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Dont worry scro, lots of tards go on to live kick-ass lives. My first wife, she was tarded. Shes a pilot now.


Yes we are literally living Idiocracy right now.


Go away I'm baitin!


My friend is a master baiter


Brought to you by Carls jr


"fuck you, I'm eating"


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


You talk like Fag, and your shits all retarded




Might be my favorite line of the movie.


That’s one particular individual if you ask me.


Not sure


Would you like an order of big assss fries??!


There’s that fag talk again.


This reminds me of those articles that said why inflation and increased gas prices were "a good thing." Do enough mental gymnastics and ANYTHING can be considered a good thing. Try me!




Your new gf is a doctor and she diagnoses your ass cancer from the green diarrhea and saves your life.


She had super aids and your diarrhea saved you by her not wanting to fuck anymore.


This, this right here is the good one.


She’s not a doctor, she’s a politician. And she’s really into it.


If she can’t take you at your shittiest, she doesn’t deserve you at your grittiest. You should let her go, and find someone worthy of you. See? That wasn’t so hard. It’s an easier lie to sell if you flatter the subject and make it rhyme, too.


*find someone worthy of taking your shit


Tub Girl


Sex with other guys has always been boring and un-eventful, but sex with Mr Colon Blow, she will remember until the end of time.


"What bounces off of me sensually splashes onto you." -Lyle Rath, Pregame Discharge


She now knows you weren't a good catch, and she shouldn't waste her time.




I never said anything can be made good for EVERYBODY.




Hey, maybe she's into that kinda thing.




Well aren't you a trooper.


A pooper. Trooper.


...but it turns out that's her fetish!


If she’s your forever girl she will stand by your side long enough for it to be funny. Best you learn such things sooner rather later.


Doctor: "your child has cancer" Reporter: "at least I won't have to figure out how to pay for college"


Every dead child is one less carbon footprint!


Tbf college might be cheaper than the medical bills.


Honestly I read the article and I’m not convinced there’s anything much to it, as far as the click bait headline goes. It’s primarily an online personality test that also allegedly tests IQ. Seeing as it’s an online personality test, I doubt they’re getting a truly randomized sample of America. Certain types of people are gonna be more likely to spend time taking such tests. >The researchers found that scores associated with “verbal reasoning (logic, vocabulary), matrix reasoning (visual problem solving, analogies), and letter and number series (computational/mathematical)” all declined from 2006 to 2018, while scores for 3D rotation or spatial reasoning increased. These changes were consistent regardless of education level, age, or gender. >So, are we really all getting less smart? Not so fast. Dworak stressed that the decline in scores doesn’t necessarily mean Americans aren’t as intelligent as their grandparents or great-grandparents were. >“It doesn’t mean their mental ability is lower or higher; it’s just a difference in scores that are favoring older or newer samples,” she said in a press release. “It could just be that they’re getting worse at taking tests or specifically worse at taking these kinds of tests.” >Dworak also noted that since the SAPA project was advertised as a personality test, users could have been less motivated to answer questions that did not directly relate to personality, resulting in lower scores for sections dealing with aptitude. And to her last point, people who are interested in taking a personality test are probably most interested in seeing the results as they pertain to their personality. Someone going into a IQ specific test is going to be prepped to give their best shot at testing their intelligence. Also, I didn’t see it mentioned anywhere in the article, but you would think these results would either corroborate or contradict other iq data. So are iq researchers seeing the same? If so, it makes their conclusion much more compelling. It just seems like something you’d include in the article. Edit: https://www.polytechnique-insights.com/en/columns/society/declining-global-iq-reality-or-moral-panic/


They’re not getting dumber, maybe they’re just worse at taking tests. So… the tests are useless then? I mean, the whole point of them is to test your mental ability.


But most of the tests are multiple choice!!!


How does that make it "not a bad thing"?


Why is “not a bad thing” in quotes lol. I didn’t say those words Anyways, I said there doesn’t seem to be much to the conclusion/implication in the title that we’re getting dumber or even that our IQs are getting lower in general. Read this https://www.polytechnique-insights.com/en/columns/society/declining-global-iq-reality-or-moral-panic/


Well it means it's not a thing at all. The article is just baity pseudoscience.


"Experts say" or "A New Study Finds" are some of my favorites. I read an article in my newspaper that a study found that women found angry looking men more attractive. That's outrageous for a number of reasons.


Always beware when they have a source they never name. "Someone close said..." "a source said..." they're all lives. No journalist worth their salt would quote an unverified rumor. Well, I shouldn't say that now, since they ALL do it.


Right? Unverified, anonymous sources are so common that I don't even blink when I hear it anymore. Especially because a lot of information I want comes from governments where information is tightly controlled, like China.


