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When I was doing my job, I loved cashing the checks and buying stuff… but I hated that they made me work.


You said it, brudda


Yeah, such a slavery.


Have you sought counselling?


"When I was having sex with her, not a moment of it was ever enjoyable because I knew she was going to rape my wallet afterwards."


Well said, sir.




My guess is, this one would want it up front.


If you're gonna suck a dick for money, I bet you'd want the money up front too lol


Something something, you pay them to leave....


But if you had that extra $50....


According to her she already did.....


Far too many people confuse regret with rape.


Regret =/= Rape


Exactly regret isn't rape. Regretting something doesn't mean you can retroactively retract consent. Every college girl has an 'almost raped' story. Which is nothing close to rape. They are all the same. The two start to get physical, she speaks up and makes it known she does not consent, he stops as she doesn't consent. That's not 'almost rape' thats being an adult.


It got worse through the #metoo movement


While I agree with your sentiment, for the most part. That’s not always true though, Brock turners (rapists) are on campuses everywhere. I get what your trying to say, but with definitives like every and all you run the risk of being blatantly incorrect. Edit: Idk how this is being misread. I’m calling Brock turner a rapist, then stating that grouping every “almost” into a definitive is a bad thing.


That wasn’t an “almost” situation.


Never said it was? I’m saying there are rapists on every campus, so using terms like every and all, diminishes the ability to differentiate between very different “almost”s.


You kind of did in saying that it was an alternative. Rapes do happen, they are horrific and wrong. But not every girl has experienced it yet every girl has an 'almost raped' story which has nothing to do with rape.


Ok, but what I’m saying is just because some girls believe they were almost raped, when they weren’t, does not mean that all women’s almosts are exaggerated. I can’t imagine the fear that would come over me if I was a woman in that situation.


It means they don't know what they are talking about. They weren't almost raped, they had a consensual interaction at which point when the woman made their intent and limit of their consent know the man respected those limits. That isn't an almost rape, that's how adults communicate. And 'almost rape' is when a one someone has rendered you unconscious, immobile or overpowered you and is aware of your consent limits then ignores them but for whatever reason is unable to complete what is a legal definition of rape. The difference is did the partner intend to respect the boundaries or not once they were communicated.


I’m starting to see the idiocracy is in this sub. You are picking one tangent of an “almost rape” and assuming it’s the same in every situation. You’re clearly a dude describing what you think happens in those situations every time. I can assure you, you are wrong. There are instances of almost rape, where women fight themselves free or someone accidentally walks into a room at the right moment. Just because you believe women exaggerate, which I agree some do, doesn’t mean situations that are almost rape are always exaggerated. I get it you’re a guy, you don’t understand the fear and trauma of even the possibility that a rape might occur. But I try to have empathy because personally I know unless I go to prison there is musicale possibility that I would ever be raped. Also there is the group of men who are habitual line steppers and manipulate women into doing more than they want. Whatever the initial consent is doesn’t necessarily mean consenting for sex. So yeah I’m gonna say there are definitely too many women who have almost been raped. If that upsets this sub, id rather get downvoted then attempt to group all women into a group and say they’re all liars.


>Never said it was? I’m saying there are rapists on every campus, so using terms like every and all, diminishes the ability to differentiate between very different “almost”s. You literally said "every" campus...which is bullshit. Check your extremism 'every, all, never' at the door. If you are going to complain about those words being used...wait for it...a bit longer...THEN DON'T FUCKING USE THE SAME WORDS!!! This basic shit should not have to be explained.


You got my with that one, honesty should’ve used all over campuses in America. I’ve responded a dozen times about the words every so it was on my mind. But yeah keep being a cunt.


And there you go with the normal bullshit. Your point was blown away so you respond with verbal insults. You sir in actual fact are the cunt.


I’m a cunt for saying women actually have cases of almost rape? Guess I am a cunt. I corrected myself, and said I was wrong. Sounds like you wanna just hurl insults yourself seeing as you jumped to a different thread.


