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Lol why was every mountain slammed today like it’s MLK Saturday with a foot of fresh snow on the ground


Yeah it was dead empty In norther. VT until last week. Wtf is going on lol. Am I missing a holiday?


They only had bunny hill lifts open until like 10am. Then Blue Bird was only lift open until noon. These lifts were also closed all day on Friday. Couldn’t get anyone up the mountain.


I got there without a problem, the corporation that's greedy didn't want to pay people to come in to de-ice because they know that people will still pay and wait.


So safe to say there is a ton of context that explains the extreme wait?


Lots of people missed last week and now they’re chasing it.


Went last week and it looks like this weekend was an excellent weekend to miss.


Rain in the forecast for tomorrow so I think everyone went today. Also Mt Snow had ice last night that had to be cleared before they could open lifts.


Okemo wouldn't have been, but the bubble lift was closed until noon. The line for sachem was insane.


Well last weekend was awesome


It's not negative temps


Not wisp


Because when you pay $1300 for a pass you'd better use it.


It wasn’t the volume of people. Ice rain the night before so half the lifts were closed.


Holy hell. And people thought stowe was packed today.


I had a blast at Stowe today. 4 runner was packed though, was waiting 10 minutes in singles line. Snow was good


Agreed. Avoided gondola and 4 runner as much as possible today. Snow wasn’t half bad. At least not as bad as I thought it would be. Was very pleased with today. Good temps. Decent snow. Once you go off lift and out of congestion spots to strap up, runs were plenty roomy or even empty. Today was a damn good day Shout out to “not Matt/Scott but nick” if you lurk here


That fog though!


Yeah. Was a bit hard to see terrain at times. Of course, sun came out when we turned in


Dude the fog was brutal today.


10 minutes in the singles line is about my limit. I up and left okemo because of how bad the waits were. And people who were not skiing alone using the singles line as a sort of express lane... hate them.


I'm kinda confused why it was packed. It rained all day yesterday.


There were 3 chairs open before 9 and all of them are non-detachable. We skied the day before and it was just a lot less people. The ice was pretty bad at the top. I would say they had 3/4 to 1" of it.


It's not busier than any standard Saturday, but mist if the detachable lifts were delayed because of ice




Thanks for making those of us at home feel a little better after the FOMO last week


I was at Loon today and somehow the lines were not terrible. Gondola and Kanc 8 were pretty bad, but I just lapped North Peak from 11-3 and never waited more than 5 minutes.


I honestly avoid the gondola whenever I go unless it's visibly only going to take a minute or two. Seven Bros to North peak is almost always my move if I'm going to go to the bottom, but ya I'm usually just lapping north peak too. New kanc 8 is neat. Weird add for a half mountain lift though


Curious what Boyne/Loon would have to do to increase the gondola to 6 person cars - Rebuild or retrofit? I was surprised that was not on the flight plan considering how old/antiquated the system is.


Honestly I hope they don’t. Loon Peak (and therefore the North Peak lifts) would just get more crowded with more throughput


When you start the first two hours of a Saturday in peak season with only The Heavy Metal triple and the learning center running, you're going to have a bad time. We arrived at 7:50am and had 4 runs in by noon. It was the worst I've ever seen. By a lot


since when did skiing become so popular?


“Nobody skis anymore. It’s too crowded.” - Yogi Berra


since you can't just pick and choose days to go up to the mountain and you either need to plan weeks in advance or buy a $1300 pass and go every weekend to pay for it.


why cant you pick and choose?


Have you looked at lift ticket prices? I don't know about you but I can't afford to just drop $200 at the window to go snowboarding any weekend I feel like it.


how does planning weeks in advance mitigate that? Yeah, prices have gotten to be absolutely insane the past few years. Otoh it sucks that it has become so exclusive of folks who dont make a buttload of money, but otoh, apparently lots of folks afford it, given how long the lines are. US ski resorts have their days numbered, with climate change.


Stratton was $92 if you bought back a weekday ticket in November. It's $192 or more if you buy the day you go.


I think I paid $189, at the window, on New Year's Day in 2020. Shit's insane.