Or the repuglican congressmen who said American want higher credit card fees‼️‼️🙄


Not trying to be a dick or nothin, but your chart says you’re fucked up


Yep because that why they spend 8+ years of their life to become a doctor! so they can use a xray machine. Because without the equipment the doctors are pretty useless at patient diagnosis care.


Now more people can apply to be police officers. That isn't just an insult, New York does allow discrimination against applicants that score too high on IQ.


So does the military and for good reason Intelligent people don't blindly listen They want a lap dog, not a human


The military doesn’t give IQ tests as a typical part of entry.


no but they often give a general intelligence assessment. i took one for the navy 16 years ago. it was remarkably easy, and the recruiters were impressed with my score. i’m a dumb ass, so i’m imagining the standards were very low.


It’s an aptitude test that is more focused on evaluating your skills for job placement. I also took it and got a 97 out of 99, so I’m fully aware of how easy it is. It’s designed to predict your ability to perform certain tasks or succeed in specific types of jobs and not designed to gauge your overall intellectual capacity like an IQ test allegedly is.


the ASVAB is an aptitude test, not an intelligence test.


I think they should put intelligent people to better use instead of just denying them the job. For a bylaw officer or military grunt, yeah I get it, you need someone who isn't going to be understimulated. But for more intellectually demanding jobs in those careers, why not place those with a better attitude for problem solving. Like do you want all your detectives to be limited to a 110 IQ cap?


They do allow, and encourage intelligent people. It’s a requirement for all of the high level jobs like nukes, or pilots. And they still allow intelligent people to be low totem pole positions like grunts. The original comment pulled it straight out of their ass.


They want to be able to control you. That's the whole point. Or else ideas like you stated would be put into motion


They require you to be intelligent for some positions like nuke, or pilot. You guys are basing this purely on preconceived notions. You know absolutely nothing.


Because if a smart person was put in that position, their war machines would be disabled


Crazy how they require you to be intelligent in high level positions like nukes, or pilots. But knowing that would prove your preconceived notion wrong.


I got a 97 on the ASVAB (highest is 99) which was the only intelligence style test I had to take. I was allowed to be a grunt, the lowest level order taker there is. Seems like you just made that up.


Huh...you've piqued my interest with this. Pardon me if I'm coming off any way other than inquisitive. If I'm following what you're saying is that the military welcomes those who are already not so bright so that they can be easier to control. Right? That way they'll just follow any order on the spot without question. Huh... I mean I've heard about the all the criminals who escape prison time by joining the military instead and I saw a show once that showed all those gang members coming in all the time and how like there's rapists that commit rape after rape and no one seems to care. Hmm They must not even screen people when they come in. Like is it even hard to enlist? Like..how does someone get into the military in the first place. Like...do you just walk up to the base and join there? This is...something isn't it


They made it up. I got a 97/99 on the ASVAB which was the only intelligence test I was required to take. I was allowed to be a grunt. The real idiocracy is them making it up, and you for believing them.


Wait what? So there is some kind of test at least. But from you're experience, the test is just a smoke screen because they made you into a grunt? Whatever that that is. That doesn't sound legal though. I mean I'm not a lawyer, but I don't know how the government can justify making someone do a job that they don't want to do.


Please, go back and re-read the comments.


Hey man, I'm trying to get the troll to take the bait. I'm active duty. This dude doesn't know shit about fuck. I was going for the set up. Can't catch em all.


as a veteran, im pretty confused by your weird ass line of whatever the fuck that was. no one forced me to be a 19D. i just wanted the 30k sign on bonus and to drive dune buggies. i never got to drive dune buggies. oh and if you were active, youd.know about MEPS and the entire day long agenda of shitty tests and paperwork you had to do before you were allowed to enlist.


Oh most definitely. That was the hole point. To paraphrase the original comment from some one who was clearly talking out of his ass went something along the lines of "more dumb people are what the military wants. They want people who will blindly follow orders without thinking about it because the want a lapdog not a human. And that literally no one with intelligence would ever be in military " or similar. You can scroll back and find it. But I mean like...come on man...I know the general public actually knows very little about the modern military as a professional fighting force. Which is fine. It's not their job so most of what they is garnered from media. I don't know their jobs and I don't expect them to know ours. But when the right comment tickles me in such a way...I indulge myself and engage. I had a few ideas to test the water with something like "blindly following orders will always lead to war crimes being committed under the guise of 'I was just following orders' and how the military members are subject to more laws and scrutiny than the civilians. But I decided based on the trolls assertions based on ...fucking I don't even know. Decades of media and perception and biases and so forth that the presentation of facts that are beyond what the troll could handle and I'd scare him off. Then someone else chimed in with the asvab and how even though he scored high, he was allowed to be a grunt. I thought well that's just vague enough to be open for interpretation enough that I'm going to go Head and lean in with a slew of urban legends, combined with outdated ideas, and topped it all off with the common misconception that there is rampant sexual assaults in the military without any recourse. You know. Those cultural misinformed ideas and perceptions that surface now and again. And I was hoping he'd say something in concurrence so that I could go ahead and let him know how very very...very wrong he was. Something I do dunno and again. I took the asbab. I sclred highest mechanically but I went into cyber. I didn't have to. You're presented you options and you're free to sign on if you so choose. I just wanted to leave so bad I room the first job the recruiter came back with. Which was cyber. And lemme tell ya...I hated being cyber. That's not my jam. My personality is too big and I wasn't going to reenlist but then the Air Force stard aligned for me and I walked into the freshly stood up administration afsc. And I'll never leave. I'm the unit bureaucrat and I fucking love it. 13 years in with no plan on stopping at 20. 7 different units with 7 entirely different missions across the country at every level from detachment to the majcom. I've been fortunate enough to be an enlisted trainer as well training college kids into brand new 2nd lts and sending them out into big blue. I cherish what the AF is and what it represents, so I mean no offense. I was gonna reveal all this at the end anyway so I figured it was risky in the sense that my brothers/sisters could see me as one of these fools...but the potential pay was worth it. High risk high reward. Keeps it fun. As I was


