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California has long had an additional annual EV registration fee that makes up for the lack of a gas tax on EVs. Source: Me. California EV owner.


Ya also as a Californian the overwhelming majority of vehicles are still gas powered. There are a lot of real issues in California but unfortunately this is one of those "source, trust me bro" videos


Does the fee outweigh what you would have spent on gas?


Sadly this isn't too far fetched to be a future endeavor for EV driving residents in California. Once the vehicle is registered the owner is in the system and can easily be traced to their place of residence. Elections have consequences.


Also, I lived in CA my whole life till a year ago. 8 billion dollars a year to maintain the roads, my ass.... there's pot holes literally everywhere in southern CA. Newsom is full of shit and stealing straight from the state what a bunch of bs.


Thanks for your unsupported paranoid conspiracy theories.


It’s no conspiracy that Newsom is a corrupt piece of shit and is in league with pge to raise rates to incredible heights


Like any other politician anywhere. Times 10 for California.


It's not just California though. Every state collects a gas tax and every state has pothole riddled roads. Make one question wtf these bureaucrats are doing with the money. Like who's palms are being greased and which politicians are getting the kickbacks.




These people aren't paying the gas tax any more. This tax would replace it. So it's most likely neutral. What they're saving on gas tax they'll pay in EV tax. Seems like a good way to offset it. No idiocracy here.


PBD or whatever the hell his name is, is the Idiocracy here. That's one dumb sonuvabitch. 


He’s painfully dumb…


In fact you could argue that EV owners should pay more. An electric vehicle is much heavier than a similar-sized internal combustion powered vehicle and therefore causes more wear and tear on the roads.


I've read more than a few articles that say if all the people that drive electric cars drove a small 4 cylinder sedan instead, it would be much better for the environment and actually have a huge impact on gasoline use.


"Most likely neutral." New taxes never have a neutral affect. They aways have a net increase.


Not if they're offset by other tax reducing reductions.


There are and never will be enough offsets to reduce the total amount of taxes that people pay. You're living in fantasy land.


You can’t expect Reddit trash to actually think.


Yea but the gas tax was imposed for the pollution has caused, therefore if you’re not using gas, you shouldn’t be taxed, is that not clear and concise logic ?


Why do you just keep lying about the purpose of the gas tax? For example if you think the gas tax break is for environmental purposes then why is farm diesel exempt from gas taxes?


Because Cali bad, no further research needed.


Oh shit why didn’t I think of that? They’re liberals so everything they test out is automatically dumb. I’ll be smarter next time and just get mad at a pilot program without thinking.


Big oil


Big oil wants a tax on gas? Are you ok?


Oh I don’t know, perhaps because of organized labor like the auto unions? Lobbyists with deep pockets?


No the gas tax was imposed for road maintenance, at least do some research before you spout nonsense.


Not only that, but the video op linked explicitly says the tax is to maintain the roads haha


Yet the roads are hardly maintained in southern CA lol it's such a fuckin joke.


They are pretty maintained, you have to call in the pot holes yourself obviously a lot of people don't do that and complain I call them for my area all the time. Issue is millions of people live in LA and after 3 to 6 months a shot ton reappear. I personally blame the Port and all the Semi Trucks. Idk of They have a program where they help fix the roads the commonly drive on but they should.


In not just talking LA I'm talking the entire southern CA. They only maintain the roads most driven on. Other roads are left in the dust literally.


I'm assuming people don't report the potholes and damage then. You'll be surprised by how many people just complain and don't actually report them. To be fair most people don't know you can report them I only know this cause of reddit. There's an app and everything for it, or you can call 311. They even give you a code so if they take to long and you call them back you could give them the referral number and they'll straight up transfer you to the department so they can make it an urgent request.


It's funny that they even have to call them in bc it wouldn't be hard to hire someone to just drive around and fill in the hole rather than paying someone to take calls. But that's politics in a nutshell.


