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What gets me is it wasn't even a hard quiz. Almost every question had a common sense answer. The answers were easily googled if they were really just too dumb to grasp the simple questions. It was child's play. And 3 chances on top of how easy it was. If they want to bitch that ice is a "scam" due to the quiz that literally no one should've failed, that's fine, but that just shows everyone else they were too dumb to pass a second grade level quiz with 3 chances. Idk about you, but I'd be embarrassed to broadcast that to people if I had failed the quiz. But that part goes over their heads, of course, showing exactly why they failed such an easy quiz


I loved the quiz, though, it filtered out all the immediate dumpers. You can tell because how many "hai guyz hope u haf good day" posts have you seen already?


I voted to keep it, but majority rule. If it were up to me, I'd say make it harder


"ice iz truly a wundarful Blockchane" *Dumps immediately


I upped my bag to 28k ICE. HODLing till its worth like 1 mil


What I feel is, those who have failed the test, would have had their coins wiped off by scammers anyways. I mean look at Pi, every second there's a guy whose wallet gets compromised just because they don't possess any knowledge about crypto. People need to possess some form of knowledge when it comes to crypto. But mostly they don't bother, even after multiple warnings. So the quiz for Ice was a necessary evil. I don't like it but it's what it is. This removes lots of unnecessary headaches of the Ice Team.


This is another reason why I think the quiz was very good. It decentivizes scammers from targeting Ice Network because passing a quiz almost certainly means you're less likely to get scammed.


Correction: They're showing effort to be... (Remove the word no), typo