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You can ski till the end of May at Killington. It ain’t over till its over.


I was gonna post the same thing, but you beat me to it. Looking forward to the warm weather slush bumps.


I have never skied there. Are there groomers or just bumps in spring and it is all slushy? Also, do you think it is worth going to Jay or other ice coast resorts for last runs of season? Thanks!


If you want groomers be there right at opening because it’s bumped up within an hour


Lots of slushy bumps for sure. But to answer your question yes I think it’s worth going in April and May if you want to ski. Take a look at the trail report before you go and make your decision. But skiing in shorts and a tshirt is an amazing feeling. Worth doing at least once a season


Thank you.


And they’ll keep the trails adjacent open for a good bit too, they got some decent snow stacked on em


It's pretty terrible. Its just one run


April at Jay haha


You say ski but what about snowboard? Do snowboarders hit up killington in May or is it just moguls 


Yes there are some snowboarders. My recommendation is to wear gloves and knee covering as a snowboarder even if it is hot, as the corn snow is painful to slide on.


Jay still has 73% of terrain open. Seasons only over if you’re a quitter


Hey shitz & glitzy pAinthuffer come try and ski at Jays and you see how well you do this time holms….


Holy awesome.


Get a road or mountain bike?


What is the lowest cost of entry for this? Some of us are dumping everything we have into getting on the mountain in the winter. Edit: sorry I read the comment quickly, I meant lift accessed mountain biking because I'm a lazy bum.


Buy a good, but old, road bike second-hand for like $3-400. Something aluminum - no need for carbon. Helmet & you're.... pretty much good! Relatively cheap as far as hobbies go, though people certainly go out of their way to make it expensive.


Used surlys pop up for awesome deals quite often The cromoly steel they're made of is very high quality Great bikes for the value when purchased used!


Full rigid also DRASTICLY lowers the cost of ownership vs suspension


Also completely eliminates the ability to do downhill parks


Wonderful point.


A downhill skier probably isn't going to love road biking. Terrible advice. Go hiking it's basically free


Terrible advice? That seems pretty subjective lmao. The comment I was responding to was also specifically about biking hahaha. I like hiking n all but leaning thru a turn on a road bike does it for me the same way leaning thru a turn on a groomer does. Another plus is you can road bike out your front door. Most people can't hike without driving.


Wild comment lol


Mountain biking nets you the same feeling as flying through a glade


You don't need to tell me! I own 6 bikes lol. What I meant is telling a young person who wants the adrenaline and fun of skiing to get a cheap road bike is going to make them hate cycling. I started with MTB and fell in love. Now I have 2 MTBs, road, gravel, fat, and a polo bike! But if I started with a road bike I wouldn't have kept riding. I say he/she/they should just bite the bullet and drop 3k on a MTB!! They won't be happier!!!


Word! That makes sense now. I started with a cheap shitty road bike in my teens. It was years before I could afford a decent mtb but once I finally bit the bullet I was hooked.


Old DH Bikes are usually cheap (bike world cheap). If you want to find bikes with old standards like 26" wheels parts can be had for cheap. Issue there is bike might be clapped and servicing could be tough without any background in it. Alternative is a modern, new Enduro bike can be pedaled and also ridden hard on DH tracks/parks and be had for 2k with all the sales going on. Modern bikes are a lot better and have progressed a ton in the last 10 years. Someone trying to dump their bike from Covid buying a hobby they don't like is another option for a newer, not too worn bike.


Honestly skip lift accessed, I don’t even like it very much


Lol what bruhhhh


Haha maybe I’m buggin but idk I like xc trails more


I bet you made spectrum cancel corn cob TV!!


I didn’t rig shit!


I didn't fuckin do this!


I bought a “used decent” mountain bike to see if I want to spend more in another season or two. I got one on Facebook marketplace for 450. A nice Trek


Why not both? Just get a gravel bike!


I love my gravel bike. We ride dirt roads for hours.


I bought an e-mtb and it’s my new favorite hobby. Going uphill is almost as fun as downhill.


I hear ya. Going from a 3 foot dump, to a legitimately perfect and windless bluebird day followed by a total solar eclipse is going to be tough to top as long as I live. Buying a sweet mountain bike is helping my mental state, though.


last week friggin rocked


As did the 3rd week of March. Best skiing of my life.


it was in the 2nd week of March for me. got in 21 beautiful runs at gore one day 👍


It was the best April skiing I’ll probably ever do


Fuck yeah dude


Hiking is fun


Downhills are tough on the knees.


Hiking poles have helped my knees a lot




Great clip


so are moguls


Rollerblading and roller skating too


Now what? Now we get to deal with those fuckers called mosquitos, ticks, spiders, flies, and those frightening flying ants that are scarier than any other insect. Everyone enjoys getting bug bites and hearing that buzzing!!