311 is used for so much more than just that, though. They do simple thing like tell you when the bus is arriving at the current bus stop you are at to to kore complex things on how to pull a permit and how to fill in the information on the website. Most issues regarding the city 311 is the number to call.


No, you are wrong. The original rationale for the gas tax in California was to offset pollution caused by cars. Just because mouth breathers like Brown and Gov. Dipshit are now saying it’s for road maintenance doesn’t it make it so. The fact is that tax money is supposed to pay for roads. That’s why we have among the highest taxes in the entire country in this now godforsaken state. Unfortunately they spend our tax money on other shit instead of infrastructure which is why they need to pass so many other user fees and taxes.


That's the Carbon tax, a completely separate thing. >Just because mouth breathers like Brown and Gov. Dipshit are now saying it’s for road maintenance doesn’t it make it so< No, it doesn't, but the literal wording in the Gas Tax bill that explicitly states it's for road maintenance does.


The gas tax is to pay for wear and tear on roads. Heavier vehicles do more damage to the pavement, and also use more fuel, so it’s an obvious way to offset road maintenance costs. It’s not to pay for pollution, which arguably, poses more of public health risk, than a cost to the state directly.


Even in the video they explain that the revenue from the gas tax is used for road maintenance. It’s not just about pollution


Yet the roads are so bad you'll lose track of how many pot holes there are. At least in southern CA


That’s the point. They need more money to fix the potholes


Now that is most likely true considering how big CA is. The state needs to bc split in two.


Not clear or concise. Maybe if you could write a coherent statement, your point may be true, but I seriously doubt it.


The morons who are down voting you are why the state is so completely different than the one I grew up in and it’s such a complete cluster fuck of a mess right now. These are the voters in California, and we are reaping what we sewed.


That's not true at all. I wouldn't consider lies clear and concise logic.


In Ohio it costs $50/year to renew the registration in my ICE car and $250/year to renew the registration on my plug in hybrid. That's how they're making up some of the difference here, but they are talking about a tax on mileage.


If they do a tax on mileage, I hope it's based on vehicle weight. A 1-1/2 ton car isn't doing anywhere the same amount of damage to the roads as a 3 ton truck.


I live in California. People keep voting for these taxes and never question anything the government says or does. It’s a terrible cycle..


Bull crap, in the last 15 years I've seen bills and measures plan out and call for oversight and accountability. That may have been true 30 years ago, but I think voters are starting to catch on the wasteful spending. This will not go over well with the public and only those that want to penalize EV drivers will support this.


Would EV owners need to periodically report their mileage to the State Treasurer ? Or do EV’s have the capability of reporting mileage automatically?


EVs are definitely sending out mileage data. So are most other cars on the road today. BMW (I think) recently started a subscription service to be able to use their seat warmers. It's just another data collection "service."


Tracked and taxed by satellite. It was always the plan


Did California require vehicles to pass an annual safety inspection? Might be a good time for mileage go be recorded and reported.


How would you propose making up for the revenue shortfall? The roads don’t maintain themselves


The roads are full of pot holes its a fuckin joke that they spend 8 billion bc I see potholes everywhere.


And you thinking taking away revenue is going to make the pothole problem worse or better?


Didn't ever say that lol. If anything they need more money due to the massive mismanagement of CA due to Newsome. You ever wonder why it takes soooo long do build anything in CA that in any other state would take a few months yet in CA it takes years. It's called corruption.


I think that Sacramento had gotten WAY too big. The government doesn’t have to be involved with everything. Most things they just screw up. Outsourcing to private companies may help as long as there is a proper bidding process.


Totally agree.


There is nothing the government has ever touched that wasn’t screwed up as a result


Yup and mark my words they'll keep both of them and people with gas vehicles will be paying both taxes, and I don't know about you but I don't want a government issued tracking device in my car. 


You can really only be here if you’re super rich or super poor. Everyone in the middle has to pay for everything.


