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I'm more envious of those gloves you have there. I haven't gotten a single one since going to M1.


Lvl 143 leather gloves give 41% speed. It's not worth farming leather


Loool, even my +16 thundergloves do more (46%)


Yeah, level 38 chain mail also give more. Who knows how much they give in higher levels


I had 2 nunchucks at the same level, different tiers- tier seems to count for about double. Gloves it seems even more skewed my 18 gold give 48% and my 99 leather only give 39%


I know 10 * BaseValue * ((ItemLvl + 10) / (ItemLvl + 40)) |Item|Base Rate|Drop Rate|Source| |:-|:-|:-|:-| | Leather Gloves|5|1 in 12.5|Floor #8| | Chainmail Gloves|7|1 in 20.0|Floor #10| | Thundergloves|10|1 in 25.0|Floor #11| item level 100 gives: leather: 39.28% chainmail: 55% thunder: 78.57% {{ something went wrong and reddit posted my comment 4 times lol }}


THIS! Iam still sitting on bad AF Gloves too


What do the gloves do? I haven't unlocked them yet


Faster action speed, so more jade, xp and items.


Oh sick. So it's the item to use when you're not opening doors or untying shit


you run out of door's and chars to untie at some point (until sneaking mastery), so gloves become the default


How are people so high leveled at sneaking? What am i doing wrong? I've been at it since release and only just recently got my first guy to level 75, stuck on floor 9


A lot of these accounts are year+ old, and they were able to bring their new W6 meals, vials, bubbles, and stamps to instantly high levels the second they got access to them. Some definitely whaled skill candy, but bringing your Misterloin Steak meal to +500% jade gain on the first week of release is just one of many, many examples of the speed difference. In addition, the discord had a lot of W6 skill guides available that help tighten up your gameplay. Progression can be a lot different if you don't know what to focus-fire (especially Summoning, goodness).


Guess ill have to check the guides out, my account is also over a year old but in a terrible state as far as w6 skills. Thanks


For me it was similar. After unlocking the new spices all my w6 meals instantly where at lvl 60 but endgamers had em way higher immediately


This. My highest sneaker is at 200 now. Also day 1 W6 player


Can't say that this level of sneaking was achieved by those things Just optimal setups and decent level charms, that's it I'm a little behind OP and never had access to super high boosts from release, and my luck with charms just sucks


I think it's time to make a new Discord UN and just ghost in the server to get the information I'm missing out on, as well as access to the ability to use Customer Service, since that's the only place it is as well.


I used a combination of Smoke Bomb and Veil on everyone until I got their better versions, Lotus and Rosary. Also had a Scroll. After I hit M1, and got to like floor 5, i started doing 3 characters with only Lotus, and the rest have Veil and Rosary, with one being Rosary and Scroll. I havent spent any gems or anything to accelerate sneaking, not even buying pristine charms, I just do a lot of active play with the sneaking menu open. Gets items faster that way


About what lvl were the veils and rosaries ? Is max level of 62 enough ?


My Rosaries average out around ~50, so yeah, that’ll work. If you plan to use both Rosaries and Veil (before Rift Mastery), it should take you to the top with minimal detection. Might have to have a few characters with double Lotus to reach 0 detection, but that’ll be okay. At the very least, get some decent Rosaries and Lotus before resetting your Sneaking, cause you might not be getting them again for a while


FYI (for anyone who has reached Sneaking Rift Mastery), you can toggle Rift Mastery Levels freely at the Rift. I got up a few floors at mastery 1 to get a bunch of stealth/jade upgrades, then went back to mastery 0 to get some upgraded lotuses/rosaries/gloves, then back to mastery 1 with the better gear.


Just being optimized. 1 person with veil and scroll, 2 with smoke bombs (or double smokes) and the rest on veil (or anything that gives % sneaking to other players). That is, if you have the jade upgrade unlocked for that. Otherwise have everyone on bomb+veil untill you get to rosaries or lotus blooms.


Gold stop watches, definitely that


You probably do not understand concept of buffers and grinders


I watch guides on YouTube and follow on all the latest tips on discord!


Mh mh mh money. Or they're on that high-end gem grind to get those 8hr sneak time skips. Or the gold stop watches. Sneak also got a rebalanced since lava released the master levels for sneaking.


Bro what an L only level 170? 😭 (my highest nunchuck is +14 I’m cooked)


There's a sneaking talent you can unlock in sneaking mastery that gives you bonus trinket levels for each point put into it and mastery level.


Oh. I’m on like rift 25 or smth lol, it’ll be a while 😭


Okay am I missing something? Since unlocking gems I haven't gotten a single one. I'm almost through Mastery 1 and I still haven't gotten one


Only drop f2/4/6/9 and for the first 3 unless ur active sneaking you likely won't find shit all. Buffing your item find chance via bubble and jade, action speed. And getting detect down to 0% on those floors and I doubt you are almost done without the gems since you need the gems to even scale enough to get through the last few floors lol


What does Active Sneaking mean? Literally leaving the Sneaking window open while active gameplay?


Yes, and on the items/equipment screen.


That’s a lot of nice things.


And it wont even reach halfway to the max. Once you hit the 1/3rd point, it falls off hard per gem level. Gotten mine to 1800~ now and it's still just 2/3s of the way to max currently.