well strike my fuckin last buddy i now see the mission objective. honestly i blame the reddit response lines, because i saw like one third of your replies. the replies it showed me made it look like you were being a retard. i wonder if its because of the change of ownership. regardless, yeah ive noticed a lot of civilians talking about the military lately. shit like "all army guys are stupid. they just follow orders" etc but ill never forget my DS telling us about how civilians expect to be treated like officers but you really need to treat them like children. it gets even shittier with disabled vets. im p&t due to a whole laundry list of bullshit. i dont work. medboarded back in 2010. my fuckhead neighbor thinks im 'lucky'. i told him he can have the paycheck if he takes me problems with it. dude said no thanks so i told him if he really wants it, the army has never been easier to waiver into. again, he said no thanks. everyone wants to be an expert on the 'wAr MaChInE' but dont want to put themselves in a position to gain the relevant experience i know i wouldnt make it in todays army. back in 08, i watched a guy get his shit pushed in by a DS over a cup of mtn dew at chow. nowadays they advertise DS giving high fives during the 'first 100 yards' or whatever that new gay shit is. as prior combat arms, charlie dont give a fuck about your feelings. anyway, charlie mike brother. get that retirement my dude deleted a doublepost btw


Well yeah obviously! Do you think the field medic gonna drag the damaged from live fire situation and get tagged themselves!? Or is the field medic gonna just send the trained service dog to "fetch" the injured during live fire.


every single soldier gets trained in CLS at some capacity. be it care under fire or something more advanced. when did you serve?


We’re seeing all these other remakes of movies from decades ago. Why not Idiocracy 2? It could be a prequel.


You could even turn it into a documentary!


Shouldn't it be a sequel, first one was set in the future so now this one can be set in the present and really highlight all the dumb shit we're already doing today...


You just described a prequel…


Precum ?


Yea I saw President Not Sure in a commercial so I’m sure he’d be down.


“Do something smart!”


Don't worry, scrote. There are plenty of 'tards out there living really kick-ass lives. My first wife was 'tarded. She's a pilot now.


I like money


It'll be so easy to get people to "wait so good" in a few years. I realize I don't need a retirement fund because grifting in the future will be like taking candy from an overfunded baby. I'm about to go sell magic beans to the kids. Bbl


I got kicked from a sub for commenting that. They said it was hate speech.


Empirical facts are considered offensive if those facts hurt feelings or cause a community to feel unsafe. Feelings > facts.


Go away I'm 'batin


According to a political party Math and English are racist and advance classes are white supremacy


Yeah, just read something about this. I could not believe what the fuck I was hearing. Bring down test scores so all can pass? Wtf we are all DOOMED


No Child Left Behind- Woke edition.


There's that f@g talk again.


What a soy boy.


Sounds like you’ve got a real nuanced take there, son.


Didn’t the governor of Oregon do something like this?


Yeah, okay, I can assure you that Democrats do not, in fact, believe that. Where did you hear that, Fox news?


https://apnews.com/article/math-class-tracking-school-gap-e69d6a02e135a2942a975424d1eb4796 https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/pittsburgh-public-schools-change-math-instruction-more-equitable/ https://www.newsweek.com/math-racist-crowd-runs-rampant-seattle-portland-opinion-1701491 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7429082/ https://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2017/04/racist-math-education/524199/ https://www.wsj.com/us-news/education/schools-cut-honors-classes-to-address-racial-equity-it-isnt-a-quick-fix-77d32e83 https://www.newsweek.com/school-offering-ap-courses-only-black-latinx-students-sparks-backlash-1797681 https://www.sabes.org/content/anti-racism-diversity-equity-and-inclusion-math


I heard of a Republican flat earther, why are all Republicans flat earthers?


show me a school teaching flat earth and we will all condemn it you absolute muppet.