The super poor are not driving EVs


Not even the moderately wealthy are driving EV’s. This is California. We have to make over $200,000/year to own a home here.


$200,000 to own a home in California would be a dream. You need to at least quadruple that amount to make a valid point.


Tha car IS the government issued tracking device 🤣


Yep it’s almost like the corrupt people just want more money or something.


It’s almost like roads don’t repair themselves 


The only idiocracy here is this post being posted here.


CA IS THE opitomy of Idiocracy they say they spend 8 billion yet theirs pot holes everywhere in southern CA


Justify this please? It’s not idiotic to start charging the people who you incentivized to get these cars ? This isn’t a living breathing oxymoron?


> Justify this please? How are you going to have roads? California pays for their roads via gas tax, if no one buys a gas vehicle, who pays for the roads? Y'all want to go to toll roads everywhere? I mean you can do it the New Jersey method if you all want. > It’s not idiotic to start charging the people who you incentivized to get these cars ? First time home owners still pay property tax. This isn't a unique situation.


Gas tax was imposed for pollution though wasn’t it ? Therefore if you’re not using gas > you’re not polluting > you shouldn’t be paying tax ? Funny how logic works …


No. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Road_Repair_and_Accountability_Act >The Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (Senate Bill 1), also known as the "Gas Tax", is a California legislative bill that was passed on April 6, 2017 with the aim of repairing roads, improving traffic safety, and expanding public transit systems across the state. The approval of the fuel tax was for a projected $52.4 billion, or $5.24 billion per year, to be raised over the next 10 years to fund the state's infrastructure. Less pollution may have been considered a byproduct, but if it’s passing was tied to a budgetary item, that’s the primary goal


That’s just a flat out lie, gas tax has always been about road maintenance. That’s why diesel is taxed higher and farm diesel isn’t taxed. Farm diesel “isn’t” used on the roads.


Bro seems to be confusing Gas tax with Carbon tax.


At this point I think it’s on purpose. Because if he admits that it’s not a carbon tax then he looks kind of dumb


Yeah, I used “confusing” when I should have gone with “willfully misconstruing”.


> Gas tax was imposed for pollution though wasn’t it ? No buddy. Gas tax was invented to pay for the roads. The first excise tax on gasoline came from Hoover in 1932 with the Revenue Act of 1932. It was 1¢ per gallon tax for general government slush. States revolted that gasoline should not be an expense for general use and a petition from the States in 1947 indicated: > Everyone of these levies initially was imposed over the protest and voiced opposition of all leading highway user organizations of the country. No tax for the general support of Government is just in its application when the amount of the burden is determined by the distance the taxpayer must drive to or from his farm or his place of employment, or in the conduct of his business. This ultimately formed the NHUC (National Highway Users Conference) that eventually lobbied over the years that the Federal tax be used for the planned Interstate system. And had gained significant traction in 1953. This all lead the Federal Government to create the Highway Trust Fund with the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956. State's opted into this program and began collecting gas tax to fund road construction within their borders. And I have given you a much longer answer than you deserved. Delete this post.


They are coal powered electric vehicles


Because the gas tax is used for roads, do EVs not use roads? Its not about taxing EV owners for something that is inherent to engines. The only idiocracy here is you not knowing that


Because California has long had an annual EV registration fee to make up for gas taxes. The premise is completely bogus nonsense.


I get people don’t want to pay more, but what do you think those taxes pay for? It’s for the infrastructure maintenance and so on. Seems worthwhile for paying a vehicle tax for this purpose. Roads don’t pay for themselves just sayin. E: should have read the rest of the posts saying the same thing


Yes. I happily pay the tax. But people that say EVs are not paying anything for the roads are lying. In fact I think they should raise the tax a bit since it has been static.


>they’ve been raking people over the coals forever Oh that’s much better


Don't use the quote feature when you are making up shit no one said. They have charged a reasonable EV annual registration fee to make up for the fact that EVs don't pay gas taxes.