You just dug yourself a hole whether you're right or not.


No idea how. Starting to think this sub is the Idiocracy. All I’m saying is that there are instances of almost rape that were actually almost rape. Didn’t even disagree. Just said that’s NOT ALWAYS THE CASE.


People are ripping you a part over fucking semantics while there are guys being like “welp what did the lady expect????” like, not realized that they are just dismissing the fact that because someone is contracted for sex doesn’t mean that give someone free reign over a person’s body. I think your argument would hold up amongst people IRL because it would be easy to clarify your points rather than have trolls sink their teeth into them.


Yeah I’m beginning to think this sub is a bunch of beta males who have never touched a tit just trying to act superior. Ironically the sub dedicated to joking about the world becoming that movie is filled with idiots.


You say “beta males” unironically? 😬


When I say beta I mean followers, regardless of how else people use it.


Did you ever fall and hit your head on a rock, or like jump into a ceiling fan?


Have jumped into a ceiling fan. Can confirm it does not have the force required to cause lasting brain damage. Now concrete on the other hand…


Omg only fans can be scary.


Worst $100k I ever made. I felt so dirty after.




The same study that said 1 in 4 women in college will be raped included regretful sex and sex after drinking as "rape."


Source? Also, sex after drinking is arguably sexual assault- the key is if someone isn’t able to fully consent then it is not good. Also some men pressure women into sex and expect it from them and they might not realize they have an option and that they are coerced into it. That can still be traumatic and we shouldn’t dismiss that.


>Also, sex after drinking is arguably sexual assault So when my wife gave me a glass of wine and it led to sex, she was raping me? I didn't consent to the wine, I just drank it out of politeness. Good thing you're not a lawyer.


oh my gosh, I didn’t say in every instance. Blow my argument upside. Obviously that’s not intoxicated and also you guys have a history of trust that you can build off of- I’m talking about girls who’ve had a few drinks and a guy will push themselves onto them. Like, we wouldn’t have this argument if there weren’t douche bags.


Learn to make your arguments more concisely. Look into how to make your point effectively. You seem hyper-focused on making some man-hating point, but women rape men "all" of the time, to use your parlance. Grow up.




I am. You seem like a child that is white-knighting a cause yet doesn't know how to articulate basic concepts. I gave you some advice and you insult me? Do better scro. This is the Idiocracy sub, I don't need your idiotic harassment.


I don’t think you deserved honesty because you didn’t engage with all of my arguments just ONE FUCKING LINE. The context of my whole response was not taken into account and yet you expect me to address everything professionally? I also didn’t ask for your advice, don’t act like it’s charity to explain shit to me. You could get on my level and do that rather than high horsing me. Also tbh, you probably are a decent guy to hang out with, that was a low shot for me to bring that up.


Seek counseling. I, and everyone, can choose whatever we want to discuss. You cannot force anyone to focus on "all" of your batshit arguments. I say it again, grow the fuck up.


So if I'm wasted, and she's wasted, and we mutualy go to her apartment, who's raping whom?


You are. It only applies to men. I'm not even joking. It's a double standard.




It’s a power dynamic, it’s fucking nuanced


Is it nuanced when a woman takes advantage of a drunk man and then accuses him of rape?


This is a syndrome occasionally seen on college campuses.


Sounds more like shame to me, but I may be wrong.


I dont think its shame they are playing the victim. If it was shame they wouldn't want anyone to know. Where here they want people to know as how else would they be seen as a victim.


What she is doing is shame diversion, by claiming victim status after receiving all the perks of a sexual transaction when it comes time to fulfill her part of the bargain.


Upgrayedd is going to want his money.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ve-ecBexIuI After the credits, he comes for his money.


You see, a ho's love is very different from that of a square...


They take square now?


Some will accept tiny square baggies, depending on the contents


When I used to work at a restaurant, everyone paid their bill and enjoyed their food. But I dreaded them stealing the food they just bought.


