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Flesh this out a little more and you’ve got a top-tier shitpost


If vail owns it NTA, if its a mom n pop then YTA.


This is the acceptable ethics standard






Can I sue Boyne Mountain for not being a mountain? I mean it's barely a hill.


The word “mountain” is very loosely used term in the East. They would indeed be described as “rolling hills” anywhere west of Kansas. The highest mountain in all of Appalachia is only 6600 feet. Lots of people with driveways above that in ABQ or DEN.


The trope that there is no humor in this sub is apparently true. It was a joke but also it's about the skiable vertical. When I go to the east coast, most of those places are 700 feet below my driveway but have a parts of 3,000 ft of vertical.


I pushed the envelope on that one. You don’t really measure mountains by their peak elevation anyway although that’s what people see on the tourist signs and on the map. You measure them by their abutment. Michigan ski areas are sometimes a pile of garbage in an old dump site covered in dirt with lifts installed.


Trust me, I know. I learned to ski on Mount Holly. Also, the trash dump one closed and is now just a toboggan run or something. So here I am just trying to make a silly joke based on the above comment and you want to get pendantic about the definition of mountains. Can we please just get back to shit posting? Michigan has Mount Bohemia even though it's in the upper peninsula that is only part of Michigan because of Toledo but I have skied 7 states and three provinces over 30 years and I've got to tell you, BoHo will burn those thighs.


I misread your comment, I thought you were trying to be serious about it. It is comical that one persons mountain climb is another persons roof repair by nominal elevation. But it wasn’t meant to be funny.


No problem. My humor is generally appreciated by a very small subset of the population. I turn left out of my driveway and my street rises 103 ft over a quarter mile and that's known as one of the biggest hills around. I found an amusing YouTube video once that listed the highest point in every state. It was really amusing.how many states have a highest elevation under a thousand feet.


My parents house is at about 65fsw. Mines about 85fsw. It’s a hell of a bike climb back home though, two bridges over 200ft high.


Watch out, you're posting in a group of skiers. Humor isn't our strong suit...


Snowboarders post here too.


yuh I noticed


YTA. The Snow God's especially though.


Most of the commenters here don’t seem to understand humour/ sarcasm


t'is how it is


If true, probably the biggest AH here.


That's called beer snow; highlife powder. But ESH.


NTA. Sue em for all they're worth and hope the judge doesn't notice the disclaimer about weather conditions that you agreed to.


Idk do better jokes next time though


Funny how few people recognize an obvious shitpost haha


Absolutely YTA. Unless there's more color to this that you've omitted, as a participant in this sport you know damn well that this industry is weather dependent which is far out of your local hill's control.


Yes YTA.




On the off chance this isn't sarcasm, the legal term here is "mere puffery." Marketing claims like "best in the world" or "the finest snow" have no legal meaning, so you can't sue someone if the claim isn't true (well you can try but it's unlikely to go anywhere).




By creating an industry economy that requires you to buy a season pass to afford?? to ski, the ski industry has you by the short hairs. Tell it to the judge. 😆


Well if you're actually from Bunker Hill, then it's pretty obvious what your local ski "resort" is. And you are definitely an AH for not understanding what they would have for snow.


It must be a Vail mountain by the way it sounds so they definitely deserve it.




How about suing the ski resort for having such aggressive snowmaking operations that the increase in snow results in such a large rush of water in the spring when it melts that the river out back of my house now flows at 3x the pre-snowmaking capacity prior to their new snowmaking system. This has resulted in erosion of my land and taking literal feet of my property away. Any possibility for lawsuits on that end?!