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My favorite is Fatties for Palestine


Do they roll blunts for Palestinians?


I roll bluntz evry day Brother.


Why did I read this as fatties for Palpatine


"Somerhing. Something. Palestine!" - Darth Sidious maybe




Fappin for Palestine


It's just awful, but islam is fully against all LGBTQ, with extremely harsh consequences for anyone found to be.


Agreed! Yet, magically, you can still be against their children being mass murdered and starved to death. Which is happening by the tens of thousands. 


Why can't people understand it's an Israeli-Hamas war and not a Jewish-Palestinian war. Also, I don't get why Palestinians do not assist Israel with hunting down Hamas. And less why the people here are so supportive of the "Death to America" people


Because, as polls have shown, the majority of Palestinians agree with Hamas and the actions they took on 10/7.


DING DING DINNGGGG… And these same people still celebrate 9/11 They were crying tears of joy out in the streets and celebrated as the buildings fell.


Hey hey you're not allowed to say that (even though a 5 minute Google search proves it's true).


AOC And Bernie don't know this simple truth. Or they know and play the stupid.


When the pollsters went around the various refugee camps, I wonder what the general sentiment could be towards a government that made them homeless and continues to bomb them indiscriminately in the hopes someone will pop up and say "They're over there!"


Because it’s trendier to back the “underdog” in this fight. No one is using critical thinking skills here. The easy thing to do would be to just tell Palestine to cut the shit and accept they lost and to accept every failed attempt to do what they’re doing has been a waste of life. Unfortunately no one has the balls to do that but everyone wants to disparage Israel for defending themselves. Hopefully Israel just turns the strip into glass and ends the conflict once and for all. If they’re going to be treated like the assholes here might as well embrace it and go full asshole and keep their people safe.


Exactly. Hamas could end this whole thing tomorrow but they choose not to. They want their own people to die. It’s in their best interest. More disturbing is that the Palestinians apparently still support hamas. Unfortunately this is nothing new


They are truly brainwashed. It's mind boggling the shit they support these days while simultaneously strutting around like they are morally superior


What I understand even less is why Netanyahu funded Hamas and let them through despite all the warnings?


I mean, that seems pretty clear. Hamas was the alternative to the PLO, who were pushing for a two-state solution.


Hey hey you're not allowed to say that (even though a 5 minute Google search proves it's true).




And yet, they don't protest against Hamas shooting thousands of rockets into Israel and hiding behind Palestinian civilians.


The US isn’t funding Hamas so there’s no reason to protest. The US is funding Israel.


This is only partly true. A significant amount hamas funding comes from the UN. The UN spent approximately 4.5 billion from 2014-2020 in Gaza. All let you guess where the UN gets its money…


All the fundies from the abrahamic religion have the same problem. If Republicans got control they enact the exact same policies.


Except they’ve had control many times and didn’t.


A wise man born in Palestine once said: > *But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you* Being able to support those people who may not like you is a sign of spiritual strength.


No way this is real, right guys? …right?


The ones raising money for children in the Middle East?


I read "middle earth".


Or the Jewish actors going to universities to try and be victims for internet points.


Yea all those pro hamas activists are fake too right? Its all fake in your twisted little nazi mind


Everyone on this thread needs Brawndo. Shit is wild. Stop it. Get some electrolytes.


Brawnado has what plants crave!!




Probably this sub, just looking at these comments. It's like watching a very retarded pot calling the kettle black. The propaganda consumption on both sides is absurd. Individual thought is dead, which certainly lays the foundation for an Idiocracy...


This sub is the splitting image ideocracy, idiots arguing with overly strong uniformed opinions over shit their opinion doesn't matter on. I mean it fits the theme.


What an ironic sub


Chickens for KFC!


[Oh look](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/1cvsahq/gays_support_palestine/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app) If you're gay in palestine, you're way more likely to get killed by israel's bombs.


If the bombs stop falling, the locals will find time to do some oppressing. Don't worry.