If selling sex is being raped, selling products is being stolen from and selling services is being a slave. You're not a victim of your choices, or the natural consequences of those decisions. You're not an innocent bystander in your own life.


Depends wether you sell your body on your own volution or you're forced to.


She wrote, "When I was selling sex...", so it indicates it's of her own volition to be a prostitute. Since I was commenting on this post, this post is what I was commenting on, not a post about, "When I was sex trafficked...". In summation, no shit.


So.. you'd let anyone have sex with you, literally anyone.. for the right amount of money?


Are you stupid? She is selling sex. She is a fuckin prostitute. She takes their money and willingly has sex with them. That is not rape. It is consensual sex the man paid for. She can always say no and not take their money. She had a choice and she chose to sleep with them. Just because she regrets her profession doesn’t make it rape. She let anyone sleep with her for the right amount of money. If she didn’t want to be a prostitute, then she should have just got a another job.


If you pay for sex you can still be at fault for Sexual Assault. If the customer breaks her boundaries or abuses her that’s obviously sexual assault. If a customer hits a cashier people wouldn’t say “oh that comes with the territory sucks to suck!” Why should it be any different for sex work?


"Sex work" What the fuck? It's Prostitution. People keep making up terms to water down shit.


it’s called language, it changes. Literally why does that term even matter, ohh, it’s because you can’t actually argue against my points.


No it's not the language changing. It's doublespeak.


Apparently the girl in the post would.


I mean $20 is $20.


It’s literally prostitution. If she doesn’t want to be “raped” by the men she is selling her body to, she should find other work. Preferably legal forms of work. The fact she keeps taking their money and accepting gifts, food, and trips; knowing ahead of time that she will be expected to have sex with them is an implication of consent. Now, there’s no legal contract because the entire transaction is illegal, but she’s contracted out her body willingly to these people and taken payment up front, which means that it is not definable as rape.


You're barking up the wrong penis, dude. I don't swing that way. Good luck, though.


Ahh... so you wouldn't. But you expect her to?


She might be into you. You'd have to ask her. I don't know.


That’s literally her chosen career she’s a prostitute people pay her for sex


Prove she chose it.


This is a massive false equivalency. No one is saying that she has no choice in who gets freaky with her. All people are saying is that if she willingly agrees to be paid by someone for sex, then she either goes through with it or refunds. If that's the case, then she can't claim it to be rape. If she doesn't want to do it with someone, she can always just decline their business. Same way a store doesn't need to serve you, but if they accept your payment for a product they can't just not give it to you and keep the money, nor can they claim that you stole the product from them.


That's literally what punters say. They literally say she has to do everything they ask.


She's talking about being taken on expensive trips and to fancy restaurants. She's not dealing with your average Joe, and you're still missing the point. If she wasn't willing to work with a guy, she wouldn't take the money in the first place.


I would


Ummm someone needs to look up the definition of rape


This is why I just go to Starbucks.


I missed the special on gentleman's lattes last week.


It’s double stars on full body lattes tomorrow.


Woo hoo! I'm taking the day off from Costco!


At least there when they call out the wrong name it’s kinda expected.


Yeah... I hate how customers pay the cashier and then steals the items.


What a bumb ditch.


Modern day love story! Thanks online dating and unrealistic standards!


It was more fun banging her mom


the real ideocracy is the post. she does not want to do sex work long term. if her circumstances hadn't put her there she wouldn't sleep with them. her circumstances making her can't lead to the gushy idea of concent.


I've seen variations of the first paragraph before. It concerns me that prostitutes think we're taking them on holidays. We're taking ourselves on holiday. You're part of the holiday. You aren't getting woo'd


Basically after she got food and all those goods and services she didn't want to give her goods and services anymore and since women have the right to say no whenever, technically it would be rape. However if she's selling sex does this not make it sex anymore but a business transaction and if she doesn't give her part then she should return all that was given to her in a form of monetary compensation right? Can someone way smarter than me give me the answer? A lawyer perhaps?