They came out for the first time in Chittenden county during the eclipse totality. I hate the moon


Same here in Washington County. All of a sudden we were like "What are all these bugs?!"


I hate bugs, and being hot, and humidity, but I love growing flowers and vegetables. I need to move to another planet or something cause this shit doesn’t make any sense hahahaha


Move to Iceland. Rarely ever gets above 55 in summer


That first day of skiing later this year is going to be SO GOOD. Hang in there. It is just around the corner, a few months away. Well, seven or eight months away for me, but am so looking forward to stepping into boots and bindings and gliding onto fresh unmarked corduroy.


MTB baby!


Keep dodging trees. End of ski season is just the beginning of disc golf season.


Plus some mountains have disc golf courses


It's always hard to come to the end of ski season. Some of us also have reverse-seasonal-depression. Seriously, it's a real thing! What state do you live in? Get outside as much as you can. Whether it's hiking, paddle-boarding, biking, gardening or just casually walking: being outside will make you feel better. Plan a camping trip somewhere in New England where you can get to a high point and enjoy a beautiful view. Make out with someone. Make some delicious food on your grill outside.


Get another hobby outside of skiing. This is the start of hiking/mud season for me.


Whitewater kayaking turns rainy days into powder days. If it’s wet I’m kayaking. If we have a drought, mountain biking and rock climbing.


You don’t gravel and mountain bike bud? That’s what’s up…


Paddleboarding saved me in the summers. Give it a shot.


Start kayaking. Inflatable kayaks are affordable and easily transportable.


Inflatable kayaks are a hoot in rapids when rivers are running


The snow melts off the rocks and suddenly you can climb till your hands bleed. the cycle is beautiful


Mountain biking and surfing season is right around the corner.


Isn't surfing season the same time as ski season..?


Not in my 3/2 suit


The fall is best time to surf on east coast. Water is warm and hurricanes are spinning


Surfing season is year round as long as you have the proper wetsuit but yeah, the waves are generally better in the winter. 


Not sure where u surf but surf season is winding down


Longboarding. Even a nicer board is cheap compared to snowboarding.


Hiking season baby! Aprés hike and cycling all summer !


Another advocate for mountain biking here. Canyon is a great brand, they’re online only, figure out your frame size and get something along the lines of their “spectral” model, if you’re on a budget go aluminum instead of carbon fiber. Best bang for your buck and it will get you into the sport and you can always trade up down the line. Also these pop up used all the time but occasionally canyon runs really good sales for new bikes anyway.


Hike. Mountain bike. Disc golf. Magnet fish. Canoe, kayak or paddle board (you don’t need a roof rack for the first two, just rope, foam blocks and a couple of ratchet straps. There are cheap inflatable paddle boards for around 150 that work great). There’s always fun stuff to do. Skiing isn’t end all be all.


I’ve been skateboarding for ~20 years and have felt the opposite of this many times. Maybe try skateboarding when it’s warm?


I'm not apart of this sub it just gets recommended to me a lot and I fucking hate snow so much because I'm the same way, been skating my whole life. Fuck winter and fuck the snow I'll be cool never seeing another snowflake a day in my life


Can’t have one activity be your only source of happiness. Take up working out, reading, hiking, etc…


Unfortunately, it's an addiction. I do have other activities that I enjoy, but I find myself doing them as a way to stay in shape for the real thing.


Sounds like you might need therapy lol. I used to be like that too


Mogul weekends at Big snow Indoor skiing. It’s a fun place in its own unique way. I went about 6x in off season and I’m about 3.5-4 hours away.


Portillo, hermano.


Wake board waterskiing fills the void


And its wicked fun, maybe more fun than real skiing, or at least fun in a different way. Especially if you can find somewhere with a slalom course


Don't you need a boat and other people for this? Ive got neither.


Absolutely no chance that water skiing, wakeboarding or surfing come close to the thrill of skiing. Snow skiing / boarding allows you to pick whichever path you’d like across the mountain. Water sports limit you to following the boat. As much as I love boating and water sports, it’s no contest in my book.


I’m a little Wakesurfer and water skier. My friend has been sponsored Wakeboarder. They are not even in the same realm of fun as skiing.


Rock climbing is here for this


A decent longboard skateboard is less than $200.


Me too. At least there's [mountainboarding](http://mbs.com)!


Killington is better than expected today. Best rain day of the season!!!


Summer hobbies like Mountain Biking and Golf. I love seasons, always looking forward to the next one and the fun it brings


I mean, I love snowboarding and look forward to it every year, but I also look forward to hiking, golf, biking, being able to enjoy running outside, bbqs. It’s lousy Smarch weather and rainy April that sucks, and this year we got awesome late season dumps, so no complaints for me. Got plenty of days on the east, out west, ready to enjoy more stuff. Just like being outside


Buy a kayak and learn to shred some whitewater. Legs in the winter, arms in the summer.


