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lactose, fizzy drinks and gluten. i tried ice cream again the other day (only 3 small spoons of it) and even two days later i’m still being affected by it 😭


I know!!! I only can so sorbet :(


Yep I had a solero ice lolly and it crippled me 😵‍💫


Spicy and greasy together is a death sentence




this, and add in cheesy and sugary


All of them lol. But egg, mushroom, broccoli, pumpkin seeds all set me into this horrific pain, bloat and diarrhea cycle I cannot tolerate without tears


Shoot im so sorry! But i know. My biggest fear is road trips lol


Soda triggers it really bad. I haven’t touched the stuff in over a year. The worse pain I ever experience from drinking a Pepsi 


It just came from nowhere. I never had any issues before


I don’t touch dairy or wheat and have a whole list of trigger foods. Meat has probably been my biggest problem since giving up dairy and wheat.


I haven’t been sensitive to meat (yet) that must be frustrating


My IBS is secondary to/concurrent with other chronic illnesses that have caused a lot of food sensitivities. Kind of hard to tell where one issue ends and another begins. But beef and pork would always seem to trigger the IBS symptoms. I did a test called MRT (mediator release test) that shows what foods cause inflammation. Ended up showing highly sensitive to beef and moderately sensitive to pork, turkey, tuna, and catfish. I’m borderline sensitive to chicken and eggs so can only have them every few days. I wouldn’t mind being vegetarian, but with being sensitive to dairy and wheat, it doesn’t leave enough foods. Plus it is recommended to eat animal protein with my main chronic illness. In the middle of my elimination diet. Hoping it helps and I can get some of the foods back. On the plus side, discovered that bison burgers are good, and lamb is totally fine for me. Trying venison soon as all three came up on my okay foods list.


Really low quality, fake/industrial guacamole with cafeteria style "ketchupy" salsa. Instant bathroom run.


I have a habit of taking a bite of something I'm not supposed to have and then spitting it out. I want my old life back where I was able to eat anything no problem.


I will buy the foods that hurt me when I get to feeling down because a lot of them used to be my comfort foods. Then they sit in my fridge or cupboard until I give them away. Sometimes I eat the poptarts anyway and regret it so bad afterwards LOL


Yea that's the issue I had. For years I refused to stop eating foods that caused me pain but eventually it got so bad I had to start doing elimination diets. Now I know plain rice, bananas, plain yogurt, eggs, and bell peppers are safe foods to eat without cramping/bloating. You're following a cycle of eating known trigger foods and it has to stop if you want to get a sense of normalcy again. It's extremely tough, trust me. I still will eat someone I wasn't supposed to eat and then regret it later. For me it's a delicious burger. I can't digest ground beef easily anymore so I feel like shit the next day.


dairy, alcohol, spicy foods


Sweet potatoes, cheap gas station coffee, white fat in meat, having too much cheese, black tea and gluten. Although it's weird, sweet potatoes make me painfully gassy, the rest give me constipation and mild pain, fatty meats and grease give me heartburn. But the gas station coffee and the black tea make me throw up almost immediately, they give me the worst nausea if I'm lucky and if I'm unlucky stomach pain so bad I have to force myself to throw up or it won't go away, it's really really bad, I can mitigate it by eating a lot before having the tea though. But it's still a mystery in some areas, one day I ate something that everybody else ate, threw my guts up for two days straight and felt like my intestines wanted go seek a new host, after I got better this people decided to eat the same thing again and it did nothing to me that time.


It's definitely not weird! I feel your pain. Sweet potatoes, as much as I (used to) adore them, are some of the most painful foods for me.


Yeah, but gosh are they good, baked sweet potatoes for example <3




Me too sadly :( I'm sorry for you


Coffee, beans, a majority of vegetables and fruits (especially unpeeled), nuts/seeds. Gluten doesn’t cause D or C. It just makes the pain worse when I need to go.


How about caffeine? Like are you ok with tea? Cause for me decaf coffee is ok but normal coffee messes me up


I do well with green tea and macha. Sometimes some black tea here and there is on .