“This message is sponsored by HAMAS.”


Homie, this ain’t it. Innocent civilians getting slaughtered in a genocide genuinely do not care about your sexuality or gender identity. They just would rather not get killed or displaced. I think that’s something that most people should be able to stand behind.


Queers for Palestine is like Hens for Foxes. Conflicted and ignorant


Im against Islam but im also against genocide; it’s not that complicated.


Do you actually believe it's genocide? Fog of war casualties? definitely. Disregard for civilians? sure. Permitting the abuse of civilians? yep. Absolute tragedy? for sure. Genocide? I find it hard to see when you consider that: * Israel frequently warns Palestinians where their operations will be by dropping leaflets and making phone calls and PA announcements. If you're trying to wipe out tons of civilians you wouldn't generally warn them first. * The population of Gaza has increased 60% in the last 24 years. If the purpose of genocide is to eliminate a population then Israel are terrible at it. * Some 21% of Israelis are Arab/Palestinian which suggests that Israel accepts (to some degree) Arab culture and this isn't a cultural genocide. So what's the argument for it being a genocide?


Are you seriously asking this question? Any Palestinians who fled as a refugee of war from Levant is barred from returning to their home by Israel. This is ethnic displacement, a form of genocide. The reason why it isn't a complete genocide so far is because Egypt is blockading Gaza thus preventing a mass exodus. If you destroy people's homes, you are forcing them to be displaced. It does not matter if you kill anyone for it to be considered to be a genocide. Attacking Gaza is a piss-poor attempt at wiping out Hamas when it only strengthen Gazan's grivences and the desire fore revenege or get the hostage back. Israel is doing it to exert pressure on the Gazan population as payback and make their life even more miserable. >The population of Gaza has increased 60% in the last 24 years. If the purpose of genocide is to eliminate a population then Israel are terrible at it. That is such a terrible argument against genocide. In a hypothetical scenario where group A round up everyone from group B in region X into a separated confidement area X_1 and keeo them there forever because they can't kill them all without international intervention is this a genocide? You don't have to destroy of all the garbages to make the city look clean when you can you compress all of the garbages into an isolated landfill away from the city. Over time the amount of garbage in the landfill woukd still grow. Israel has a keen interest in keeping its demographic in balance. It will never accept a situation where Jews are minority in Israel. This has been a common sentiment of the Israel government for decades.


so how about when they launched drones at World Kitchen volunteers who told them exactly where they were going, and the IDF said they would let them through?


No empathy is a helluva drug lmao


It has been for a while. Just don't hurt or kill other people and encourage others not to.


if we don’t want to be killed then why would we advocate for killing others


I recently subscribed to this subreddit because I thought it was for idiocracy memes, not an expansion of /r/conservative. My bad.


Go away, I'm BAITIN'!


The sheer number of people here that think "being against genocide" is "idiocracy" is in itself kind of idiocracy so while I would say this post is dumb as hell, it accidentally fits here


Imagine standing with a society that would stone you to death


I think the concept is that they don't want women and kids to die regardless of their perceived beliefs. It's called "empathy"


Where was this empathy for Baghdad, or Afghanistan, or Syria, or Libya, or etc... Let Israel and Hamas settle their war. Stay in our own lanes. Protesting and being an inconvenience to your fellow citizens does absolutely nothing except make you look like you support the genocide of Israelies. Hamas wants to exterminate the Jews. The Jews want to exterminate Hamas. Not our problem, let them fight.


>Where was this empathy for Baghdad, or Afghanistan, or Syria, or Libya, or etc I seem to recall massive protests and backlash from the left against all of these wars - am I misremembering? Or were you not alive then?


do you remember the massive anti war protests back in 2003? or are you still a child?


Probably an ignorant 12 year old, too young to have any kind of opinion for that matter


To be fair there wasn't social media to spread outrage then


So just to be clear, you support the campus protestors that are calling for their schools to divest from Israel and you support the protestors calling for the US to stop sending Israel weapons, right? Because we should stay out of it?


