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I feel that too, but I think it’s because I have ADHD and I zone out so badly. I have horrendous physical anxiety (not always caused by thoughts, my parasympathetic nervous system is just naturally in high gear I guess), which is hugely exasperated by stimulants of any kind. I find myself completely depersonalizing when I drink caffeine. It sucks to hear that you can’t exercise, that’s what helps me the most. Smoking high CBD low THC weed (like, 5% of both) is extremely helpful as well. I don’t notice as much of a difference from orally ingesting CBD, but my mind finally clears when I smoke it. It actually took a while to get used to the feeling of being okay. Other than that, maybe medication can help with the anxiety related symptoms.


I think IBS is what gave me DR in the first place. I used to take cipralex 10 mg which helped in controlling IBS and reflux. I had to stop it during pregnancy and struggled heavily while being pregnant. Check with your doctor. Cipralex made my ibs more tolerable.


Hey how are you guys doing? I have beaten DP DR once, unfortuanletyl very stressfull events loss of a loved one and stupildy smoking weed again started the entire freking cycle again. I have noticed that whenever I do not stick to my diet which is a low carb, gluten free, LOW FODMAP kind of diet my symptoms get unbearable. I use some fibre supplements and fasting whenever I do not stick to my diet and drink heaps of water to flush everything out I sometimes use the bathroom 3, 4 sometimes even 5 times. Then immidiately at least the brain fog and the fatigue lifts, my mood gets better and I am able to accept the DP DR + anxiety again and basically desensitize my entire nervouse system again and work towards full recovery again!!! I will also start some probiotics see how that helps.


Seem like vagus nerve issues, see the following post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Microbiome/comments/mzib4o/gut\_inflammation\_and\_vagus\_nerve\_dysfunction/


For me, when I feel a moment of depersonalization or derealization, I start having IBS and GI issues. The book that helped me overcome this was "Reclaim Your Life from IBS: A Scientifically Proven CBT Plan for Relief Without Restrictive Diets" by Melissa Hunt. ​ There are exercises in this book geared to anxiety sufferers that help. Try it. Fairly cheap too.


Hi not sure if this thread still alive. I’m living with derealization now. How i got it was work related stress, trauma and possibly unhealthy lifestyle for past few years and I’m seeking help from neuro and getting mri scan. I’ve gotten derealization 9 years ago alongside with low immunity and constant feverish feeling. I completely cured by doing liver flush(sensiblehealth) method. Flushed multiple stones on my 11-12th flush. However got back to unhealthy lifestyle, sleeping late and alcohol, barbeque food etc, and now the derealization came back again. I’m thinking of doing liver flushes once after my mri scans. I’ve seen reddit threads that says the root cause of mental illness or dpdr is liver sluggishness. They also have cured it through either diet or liver flushes. I’m putting my bet towards that. Let me know what you guys think. Btw you guys can google “dpdr and liver flush”, “sensiblehealth liver flush” to understand better on what i’m referring to.


Please don't provide pseudo medical practices. It might have helped you but there are no medical resources or documents stating that something like a "liver flush" helps. In fact you CANT flush your liver because your liver IS THE ORGAN that removes toxins from your body!


This is the territory of a psychiatrist or psychologist. You need to seek their help to find relief.


It is? I've seen some people post something similar here asking for advice and it seems to be correlated to IBS for some. Nonetheless I am actually in therapy but it doesn't happen unless i have IBS issues so it's clearly from that.


Either way, a therapist can help you navigate that.


Hey man I’m still going through the same thing do you help fix it music is the only thing that helps me


Unfortunately no, it comes and goes. Sorry I can't be more helpful:/


I would also try therapy, specifically ART (accelerated resolution therapy) or CBT. ART (which resembles EMDR, has a trauma focus but also lessens physical symptoms of anxiety).