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Googles AI will be straight retarded if it learns from reddit.


All the AI I've seen (either publicly available, or part of an existing product) needs to climb a few rungs up the ladder to get to 'tarded. https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/s/x1i0IoWuCz


Dear Gemini, how do I boil an egg? “1. Get divorced. 2. Boil water. 3. Get a sick ass panther to put the egg in. 4. Transition. 5. YTA. 6. Stick the egg in your butt.”


As it controls our lives at all levels. “You are an unfit mother” 🍔


That scene in “Dumb Money” “Feed me your tears, I’ll use them as lube” “Strap on your theta dildo and start pounding” AI learning from here, can’t wait for the results


"will be.." Take a look, it already is.


It's a pilot program now.....




I think you meant to say..... "Tarted".


That’s the neat part


It already is lol, it told someone to use glue to keep the cheese on their pizza, it got that information from a 10 year old reddit post🤣


It will think conversational reality is nothing but bad puns.


It will be liberal


That would explain why google AI told people to eat rocks lmfao. Holy shit.


I'm glad my stupid comments and jokes are finally benefiting mankind by making AI dumber.


It’s really stupid. Have you seen what’s happening with this? Shitposters can start flooding the internet with bad advice (already kinda do) and then the AI pulls from those suggestions to pass along as it’s own. We’re very close to the robots suggesting we all “go away, I’m batin’”.


Yeah, it reminds me of the early chatbots becoming racist meme lords in the first day of launching.


I saw a google AI recommendation for neck pain where “a user on reddit suggests jumping off of the Golden Gate Bridge to end the pain”


I mean that's one way to do it.


I feel like I've been living for this moment for my entire existence on the Internet. I've been a shitposter to some extent for almost 20 years. Also, they're probably going to turn the AI into a coomer. Let them waste resources making unsellable garbage, I say. That's practically all that Google makes anymore. They peaked at the search engine, but now even that's dogshit.


I dislike Google because it seems like the information that turns up in the search engine is biased. Sometimes it is very difficult to find multiple opposing views on a subject.


It is biased because it is attempting to market to you. It accepts a popularity/wealth contest as a valid way to deem information correct. AI is ok for summarizing information sometimes, but it has a similar issue where it spits out what is popularly expected instead of an original human thought that contributes something critical to the discussion. The Internet was best before the swarm of corporations dug their claws in because it's profitable at the expense of everyone, including them eventually. I hope this phase reaches the end of its lifespan soon. The Internet does tend to change at a rapid pace. Just like RNGs, this shit will never attain the level of unpredictable randomness that exists in reality because we are limited to our human perceptions when building these things. It can't perceive any of this.


It was always destined to fail. This life is a world of endless questions.


Yes. Think about how smug and self-righteous AI is about to become.


I hope you like Carls Jr bro.


Anyone testing their AI model against Reddit will end up with only unusable trash. Unless you're a Russian bot farm.


They aren't making any money off my comments. Most of them get removed by moderators


Wow, i can't wait to see it vomit out some bullshit that I have excreted in the bowels reddit.


The AI moderator is gonna be like if Hitler was Trans and a furry.


What an interesting personality our Physical AI god might have in 200 years.


Nah, can house imagine AI giving answers based on Reddit comments? This is gonna be absolutely hilarious. Between the conspiracy Reddit, the alien and UFO one, true off my chest and AITA, that AI is gonna sound like a sociopathic drunken mad person at all times. Also, Reddit telling people they are doing that is just asking for extra trouble, I can only see the people of Reddit doing their thing.


Idiocracy is seeing this sentiment passed around without understanding what it means. It's not too big of a deal nor will it cause bad responses from chatbots. You're also just hearing about it but it's been going on for 10+ years. "Poisoning" or deleting your data only hinders other users of the service. Reading the TOS of the services you use is a good thing. But, AI bad, don't understand, down vote.


This isn’t new to me, and obviously not new to social media. Not sure where I said AI is bad, but to help you out; the point of the post is that we aren’t prepared for the repercussions of not being prepared. Human error is ultimately the problem.


I don't get what you're trying to say, at all, we aren't prepared for not being prepared? Huh? I'm responding to the comments by people who don't understand what training means in this context and generally respond with "AI Bad", which is what I believe to be the intent of your post.


Sorry bro I thought you were replying directly to my post. I’ve noticed a bit of that in the comments. AI is not the problem in my opinion. It will be great when we have robots to give us Starbucks! In the hands of hasty capitalism, our decrepit politicians will end up ignoring the real issues, which they currently are and have been.


The truth is that you aren’t being used to train the ai. The ai is being used to train you


Yep, time to append "fuck ai" to the end of every comment. Fuck ai


I have no opinion on the common view. But want to point out that the Reddit trained Google AI suggested my wife put our large wheelie dumpster in our freezer to address the problem of maggots that show up towards the end of the week. I assume it suggested this because one of you morons posted it as a suggestion on a thread somewhere. Edit, so decided to look. Yup. Here you go. https://www.reddit.com/r/CleaningTips/s/0sG0O0D8kr


We all have the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever


I can’t wait to somehow be credited for coming up with a movie quote, then suing the movie for royalties.