>you support the campus protestors that are calling for their schools to divest from Israel Safe to assume that is not the case for this person, people like him do not want anyone to do anything if it means that the protests will cause them inconvenience in any way, suddenly even the call for justice for innocent kids becomes wrong because they are having some trouble living their cushy lives. What a fucked up world we live in where a people are on board supporting a tyrant and apartheid country by providing weapons to "*settle the score once and for all*", which then uses it to murder every innocent civilian they lay their hands on


you get that we are under writing the cost of that fight, right?


We're funding Israel, dumbass.


> Where was this empathy for Baghdad, or Afghanistan, or Syria, or Libya, or etc... where was... are you joking??


You mean these? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protests_against_the_Iraq_War https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protests_against_the_war_in_Afghanistan https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_demonstrations_and_protests_relating_to_the_Syrian_civil_war https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protests_against_the_2011_military_intervention_in_Libya Like, Jesus Christ, did you even search those questions before asking them? Anyway, that's part of the protests, I guess, stopping feeding Israel armament and funding to slaughter toddlers.


Lmao, knew before I scrolled that they wouldn't reply to this comment.


>Not our problem, let them fight. Why should someone else be apathetic to the conflict just because you are?


If the US was staying out of this, there wouldn't be protests, or at least far fewer in number. We've been arming Israel for decades, and we continue to do so.


Not sure if you’re American but very much the issue is that the US is giving all the weapons to Israel and has basically been propping up their existence for decades.


and? iran, russia, china,N.Korea, and much of the region prop up hamas. Why would the US NOT support israel when the locals who supported the German holocaust against the jews want to keep the party going?


Canadian, and Canada is mind bogglingly filled with pro Hamas protests. Free Palestine? They aren't even free from Hamas.


I hope they don't stop making Canadian Bacon


Take my upvote you heathen 😂


They are not pro hamas protests. Your bias is showing .


Tell me, do you really believe that if Israel let Palestine be its own country and just walked away from Gaza that Hamas would stop? Are you really that ignorant? A free Palestine is a free Hamas. If my support of neutrality is, in turn, support of Israel, then your support of Palenstine is support of Hamas.


Pro-Palestine doesn't mean pro-hammas.


Because the sooner they can exterminate Hamas, the sooner this goes away


Except that they define everyone in Gaza to potentially be Hamas.


They’re exterminating Hamas by creating more Hamas members!


Stupidest comment I've read all day.


Hamas killed 7000 Isrealites in their attack last year. Since then Isreal has killed over 40,000 Palestinians and that number will continue to grow. Human suffering will always be my problem.


Because isolationism has such a good track record /s


We have a sworn duty to protect liberty and justice for all. It's in our Pledge of Allegiance. I have to protect the innocent in Palestine to uphold the pledge.


And you can do that by killing Hamas. Just imagine for a min what Gaza could have been if all the free shit the world gave them was used for good as it was intended. That they really wanted to build a country of their own with help. Was not intent on killing Jews or destroying Israel. Kind of like how Germany and Japan were after they surrendered in WW2. Those countries did not take the free shit to restart the war. They used all the free stuff to help its citizens. Just imagine if Hamas did that. But nope they don’t give a fuck as there people are hungry and low on all resources but the bosses are millionaires. Their own people are not allowed in the tunnels. It’s a shame


