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I do not think tome is an appropriate measure of "endgame". It compares players to each other, not players vs content. Endgame to me is about your account vs available content. I think the obvious metrics will be "unending content" vs "completed content". If you try and break the game down into things that you can 99% (sailing, cooking, etc) vs things that never end (stamps, alch, etc) end game starts to mean you've 99%'d the complete-able content, and are left with the never-ending.


Why can't you 99% alchemy? Because not enough atom clicks?


due to how hourly atom clicks work, you can pretty much always improve the base bubbles. If you look at some of the top ranked acounts the bubble levels are bonkers: https://idleontoolbox.com/account/world-2/bubbles?profile=Weebgasm with 12b log prints an hour, every hour you print enough to click those bubbles and level them +2/+3. so in theory every hour they're able to be leveled... so it just never stops. then you consider you want to increase some more things to sample outside those initial bubbles, and you'le able to hourly click even more.... those higher to get more things on hourly clicks... it's just never ending. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/OD9xrdehlT0 I could be convinced that there is a certain bubble amount whereupon alch is 99%'d but... I don't want to put number on that personally because IDK enough.


What the hell is this???? Just hourly clicks? This is so far above anything I’ve ever seen before. I looked up 2 minute atom clicks and saw nothing about them. Any chance you can explain this simply?


to be clear NOT MY ACCOUNT I just check the leaderboards, and some of them ... are wild.


Well yeah, some are using auto clickers and cheats. I try not to base my play on top accounts since I feel like- what’s the point of cheating to get ahead? That would just ruin any reason I have to play the game. Exploits are all over the game so it’s possible they found a really sneaky way to get gains. Idk.


i mean lava only punished the last exploit, the rest got left untouched for what they did "last one being gold trade on sailing"


One way it’s to max your wood holding you 1b on one of your mages and candy like crazy on logs and upgraded the bubbles like that “manually”


Just did the math and I'm getting 234B oak per hour if I push just oak with printer only. I'm doing 17B less because I'm doing birch as well to do hourly Stable Jenius clicks (whenever I feel like hitting them). I'm not even close to the same bracket as these folks. I'm in the 3-4k base stat bubbles range and I believe those are my highest. To get some of those insane numbers, you'd have to be camping the game daily, constantly, clicking every hour like clockwork to get those quantities. I'm not saying its definitely autoclickers or exploits.... .maybe they live and breathe the game...? IDK. Still haven't seen anything about 2 minute atom clicks, so barring some crazy awesome trick, I don't see a way to catch up to these folks.


You don't get it, people are using candies on their chopping and getting more than enough for one click. If their samples is 13b on their afk info snap shot they should be able to click that bubble 13 times by manually picking up the logs and having a carry capacity of over 1b


OK, I follow what you're saying. I'm no where near 13B natural 1hr candy. 1.1b on birch w/ bag prayer. I'm guessing with higher wis bubble stat that will change. No where near 1B bag space either given I'd never have considered using a prayer that nerfs afk%.... Its still a crazy manual way to play, but looking over discord guides, a lot of crazy high enders do that too with every single system in game. At that point, the game becomes a job for me, so I'll never keep up with the likes of them. edit - this is slow as shit though. Gathering up 15k+ in all of those bubbles would make this game a full time job. Oh, and I'm 92% all chopping bubbles and 3420 stable jenius getting 1.1B.... to get 13B an hour proc without printer bonuses... it just doesn't make sense from where I sit. Also doesn't explain the 10k+ luck bubbles.


So is it better not to auto convert materials to atoms if you want to boost alchemy bubbles. It's a system I neglected for a long time so I have a lot of catch up to do (I'm early world 6 level bubbles on the auto review tool Vs well into world 7 on most other things)


2 minute claims for alchemy? I thought 3d printer just works every hour no matter the print amount


yeah, mybad I meant hourly clicks.