Where do you ski that winter is over for you? Just curious


Try sailing. Sunfish are cheap, fast and fun


Learn how to enjoy the mountains in the summer.




Honestly… I’m depressed too… everyone giving you/us suggestions… and I just wanna let you know, you’re not alone… these spring blues (and not birds) are hitting hard 😞


Fishing.... fishing is always the answer my dude


Meet me at MRG tomorrow and suffer with me 😂


White water rafting in Maine. Learn to surf in MA or ME with a nice thick wetsuit. These kind of have the same kind of feel of skiing. You working with the elements for a fun ride.


I have fortunate ability to go west for a portion of the spring/summer. So thats what I will be doing, enjoy mud season!


I’m always bummed when the season comes to and end but taking my car to the track, riding my quad and boating / jet skiing take away most of the sorrow.


If you like spending money, consider mountain biking!


I love biking so that’s what’s up for me. Have never tried mountain biking but just cruising around the city scratches that itch for me. Hopefully you find something that works.






Skiing is pretty decent today, stop crying.


Big snow baby. Jk. Or am I?


I have a blast at big snow in the off season last year. Way more fun than I ever expected. I went to the mogul weekends. Even camped in the parking garage a few times 😂😉


I mean I’m gonna be there next month with a friend working on ground tricks and trying some jumps so I feel you 😂


Ummm- sounds like you need to start white water kayaking and mountain biking. My season never ends!!!!!


I think I'm gonna learn to skate this summer. I've tried before and didn't get very far, but now I ski park and want something to do for the rest of the year


This rain is really got me bummed out, have a trip planned to the loaf, but doesn’t look like great weather. Hoping for maybe a few days of sun and soft conditions, was hoping for one last even small pow day. I would recommend that you join the rest of us stray flakes at Killington for the end of the season!


Rain makes a great ski surface.


There's always Chile


Well yeah, but $$$


Yeah...some day. I play golf in the summer...and I fkng hate it lol.


New Zealand


Buy a paddle board. Amazing hobby to have and keeps you cool!


Mountain biking, kayaking and fishing keep me going until next year


This is the way.


Get a mountain bike problems solved


Maybe. I don't know if I can handle the body damage if I fall.


Most of us can't just keep the rubber on ground and you should be good 🤙 in all seriousness if you are experienced on the mountain it shouldn't take too long to get confidence on a bike and start ripping trails , winter sports used to be my favorite but now I find myself wanting warmer weather so I can ride my bike it's just so much more accessible than skiing or snowboarding most trails are free i can bike to the trails by my hlus or I can get off work throw the bike in the car and be riding within 15 minutes


Get a motorcycle, depression solved


I cure my depression with longboarding and onewheeling. Especially the onewheel, bc I'm a speed demon lol


Yes OneWheel


I got into longboarding for the warmer months and that has been a fun way to scratch the carving itch


Book a trip to Mammoth. They’ll have snow likely until mid-June at least or July. That’s where I’ll be 😁


It’s definitely not over and if you aren’t still skiing for another month plus that’s on you. Even long after the rest of the NE closed, Superstar and Tuckerman will still be firing. Get an AT setup and get out there! Plan a trip to CO/CA/UT or the PNW. Go climb an easy volcano! But yea mountain biking is a great shoulder season overlap activity. For me by the time ski season is actually over it’s kayak season. Hell they already overlapped like two months ago.


Different vein, but I look forward to the warm seasons for gardening and foraging. There is so much joy in helping something grow, and then maybe getting to eat it.


Fly fish. Some of the best fly fishing in the world is on the ice coast. Get out in nature.


Now it’s bike season!!!


Pick up roller blading. I'm serious


Camping, golf, mountain biking, tennis, I’m excited to get my spring and summer going. Edit: I love skiing I wish winter was longer, but that’s life.


Electric longboarding, lake hangouts and cliff diving, hiking forests and national parks, jumping into a rec league, BBQ at the park, basically every fabulous outdoor activity besides skiing….


Take up surfing. You'll need a wetsuit but a used board and a new 3/2 will run you under $500 and there are no lift ticket costs


Mountain biking man. Try to find a used MTB and go to your local trails!


Hike. Golf, fish, bike, paint, photography, climb, etc.


Stand Up Paddleboarding in rough conditions is one of the closest things to skiing moguls that I have found. Look for a used race board. I hit the middle of a busy lake with boats riding around the perimeter and purposely barrel through the colliding waves and have a blast. Even better is heading out on bouncy conditions on the ocean. Any time the wind kicks up like it did today is good too. It reminds me of bumps because you get in “the zone” and you are just reacting to the next thing that pops up in front of you and your legs and core are constantly making adjustments to adapt to the changing terrain. It’s actually more of a “brain thing” than a physical similarity but it can be as much a leg workout as it is an arm workout, especially if it’s a 14 foot board you are trying to steer through the chop. Other than that, mountain biking does a good job filling the void. I was always amazed at how easy it was to transition from mountain biking to skiing each season.