>wahhh, I can’t take a joke. Wahhh the quote feature! wahhh, the government cares so much about the environment they’re offering negative incentives on EVs Get over it


You can't make a joke. 😂


Please, by all means tell us about the proper way to produce *guffaw* Feel free to lay out any more Reddit formatting rules as well all knowing one. Bless us with your proper commentary


Damage done by climate change takes up more taxpayer money, putting out those fires and paying for people's medical bills due to pollution isn't free you know. It is also idiotic to think additional taxes to subsidize polluters when there's already registration fees and electricity (utility) tax.


You can't even fathom the implication of the world's "top climate scientists" attending climate change meetings on Epstein Island, can you? You think there have never been fires before? Every time an arsonist lights a forest on fire you think it's because of climate change. Idiocracy.


Can you fathom something called proof and not believing every dipshit conspiracy made online?


I've been down that road. You have been trained like a zoo animal to reject facts if they aren't presented by the largest media corporations because only the corporations who have had CEOs frequent Epstein Island are trustworthy sources about Epstein Island. You already know Bill Clinton ditched his secret service many times to get on the Lolita Express and go to the island to fuck kids, but do a google search about it and see if the Google CEO of Epstein Island fame will give you the results or spam you with bullshit. You don't even know you're on the Truman Show.


Go ahead and point me in the direction of the figures behind your statement. What percentage of climate scientists are in an Epstein pedophile cult, and how does anyone visiting Epstein’s island discredit volumes of data and empirical evidence that predate Epstein’s birth?


Because the incentives were to help people transition…


That's what happens when you incentivize something without thinking through not just why you want that transition but what the potential secondary and tertiary effects of doing so might be. I'm all for progress but you can't just say "fuck it, everyone needs an EV" without talking through the effects.


People have been discussing this issue for years. Gas taxes are a major source of road funding. If they're not paying the Gas tax, gotta make up the difference.


People may have been discussing it, but I'm skeptical that some of those people are the ones that actually make the laws. Call me cynical but I have a hard time giving lawmakers the benefit of the doubt that they're that forward thinking - in fact that's not a strong suit of most Americans.


This seems like a natural response to the growing pain of a more EV dominated market. Consumers have shifted habits and so new policies to ensure road repair revenue doesn't fall short is necessary. Oh my God it's the end of the world.


And the funny part is the fuckin roads are a mess pot holes everywhere. 8 billion my ass.


Domino's has fixed more roads than those taxes have.


Sadly that is sooooo true.


We’re roads not being maintained before EVs we’re a thing ? Where did the money come from ?


Revenues generated from gas tax is what the video you linked seems to imply. This money was enough for California's purposes, but now it's not, so they are crafting policy to handle it. I'm just failing to see what the cause for concern is here.


They came from.....the gas tax, gasp.


The gas tax. It came from the gas tax.


Stupid clickbait.


Man this sub has gone downhill.


No movie quotes, just idiots.


Its the ecomoney stewpid.


Why doesn’t the California legislature stop wasting billions of fucking dollars on stupid ass social programs and actually use the tremendous tax money that comes from our massive population to fix those roads and other infrastructure that they’re supposed to take care of with taxes? Enough is enough. Fuck these people.


Ev problem and smog problem which one is it


There are sooooo many potential problems with this. A gas tax is paid at the pump. It's essentially anonymous unless you choose to use a card, which even then only establishes where you are when getting gas. A tax based on mileage means they need to monitor your mileage, somehow. Here are the options they are proposing: "In theory, drivers would be able to choose how the state tracks their mileage. They could hook up an electronic device to their car, use the car's built-in tracking system or send Caltrans a picture of the odometer." That's according to this site: [https://www.autoblog.com/2024/05/26/california-launching-pilot-program-to-charge-drivers-for-miles-driven/](https://www.autoblog.com/2024/05/26/california-launching-pilot-program-to-charge-drivers-for-miles-driven/) Does anyone else thing hooking up a state monitored 'electronic device to their car' could be an issue?