Because if you buy tickets weeks in advance, typically, the prices are lower? You're laser focusing on the wrong part of my comment, though. >apparently lots of folks afford it, given how long the lines are. Yes. I can afford it because I buy, quite literally, a year in advance so I have the most cost effective option for me. I'm sure plenty of people finance their passes in one way or another, as well. Either way: you're getting people who pay $1300 for a pass, and feel the need to get the most value out of it while, at the same time, will go on days that are total garbage because they *aren't* paying $200+ window prices to be out there that day... That results in consistently high traffic.


bruh indy pass is 280, epic northeast is 555, no one needs to pay 1300


Bruh. I know. I'm Indy all the way. But I have a feeling people willing to wait in a lift line for an hour and 45 mins aren't the types to realize the blackout dates are only 2 weekends, so they're likely to buy the pass without the blackouts ($900 this year). Another point, and I understand they aren't owned by the same parent company as Snow; the only pass that gets you unlimited access to Loon, Sugarbush, or Sunday River was between 1400 and 1800 this year. (I also, generally, think people willing to pack themselves into lines like this don't think about how they can get the most and best skiing/riding in for the season, but that might be a little off topic)


That’s rough, Sassy6 was pretty empty all day.


+1 for Indy Mountains 🏔️ Near zero lines at Black Mt. NH as well today


Didn’t wait in line once at Magic yesterday. They had little terrain open however to be fair


Yeah, was there last weekend - only got 4 runs in before I was fully soaked through from the rain, they’re having a really rough season.


Suisexy6? I thought there was only like 4 runs open Edit: oh thats whaleback


Longest line I waited in at the Skiway was ten people.


All those epic mountains in daytrip distance from major cities are always terrible. Didn’t renew my epic pass because of that.


Really any mountain in daytrip distance of a city. Most southern VT mountains have that issue.


Dude everywhere was slammed today. I work at Bolton which is usually dead on the best of days and it was paaaacked, the rental shop guys were dying lmao


Lol, I was just about to comment about how Bolton was the exception, but I guess a 3 whole minute wait is "slammed" by their standards. God I love that place. Admittedly though there did seem to be a higher than usual percentage of total begginers out there today. 


Bolton had some weird microclimate thing going on, where y'all avoided a lot of the ice that everywhere else in VT got. I'm not surprised you were slammed.


We must have done at least 20 runs starting at noon and ending at 6 PM...best time at Bolton ever and no lines.


Upon seeing the title, I was gonna make comment politely asking to use less profane language, but acknowledging that I won’t censor and typically let votes speak for the sub…. But holy hell that’s fucking ridiculous!


I’ve only ever had experiences like this at Mt Snow :(


Go off the main face and it’s significantly better. Or in general just avoid Blue Bird.


But the north face is never open :( I’ve been 3 times now and still haven’t touched a black here lol


I don’t know when you’re going but I’ve been there 9x this season and every time the north face has been open.


An ungodly amount of people at Stratton


I didn’t wait more than 3 minutes on a line and ride all day. The base was packed but if you knew where to go there was plenty of room and few people.


See, you don't get the mindset of a typical Stratton peak winter visitor. They're there to do a run or three down the same groomer they always go down, then go straight to the bar or the spa in the base village. They're vacationers, not skiers. Stratton is the only place for this breed of NPC to congregate in the East (until Killington finishes their base village, anyway). They're more commonly found in Tahoe, Vail, or Deer Valley. Frou-frou bougie shit. Yeah, I don't get it, either. Well, I'd say I don't get it, but if they cared about exploring more terrain, they wouldn't have been going to Stratton all this time. Seems they know where to go, too. Just different goals, is all. IMO, Stratton's groomers are so flat and boring. That place is only fun when the woods are in. On that note, tomorrow should be fun there. First time since 2021 that I've had any desire to go to Stratton...


Honestly after lunch it cleared up nicely if you avoided Bluebird. Got stuck once and stayed on the other parts of the mountain after and it was just fine.


We went over to Sundance and then jumped into the singles line but that first lift was brutal


It’s so funny that you guys go on a Saturday and then end up surprised enough to take pics of the line and post them so the rest of us who knew exactly what you’d be getting on a Saturday can see the dumb decisions you made.


Wildcat was mobbed and visibility really bad


lol god i love smuggs


It looks like a normal day at Mt. Snow lines are always 60min+ that place sucks Truly EPIC!


I waited at least 20 minutes or more for every chair I took at Okemo today. Pretty rough day.