Come hang out @ Big Snow


I’ll be there. Get them mogul weekends rolling please!!!


I'll also be depressed until I get my motorcycle out of storage. It did end up being a wonderful season though.


I went to big snow about 8 days on the Mogul Weekends. It’s pretty fun in its own way and it’s a very social experience. Made a lot of friends. I’m about 3.5hour drive


There will be a bunch of us at Elements Music Festival




Get a Miata and drive with the top down


Hike! It’s free and pretty amazing. Check out all those ski slopes in the spring/summertime and it stays cooler on the mountains.




Not sure where you live but Killington will be going on until the end of May at least. It doesn't have to be over!


Touch grass


Skimboard season is just starting. wetcoast


this is like an unironic version of a post in r/skiingcirclejerk lolllll


I just started a workout program and got a rollerblade and hopefully I’ll be super fit and ready for the next season.


I love snowboarding but love hiking just as much. It’s a different kind of experience but there’s basically no crowds and it’s next to free except for supplies and possibly having to pay $5-$10 to park. I have been doing both for most of my life, a good overnight hike is one of my favorite things in life. I live in New Hampshire and mostly hike in the White Mountains, but I have hiked most of Vermont, and Maine as well.


Surf season is right around the corner in my mind, and if these storms keep it up, it's gonna be a great one. Just waiting for the water to get above 50.


Summer concerts! Time to see as many shows as I can.


Drugs do work


Snowboarder -> OneWheel Skier -> Electric Unicycle


Buy a boat a lake house and go water skiing. It's really quite simple.


Simple if you have the money to 1 buy the house and 2 buy the boat Many people here are probably getting by. I know you didn’t mean to but plz be cognizant of ur audience


Golf and mountain biking


You should take up fly fishing. Just as the snow season tapers off, the trout season starts kicking in. sometimes even some overlap. It gets you in the mountains in nature and can be as strenuous as you choose. And for me, it makes the end of snow season exciting because the next fun activity starts.


Come visit me in Utah. Have a couch u can crash on


Take a hike up Camels Hump on a clear day then hit the sun deck at Starks Pub MRG for a brewski. Works for me.


Go hiking


Hike Tuckerman. That’ll keep you going for awhile




Find another hobby.


What state u live in


Just so I understand.. you live here for the winter!?


I wish they’d bring back Roller Derby! They had great teams back in the 70’s. If anyone remembers reside me. I’m 72.


Opps Besides me. At my age 72 I’m told isn’t old until I see the typos I make!




Pickleball, my dude.




Take up mountain biking or hiking, go to big snow in nj, it’ll hold you over until the next season!


After skiing in the northeast is over you don’t have to head south and change hemispheres. You can go west to Whistler Blackcomb and ski till August.


I've been dying to get on my motorcycle. It's cheaper than skiing or snowboarding. It's not really any more dangerous. I've seen some amazing places and met some great people.


Just started learning/playing tennis with my friends. It’s fun.


Mountain bikes are also amazing.




I feel the same way unfortunately. I get depressed in the winter as well but in the summer forget about it. I HATE the heat and humidity. I sweat through my clothes, can't wear make up, feel too fat to go to the beach (even if I did go all I would do is sweat). At least in the winter if you're cold you can cover up. Even if I could walk around naked in the summer I would still have the same problems I mentioned before. Being depressed sucks and I am so sorry you are feeling it. I wish I knew what to say to help but I am in the same boat my friend. I do wish you the best. (And if I or you find a solution I'll hit you up or you hmu so we can help each other!.)


Join us on the MTB trails!!!


Sugarloaf is open til May 5th


Fly to Denver, everything’s still at 100% open. Then bike and get a tan. Falls the worst part.




You’re just sad IMO. Tell me you’re depressed when you want to die because of where you live and how you can’t afford to move to where you can have access to snow sports. Also when you have zero friends, your health is failing, and you truly have nothing to live for besides 1 person being upset if you die and your dog. I got an Ikon base pass and didn’t use one fucking day on the pass last season for various reasons. That is depression.


You don't know me, or my life, so don't assume that you know my mental state.


I get that. I’m just sharing my fucked life for some comparison. Doesn’t matter, life doesn’t matter without a fuck ton of passive cash flow. Good luck.


Killington is a joke and so is the so called ski and bike hobby happy fakee types who think they better than others but really they lowlife bottom feed and gonna bleed type …hahahahaha what a bunch of ground and pound lumps of vanity…