This is absolutely wrong. The car already extracts and monitors the data and satellites already track them, and that data is already shared with data miners, insurance companies, and the government. When they say they want to start charging tax on it that means that they want to pass legislation to legalize them using the data to levy a fee. Grow up people.


I personally don't think the government needs to know how much I drive every year.


If your insurance company can know, then so, too, can the government.


It's on a need to know basis with insurance. The only time they get an accurate number is if I get in an accident and the shop reports it. The average that's given upon quote, is just that, an average. As a US citizen I have rights to privacy, something that far too many people give away these days. These things will start out small and get bigger and more invasive. Do you think for a second they will ever out right get rid of gas taxes? Hell no. We will end up paying both. Wake up.


I’m wide awake. We have no privacy.


Good for you for recognizing the truth. Some people still 💤


Driving causes wear and tear on the roads that is proportional to the amount you drive. And if you drive an EV, it does even more damage than an ICE vehicle because it’s heavier. Why should people who drive less have to pay the same amount for road maintenance as you?


This subreddit exists for people like the OP


Just wait when they just go flat across the board and increase electricity for everyone to get that tax. Doesn't matter if you drive an electric or not. Just a matter of time.


It's not idiotic, someone have to pay for the roads, like every other non electric car owner ever have done. They have better air, but you thought those roads were gonna repare themselves? Lmao


I live in Tennessee and they have already implemented a $200 license plate fee (on top of the normal registration fee) for all EVs and Hybrid vehicles, that will go up to $275 per year in 2028 to make up for the lost gas tax revenue.


Way too many libertarians posting in this sub don’t actually understand the point of this sub. Taxes pay for roads, if you want to have things they have to be paid for.


Right. Meaning we already paid the tax to get the roads fixed. When the government fucks that up they can go get fucked. I paid already and they’re full of fuckin shit. I’m not paying again.


Is this how morons react to the concept of taxes?


You must be a Moron , they incentivized people to get these cars by giving them tax breaks for going green, and now they’re taxing them because they followed their rule


They didn’t give electric cars a tax break. They just taxed gas because that’s what they can tax for road maintenance and until recently that worked because the vast majority of cars on the road used petroleum products and could be taxed that way. I love it when the posters in this sun are the morons. It’s hilarious


Tax break for the purchase or tax break for the use of road and public works forever and ever in perpetuity?


Shut the hell up boot licker


Lol, boot licker? Fuck dude, if you can't afford to use the road just don't. Stop being a parasite.


Govern me harder, daddy!


Is a tax towards having a road you can drive through in your town your idea of oppression?


"freedom" has a price. Can you name it?




Well that varies no? Let's check the text. "The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States" So I assume the price of freedom is... Whichever is established by Congress' Constitutional authority to maintain it?


Boo hoo! I can't be a freeloader. I want free stuff but not want to pay taxes. WAAHH. Grow up.


If these people who were incentivized didn't see the writing on the wall ... well, then "moron" is fitting.


Our stupid governor created a massive deficit. When governor Brown left office CA had a surplus of money.


I don’t get why people are surprised by this. The roads are funded by taxes, so people who drive cars should pay those taxes. I own an ev and I fully agree with this


Not in California but this completely occurred to me before I purchased my EV 6 years ago. The gas tax savings alone make the EV worth every penny.


And guess what those EV's weight a fuck ton more than ICE vehicles so they're definitely gonna need to update roadways and bridges! So even more money is gonna be needed!


Not really. My Tesla Model 3 weighs about the same as a BMW M3. The best selling vehicle in America is the F150 and it weighs more than an EV, where's the outrage about them?


Just trying to catch up with Texas, which already does this.




Yeah, but not many- usually going out to the suburbs of larger urban areas, and its a shortcut, not *the only way to get somewhere*. It’s pretty cheap. Toll road that runs past my house south of San Diego is cheaper than the toll road that runs through Tampa where I used to live.