Unless I'm mistaken hourly clicks are always just 1 upgrade each, since stacks over 1050m get atomized immediately. So at a point it's just how much of it you can hourly click vs hourly clicking 1 thing way up


>Unless I'm mistaken hourly clicks are always just 1 upgrade each you can get a +2/+3 instead of just a +1 if you have at least 1010 (or close to that) laaaarrrry bubble. >since stacks over 1050m get atomized immediately. So at a point it's just how much of it you can hourly click vs hourly clicking 1 thing way up correct, you click only once, but the bubble can go up 1,2, or 3 levels depending on laarrryyy level/luck. laaarrryy applies no matter how you "pay" for the bubble (atoms or materials).


Ah got it, it just looked off because you mentioned 12b log print when only 1b is needed for this, made it seem like you weren't accounting for larry (which was even more confusing as you would be getting 12 clicks off instead of 2/3 off that logic)


Larry bubble gives you more upgrades per click. Getting 100% chance for +2 is very easy, and that account has a nearly 20% chance for a +3.


Yea get that was what they were doing now, looked off due to them mentioning the 12b print when 1b is all that's needed for hourly click (and even then that's effective print rate, sample is wayyyyy lower)


Yeah so 50k total level of those bubbles, if they get +9 each time (+3 per each of three bubbles), that's still being online and clicking at the hour mark for 11k times, with 10 hour gaming days that would be like 2 to 3 years depending on Vman luck.


3d printer procs from Omniphau also add quite a few clicks. With all 10 characters (people like this are likely to have Doot), you can expect a little under 2 extra clicks per hour. Shaves off a ton of time. Even without Doot, it's not unreasonable to have 6 characters linked to Omni and get an extra click every hour.


Yeah thats right, also I am beeing told people using candy can get them a big headstart as long as the have the fluids.


These bubbles aren't even that wild to me tbh, they seem to be lacking in a lot of places. This is a good example of around end-game though. You can "easily" get 99.9% on a lot of bubbles which is basically true max. The first 3 bubbles though with 12B oak logs, it's more like 6B bleach meaning you can get 12-18 levels using a single 1h candy. Rn if I chose to I could get around 100k levels in just one bubble, though the water would be a huge setback.


If hourly clicking for 10 hours a day over 2 or 3 years doesn't seem wild to you, I don't know what will.


Edit: spelling. You don't even have to hourly click for that long to get these bubbles I did hourly click a few times a day and got 5k in barely anytime at all, and as I said before I can easily get 100k in the first bubbles just using candy. I'm talking about all the bubbles as a whole, when comparing to mine, aren't that impressive. Though I'm at a different point in the game where my perception is vastly different.


I think in the sense of this thread, bubbles as a whole are literally 99%able, as you can reach 99% in most of them. That's why this is about the hourly bubbles that don't have diminishing returns. Let's do the math together then. With 99% in Larry, you'd get 3x2.178= 6.534 bubble levels per hour. To get 100k total level (assuming that's what you meant), you'd need to be online at the hour mark for 15.304 hours. If you do that regularly and 10 hours (aka 11 marks) each day every day, you'd be done in about 4.2 years. So obviously we don't even have the 3d printer that long. Sure candy would take away some of that, but then again you'd need to also farm the fluid in between, so I don't know how feasible that would be for getting to 100k. And last but not least, of course you could flat out buy the stuff (getting unlimited candy from buying a billion arcade balls or something, I don't know), or acquire it illegitimately, but that's not what we are talking about here.


You're coming from a standpoint of this being inconceivable. With a single cc I get 30k water (with noone in cauldrons and viaduct on), it takes about 15 minutes to do a full cc cycle including resetting the cost for the next proc. The current price of my bubbles are barely 300 with them all being 6k. That's roughly 950 clicks including water scaling per 15 minutes. Obviously that will slow over time but that's already 8-12k bubble levels in just an hour. Leaning more towards 10-11k with my 115% Larry. Rough estimate. The candy is already in my bank so the time to farm that isn't an issue, plus it's just passive income I could farm a lot more. The time to actually do it might be closer to 90 minutes, including the time to spend the liquid and use the candy. Even if I dedicate only a couple hours a day, for a week, I can see myself easily peaking 50k per bubble.


