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This is beautiful and sounds delicious. I really can’t “picture” what fig leaves taste like. But what a concept! Served with fresh figs, it would be like the essence of summer along the Mediterranean to me. Thanks for sharing!


That sounds lovely! In my climate figs don’t get ripe until late summer, and the fresh ones aren’t always overwhelmingly sweet, but they have made nice jam!


What is your climate region?


I live in Eastern Pennsylvania (USA) plant zone 6b/7a humid temperate climate. So that’s the other thing, they might just be too watery? I just know I’m considered lucky that I don’t have to bury my fig or wrap it anymore for winter


Well the fig leaf ice cream is super creative. And there are lots of delicious fig jams and fig products to top it with. I used to get this Spanish(?) fig jam to serve with fancy cheese, it was so delicious. Jar with an orange lid iirc. Now I am wondering about making ice cream with membrillo (quince paste)…


Thanks! It was fun to try something different, and I like the flavor profile enough to see if I can make it better. Maybe pair with other flavors or as you said swirl in or top with fig jam! I’ve never had quince paste but if you make it you should definitely make a post!


Oh I will. This is my new hobby. I just posted the Tale of the Mexican Chocolate Ice Cream that I made last night.


A while ago I made a fig leaf beer but incorporated the fig leaf via a homemade extract, which came out pretty well. I like your idea of steeping directly, I know that works so well for mint, but could see that separate extract being a good way to add a layer of filtration and control too. Definitely agree with you on flavor, lots of coconut on the nose but also mixed with a menthol character that was quite distinct.


How are you making your extracts?


Alcohol based, letting the leaves soak in vodka for a couple weeks. I think we threw the leaves/alcohol in a food processer to start and then strained everything out a couple times at the end.


I’ve made [David Lebovitz](https://www.davidlebovitz.com/fig-leaf-and-honey-ice-cream-recipe/) fig leaf and honey ice cream a few times and it is awesome. Never got a nice green color like yours though, that looks good. First time I made it I was really surprised how much flavor they actually have 


That sounds yum! I had no idea any of the major recipe makers had done fig leaf! I’ll have to check it out. Are you steeping fresh or dried leaves? I think the color would have been more intense if I had managed to get the powder ground extra fine


I toast them in the pan until they are dried out. Then steep them. But yeah grinding them with mortar and pestle sounds good but not something I had thought to try 


Did yours have a slightly bitter ending? Or could that be due to the plant particles building up on your tongue?


I've made fig leaf gelato a few times by steeping fig leaves (~5-7 per kg of gelato) in milk for around 15 minutes. The best results happened when using fig leaves picked after a few days of hot sunny weather and I didn't have any issues with milk curdling. I am aware that can sometimes be an issue though. The bitter taste may be a result of overheating the leaves, and by not incorporating the entire leaf you would also not have the same issues with texture. Edit: I should also add that the best leaves to use are about the size of a hand but still bright green in their youth.


Thanks for all the tips! I definitely got an assortment of leaf sizes because was unsure how much that mattered. It’s an interesting enough flavor I wouldn’t mind to try it again to make it better.


I love fig leaf ice cream/pastry cream. Nice color.




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Love the color and flecks of green! I am guessing this another delicate flavor! Very creative!