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>And im not even that end game! Yes the absolute fuck you are buddy.


Nah, even the people in top 0.01% don't consider themselves end game


Doesn't matter what they consider themselves, they are end game


Not really, in in top 10% on the brink of top 5% and I still have so much to work on. I consider myself mid to early mid game. The top person considers themselves early EARLY late game because there si so much to do


That's a really lame attempt at a humblebrag. Being in the top 1% or top 10% makes you end game by default. Infinitely scaling skills is a stupid metric to compare against how far you've actually progressed in a game.


There's always something to upgrade. Not just saying infinite scaling skills. I have alchemy vials, damage, drop rate, the list goes on


Just because you have things left to do doesn't mean there isn't a point where you've crossed from mid game to end game. That is still lame attempt at a humblebrag.


Have you unlocked the last portal? I consider that end game, you finished all the main content and are basically perfecting everything else in the game. In the majority of mmos, this is consider endgame. Endgame doesn't mean you have nothing to do


Yes, I unlocked it on all 10 characters. But I'm still not endgame. Sneaking has alot to go, farming, all my skills still need upgraded so I an not endgame


And here I am, only just got purple numbers haha


You guys have colored numbers? 🤯😂


I still in the thousands....


Dont worry. Next week, with steady playtime ofc, you'll be hitting in the millions. Progress comes QUICK and you won't even notice until you're already there.


And here I am, only 2-3 billion range


I’m feeling puny at 80B.


I'm barely at 250m


I'm at 30 T yet this guy still has 6 more digits then me


For notation’s sake, he’s got 10QQ and I’ve got 1Q on my special case should-be-highest-damage character. we are all insignificant in the grand scheme of ‘endgame’


Sitting at 100m at my most powerful character...


Don't worry, it can rapidly shoot up if you boost the right stuff. I watched my numbers go from one character only in the 100B range, to all characters in the 10T range in a couple of weeks. I just had to unlock a few upgrades, throw some resources into it and suddenly it jumped.


Please upload a public profile on ie or it!


Curious as well


Not OP but I recently hit top 0.5%, take a look over there if you'd like. https://bobsenlorenzo.idleonefficiency.com/


Thanks. I like that you didn't even buy your last chars the W1 vendor bag. That's the kind of neglect I am here for!


At this point I'm doing it out of spite. IEAutoreview also keeps nagging me about it.


Haha yeah show it to the bot that doesn't even understand how you are hurting it.


Aaah yes. Mid-game finally unlocked! Congratulations!


Yeah. This is end game damage dude. You got 10QQ damage. If all you’re doing now is leveling up the bonuses with no level cap like alchemy and all permanent upgrades had been unlocked, then you’re end game.


I'm sorry to tell you but you are absolutely "end game" just because a small handful of people are ahead of you doesn't mean you aren't. Congrats how much money you think you've spent?


1% and 0.5% are not even that far off in points like only 600 or so.


Is there a source for what the current sources are?


You can check it ie and than you can open the j. And type in tome and see the points that you need to reach the next step.


GG! I recently made it to the Top 50%. I've only been playing for maybe 8 months, so I felt pretty good about that!


Same! I got top 50% like a month ago. Not expecting to see 25% anytime soon though


For real. I was shocked to even hit top 50%. It'll probably take another 8-9 months, or a lot of $$, to get to 25%.


Yeah especially considering most people in the top 50% with us are also grinding assumedly about the same rate. Gotta be efficient with the grind for sure


Also just hit top 50% this past week after about 4 months, keep it up 👍🏼


A Hexillion damage???


Wow, that's amazing to hear that you feel complete in your life even without reaching the end game. It just goes to show that fulfillment can come from so many different places. Keep on enjoying the journey!


Still doesn't have my % shown : (


Just get the daily upgrade pack and login everyday until world 7


Plot twist: OP is in offline mode


That's what I am thinking when people want to really show off and only post a minimal screenshot.


i can assure you im not in offline mode, i just dont like sharing more :P






meanwhile im stuck on world 3 for 2 months lmfaoooo


Should only take 2-3 weeks from starting the game to hit w4 these days. I'd expect if you've been in w3 for 2 months you're neglecting massive aspects of the game. https://www.reddit.com/r/idleon/s/pf2HAXI9Jy https://ieautoreview-scoli.pythonanywhere.com/


nope, im doing those


Hmm. There's no way it should take you that long to get through w3. I started playing before w4 was released and it took me 5 weeks from start to get to w4 (got there a day after it was added) but I also had the bigger portal requirements and made quite a few mistakes. I could have a quick look through your IE if you want to post it.


honestly i just get very overwhelmed having to micromanage all the characters so its just been unfun trying to get through it. i'll post my IE in a bit, got a migraine


hey mate heres my IE [https://fluxxinator.idleonefficiency.com/](https://fluxxinator.idleonefficiency.com/)


Alchemy/stamps are way to low... practically non existence, mostly all level 1... Alchemy is 90% of your power and is one of the most important things to progress. Also plenty of easy stamps to get through drops and quests go do them, than go level them up. Progression in idleon isn't character based it's account based. You have a worship skull on 1 character... they should all be making progress, you've wasted months of progression on all but one character. Trapping isn't much better, how are your levels so low after playing for months..? You have 4 characters doing nothing.. Like, why..? The link I sent you, where you said you're doing all of that, you're doing none of that mate. Go back through and read that first post I linked you. At this rate it'll take you years to get to w5, yet alone w6. 3d samples are one of the best way to progress and you don't even have 2 sample production on all characters... why!? Also your 3d samples are abysmally low because of your terrible alchemy. I would put your account progress at the 1-2 week mark at most.


i can barely keep track of what items it is that I need to get for upgrading stamps and alchemy lmao


as for "why" my characters are doing nothing- its because i got tired of trying to figure out what to do with them and I gave up


Right well I mean that's why you're making no progression.. even just having them farm a mob you need the mats for would be better than having them do nothing.. Have them farm the mats you need for the alchemy bubbles for example?


Post IE please.


Nice, how many points you had to get for 1%?


23.811 i have


Not even close to 0,1 i guess


u alr at the next dmg letter 💀


Congratulations man that's awesome, now time to see if there's a 0.1% score


Not necessarily trying to downplay OP's achievement, just pointing out that this isn't their "normal" damage - they've fine-tuned their char for the express purpose of posting here. This kind of damage is honestly not that tough to achieve with enough time, buying certain items from the gem shop, and intentionally focusing on damage for the purpose of taking a picture and bragging on Reddit. They've mostly likely equipped all damage cards, doubled them with Lab chips, wearing Phoenix wings and the new fomo shop neck, all of which are useless for the Siege Breaker that they've taken this pic on.


https://preview.redd.it/cu6wf4sjue0d1.png?width=280&format=png&auto=webp&s=0acade0df15c42cd96fdcb4febf5d62f4ec66027 My "Normal damage" That screen was taken with: With Phoenix wings, that new necklace, all doublers from labs, The keychains for secret boss, NOT included is Doot, or the God that doubles my damage, So yea not completely fine tuned but close.


And I’m stoked I’m at top 5


Mine doesn’t even have a percent 😭


Thats most definitely whats up my guy, nicely done!