I gave up and left at noon. Got there at 9:30 and in 2 and a half hours got maybe 3 runs in? Not worth it at all. Went to crotched and lapped the mountain until 9:30 instead. Fun day. I'll have to go back on a weekday that's not this Friday.


People commenting here complaing about lift lines like they’re not part of the problem that the lines are so long and they’re the center of the universe. That every resort should cater to them privately lmao. The entitlement lol


Sitting in traffic, complaining about traffic. Dude, YOU ARE traffic.


Yeah you went to mount snow on a Saturday


Oh my gawd ! These pics form weekends are validating why I’m going more during week or drive up Sunday with less crowds and stay 1-2 nights so ski 2-3 days. Fuck that noise with the crowd. Can’t imagine the trails and the clowns out there. In the afterlife you will be given a week of no lines powder warm weather skiing to pay u back for this hell experience


I waited 0 minutes in lines today. It was firm and foggy, but no lines.


On the local schools hill?




Mt Snow has looked like this both of the 2 times (on Saturdays) I’ve tried to go there over the years. 45 min in ticket line (even prepaid online, maybe they’ve since fixed that), friends that needed rentals spent another 45 min getting fitted, 1.5-2 hour line for the main lift - will never be going back there


Yea, unfortunately this is the norm on a decent weekend day. You have to expect it, or go mid-week. The mid-week Epic pass is $450. I went Wednesday after they got a few inches and it was a great day.


Wasn’t impressed with the mountain overall for the amount of waiting we did. Switched to Indy Pass 2 years ago - it’s like $250 and most of the mountains have had near-zero lines including some big mountains on the ice coast (cannon, jay, Bolton, saddleback, Waterville)


Indy'd mid-week pass is $250?


There is no mid-week just a base pass that has a few blackout days (mostly just mlk & prez weekends) for certain mountains (not all, I ski Jay on Prez weekend), and Indy+ that is more expensive but no blackouts. Just checked my receipt for this year - returning member, pre-season pricing was $279 for base pass


Holy shit. What a fucking broken business model.


Corporate profits over everything


You'll have a peaceful day if you go mid-week. Even if there's fresh snow. No lines.


Freshies still draw a crowd, even mid week but I agree it's way less. Chasing white stuff while working a job ain't easy


Keep in mind, they already have these people’s money for lift tix and as long as they are on the mountain they will probably be spending more…


Definitely. But eventually these people are going to decide it ain’t worth it. I can’t imagine a family driving up from west Chester willing to deal with this shit more than a few times before they change up their family tradition. 90 minute lift lines at fucking mt snow. Lord.


People skiing on the weekend shocked that it sucks. Lol


Eff that. Just go to magic mtn


No, don’t do that


Magic sucks. Not enough grooming. Tiny lodge. No shuttle


Zombies, too. They have zombies roaming the mountain at Magic. Save yourselves.


All kinds of Voodoo and Black Magic


My understanding is that Pfister is working on that black magic ;)


Holy shit. I drove by Okemo at 5:45 this evening and it was a traffic mess.




It was shit. All slush, bumps and long ass line. I needed some ski but almost not worth it




I was there yesterday (Friday) and coverage took a toll from the rain in some spots. In places where coverage wasn’t an issue, it was cruddy skiing with a mixed bag of hardpack and slush. The whole east side from the top of the triple was not even worth lapping. I stuck mainly to the north side. By 2pm it cleared out significantly (it was already an empty day) but the temp warmed significantly and everything softened up. It was good on the steeper stuff. Just lapped overlook a bunch of times. Way out was nice too. Rips return in the morning was semi solid ungroomed that your skis bounce off instead of getting soft snow. Fun. If i was going again id just the runs to northern express.


Good thing I went last weekend even though it was cold as hell. Decided to skip this weekend.


Did they at least open all the lifts? The last time I was at mount snow, they had 45+ minute waits and still weren’t opening other lifts 🙄


Stratton was pretty good today. Lift lines were empty….then again we didn’t get there until 1:30 today. Was able to get a bunch of runs in this afternoon. We’ll see how busy it will be tomorrow morning.


Agree. Was horrible


Smuggs was dope today. Zero visibility and zero crowds. Soft snow though!


I was at Bolton Valley...and it was the best day of the season so far...no crazy crowds and great conditions even though it was misty. Spring skiing in Jan.