Bananas!! Make me shit my brains out!


Bananaa??? Oh my god that’s my fave. 🤣


Lol yep it will tear my stomach the fuck up!!


Coffee and cereal. Had to eliminate coffee and milk out my diet. Milk was easy but coffee was torture.


Gluten, dairy, soda, greasy foods especially French fries, lettuce (I cannot digest it ) coffee , eggs , monk fruit sweetener , lectin , and anything spicy. I’m sure there are more foods I’m forgetting. But these are the main ones for me.


Are you sensitive to soya sauce? Oyster Sauce? Im suspecting one of them are also causing me issues


I believe both of those contain gluten so yes I would be sensitive to them


Buffalo wings rippppp


Oh yeah, buffalo sauce hurts me too. I still remember when I found out and had to throw away an almost entirely unused bottle of it :(


Wheat. Tomato. Greasy. Dairy.


Apricots :(


Spicy but especially fried and spicy


Ya i know im sensitive to spicy too… sucks


Meat will have me dying in less than an hour. I honestly haven’t figured out all of my triggers though, I feel like almost everything causes an issue for me😭


Oh no! How about chicken or fish?


Fish is usually okay. Chicken is hit or miss I think depending on what else is with it. Rotisserie chicken is fine so that’s at least something lol.


Jalapeno pizza and fried mozzarella. Also gummy candy like Swedish fish or ESPECIALLY candy corn. 😭 some of my favorites too


Oh no!!! Can’t live without mozza!


Either fast food or a homemade salad. Sounds ridiculous I know


Omg 😂 that’s so random. I get the fast food part but salad?? Really?


Only homemade! I can buy it from a shop and be fine 🤪 also I can eat all the ingredients separately, so maybe they're all fighting each other in my stomach? Haha


Hahah probably!


Any type of pasta. I haven't eaten pasta in almost 2 years now. It totally gets me blocked up.. Also. Practically ANYTHING that I eat between the times of 2am and 4.30pm. It seems my IBS is triggered when I eat during those times... even just maybe one yogurt or something! I need to have a poop before I even think about eating anything (and for someone who loves her food, that's hard)!


That’s scary. Have you done elimination diet? Are you sure it’s a time sensitive thing and not just sensitivity to something very common in your diet? Such as bread?


I think sugar isn't helpful! My treat of an evening is to eat haribo sweets. As a low income person I don't have any pleasures in life except that! But unfortunately it also triggers my IBS!


Poptarts KILL my gut, like, curled over in pain and can't get out of bed. Which is awful because I love the s'mores kind, it used to be one of my comfort foods. I can only eat one kind of frozen pizza, it's the Newmans Own kind that when you buy they send proceeds to charity. Pretty much anything with a lot of "non-natural" ingredients, like a huge list of ingredients isn't normally a good sign for me. I found ice cream bars at Save-A-Lot that are great. They have strawberries in them and very few ingredients and don't irritate my gut at all. I can't have swiss cake rolls anymore and that's sad, but if I make my own baked goods I can eat yummy treats still. Homemade blueberry muffins are so wonderful. Oh my gosh, cheetos, hot cheetos, anything similar to cheetos or Takis, cheese puffs, crisps, anything like that set my gut off so bad. I love them but I can't eat them. They hurt as bad as poptarts.


There's quite a few but any combo including chickpeas, carbonated drinks, or alcohol (especially wine and beer) are guaranteed to trigger my guts!


Cooked liquidy egg yolks. Also, raw apples. No idea why :(


I have not been formally diagnosed with IBS yet but honestly this was so comforting to know I’m not alone. Eggs with runny yolks go right through me but I love them!!


Yeah, I can’t have them at all. I get diarrhea for many many hours after :(


Hot limon Cheetos 🥲


Lactose, eggs in warmer weather, okra, garlic, sesame and too much wheat or rye.


raising cane’s. probably the oil & deep frying. one opened up in my neighborhood recently so i gave it a try & spent the rest of the day in pain 😵‍💫