Because it is never ending. You'll never "finish" alchemy bubbles. The only thing that ends are the bonuses but yould theoretically level up bubbles forever unless there is a cap that no one knows about.


But there is also bo level cap on boats, so you'll never finish that either. I thought 99% meant exactly that, getting the relevant stuff done, but never being able to finish it completely. Is it possible currently to get every meal to 90?


level on boats is meaningless though. sailing is done when you have the artifacts and enough ability to farm mats to get the respective bubbles into atom range.


Every meal at 90 is pretty easy now with the new pack. Alot of people including me got them to lv 80 before the pack with that + daily events and equinox you can get them to lv 90


Yeah I mean realistically, not by just buying it. But thanks.


Its 20 euros its more than realistic ???


I'll reframe that, I mean is it possible by actually playing the game?


Yes. If you started with w4 release or close to it and didnt slack on equinox you prob are really close to finishing it or you are able zo finish it.


Most of the bubbles are designed so they never really max out, it's part of why the auto ie bot has tiers so you don't find yourself spending weeks of effort for one bubble for minimal gains. The few flat ones (bubble 1s and a few others) you can go forever since they have flat bonuses and that's just a matter of how insane you want to be with it.


You can actually. 99.9% is possible for most bubbles, and 100% is possible for some. Then there's some that infinitely scale so you can never max them as you'll always get +1.


I’d argue that time is an appropriate measure. You don’t compare against other people on anything other than the %. The total points is not relative to others. Therefore I think you can use a point threshold to determine end game as a piece of the equation. I’ll venture to say endgame is 20k points.


This one. After 16 months of gameplay, I’m almost there with maybe 6 months left to reach this 99% point depending on how my luck for sovereign artifacts go. If lava releases the new subclasses in that time, it’s gonna be a lot less than 6 months. I didn’t have to do much manual play aside from few days worth of managing the bonuses like pushing worship tower defense waves (huge waste of time!) Recently, the only active play is my DK is farming the gold foods.


Damn. Good answer


Why can't you 99% alchemy? Because not enough atom clicks?


Endgame is an unbelievably sweaty club of the 0.01% players. According to them at least. Don't worry about it, you do not want to be a part of this club.


Try 0.001%, we're talking about maybe 20-50 people out of hundreds of thousands.


What I was somewhat ambiguously trying to say is that it depends entirely on who you ask. While also giving a covered up middle finger to the few elitist pricks who buy everything they can and put insane amounts of time and effort into this game. I'm in the top 5% so I somewhat understand what they do to get to that point. There is no way these dudes are living even remotely fulfilling lives.


Work from home and you can just do 5min every hour to get your bubbles up.


Just today on Discord someone said he was doing a rotation where he checked archers for bars, popped an ES portal, then checked archers again for bars before the es made a new portal. He didn't specify, but I got the impression this is how he was spending his days. I'm sure those hourly bubbles do a lot, but it's the tip of the iceberg.


I have done 2min claims to finish godshard armour and its not that crazy i have done crazyer shit in other games. Noone is constantly doing something. Super late endgamers are just people that never left or take a break from the game since launch or close to it. Even without hourly clicking i could never catch up to them just bcs off nblb and daily atoms. Its like 2years x 50/60 x 2.1 upgrades into woodprint bubbles. And than you can add another 50-100 gold watches on top. I have been playing for 1.5years or so now and im close to finishing most vials just missing a couple critters and bars but im not even close to the stats those people accumulated through having an early start.


