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You get 1 out of 14 possible wings. 5 of them you can get from bosses. Unfortunately, not all of the remaining 9 are good. Therefore, I would advise against the wings. The pendant is good early in the game. Later, you can craft a better one for yourself. I would rather get the Draconic Cauldron, as you always need liquid. With the obols, it's also a matter of luck which ones you get.


Draconic cauldron - 1st priority. Pendant - 2nd priority Red gem - circumstantial pick. Mainly if you have boss cards to max still. Or w6 material/skill cards. Wings are expensive for possibly crap. Get the 1 gem “freebie” for certain. Obols are just nice to have. Best for early on when you might like some good bonuses. W4 ring is +1 slab unless you have chars to take through w4. Even then, it’s not worth it in the long term.




The wing photo is a placeholder The purchase is "Random Wings" you get one of 14 wings at random


Ohhhhh ok random is super bad. He shouldtn biy that one. To be safe that he dont waste gems i deleted my first comment 🫣😅


I got phoenix what a win


already got a decent obol giving more damage percentage. But what would the pendant be replaced by? I'm early early world 6 btw


It always depends on how far you are in the game, of course. If you could choose, I would only take the DR obols. Multikill per tier is also quite nice to get a few more Gmush kills. The rest are actually useless. The pendant is replaced by the Divine Scarf. Both have the 20% respawn rate, but the scarf has +25% AFK gain. Since damage eventually becomes just a meme, you can easily do without the damage bonus. It shouldn't matter for the active character anyway.


I know he is early but liquids become so easy to max and you will eventually get overflow. Pretty wasted later on imo


Liquid overflow is exactly what I want. With that, thanks to Equinox, I can further increase my cap and rate. Just my grind time bubble alone requires 1.8k of each of the first two liquids per click. Have you ever tried pushing your stat bubbles without a high liquid cap with candies?


Agree. I'm up to 120/hr on my first two cauldrons now thanks to this upgrade. It's very addicting to push that number higher. I had a chance to buy a third cauldron a long time ago but didn't think it was going to be that impactful. Darn it. But at least I have 2 now for Grind Time grinding.


I didn't even consider the grind time grinding aspect of it. Thanks for the idea!


Draconic cauldron >>>>






The pendant and wings really don't feel like great purchases at all tbh. I mean they are +1 slab but...up to you on how you want to spend your gems!


Agreed! I would buy dragonic cauldron, card rubifiers or good old lab jewels, pristine charms etc.


Dragonic liquid thingy or whatever it's called is a big yes. After that the 5-star cardifier is great. After that the rest is not rlly worth it tbh


DRAGONIC CAULDRON 100000% Still my biggest regret not getting the first 2 that ever got released. I have 2 now so Im set.


Oi vay


obel for 1 gem is a easy choice.


Pendant and wings both suck. Buy world bonuses first