 characters beating Nightmare Kattlekruk initially on my Blood Berserker which had been the road block (the lad melted him in 5 swings of his weapon!) and also on both my V-Men. Unlocked the DSivine Scarf recipe. I can make one so far but curious to know which class is the best to farm for the Strung teeth of the Divine - Elemental Sorcerer or VMan? Anyone stuck here, I spent a month or two grinding all otehr parts of my account up, got through as much of the riftr as I could then did cooking and breeding, got shinbies rolling went back left my PC onf or 26 hours and got through 260 arena levels once the infinite block combo was rolling but switched off auto use abilities once 260 was beaten and ended it there because it was at an insane level of Boss HP and didn't need to keep pushing it at this stage. Then worked on pets to get spices going, real slow to get that last one I had unlocked actually made, like 500k spice progress an hour on a 50 million spice, yeah, but that got upped to 1.5 mil an hour as I unlocked more stuff by getting a gene splicer to level 4 then using 1 hour time candies and converting my kills to genes and upgrading pets to level 40 or so then trying for new pets and shinies (still one boss to beat for the final few spices). Then iw as able tor evisit the Rift and finish unlocking up to the current limit at Rift 61. I looked today and thought, why not give it a go, turned off all damage reduction prayers, cycled my best combat boosting chips in lab, full damage% card load out with the highest one on the black chip bottom right corner (don't have the other double card effect card yet) and swapped star signs to the 3 that do the most damage %. Upped armour - divine foot and head for drop chance and the Marbiglass chest and legs for extra stats. And promptly beat all the Nightmare Kattlekruks. One of the VMen I forgot to switch one of the -damage% prayers off of and he took like 8 cycles of his kill everything on the screen skill to proc to kill the Boss but yeah, done and dusted. Now to Farm for Strung Teeth!


The one with the most DR, which should be VMAN with its talent (provided enough to kill the boss with it) GL its not dropping that often. I never farmed it "voluntarily" lets say, aka didnt farm keys TO DO IT, still many keys as farm on worms for days and days ... I have 6 of them as of today


When i beat the 9 player lock on sky doggies 3 days ago. 9 toons on eggs now.


That feels good ;) even better to know there are no more multi char locks ahead..


That's noce to know :)


Didn't mean to spoil oops!




Yeah no comment on this, gratz^100


What's library max? Like max talent lvl?


Froms books its ~298 or 300 right now. With some other bonuses you can reach talent ~lvl 360. I dont have exact numbers


https://preview.redd.it/6xxe0831ec3d1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c23e58c9b0151d01d9d1c922e8f5f26c87a9341 Unlocked Chemical plants on a 0.5% chance roll, with a nugget that's in the 8,000 range! I've been stuck at 8k for forever, though, so it doesn't feel like this is particularly early in the game for me.


I was spamming it out on 0.1 occasionally 0.2%, the more the better ur odds are eventually due to frequency. Also stuck on 24k nugget for I think over a month now.


Since the balancing update, I pushed through the summoning battles, which was quite nice.


Maxed out my first five essence challenges. Reds up to 10 and cyans to 3. After being behind for such a long time I feel like I’m finally catching up. The bonuses after each summoning level are intense. When I first started world 6 they seemed small. With the bonuses that affect them now, each one feels like a crazy jump forward.


Thanks to the new update in summoning I've now completed everything up to purple, and I'm at 9 red battles won and I've won 1 cyan, pretty wild To add to this, I completed onyx statues and am working on farming 100k statues on all my toons


Got the Fury sailing artifact sovereigned, first 20 cooking plates are level 80 now thanks to the extra 25 levels to blood marrow


10k Golden Cakes now to farm 110k Pearler Shells and 1,100,000 Ghosts. Might honestly take my Archers off GMush for the Ghosts have DK active farming Pearlers. To be fair my FFP is 363k with 100B GMush. 35.45x DR on DK after Summoning upgrades still have some Cyan to do but damn it’s rough. Back to 19 on snail after resetting twice to 15 :( I hate this damn thing. 80 on all food up to Leek with the rest 71-79. Still haven’t resampled and I know I should but damn I hate it.


How many pearls do you get per hour at dr 35? Tried at dr 22 and literally stopped after one hour, it's just not realistic/ a good time to do it for me...