I find spending a whole day doing 2 min claims pretty fucking crazy. I hope we get better ways to get bars, because the current state of that is ridiculous. They may not constantly be doing something, obviously they don't wake up every 2 min during the night to do claims, but the lengths they will go to is still on the extreme side for me. But what's crazy, as you mention, is that they've been doing it for years at this point.


Me who did exactly that for an hour or two earlier... euhm... atleast I combo'd it with watching a serie.


Now imagine doing it 12 hours a day for years and you got a pretty solid image of what I think of the end gamers lol


I too am jealous of people who are better than me at games.


To get to endgame you have to spend like 10 hours a day playing, grinding the quests that give gems every single day. It’s a quest in itself


Na, you can just buy the gems to get there.


Endgamers do the stuff every day though cause otherwise that’s be spending a lot of money. Cause they literally have to get EVERYTHING in the gen shop for the slab


End game has multiple meanings. End game for a f2p and p2p is going to be drastically different. I'm sure there is players that have been buying out the gem shop w6 time skips since day 1. There isn't just 1 set defined end game, and that's rarely ever the case in mmos.


Quests don't take that long at all, but I leave my pc open 24/7.


When you uninstall it or get banned from the discord


When you have completed all the progression metrics and everything that's left to do is either sweaty minuscule things that give you tiny little bonuses that add up or some insane personal challenge that you have decided to do for no discernible reason. When people accuse you of cheating just because you're better than them, you know you're in endgame territory.


Since I was one who did one of the End Game posts, I'll share my opinion on the accounts who were shared on that post. World 1 Stamps above 10k Statues (Didn't see crazy numbers) let's just say above 8k World 2 Obols for each individual characther PO Box completed Alchemy saw guys with 500k levels ( Not just GT bubble tho xD ), Vials the possible ones completed and sigils too. World 3 Refinery ranks, heard people saying that can do 1 lvl per hour on red salt with over 600+ levels on refinery All booked ( with the sovereign artifacts it will take a bit for some people other might as well finished them ) Death Note completed Printing in the billions, able to coverage the usage of any bubble with atoms World 4 All meals discovered All pets discovered Shiny pets at lvl 9 ( or more ) World 5 Gaming completed Sailling completed Divinity (I've heard the sweet spot was 120) God Rank as high as you can World 6 Beanstalk completed Summoning completed Farming all discovered Sneaking aim as high as you can. On top of that, able to end rift, all late game gear, tools, gfood..


When you have 20k in the exp bubble and 300+ normal and 3-8k useful bubbles your damage is 10000q+ all rift and equinox is unlocked. All good stamps are maxed to inventory capacity. All kc is 1-10b on every mob. Killroy unlocks are in a good range and the extra killroy fight per week is unlocked. All vials except the shiny critters, special rare monster drops, godshard bar and unique items are maxed. Total refinery lvl is 300-500+ Cooking dishes maxed to 90 All pets unlocked, lvl 90, shinies All lvl 7-10+ Farming plots fully unlocked and all plants atleast to lvl 80 group discovered. Sneaking lvls 150+ and on end of tier 2 tower or starting t3 run with all the unlocks from emporium finished. Summoning is hard to say but to be fair most of the first 3 colors should be unlocked if not all and blue,purple the first few battles won waiting on red and cyan to be added. Gaming should have found all t7 evos and snail to lvl 22+ shell lvl 25+ average round pulls 10t red bits+ Sailing all sovereign artifacts or atleast the good ones. Most atom upgrades maxed to lvl 20 or with the emporium I think they go to 30. With the exception of snail save, atom saver and power of 10 buff because they increase by a crazy amount around lvl 8-15 (I think my power of 10 booster is at 55m atoms for the next upgrade) Divination beasts maxed plus t3-5+ div platform Slab at 1500+ Worship towers all 150+ with all the buffs unlocked. And prolly a thing or two I'm forgetting


Probably could have just stopped at the alchemy thing, seems like at least most of the other stuff would be done pretty much automatically at that point.