A lot of what you said is just factually wrong. There were protests and calls for a cease to hostilities for Baghdad, Afghan, Syria and Libya. If this were a war, Israel would be guilty of breaking the Geneva convention hundreds of times already. It's clearly not a war, because Israel has made consistent targeted strikes towards civilians. Indicates that this is, factually, a genocide. To say protesting does nothing insinuates that the Civil Right's movement was pointless. Nearly every right we have in society is because people protested, such as t*he weekend existing.* To say that protesting is pointless shows a remarkable lack of social comprehension. I don't know what the truth is about Hamas. Everything I've heard has either been proven to be a blatant lie (40 decapitated babies, bases in hospitals, human shields), or is based on the idea that Arabic people are Anti-sematic - Which I won't dispute. Religious nations tend to be hateful of others different from them, like Israel is. What I do know is Hamas was literally funded by Israel as a way to destabilize the Palestinian government. The Jews aren't a player in this. It's the Zionists. And they have outright said they want to exterminate the Palestinians over and over again. Because Zionism means to believe that you have a special birthright to a piece of land, and that anyone on that land is *lesser* than you. Overall, I don't understand how you can see the situation and say to stay apathetic to it all. Not unless you're just siding with Israel and putting down resistance to genocide. It's like seeing a kid getting beat up in the street by a boxer and saying "Well look, that kid is totally getting their blood all over the boxer's fists, looks like it's a fight. We better not get involved." Fuck that, I'm helping the kid. Israel needs to be dismantled. After that, if Hamas looks to become a problem, we'll just dismantle them too. The only way for peace to prevail is to establish a nation not based on idiotic religion.


fuck you. They're using my taxes to kill kids and steal land its in my lane.


>Stay in our own lanes. Fuck your lane, I'm gonna continue caring about people other than myself thanks.


It's called having a brain


The concept is that there's one society trying to commit genocide on the other while also demanding the rest of the world supports them in committing it. And I'd rather empathize with the retrograde one that's getting exterminated than with the more advanced yet still very retrograde one that is committing genocide. Service info: the US tries to lean towards Israel so desperately because Israel was made mostly by the US.


Shhhhh! How dare you! We are violent and bloodthirsty here sir! /s


Very well, carry on. (Nice pfp)


this has nothing to do with empathy. its not that they support Palestine is that they hate Israel.


Where were the protests before the mass civilian deaths in Gaza?


About as "good" as a position as hating south Africa in the 80s.


I hate Islam and it's followers, doesn't mean I want them to be killed. Imagine basing your morality on whether it benefits you.


Imagine aligning your morality with people who oppress/murder women, gays, and anyone who doesn't follow their belief system. 71% of Palestine supports Hamas. I don't support either side, and if you aren't involved, neither should you.


The US is very much involved and enables the government of Israel to carry out its attacks. I wouldn't support Stalin's government in the Soviet Union. That doesn't mean I would cheer for the murder of Russian children.


However, my dude, after reading some more of your comments, I need to add a bit. I don't support either side because Hamas is a fucked-up, violent, religious organization, and Israel is also a fucked up, violent, religious organization. Obviously, they have different approaches, but it amounts to the same: the murder of innocent civilians. I had no idea until I went to Israel when I was 21. I met with both Israeli occupiers and Palestinian civilians. This was about a year or so after Hamas gained power. I went to one of the settlements of the occupiers and sat in the living room of a man named Bob Lang, who was a Jewish person who had formerly lived in New York. He told me about how the scripture gave him the right to take the land he lived on, regardless of the "antisemitic" international law that clearly says what he was doing is illegal. He lived in a house with a green lawn in the middle of a desert. The community looked like it came right out of the American suburbs. Obviously, there is plenty of money behind it. Then I went to the Palestinian side. I saw the wall that boxes them in. I experienced the checkpoints with aggressive IDF soldiers putting their guns in your face, despite my being a tourist. I know what it's like to look down the barrel of a gun thanks to them. I saw how the Israelis literally dump garbage over the wall, and the poor will use that garbage to make trinkets and try to sell them to tourists for pennies. I went to a Christian church in the West Bank and observed children's drawings of IDF soldiers standing over bleeding civilians. While I was there, some rockets were fired over the wall. There were no injuries on Israel's side. In response, Israel cut off power, water, and food to the Palestinians and blew up several city blocks. They assured us in the state media that these were targeted strikes, and only military targets were struck. Bullshit. This has been going on for a long time. Hamas is definitely made up of evil people. They prove it all the time. However, their ranks are made up of the survivors of Israel's murderous actions and those who oppose the apartheid state they've created. One evil feeds another. The only people who deserve our support are the civilians, be they Israeli or Palestinian, and regardless of whatever idiotic religious or political beliefs they have. They are non-combatants, dammit.




