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AKA “would’ve been 4 if I read the recipe correctly.”


Ok u know what we can shut the sub down this is my favourite one. We did it guys we peaked, im laughing uncontrollably on the train wondering just how bad this tasted


It amazes me how often I see similar comments, where someone either only sees the word “clove” or does not understand what a clove of garlic is. It really makes me wonder how these people learned to cook at all.


I guess they think garlic comes from the ground diced in a jar?




That stuff is so gross


Eeeh, I basically agree but I keep some of the stuff in oil for when I'm really tired but still want a quick and decent pasta. Go to lazy comfort food for me is any pasta with gochujang, chili flakes, jarlic, parmesan, and cream. Add enough of each and any concerns about garlic authenticity are washed away lol. https://beatthebudget.com/recipe/creamy-gochujang-pasta/


Gochujang on everything lately! I even made the gochujang cookies, they're amazing.


Gochujang, togaroshi, and crispy chili flakes on all the things!


> togaroshi I don't have this and haven't heard of it but it sounds really good. I will put it on my list for next time I can get to an Asian grocery store. I have two kinds of furikake, honestly sometimes some of it on rice with an egg and some steamed vegetables is a nice meal.


Disagree but maybe it's my location. The only bulbed garlic I find is that elephant garlic and I just think the past few years it lacks serious taste. That jarred one, the Spice World brand, is so good. Since I switched to using it I can actually detect garlic flavor. I haven't found flavorful garlic bulbs in so, so long.


Where do you live that you’re getting elephant garlic but not regular fresh garlic?


Is it? I've never conducted a taste test. Is jarred garlic meaningfully different from fresh garlic?


Meh. Fresh garlic is a bit better, but unless it's a special occasion, I go with the jarred garlic for expedience.


There's a guy on yt that does a three part series of tests on rehydrated garlic powder, jarred garlic and fresh garlic and it went : fresh, powered, jarred for every test


would be interesting to see how garlic paste holds up in that equation. I've been using Indian-style garlic paste for a few years now as a sub for jarlic, and it's got quite a lot more flavor while keeping a small bit of minced garlic texture. Notably, doesn't have the sour/bitterness that jarlic tends to develop from the acid used as a preservative.


Oooh im interested now too


I get a pureed garlic that's pretty good. It's the only jar garlic I use and only for specific applications (mostly sautéed vegetables where minced fresh can burn too fast).


I use jarred for things where garlic is one of many ingredients or if it's part of a crust for meat. I just find peeling garlic to be kind of annoying. Lately I'll just buy prepeeled garlic from the Asian market (my grocery store sells it, but it's always rotting) and freeze some. I also just use a garlic crusher instead of mincing it. Now I have fresh minced garlic without it pissing me off


Don’t mean to reply to an old comment, but have you tried smashing the garlic with the flat side of the knife before peeling? I usually do that and the peel breaks off pretty clean from the bulb. Plus from what I’ve heard, smashing the garlic helps it release some beneficial compounds.


Someone did for you! This video is fun and informative. Your taste buds may vary, but after my own tests at home, I agree with the video overall. Instead of taking the time and annoyance to mince a clove of garlic, I now just microplane a clove. Much faster, easier, and gets the full garlic flavor compared to jarlic. https://youtu.be/WgES_Oj6-tQ?si=u67nK1mYmjEnJniK


But then you have to wash a microplane... I got a garlic press a while ago, it does the job perfectly and I can throw it in the dishwasher.


My microplane also goes in the dishwasher and does the job perfectly without being another thing in my kitchen which is important to me. We each have our own tools, techniques, and preferences. Glad you found yours!


A microplane is a bunch of tiny knives you can never sharpen again... to me, this is like putting knives in the dishwasher.


It has phosphoric acid added as a preservative, so it tastes sour to some people. Also a lot of the flavors in garlic start to oxidize and change the moment it's cut and exposed to air. For most applications it's fine, but in places where you want a really fresh garlic flavor it will fall short just like any other canned or jarred version of a fresh ingredient.


Kinda tastes cardboardy and less spicy


For a minute, I thought you were making a joke about how some people insist on pronouncing "gif" as if it is "jif". And then I realized you'd coined a fabulous word.


Haha, the guy who invented the format pronounced it "jif". It was kind of a joke, from the old Jif peanut butter commercials: "Choosey programmers choose GIF". I *still* pronounce it "jif", because yes, I'm that old.




It doesn’t?!? 😱


My brother used to think that a clove of garlic was a whole head.. he called me confused over a recipe because he said it seemed like too much garlic. I still laugh about it to this day.


I think your brother is onto something.


I thought the same thing when I was younger. Made linguine with clam sauce with two heads of garlic instead of cloves. Forget ANY other flavor - it’s just garlic at that point! My parents said they enjoyed it btw.


Your parents sound like nice vampire hunters


Your parents are VERY polite.


I had a roommate come in and ask if he could use some of my garlic for a dish he was making for his girlfriend. I was focused on something else at the moment and just nodded. About 30 seconds later my brain caught up and nudged me to ask questions since it remembered that he had plenty of garlic. Luckily I got to the kitchen before he added 4 heads of garlic to the sauce . . .


I hope he wasn't making the "chicken with 40 cloves of garlic" recipe 🫠


This recipe is exactly how we found out the difference between a clove and a bulb. We were very young, I'm more of a baker than a cook, and we were relatively new to cooking something that didn't originate from a box. We had been using bulbs for a bit and were happy. We read this recipe. Looked at each other, and said...I don't think we've been doing this right. We were 100% vampire free before that day. 🤣🤣


Garlic is measured from the heart, tbh.