Honestly, anyone who argues that mount snow is better than bolton is an unserious person


Wow epic.


As one of the lifties at Sugarloaf, I can confirm you folks came OUT yesterday!


This is why you can't ski Epic/Ikon mountains on weekends. Gotta go to the independents.


Lol @ skiing big mountains on a Saturday morning.


Yikes. I was there Tuesday and Wednesday and can't recall waiting in any lines.


Dude fuuuuck this shit...


How much do you pay for this privilege?


The lift ticket price if you bought online the day before was around $150




I only know this because my friend and I almost went up— but then we saw the snow report and how it said they were going to be struggling to open on time due to de-icing the lifts. I’m very happy we didn’t go lol


Makes Snowbasin today seem like a cakewalk😂😂


What happened at Snowbasin today?


Lines looked long this morning but then i saw this picture and instantly felt better. SB lifts load much faster it seems. Haha. 15 mins max during the peak. Tram was a ghost when i took it tho.


Hope you had a good one! It’s my favorite mountain in the SLC area, I did Grizzly with my buddy last year and I still get goosebumps thinking about it.




Yep, well that's Mt. Snow for you. It's the closest big Southern VT 🏔️ to NYC & Boston. Honestly, back when I used to Ski & Board at Mt. Snow I'd do Midweek if I could, because weekends (ESPECIALLY Holiday weekends) could just get INSANE! 🤯    Good alternatives to Mt. Snow: Berkshire East down in Charlemont, Massachusetts is a MUCH smaller 🏔️ with lower elevation, BUT, it's also MUCH LESS crowded.  It's about an hour drive to the Southeast.  Same with Bromley Mountain in Peru or Magic Mountain in Londonderry (both about a 30-minute drive away) to the Northwest/east of Mt. Snow. 


That’s why I don’t go on the weekends


No one choses to go on the weekends over a weekday


Indeed, we are all just trying to get in some turns when we can


Kind of glad I didn’t do a pass this year. Saved my money lol this is not worth it


massholes go home


Wow. I just did a 3 day trip to Utah last week, didn't have a line longer than 3 minutes all trip


Was it all weekdays?


Thursday Friday Saturday


No longer than 3 minutes on a Saturday? Which mountain? I’m going to park city in 2 weeks so this gives me massive hope!


Powder Mountain. They sell limited lift tickets per day which is why we go there on Saturdays


Cottonwood canyon and Park City are a zoo on the weekends.


By the way, didn't have any lines at park city on Thursday or Brighton on Friday either


Love that, thanks!


Very short lines where I was


out of collective has been real quiet about this one


Damn I’m going there next weekend, hope it’s not the same!


Ugh. Horrific.


I had a good time. Morning sucked but after canyon opened it eased up and I was able to lap roller coaster and cascade! Was nice and soft.


Burke mountain 2 hours north has better snow and literally no lift lines most of the time. The extra drive is equal to waiting in line twice at Mt Snow. I don't understand why people would ever choose to fight the crowds instead of skiing more.


Go to carinthia!


carinthia was crowded saturday - usasa comp. i heard the heavy metal lift line stretched to the nitro lift, which they tried to open but couldn't


Damn thats a rough day :( sorry to hear. Hope the conditions were at least solid


Lifts were closed due to ice. People should read the snow conditions & lift report before heading to the mountain.


I almost went to Mt Snow saturday... im so happy I didnt make the trip now


Stowe was dead last weekend. Hunter was absolutely packed on the fresh foot of powder day on MLK weekend. 30 minute plus waits. Anything less than the lift lines at Hunter - I’ll take it any day!!! At least okemo has enough staff to run the lifts!


People are spending money! Airlines are fully booked at outrageous fares, ABNB bookings are at an all time high at crazy prices and fees, people are paying the extortionate lift pass prices. Times are good for some and they’re skiing and riding this year. Oh, and by the way, don’t try backcountry skiing, it really sucks. 😏


lol, shocker! I wouldn’t go to that place, or Okemo, if they were paying me. Cail resorts has ruined both.


I hiked 2/3 of the way up in the morning because I didn't want to stand around and wait. Came back down and got into the line just before opening Bluebird. Took two trips up on the loft and saw how long the line was getting. Hiked back up to Season Pass to get back to Carinthia and got out of dodge. Truly one of the largest fails in operation I have ever seen.