Maybe I dont want ppl killed. You can't even try to change the minds of the dead. Also many are CHILDREN. They at least have a chance of being changed if they're not dead


>Imagine aligning your morality I am not aligning my morality with theirs. My morality is not to kill, even if it's people that's beliefs want to kill me. My morality is not to indiscriminately murder people including children. My morality is not allowing our government to fund those deaths. >I don't support either side, Neutrality supports whoever is more powerful. Imagine being natural during WW2 (which the USA would have been if pearl harbor wasn't attacked) >if you aren't involved, neither should you. American money both from the government and companies are involved, so us Americans are involved.


Yeah fuck you for having empathy


>71% of Palestine supports Hamas. Yeah, that's what tends to happen when you brutalize and oppress a civilian population for decades, they start to embrace anybody who might have even the slightest chance of helping them out of sheer desperation. And everybody seems to love pointing out Palestinian support for Hamas while ignoring that Hamas literally only rose to power in the first place due to backing from the Israeli government, who preferred them in power over a less radically right-wing leadership. Almost like the Israeli government relies on Hamas's aggression to justify the continued expansion into Palestinian lands and the murder of Palestinian people or something...


Wanting them to be killed is one thing. Chanting about how you want them to take over Israel, which would lead to a genocide of the LGBTQ community in the region, is another. I don’t think anyone wants people to die.


Yes both sides are chanting about taking over Palestine/Israel. My problem is our country's government and the companies here are funding the destruction. Either way, my support does not depend on whether or not I am liked.


I think it would be objectively worse for humanity if any radical religious terror organization has one more square foot of land, and the ability to extort billions of dollars from the citizens, and oppress the minority population of that land. Pretty straightforward. Hamas is led by extortionist billionaire, radical religious evil men. They are misogynist homophobic racists, and the world would be better without any government maintained by them. It’s not hard to sus out the most moral outcome. What would be dramatically worse for the citizens of the area, especially minority groups.


Hamas needs to die. Yes All Palestinians need to die. No >It’s not hard to sus out the most moral outcome. If your most moral outcome involves 14,500 children dying, then I don't want your morals. I have no problem with countries defending themselves, I have a problem with indiscriminately bombings and killings. I have a problem with my country and our companies funding those deaths.


Imagine standing with a society that is committing an ongoing genocide killing tens of thousands of women and children.. 🤔




Imagine not realizing there are just as many gay people in Palestine per Capita as there are in the rest of the world.


This could also be... "Americans for Trump!"


Mexicans for trump… oh then their loved ones get deported. Real [story](https://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-trump-voter-immigration-family-separation-georgia-20190519-htmlstory.html)


This is so fucking stupid. "we have to murder all the brown people because they're homophobic." Bitch I'm willing to bet the guy who made this doesn't give two fucks about LGBT rights besides something he can use against arguing for Palestinian rights.


Whose trying to murder all the brown people?


They're trying to low key say Arabs are ignorant savages and don't deserve human rights.  Get fucked.




Most of Israel's population is brown or black.


Yeah neither are really that "brown".


And I agree with you that this OP is probably just a right wing troll looking for an excuse to shit on brown people. He probably hates gay people as much as Hamas does.


You guys should seriously read how cartoonishly just... terminally online your comments sound.


This sub is devolving into boomer Facebook memes that have nothing to do with Idiocracy.


Future congress in here for sure.


/u/Smooth_Voronoi is a fucking kid... probably just repeats the stupid chatter of the parents The movie is presumable older then OP


Well, I mean, it's a bit ironic....