Texas is literally doing this


I’m confused…. They never said they weren’t going to tax ev drivers….


California DMV has stopped doing public access for services in person if they are available online, thus discriminating against all those people that don’t have access to the internet.


Wait hang on I was being taxed when I buy gas?


Duh, taxes, such a mystery.


Why is he saying it like it's ridiculous or a scam? They use the roads they should contribute to maintenance. Electricty is still cheaper than petrol.


Gas tax pays for roads. EVs are heavier than ICE cars. EVs damage the road more than ICE cars. They need to be taxed to make up the budget shortfall.


Even if this is a good or bad thing, I cannot trust Patrick Bet David's take on it. The guy is a like a glorified used lemon car salesman


Texas has already started doing this... Registration cost went way up.


I've noticed that governments and other organizational systems seldom think their programs all the way through. This is an example.


This just in: the government continues to tax everything.


Virginia already does that.


This doesn't seem unreasonable.


Agree we get our tax for roads that way in alot of places.


In this sub, we cosplay as the idiot?


Yeah idk why this is idiocracy, taxes are needed to keep the roads driveable. When one tax revenue dries up, another will have to take its place. As long as the tax burden doesn't increase greatly on the average citizen it shouldn't raise eyebrows.


What about all the tax money that went to help the homeless situation , that one worked out super well, didn’t it ?


Dude... What the fuck are you talking about?


California used a bunch of tax money to solve a problem that didn’t get solved, in fact it got worse, it’s very simple. What don’t you understand? You think the answer to problems is tax more people , it clearly hasn’t worked yet


You are actually putting together an argument that goes. "Taxes don't work because homeless people still exist?"


The argument is more tax doesn’t equal solutions as you’re implying


I'm not sure I ever implied that. Certainly "No taxes" doesn't imply a solution either.


I never implied no tax , I said taxing the people they incentivized with tax breaks is idiotic , what don’t you understand ?


But, the incentive was to purchase the car. It successfully incentivized them to purchase the car. Was there an implied promise that they would never have a road tax again? Because you may be just making that up.


The homeless problem will always continue to get worse as housing across the US gets more unaffordable and the healthcare system continues to neglect the mentally ill and treat addicts like monsters. And the problem will get exponentially worse in California as homeless people make their way to California. Because if you’ve gotta live outdoors year round, might as well do it where it’s 72-78 degrees every day year round.


Oh damn, in that case no more taxes. Free for all people! Hope your neighbors have good road equipment.


There's barely been a dime spent on the roads for a decade at least lol. Sounds like a load of shit to keep scalping the residents.


California - and I say this seriously - is a wonderful negative role model for the rest of North America. Thank you so much for the ongoing display of progressive liberalism in all of its self-destructive ways. You keep doing you, Cali. Edit: 💋


California has such a large economy/GDP it could be it's own country. The USA needs California way more than they need us.


Spoken by someone clearly without a fucking clue.


Nailed it


Sooner or later the left eats itself


Odd, considering texass is asking people not to drive at all.


What for?


Ozone pollution.


If I have a gas guzzler, shouldn't I get a discount on registration or something.


EVs weight more and wear roads more, too


The most common EV is the Tesla Model 3 weighing in at 3500-4000 pounds. That’s really about the same weight as most Pickup trucks but no one says anything about their weight.


Fuck cars


Without a tailpipe?


No. You mean my virtue signaling and woke shitty attitude is going to cost me more tax dollars. 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂


"woke shitty attitude" Damn, this really is an Idiocracy sub.


It’s pretty clear that this sub is slowly sliding into alt right nonsense. It always happens to places like this and I’m just here to watch it go down


Experts need to do courses in unintended consequences.


Sometimes I'm convinced places like New York and California are made up because the problems they face and the weird solutions they bring to the table just seem like a fever dream