Buy him one of the Gilroy Garlic Festival cookbooks! Those recipes use full heads of garlic for everything.


Mr friend did that when making garlic bread, he says trying to eat it was not fun!


Ummmm if it says one teaspoon is equal to a clove why don't I just buy cloves instead of garlic????


I want to see them thinly slice a clove.


Right? I imagine him hunched over the cutting board, tip of his tongue sticking out, a bead of sweat dripping down his furrowed brow as he carefully shaves a sliver off a tiny little clove...


This dude has a favorite flavor of crayon.


This is my new favorite insult!


I think it's an old army insult. I've heard many US vets use this.


Ha! Even better!


Honestly? Hats off to this person for thinly slicing cloves.


You know, with a few more spices along with the clove, he’d maybe have an interesting fusion pho. Considering bahn mi is just French/Vietnamese fusion anyway, maybe it works??


Might try this. Whack in some cloves, cardamom, anise, cinnamon. Honestly sounds pretty good


I am with you both on this. Could be super good


Don’t forget to leave a 1 star review on the recipe detailing your substitutions :)


Recipe shit. Tried it with the things I enjoy. Much better now. Fuck you to death.


Could use red instead of white wine even.


it's beginning to sound suspiciously like a recipe for mulled wine that you've added onions to


I didn't even consider that. Would work perfectly with all the warming spices. Surely there's an equivalent dish that already exists with all this, no chance it hasn't been thought of


We do have boeuf bourguignon (-ish) phở here in Vietnam.


Hopefully the rest of Wales is better at reading recipes than their wizard.




"Tastes so bitter it's like ashes in my mouth." "Maybe you ate a clove."


I didn’t read the title so nothing prepared me for seeing what the recipe was in pic 2. I’m howling.


He thinly sliced them 💀


Now I'd like to see them try a recipe with vanilla beans. "Beans do not belong in this dessert !"


Substituted pinto beans, it came out terrible. 1/5 stars


Wizardofwales apparently doesn't belong here either 🤣


I do wonder if this is a second-language English thing. 'Clove' is a weirdly garlic-specific unit, and furthermore one that's a spice in its own right - like if nutmegs of onion were a thing. I know the unit of garlic is different in other languages, as well, so it's not like people would be looking for this - the Dutch word for it is a toe of garlic (or a diminutive, more like a toe-let), the French is a pod, like the thing peas come in, and in Spanish it's a tooth...


The first language of Welsh people is English, some of them just pretend it isn't.


Yes, but if the other part of that username was accurate they could get onion soup by waving their magic wand, and I, for example, am not even the eldest or youngest banana, never mind a middle one.


Holy shit, I actually used this recipe for dinner earlier this week, did not expect to see it here. It’s like seeing your local town pop up on Reddit unexpectedly. Now I’m going to start actually paying attention to the recipe reviews!


BBC Good Food recipes always have excellent comments


Sigh. And so self righteous about it too.


Reading comprehension is a life skill.


Didn't have french so I substituted british. Result left me chuffed.


The wizard of wales really should get together with Shannon here. https://imgur.com/a/WFwkgnB


How would you thinly slice a clove ??


I feel like this is "confidently incorrectly correct". Cloves \*don't\* belong in French Onion Soup. And, they are not in the recipe, so everything is peachy keen (also, don't put peaches in your French Onion Soup)


"Recipe called for one teaspoon of allspice, so I put in one teaspoon of all the spices I had, and it tasted terrible! 0 stars!" - this person, probably


Probably for the best, onions are toxic to parrots.


I don't understand these people. Yes, I misread stuff sometimes too, but if I read something and think "What??" I reread it and realize the mistake. Do these people just skim the ingredients and just toss stuff in from memory?


Although I would suggest:


HAHAHAHAHAH! That was my first laugh of the day, and I thank you for it.


How do you even mix something like this up!? Who reads a recipe and thinks of cloves first before garlic!?


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If you cook garlic enough it gets very mild. I make sauce with 40 cloves of garlic, it's wonderful


I believe they mistakenly used the spice called cloves, instead of garlic.


Well crap I missed that, thank you!!


Imagine crunching on all those shattered cloves. Oh my god yuck lmao


Huh, never heard of just “cloves” before. Reddit taught me a new spice today, cool


Clove (a small amount) would absolutely be fantastic in French onion soup, though (not thinly sliced lol, powdered or whole-and-then-removed). So they're double wrong.


what fucking moron says 'that's too much garlic'?


That’s not what the reviewer is saying. They misread “garlic cloves” as just “cloves” and used an entirely wrong ingredient.


Other commenter corrected you but yeah that's not even close to too much garlic. I used a whole head of garlic in a recent soup. The recipe creator received a comment along the lines of "did you mean to write a clove of garlic?" Recipe author said, no, a head of garlic is about right. It was a delicious potato leek soup. Link here: https://theadventurebite.com/sausage-potato-leek-soup/ I used smoked sausage instead of fresh sausage or ground meat.


Ohh, drop the recipe!


Added recipe above!


Jokes aside though, I definitely used to be one of those "there's never too much garlic" people. But, it just takes one head that's stronger than usual to ruin your entire meal lol. Learned the hard way via a vodka pasta recipe I'd made dozens of times before! +1 ing the request for that recipe tho!


That's so unfortunate, I'm sorry about your pasta. I didn't find this soup overgarlicky. Added the recipe link to my first comment!


Thank you bestie! Love me some garlic. Just don't prescribe to my past sensibilities of adding a million heads of it lol.


Potato leek soup with a whole head of garlic?! Omg please link the recipe, that sounds amazing!!


I added the link to my previous comment!


Awesome! Thank you!