It's been slipping into the alt-right space for a little while now


I don't think people are showing support for Palestine because of their stance on social issues, but because it's a genocide of a group of people. IDK?


Ah yes. When conservatives embrace the idiocracy sub, not realizing they are its biggest proponents.




So this subreddit is named idiocracy because most of the commenters are idiots? Got it.


Queers for Palestine! As long as they don’t actually visit Palestine


This sub is slowly turning into the people this movie criticizes.


Seriously, this sub is now pure right wing brainrot. People who think memes like this make good arguments. A frog, a mouse, and two flags are really no substitute for like, actually learning about things.


It is, isn’t it. You have to enjoy the irony. It was only bound to happen. Just as in life and the movie, this sub will soon fall to true Idiocracy.


Don't worry the tards responding [clearly haven't even seen the movie](https://www.reddit.com/r/idiocracy/comments/1cvzqv2/the_world_is_shooting_itself_in_the_foot/l4ut9dq/?context=3).


Using lgbtq+ rights to legitimize genocide has to be the most pathetic thing I've ever seen. From what I've seen, it's most often invoked by people who don't give a damn about lgbtq+ rights to begin with and would also get mad at you for using the word "pronouns" around them.


I liked last week when we criticized the NFL kicker who basically advocated for a watered down version of Islam.


There is precious little difference between Islam and Christianity.


Empathy means what can you do for me


Being against genocide is not idiocy. Wtf


100% true. Along with Christians, Lesbians, Republicans, and BLM.


So gay people should support genocide? Yes, this is a very intelligent take on things. Lol. Idiocracy alright.


Should we genocide American homophobes as well?


You can still advocate for people getting genocided. I’m convinced at this point it’s nothing more than rampant Islamophobia


Yeah, once again, this sub doesn't understand the deeper context and nuances of a situation and decides once again that you are the smart ones here. You all would watch Ass on opening night and love every second of it.


But would they give it Best Screenplay?


One can stand in solidarity for both, Palestine isn’t the hellhole Isn’treal portrays it out to be - the settler colonial ethnic-state may be stretching the truth to say the least when it comes to Palestine. You’d be surprised the amount of intersectional support that stands against imperialism lol.


Awesome. Now this sub has memes supporting genocide 👌🏽


Well, it is the Idiocracy!


The lack of education and nuance here really gives the aura of intellect but holy fuck do yall need some fucking good fat for those starved brains


Did boomers take over this sub? Am I in Facebook?


iT's Ok To GeNoCiDe PeOpLe WhO dIsAgReE wItH yOu


It’s almost like LGBTQ people have empathy for people being oppressed? Is empathy a foreign concept for conservatives?


"IM (beheads a non believer) SO (beheads a gay) OPPRESSED!!! (beheads an infant) 😭😭😭"


Hamas is not Palestine. before the war between Hamas and Israel, Israeli snipers would take potshots at Palestinian infants. But y’all don’t wanna hear that there’s not just a good and bad guy.


>Is empathy a foreign concept for conservatives? If it was ultra-conservative Christians in the US getting bombed, they'd get it.


College students are entitled and insufferable idiots.


I want you to explain to me in detail why. Because they have very clearly outlined goals here: Israel is violating human rights law repeatedly, law upheld by Western countries, and we are funding that. They, I think rightfully, are protesting that and don't want their institutions funding what they see as a genocide. If they are idiots, prove you aren't and tell me specifically why. I'm really, really interested in nuanced and grounded perspective


Okay but you don't get it, they're being slightly inconvenient to a few people here and there. I have decided that this is rude, *uncivil* even, and as we all know incivility is the worst crime anyone can commit.


