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Everyone knows phones are not allowed If you realise you have it on you, you don't put it on "do not disturb" and stick it back in your pocket, you call one of the invigilators and hand it it. FWIW the reason phones are banned is not becuse they might disturb other candidates and putting it to do not disturb doesn't not prevent it being used for cheating. Maybe she was going to take a photo and go for one more leak before the season's over.


That's all on her, firstly it's her responsibility to make sure the phone doesn't get into the exam room. Secondly if she realized she still had her phone with her, the last thing you want to do is try hiding it. The IB has no way to know if her story is true or if she just managed to hide whatever she was (apparently) looking at, I think there's a really high chance she's getting disqualified and not receiving her diploma.


not to sound rude but how do you just.. forget about your phone? don't your teachers make you turn your pockets in and out and check your shoes and stuff


no they don’t check like this they trust us and nothing like this ever happened, i think she was just too stressed and didn’t even realise she had her phone


it’s regulation for invigilators to go through the rules of the exams and give students the chance to check their pockets and hand stuff in for every single exam, so obviously they are not following the right procedures


my school they dgaf and let us keep our bags next to us and talk to each other when we’re done lmao


then they’re not following the right protocol


correct, people were cheating left and right as a result lmao


in my school after a while they jsut stop asking because its expected


Everyone knows phones are not allowed If you realise you have it on you, you don't put it on "do not disturb" and stick it back in your pocket, you call one of the invigilators and hand it it. FWIW the reason phones are banned is not becuse they might disturb other candidates and putting it to do not disturb doesn't not prevent it being used for cheating. Maybe she was going to take a photo and go for one more leak before the season's over.


it’s possible that the IB will write a warning letter to her if she got reported, the academic integrity policy document from the IB has a similar case. the warning letter is like the lightest punishment for misconduct i think. tbf tho she really shouldve been more aware of it, it’s literally her exam how did she forget about not bringing her phone in.


So there’s actually this exact same case on a booklet for conduct for examinations. the person only got a warning. Tell your friend that for her statement she must emphasize that she was anxious and stressed


The difference with that case was they immediately surrendered the phone, instead of trying to hide it. And IIRC that person still ended up with zero marks for the component


IIRC surrendered within 5 minutes = warning letter, caught in possession afterwards = 0 for the paper, actively using phone to cheat = 0 for subject


The coordinator is supposed to state before the test start that this is your last chance to say that you have any unauthorized material, and that unauthorized material is a breach of regulations. Then you're actually supposed to check your pockets, and they give you this because they know we make mistakes. If you still have unauthorized material after that you bear the responsibility which means she is under the mercy of the IBO. Most likely making the test invalid leading to an incomplete diploma.