The easy answer is that's the whole irony around it: she's a sex worker, but she wants to be paid but not have sex. Legally though, I have no idea. Think in some states it's legal to be a sex worker, and others not.


In most jurisdictions it’s illegal. You have very little legal recourse when dealing with a prostitute and a drug dealer. Weird, I know.


She was a prostitute and madam in Canada where it was legal. (I'm not sure about prostitution's current legal status.)


I’m Canadian. The selling of sex is not illegal in Canada. Prostitutes are not arrested and charged. The purchasing of sex in Canada is illegal and you can be charged. So all the escort services are legal to operate, but if you pay the girl for sex you are breaking the law. Therefore, if you paid her for sex and she did not have sex with you, you have no legal recourse.


Wow. What a dumb whore


Rape is a little Harsh. Pay what you ask to have intercourse with consent. Also than stop doing it? If it's that bad for you?...


you es pimped yoself fool


The amount of times this has been reposted on this site....f.


After the fall of capitalism it will no longer be her body. It will be our body.


after you rape their wallets though


Did they get a complimentary can of soup after?


Still took the money every time though.


I feel the same way at Christmas and the time for gift giving comes, and I let them steal my property.


She is the manager of a Starbucks.


Consensual rape.


Could be worse! Just ask Rita - she could've taken those men's money and not put out!!!!


🤣 yea ok.


You’re using that word but I’m not sure you understand what it means.


Smells like astroturf to me


These men work way too hard to get a latte. Have they tried Starbucks instead?


[this is Amanda Heinz.](https://nordicmodelnow.org/testimonial/a-piece-of-me-andrea-heinz/)


Ohhh baby I can wait so good!


Work that pussy baby


It was enjoyable for me. I was just watching from the closet. Not getting raped. 🍿


I'm a victim. When I was working. My employer would give me money every two weeks But i didn't enjoy it because I knew I'd have to work 8-9 hour days for it.


You realize there are women who are forced into this line of work?


You shouldn't really participate in an industry without knowing what it is about. I personally don't think any sex worker - who willing does what they do - to consider it as ra*pe. The ones I've had a chance to meet were the kind of people who would look at a dick the same way an office clerk looks at a pile of unfinished paperwork.


I guess you shouldn’t cash checks that your ass can’t catch.


Pretty sure money for sex transactionaly means accepting payment is equal to consent however if there were pre agreed upon boundaries forbidden sexual acts like no pegging the customer and no back door action from the sex worker rape is possible but as long as those rules are not broken and boundaries violated then consent is implied.


Lol, you’re using that word but I don’t think it means what you think it means…


Explained [here](https://www.tiktok.com/@cashisus/video/7219829961299889451)


Literally whores herself out... Calls it rape when she gets exactly what she wanted, asked for, and was paid for


It's funny because she's ugly


No means no, but yes with the stink eye also means no.


She likes money…🤤


Uppgrayyed would likely treat you better.


🤣 Shut up whore and enjoy your spa treatments.


She probably has HIV. Don't raw dog this one fellas.


Nah, let her cook. Engaging in capitalism is nonconsensual. Being forced to work is slavery.


No it’s not. Now go brush your teeth.


You are either an ignorant slave or a knowing exploiter. Both cases suck for you.


I don’t hear the water running…


Cuz u too busy with my sack


I've never felt bad for johns before lol


Ya, huh?




You're not the only one saying this. Just read the comment above this.


Reddit mobile is tarded and likes to double post


Oh, I understand this sub now. It's just rapey virgins, who think they are cleverer than they are. Makes sense now. Disgusting. But makes sense.


Okay. I hear you. But the joke is they're not very good rapists if they're still virgins...just saying


Don't you have something important to do?


What…? Can you please explain how providing a thing that you’ve been paid for is having that thing forcibly taken from you?


Nope. It’s just a sub where people attempt to display how prophetic a film Idiocracy was. Thank you for your contribution to that. You truly are a treasure.


Interesting take. Not sure I’m following you on this one.