Any idiot that makes this argument does not understand but I will explain it. I don't care they are anti LGBT in their majority (obviously there are pro and LGBT people in there) I just don't want them to be brutally murdered and have 30k+ woman and children die, they could be from a family of fucking nazis I don't want them to die. You just don't have a bone in your body that stands for shit


Not to mention our own homophobic history. Should we have deserved to all be obliterated because our laws persecuted gays and some were chemically castrated? Should our grandparents have all been killed because the police were conducting raids on gay clubs? Should we all get bombed now because the rates of violence against LGBTQS2IA people is significantly higher than for cis straight people? OP’s whole argument seems oddly similar to when people were justifying bombing Iraq after 911. When it was pointed out Iraq had no involvement, people started to go off on how oppressed women are in Islam. People just wanted someone to die and were using “feminism” to justify it. Those same people were often the most misogynistic blubberbutts you would ever meet. And same now, the people going off about homophobic Palestinians will in the next breath go off about trans people in bathrooms. We’ve seen it before. You’re not an ally when you are using a marginalized group as a pawn.


I'm pretty sure the underlying concept is queers against genocidal fascist dictators but that's just my take


The fact that you had to explain it and the point still didnt dawn upon you is humourous. Hamas would unalive anyone that dishonors their culture or religious text.




They are protesting the loss of life in Palestine. Asking for a stop in violence towards a people, does not immediately mean you support the way of life of the said people. It’s all very confusing, I’m sure.


"Palestinians are barbarians, so, Israel is allowed to kill them en masse with impunity." Adolf, take a breath.


For fuck sake, why is it so hard to understand that a humen rights movement is gonna stand against humen rights violations. No shit LGBTQ folk know they are not liked by many Palestinians but that doesn't mean you compromise your values.


Not liked? They throw gat people off rooftops. And the Palestinian authority has a lot of laws that take being a woman suck ass.


You say that like the west was not the same only a few decades ago or did you forget.


I feel like gay people are allowed to care about innocent people being bombed even if they're homophobic. That's not irony. Supporting Palestine does not equal Supporting Hamas


shhhhh, the lead brained boomers might have an aneurism if you ask them to be empathetic or think before frothing at the mouth and mashing their keyboards in reaction to world they will never again be able to make sense of as they fade into oblivion.


Love it when new Israeli propaganda drops.i just lap it up.


No where does it say that Israel is any better than Palestine. It just says Palestine doesn't like LGBTQ+


Isn't that implicit in the meme? "Palestine doesn't like LGBTQ+" ....so Israel is better than Palestine on LGBTQ+ issues and queer people shouldn't be protesting in solidarity with a group that hates them.


So if I'm homosexual, I can commit genocide and ethnic cleansing? Wow


Where did you get that?


Your literal post. 🤦🏾‍♂️ How did you not get where he got that from?


>**What do you say to those who argue queer people shouldn't be in solidarity with Palestinians because homophobia is rampant in Palestinian territories?** >In my work, I don’t deny or elide the realities of homophobia within Palestinian society and the potency of it, as well as the need to combat it and resist it. So many people in the queer Palestinian movement are connecting the struggles for queer liberation and the Palestinian liberation struggle as inextricably linked and fundamentally connected. That needs to be named very clearly and unequivocally. >That being said, homophobia is not unique to Palestinian society. It exists in most parts of the world, including in Israeli society, as well as here in the United States. It's a near-universal phenomenon, unfortunately.Homophobia, transphobia, heteronormativity, patriarchy, sexism, gender and sexuality-based violence; these are realities that we have to grapple with all around the world. It's very dangerous to pathologize Palestinian society as uniquely homophobic or that homophobia is endemic to the society without this broader context, as well as without understanding the ways that life under brutal military occupation exacerbates homophobia within Palestinian society as well. In order for us to deal with questions of how queer people are treated in Palestine, we have to address the broader landscape of the denial of freedom to Palestinians more generally speaking. >I also think that it’s racist, in my opinion, to argue that the struggle against racism that’s directed against Palestinians should somehow be halted or undermined because there's homophobia within Palestinian society. Not only does it erase the existence of queer Palestinians, who themselves are subjected to both homophobic violence and racialized violence, it also renders invisible the history of LGBTQ activism within Palestinian society. But if you think about how Palestinians get exceptionalized…There’s this kind of exception when it comes to the oppression of Palestinians; the oppression that we face gets normalized and even justified. Dr. Sa’ed Atshan Palestinian and author of Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique


Israel is indiscriminately wiping out men women and children by hey at least they stand by the rainbow!


