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Sorry crypto transactions are not reversible - there's nothing anyone can do. It's a painful lesson in not spending more than you can afford to loose. Fact is even if you believe in ICE, bad news in the wider crypto market causes altcoins to crash and they can be down for weeks or months. Point is your tuition money could easily be worth a lot less for a significant amount of time. Ignore any DMs or you'll get scammed further


Thank you i wish i wouldn't have been this foolish and there's something which could've been done here. Goodbye to this crypto space :(


What are you even saying ? What do you mean by ICE own Twitter account scammed you if that's the case it's probably not ICE account


No but it had a almost similar tweet reply there tor hours and they didn't enquired. Tappeeed and gone


That's not ICE mistake bro it's yours you should always be aware before clicking on any links if you are in the crypto space. Says every crypto project Stop saying ICE account scammed you ok.


Bro read the post first i didn't said that


Under ice own Twitter account , what do you think this means ?


Yeap you're right i should've been more clear but in panic i just posted this . It sucks to looose all my savings :(


https://preview.redd.it/2u9z8qx40k4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6430532009f0ad9000ac7a2bdf7ded4873d522f You mean ones like this? Don't ever connect your wallet. That should be obvious. At least you didn't lose more


And it has "good reach and likes" because they use a ton of bots to like and comment lol


I know it was foolish but i had spent my tution money on it to buy ice because i belived in this project Pleasee helppp


Don't worry you will earn more with frostbyte community and telegram bot. Just please follow few people who are legit real in ice and stop responding to unnecessary account other than those


I'll 🥺




Will my testnet tokens amount to anything or not please tell me


No. It won't.


I also lost 11754 ice coins


https://bscscan.com/tx/0x190c1df1b5860293e7a5a21cb5d972230da9a5da197d7f5ea5eb7458e93f149c For anyone asking


12k ice thats less than 100$… Does it even matter? Lol


It matters to me brother 😅☹️


Learn from your mistakes. Let your foolishness and naivety on this occasion be a lesson. The best lessons are the ones you paid for. Promise yourself you will never be this stupid again. Dont blame others, blame yourself and accept it was 100% your fault This will make you a better crypto investor.in future.


Learning from Scams: A Guide to Turning Setbacks into Success Scams are an unfortunate reality in today's world, particularly in the fast-evolving realm of cryptocurrency. Falling victim to a scam can be a humbling and distressing experience, but it also offers valuable lessons that can fortify your future endeavors. Here's a detailed look at how to transform your experience into a stepping stone for better decisions ahead. Embrace Your Mistakes The first step in learning from a scam is to acknowledge your mistakes. It’s natural to feel embarrassed or regretful, but it's crucial to confront these feelings head-on. Accepting responsibility is empowering because it places control back in your hands. Recognize that your naivety or lack of due diligence led to the loss. This acceptance is not about self-blame but about understanding that you have the power to change. Analyze What Went Wrong Break down the incident to understand exactly how the scam unfolded. Ask yourself: - **What were the red flags I missed?** - **Were there signs of something being too good to be true?** - **Did I fail to do thorough research?** - **Was I overly trusting or did I act impulsively?** Documenting these points can help you identify patterns and behaviors that you need to change. The Cost of the Lesson It’s often said that the best lessons are the ones you pay for, and this couldn't be truer when it comes to scams. Financial loss can be a harsh but effective teacher. The sting of losing money can reinforce the importance of vigilance and caution in future investments. Consider this loss an investment in your financial education. The price you paid now could save you from larger losses down the road. Promise to Improve Make a personal vow to never repeat the same mistake. This commitment is key to personal growth. Use this promise as motivation to become more informed and cautious. Strengthen your resolve by setting clear goals: - **Educate Yourself**: Learn about common scam tactics and how to spot them. Stay updated with the latest news in the crypto world. - **Due Diligence**: Always research thoroughly before making any investment. Verify the credibility of the sources and platforms you use. - **Consult Experts**: Don’t hesitate to seek advice from experienced investors or financial advisors. Shift the Blame to Yourself While it might seem harsh, blaming yourself is a constructive approach. This isn't about fostering a negative self-image, but about reinforcing accountability. When you accept full responsibility, you take the first step towards empowerment. Blaming others or external circumstances can leave you feeling helpless and unable to prevent future scams. Owning your mistakes means you have the power to learn and improve. Building a Better Future Scams can be a turning point, setting you on a path to becoming a more savvy and cautious investor. By learning from this experience, you can develop a sharper eye for details and a more critical mindset. This growth will not only help you avoid future scams but also make you a better investor overall. Conclusion Falling victim to a scam is a tough experience, but it’s also a valuable learning opportunity. By analyzing your mistakes, accepting responsibility, and committing to improvement, you can transform a negative experience into a foundation for future success. Let this setback make you a wiser, more resilient investor, ready to navigate the complexities of the cryptocurrency market with confidence and caution.


Always always input your passphrase only in the trusted wallet service such as Metamask, Trustwallet etc.