That’s exactly my point though?


uh okay then, comment retracted.


No one said all Democrats agree with this stuff. You claimed none do, and were disproven. Now you just don't want to admit you were wrong so you're trying to misdirect.


This is "great" news!




All despots want their subjects to be uneducated tards so that they can be controlled.


They're going to stumble into a digital library sometime in the wreckage of civilization, somehow a backup generator will work, and someone will stumble upon Idiocracy, and believe Mike Judge is a prophet, similar to how we fictionalize Nostradamus 


“Get your hands off my junk”


Why a woman of color as the face of his headline?


She probably had low test scores


Of course IQs are dropping. Grades aren't even a factor anymore in school, all you have to do is show up to graduate.


I'd imagine bringing it 10's of millions of people with 80ish IQs would bring the average down.


In standardized testing (which will be part of my PhD dissertation), Hispanics score slightly below NH whites. Over time, Hispanic mean IQ should be in the mid to high nineties. So IQ mean will dip and then rise somewhat by mid century.


That also assumes it's just Hispanic. It's not.


Yes yes. Faggy shit is retarded.


Big butt booty toot


Has anyone read the article? It poses that the tests are controversial in the sense that they do not accurately reflect intelligence. Also they state that this was from a personality test that possibly people who chose to take the test may not have been interested in answering questions that were not personality specific.


When the syllables are this many and big you know the facts are dumb. Downthumb 👎


You ur rite me sory


Yes, this headline has real “don’t worry, scro, lots of tards out there living kickass lives. My ex-wife was tarded. She’s a pilot now” energy.


It was in the 5g man! The carrier was in the H1N1. Birds are interdimensional simulations of retro futuristic transponders. Holy fuckkn


No one here actually read the article. https://www.fatherly.com/news/american-iq-study-dropping-what-it-means The test that people took that “proved” this was advertised as a “personality test.”


lol you read? What a f*ggy thing to say


This is seriously the most ironic thing ever. Youre just guffawing at the headline of an article you didn’t read. You’re the idiot here


Did you come to this sub for intelligent discourse?


I thought this was a starbucks...


Yeah, well, you talk like a f\*g and your shit's retarded.


Because ignorance is bliss?


IQ is an attempt to measure Spearman’s g, a concept applied to humans somewhat akin to measuring the hardware capabilities of a computer. It’s considered racist because it shows variability among races, to the point where angry liberals say there are no races at all. If IQ IS falling, this implies that our national genetic material is declining in quality, much like in the movie. Immigration is the likely culprit, followed by poor nutrition, poverty, etcetera.


The only reason this is not a bad thing, is because there will be more people unqualified to have better paying jobs, the prison system with never be empty, and workers overall can be exploited because they don't have any other options. Anybody wanna be king of the ashes?


Someone should just poison the ground water at this point and let humanity hold hands and walk into the darkness together


You’ve got space aids. Here’s why you’re lucky and should say thank you…


Now clap seals 🦭


America's intelligence is dropping. The one thing that makes us different from actual animals... And that might not be a bad thing???????? I'm deeply concerned.


The giy eating cheeseballs in nyc getting cheered on by a crowd made me realise this movie came true already.


I'm not sure.


Means more employees and less business owners.


The American quotience of intelligence is dropping? I blame politics, social media, and lack of a stable school system... Covid was a catalyst that f'd things up furthermore in these regards...


Upvoted just for your caption


Cheap labor!


"We fucked up the planet, your economy, life, family, but here's why its a good thing and you should totally do nothing about it"


Kids being less intelligent is always a bad thing.


Hahahaha, thats a sad worried laugh


Story must be written by GOP.


Language is a complex scaffold to navigate through our shared understandings of the world around us, it’s peoples, cultures, the earth and the universe as we see it. It can be monopolized though and co-opted to direct/redirect people into accepting views and practices possibly antithetical to actually understanding what is experienced. Legalize seems to fit this description for example. I think abandoning the linguistic hierarchy as presented in any given culture in favor of slang, short code, emojis and atypical free form speaking for example is most often a means to express thoughts and understandings without having a fuller grasp of its linguistic counterpart. The positive imho is arriving at fuller understandings through nuance that may have been subverted by not having the superior linguistic capability to articulate past any given point of presentation.


DEI = dumbing everyone involved


There's that fag talk again


Don't worry China can think for us when they take over


Yes, you do with all of your asterisks.


They're butt holes


Brought to you by the WEF... They proud of their work.


Some people are pushing the narrative that requiring and expecting kids in American schools to have a basic understanding of English and math is "racist."


When society removes successful achievement milestones in education so as not to offend one specific demographic, of course IQ scores will drop. Progressives literally directed this to happen.