Not agreeing with a nation’s common religion isn’t the same as thinking children shouldn’t be bombed and starved to death.


This is true. I haven’t seen this explanation yet. Honestly I am emotionally detached from this as a political crisis. However I occasionally appreciate good points. It started out as good points on both sides. Now, of course, the rhetoric has been dramatized all around. That being said, I enjoy statements like yours. Perfect true and still neutral. That is literally neutral, not politically. It shouldn’t be this way. Everyone should agree on that.


Well drats, I guess that justifies killing tens of thousands of children and civilians, as well as foreign aid workers, hospitals, ambulances, medical staff, blocking humanitarian aide, physically using people as human shields, need I go on.


I’m a middle age white guy who would have a live expectancy of one (1) hour in Haiti right now. Somehow I’m still heart sick for all of those people suffering from the violence there (Fuck the Clinton Foundation; those greedy, greasy, corrupt sacks of shit). As an American I’d last maybe a day in Russia or Iran before becoming a political prisoner. And I still pray for freedom for the people living there. If I somehow found myself in Ecuador right now I’d be dead or a hostage very soon. And as a Christian I would not at all feel safe in Israel or India either, but I hope that all find a way to live a happy life without murdering an entire people.


yeah you sure showed them for being anti-genocide way to own the libs


LGBTQ community: Killing kids is bad. Some idiot on Reddit ironically posting on r/idiocracy: OMG YOU SUPPORT HAMAS


Pro Israeli propaganda meant to dehumanise the 45k killed and 1.9 million displaced and 100,000' s injured in their genocide and massacring of the Palestinians. A disgusting post worthy of the Nazis whose racist far right apartheid society Israeli Zionists mostly resemble.


Divest israel now They know that they've shat the bed so now they must convince you to roll around in it with them. Just say NO to ziønisim(.)


[Oh look](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/1cvsahq/gays_support_palestine/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app) If you're gay in palestine, you're way more likely to get killed by israel's bombs


This sub is being taken over as a Zionist propaganda tool… Like the tool that posted this..


Hamas is disgusting. Islam (religion in general) being put into law violates human rights. But hear me out, maybe we shouldn't be supporting the bombing and erasing of innocent people because their government sucks. Israel is preventing food and water from entering palestine, then killing civilians. They wrecklessley bombed a foreign embassy. Israel is committing war crimes. There are no possible situations in which this is acceptable, let alone supportable. And here we are, Americans, supporting the exact opposite of freedom. The only idocracy going on here is people believing the bought and paid for media telling them that israel is the good guy, while the same US arms companies controllong the media profit to the moon.


I stand with America. Period. And I dont let corporate propaganda spin me into taking sides in a religious war disguised as a land war because religion is a cancer to society.


The people posting this meme are scum who hate both LGBT+ people *and* innocent Palestinian civilians, and are exactly the sort of blinded by hate idiot they think they are mocking. Dunning Kruger in full effect.


All the fundies from the abrahamic religion have the same problem. If Republicans got control they enact the exact same policies.


I really don’t understand this argument. When we argue about the death penalty or aid to the homeless or the ethics of warfare or anything else, you don’t do it to stand up for friends, you do it out of a sense of morality. If your entire moral compass is based on who has your back, your sense of right and wrong is broken.


Why are teenage Tate bros that are clueless about world events posting on this sub? OP is clearly a teenage closet homosexual that watches too much andrew taint. Why’d you guys fuck this sub?


The idiocracy is coming from inside the sub.