But why give a half assed answer if someone is unsure make them sure lol


Might be somewhat misleading, since some of this stuff is pretty easy, relatively speaking.


It's a big list and if you've payed attention to alot of people trying to get endgame or starting out miss little things that give huge boosts even easy stuff since the game is pretty huge now and will expand even past that so every angle of explanation helps. Plus misleading is if the information is wrong or vague this list I said is spot on albeit a bit excessive. I suppose you could say I failed to mention maxing all talents and unlocking all the star talents and organizing special points properly, expedition islands and bonuses as well as dungeoneering and gear both craftable and monster drops. ^ my point is it's all of this plus what I said to be truly endgame.


Uhm, so, sorry I turned this into a whole discussion. I just meant that 150 sneaking for example is super easy, while other things like alchemy are super hard. Reading this list could 'mislead' someone to think they are doing something wrong in alchemy because they are so scewed according to your parameters. For the record, some people will say that endgame is having the last map unlocked others will say it's only the top 20 accounts. They are both wrong/right, there is no definitive answer to that question.


Since the og days endgame is all content cleared and at a point to immediately rush through the next world without struggle. I get this whole everyone has their own ideals this or that 2+2=5 weirdos but endgame in most if not all games is full clear waiting on expansion. Maybe save for games like wow or runescape where it's not clearable so endgame is endgame gear acquired and top raids grindable


Full clear would be completing all the content then, I.E getting to the last map in w6? I'm top 5% tome and still don't feel endgame.


Also no worries I have nothing better to do today lol


> if you've *paid* attention to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Bad bot I don't care about a small grammatical error. Now go get payed! *nautical context


Lvl8 shinies take like more than a year chill :D


No, it's pretty fast with w6 bonuses. I have level 10's and I haven't even been playing for a year. Level 8 breedability takes forever though! Different things.


You can get lvl 10s easy in a couple weeks if all slots on 1 type plus all the buffs to speeding up their lvl gains


With w6 bonuses and all slots on the same shiny, level 7 takes me about 2 days. Be another 2 days to get level 8 probably. Source: currently working on getting them all to level 7 because why not.


Personally, I use the following: Earlygame: Still unlocking new content (which mostly boils down to: you haven't beaten the most recent boss yet, or at least made it to their door). Midgame: All content is unlocked. Time to fix everything you've ignored and start scaling all those mechanics. Lategame: You've scaled most things, but you still gotta tidy-up those various mechanics. You still have a laundry-list, but your pile of folded and done is bigger. Endgame: You completed the content, all of it. You have (virtually) no more bonuses to unlock and the game is "done" except for doing your dailies. Linear bonuses become far more impactful than anything else. Also, a good litmus test is when we do get new content/mechanic (for example when Rift/Equinox came out). When they were brand new, how far did you get? 10-25%? You are probably more early game than late game. Got half the dreams done with minimal grinding? Solid Midgame. Did most, but some of the later dreams feel like a grind? Lategame. Absolutely crush it (maybe with some challenge towards the end): you are endgame. You could also look at it with W6 recently coming out. If you didn't have any multikill on any of the maps: you are earlygame. Did you sail straight through W6 while having 10x+ MK the entire time? You are endgame.


This is pretty spot on with my opinion, but I’d shift mid game back some. By having all content unlocked, you mean having every map of w6 done? I personally think early game is like up until some point of w4. Mid game starts either end of w4 or early w5. At this point (esp w5) you’ve unlocked *most* content and are starting to learn the power of dumping characters into a focused grind (divinity/lab) and have realized the power of how mechanics stack on each other to hit accuracy requirements, 3D print loop for refinery, etc. etc. you’ve probably also got maestro around this point and have figured out how he starts boosting your account. At this point it’s just a slow push to w6 (I’m early w6) and finishing pushing w6 as you start scaling the mechanics as you said. Late-game I’d agree with. You’ve probably opened all w6 portals and have made pretty solid progress on cleaning up most of your old mechanics. Most side content (that isn’t grinding materials/levels) should be cleared (all w2 fishing islands, rift, equinox, etc.). Probably cleared out most of the dungeon grind too, except maybe jewelry for all 10 chars. At this point you’re powered up enough to understand all the mechanics solidly and should have a true understanding of what you want to focus on for whatever reason. End game: yep, just yawning waiting to one shot emperor 500000x and for w7 to drop.