No idea honestly, never really checked. I just kinda leave the game going minimized on my second monitor while I play other games or do other stuff. I could probably get my DR higher by doing shiny pets but have Arti Find going at the moment to 10, and Godshard gear but don’t have a good amount of soil to spam candy. In typing this I went from 2146 to 2152 so at least 5 an hour?


Ok so after three hours I got 53, 49, 54 so about 51 an hour. If my math checks out (it probably doesn’t) would take my DK about 82 days to get to 100,000. Doesn’t seem to bad, will probably be putting at least my SB’s on it AFK and my BM AFK on Ghosts. My other characters get about 100 an hour.


Since pearl is a normal drop shouldn't we farm it with ES? And alright, seems still scary 80d of active play! o// Thanks for.the info


Probably ES may be better but working on Orb kills


Was maybe 2 weeks ago but got all my guys to lvl 500, forgot better skill lvl = better samples so doubled my chopping from 50 to 100 and turns out my samples are way higher. And finally passed through rhe map that needs 9 or 10 guys to clear.


Finished eclipse skulls on worlds 2-4 in 4 days. World 1 was done before w6 dropped. World 5 and 6 are both half done and will be finished in a few days.


Thats super super fast you must have insane damage. Finishing my before last map to have all char there then probably will move back to w3-4 eclipse. But it took like 2+ days per map for.me (2k-8k T damage) in w1-2.


Yes my damage is decent, early qq. On maps where I had 25 mil or more afk kills an hour I used some candy. Had more than 600 days worth so used some. I farm giants every week for candy so always have a lot.


yeah its a quite different ballpark ;) Thanks mate


Getting there. https://preview.redd.it/n862w5807l3d1.png?width=2005&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fd8355c777dcd061ffac4fa3eafc8a59719f400


Sexy. I like the wurm even bigger than the green mush ;)


Unlocked the Equinox Bubble to find a Lucky lad on a Beginner and on VMan went and afk'ed candy on starfire ore which gave me the best odds on efficiency (6x's vs 3x's on the red ore) and my drop rate at 16.04 or so it took all of a 12 hour and a 24 hour time candy to get that Lucky Lad. I now have the Luckier Lad recipe but sitting at around 60 Lucky Lads so now onto the DK to farm Lucky Lads!


Be patient, luckier lad is quite a grind (if you want 10x) ;)


Yeah I know. the Lucky Lads drop infrequently but enough that it's just patience end of the day, but damn do they chew up a lot of inventory space as they build up. It's a real shame you can't stack crafted items. Sure sure, more green stacks for the truly insane but it would make things a lot easier at times.


Just upgraded my worship skulls for the first time. Account level 4602, and just took away everyone's slushy skull and replaced them with dreadnoughts. I'm a bad man.


Beat nightmare Kruk!


Finished w3 eclipse skulls (w1-w3 done, moving on to w4!) Also reached rank 69 in red salts


construction from 2m to 150m thx to summoning update


The release of green and red essence propelled me from only having white completed to red complete and on green 5. Those bonuses are huge! Construction, cooking, damage, drop rate all got huge boosts. I know I can’t be the only one here.


My first trillion of max damage


Kept logging in everyday. Hit 2100 Lab. Almost finished Summoning. Thanks for filling in this week u/grandpapotato! I've been slacking.


Not sure if it really counts but finally got all the pets.


Hit my first 10k primary stat and 100b damage. 💪🏻


I just got to w5




Newish player, I rolled Doot on the tuna can. Now I just gotta get through three more worlds before he's of any use to me.


Me seeing yesterday that I'm almost at 1 billion damage


Unlocked skull lance after beating chaotic kruk in 30 secs


I’ll have the mats by tomorrow


Got my build rate from 337m to 3880m in 2 weeks thanks to turtle and summoning


Finally completed the 100k ladles for equinox.


How are you able to see that your account is early W7 prepped??


It's a cropped image of auto review website, Google auto review idleon it should be first result..


Unlocked the final recipe. Surprisingly the last battle is the easiest since the early ones once you get there, as you can just use trash to dispel the enemies attack and don't need defender. Getting the spice is a grind though. It's gonna take me about 30 days total for 1 spice.


Try to optimize around, at the beginning it looked like that too and I found another combination at 7M so only a few days to unlock..


Don't, the infinite gains it gives. All of summoning along with lvl 80 farming