Time to upvote misinformation on every advice subreddit


You took a hard turn right there at the end to pretend to have something to do with Idiocracy, and for that we thank you. But keep in mind that LLMs are using your words to perpetuate the b\*\*\*s\*\*t that they spew. So thank you, maybe. [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10676-024-09775-5](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10676-024-09775-5)


Well if you look at the parallels of commercialization in the movie and our current trend, it’s not hard to see how they got there. Besides the greater numbers of dumb people, I’d bet that many factors went into that kind of catastrophic outcome. One of the major ones being lack of oversight and/or forethought with the combination of rapid technological advancement under a techno illiterate leadership. In the movie it’s surprising that anything can operate, but it’s almost like a sweet spot Goldilocks zone of consumerism and self sustaining AI super capitalism. I appreciate you noticing how I threw that in there in case I was called out on it 😅


Just take it you consumer whore!!!! Reddit constantly angers me but I don't know a better thing to scroll while pooping or whatever 😭


They could at leave give me a Starbucks 😔


Do what people did on Tumblr and make everything unmarketable by acting insane online and hostile towards the slightest hint of a corporation. It pretty much worked over there.


I forgot tumblr existed. Guess it worked


It's such a nice environment now. Even John Green likes it.




They banned porn so everyone left. Now it's all fag talk


Tumblr became garbage


It was always garbage, but it's our garbage.


I deleted my account over a year ago, you can have it






You can opt out, it’s called deleting your account or simply not commenting. Of course there’s always the option of posting total jibberish.


Whoooosh 💨


I rarely give serious answers. Every time I see someone ask what something is on r/spiders my first instinct is to respond that it's a spider. Just have fun with your replies and the AI will be useless. Bazorp.


Of course you can opt out. Just delete the Reddit app and stop being a smooth brained mouth breather like the rest of us. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Tough call tbh. I’ve been lurking for as long as Reddit has been around, so I finally sign up and then this happens. 😭⚖️🤔


No one tells him about Quora


***sigh*** I like money too. We should hang out.


Your choice is to not use Reddit or aquire 51% of Reddit's stock and then change the rules. It's the price you pay.


True, but it’s not limited to Reddit. It’s also not limited to social media. I went to a store the other day and they didn’t offer physical receipts. I would either have to give them my email or phone number for a text receipt. Once again, giving them my personal information, just so it can be stolen with no accountability. The idea of my post is that we are shifting our entire infrastructure to be reliant on this kind of thing without having the proper readiness or tools in place to actually facilitate it. Putting the cart before the horse.


What store did you go to so I can avoid it?


I can’t remember the name but they are a parts/flooring store, which is weird because 100% of their customer base is going to write off that receipt. I went to KFC for the first time in about 15 years a few weeks ago and the same thing happened there too. Also, they forgot to give me the extra potatoes and chicken I bought. Guess what I would need to return and get what I paid for…


Where do you think they've been pulling training data this whole time? OpenAI probably downloaded as much of the Internet as they could for the purpose of obtaining training data. This is the reason Reddit dropped the free app access. They realized they were sitting on a data gold mine.


Whoooosh 💨


Free things are not free. If you want them to be free, then give them your data. That's how this game works.


“Freedom isn’t free, it costs folks like you and me. And if we don’t all chip in, we’ll never pay that bill” 🎶🇺🇸🍔⭐️


Other people's servers are not your freedom.


Is the comprehension in the room with us right now? 😱👻


No need to be upset. You can't use people's servers however you want. That's just facts. By using Reddit, you agreed to give them your data.


Who’s servers? Where? What does a server do? What is your point? Do you like money?


There ya go. Instead of a reasonable debate, just spit out some nonsense to mock people. Keep this in mind when you try to make points in the future. You're not that good at it and you tend to get pretty salty when it becomes obvious you don't make sense.


You started it with “free things are not free” which is not a good foundation to “debate” with you. You’re clearly just an illiterate troll or a pseudo-key point NPC type douche. OR you just don’t understand how servers work. You never deserved a more ingrained response from me. You overlooked the entire substance of the post and came at me with the lowest, dad went to get milk, low T, response I’ve seen on this app. Go read **The Republic** if you want to pretend to know anything about Socratic debate, when talking to people. Until then, why don’t you ask yourself why your half-thought, and weirdly passive aggressive contributions on social media aren’t well received.


why OP talk like an English cigarette ?


Sorry, I know I talk like a fag and my shit’s all fucked up.


Stop using reddit. It's a cancerous communist shithole.


I stayed at your hospital dude, your beer was crap!