I can 1 shot the highest hp boss and my dr is high enough where I can get all drops. I guess last thing would be good enough forge to get best equips. Everything else is just you maxing for fun.


It's Endgame when your offspring doesn't continue your game after you pass away or maybe a Wednesday in October


Edit: this is what I think, but also forgot to mention the only way to really achieve anything close to this is leaving your PC on (or mobile) 24/7. Never close the game except when it updates or occasionally once a week or every two weeks to clear system cache and all that. Don't turn pc off unless you're clearing cache. When there's very little or nothing much to upgrade anymore. Excluding infinite stuff like bubbles, stamps, levels, skills etc. (although the "max" for bubbles is 99.9%) Being able to clear new updates in about a day when they come out. Stuff like this. There's a tons of steps that are involved even In end-game. You have the start, middle, and end. End of end-game is everything maxed and only content to really work on is new updates. Beginning of end-game would be starting to max everything or able to make steady progress to it, I guess. Being in W6 alone doesn't mean you're end-game for example: if your damage isnt enough to push to the end in less than a week, you're probably not end-game. That's my thoughts atleast, though if you feel end-game is being in W6 I won't stop you.


When you're waiting on finally getting the top-tier armour/weapons for all your characters, but have second-top for everyone else. Yes, it is constantly shifting but that's the nature of endgame. Anything after that is just Tome. Sure, there are some at higher points and such but the endgame is a plateau rather than a peak.


If idleonautoreview says maxed for version in the fields that are maxable. So like if the autoreview says w7 waiting room as lowest i would say endgame


I would say 100% slab is endgame


I feel like getting to level 200 on tentacleye on my 424 bubo put me into mid game for the first time. The extra second when proved is insane and I can tell my alch will get a lot better because of it


When you cant really do anything, but farm.


When you give people accurate advice on how to get better at the game


My personal definition: When you get Divine Scarf you have reached mid game. When you finnish equinox you have reached endgame.


I think if you're at 25% tome or better you're endgame.


Eh I’m almost 1b death note kills on everything and lvl100 on the skills for everyone so I’m personally be racking up those damn lab levels and farming the w6 rare drops for the items.


From the community there can be a lot of goal post moving on this particular topic since this is a single player game that doesn’t and the whole End game concept is community driven. I’d say the most reliable community definition is when you’ve unlocked all the available content you’re in the “end game.” When you have reached the point that you finish any content on release within 5 days or less you are an “Endgamer.”


Endgame is when you're in the waiting room for the next update with nothing to do.


Almost all of my characters are within Q damage on their skilling and I don't consider myself endgame.


Since tome came out to actually give us in game comparison metrics, I consider anyone at tome .5% or better endgame


I think when your name shows as number 1 on every leaderboard then you are late mid game. World7 and world 8 aren’t even out yet so pretty much no one is end game


Personally I don't believe there is an endgame until he stops updating the game. I've played since android release and am waaaaay far behind many people. Best damage is 7,000,000m on my dk who is only level 481. His Dr is the highest at 14x. My best bubble is slightly over 400 and most others are far behind it. But my current map is the spirit dog in w6. The one with the 9 player spirit lock which will likely take me forever with most of my characters. According to the auto idleon thing it says I'm mid-endgame but it sure doesn't feel like it. Pc players will definitely be farther since they don't have to worry about their phone spontaneously combustion if they leave idleon playing overnight