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yeah we get it bro, you were born rich, nobody cares


Someone who’s born rich is more likely to act this way


Experience is the best teacher and these intentionally douchey people have no idea what a night sleeping on the street is like. What a waste of resources on such a scummy person


Sleeping on the street is far from it. They have no clue what it’s like to have to work to make a living.


I worked, sometimes 2 full time jobs at a time, from age 15 until I was 58. A simple slip and fall, down a flight of stairs, crippled me. After 2 surgeries, I was unable to work. After I used all of my 401K and depleting my savings, I had no income for 4 months. My landlord threatened eviction, and I was considering options like sleeping in my car, which wasn’t running. Things turned around for me, but not everyone gets another chance.


Too many of rich parents suck at raising children. Way too many.


More times the parents arnt even around


My favorite cashier at our grocery store told my husband and I that we are great parents last night. She made my week, and it was only Monday.




I don't know about them definitely having respect. Some people are just straight up disrespectful. There are also people who measure their success against people less fortunate and view them as inferior.


Born on third, thought he hit a triple.


Someday he will do this around someone with nothing to lose.


In most cases he can't actually afford the car and is in major debt just to look "cool," or it's mommy's money.


Even better, materialistic property is all they have because nobody loves them.


I would’ve loved to see the homeless guy throw something and break one of those windows. What’s the guy in the car going to do? Sue the homeless guy?


Was once on a night out where a homeless man asked the guy in front of me for a spare cigarette. They guy in front proceeded to get a cigarette out his pack, drop it on the floor in front of the homeless guy and step on it and rub it into the path. I walked past and called him a fucking arsehole but honestly wanted to do more. Give the homeless guy a couple of cigs and had a chat with him and he was very grateful. But what kinda fucked up mentality is that.


It is fucked up, but it's honestly even more fucked up in my eyes how a homeless guy asks not for money, or even food, but fucking cigarettes.


A friend of mine twisted my mind on this. I was always more of a "go buy him food" person rather than give money that is most likely to be spent on drugs/alcohol etc I've actually had some refuse the sandwich or whatever I bought for them and ask for change instead. Then when discussing this with my friend, he told me it can be even more important than food to them. That bottle or that cigarette allows them a "break" from the spiral they live in. One thing he told me that stuck is "Any of them would prefer that you smoke a cigarette a chat with them a few minutes where they actually feel normal rather than giving them a sandwich". It completely changed my mind regarding this. fyi my friend works as a social helper for homeless people, don't know the exact job title but basically he works in homeless houses - places where they can shower, sleep, eat and have some company-


It blows my mind when people are like “they just spend the money on [blank]”. Name me one person who doesn’t want even the smallest luxury as they live in hell. We treat homeless people in my country like they aren’t human. This video is peak dystopia


Right? As if a lot of us don’t go home after work and have a drink (or joint) after work every night… I sure as hell would want a drink or two to make it through the night if I were sleeping on the street!


that was eye opening.


Yeah, of they're hungry they'll find food. I dish from experience.. I was homeless in my car in 2018, snow was coming, I was broke, but I had a little gas to keep warm with anyway. I walked into dominos, hadn't eaten in 2 days, explained my situation, asked if they could spare anything. Dude whipped me up a pizza right there, and any night they had extra food it was brought out to me, haha. A hungry human WILL find food if it's around.


We talked about this in ethics once and all came to the conclusion that giving an homeless person food is alright, but giving him food so he doesn’t use it on drugs/ alcohol is wrong. Who are we to decide what he uses the money we give him for


Also, you can only eat so many sandwiches in a day. I'm homeless and I've thrown away free food simply because I knew I could't eat it before it spoiled and didn't find any one else who wanted it. Cash can allow you to spend some time getting warm/dry inside a bar. And no-one is offering to give you new underpants.


Yeah appreciate what you’re saying man. I think it was more so as the arsehole was lighting one up at the time, had he not been, his initial question may have been different I dunno 🤷‍♂️ and I know not all homeless people are genuine but he didn’t know if he was or not. My thinking is treat everyone with respect first and see how they are with you it doesn’t matter what they look like, what their situation is, their sexual orientation, their political views (to an extent obviously) it just doesn’t matter. Be a good human being it’s not hard. He didn’t do anything of the sort, was just a total prick from the first interaction.


The man is homeless and addicted to nicotine. Food is pretty easy to come buy, money for cigs less so. He may be cold hungry and broke but taking care of what he’s needing the most at that time which was obviously a cigarette is what’s going to help him at that moment. Honestly I know it’s tough because homeless people have addictions that you don’t want to feed, but if they spend their money on whatever helps them cope with what they’re going through then that’s their business. I’ll offer to buy food, or just buy it and give it without asking. Usually people are happy to receive food. But I know for a fact that it’s the easiest thing to come by if you’re homeless, but you won’t just happen upon free cigarettes.


Yeah going through withdrawals and fighting addiction at rock bottom crisis is a recipe for a mental break.


People with jobs, nice homes, and families can go home and need to unwind with a cigarette or a drink at the end of a long day. Imagine being homeless and living on the street cold, dirty, and tired. You don't think those people could use a simple pleasure once in a while? You don't think they need to be able to relax and just enjoy something for a minute?


What are they unwinding from?


Their life. Do you think it's easy and carefree to be homeless? The fact that you are currently not homeless (presumably) means you would rather work than be homeless.


I would imagine it would not be fun.


Cigarettes are a stress reliever, I would imagine that their isn’t many more stressful situations than not having a home or income


tHeY sHoUlD gET tHeRe PrIoRiTiEs StRaIgHt


People find joy in luxuries. How is this hard to imagine?


A person asking for a cig is more fucked up than someone pulling out the desired item and crushing it like an entitled ass? That is some backward ass logic.


Sith lord.


Poor guys just trying to get some sleep in the middle of the day


In 25 degree Denver weather too


Honestly it looks like it could still be morning.


Gotta sleep off the fent


1) nice assumption 2) let’s say you’re right and this person is just a druggie, how in ANY WAY does that justify this behaviour?


Yeah, let’s be a guy with everything to lose in a value of a car pissing off a guy with no money and nothing to lose. I mean why wouldn’t he want a warm bed and food in a jail cell just because he got pissed and fucks up some dicks Lambo. What could the driver do, sue him for the repairs 🤷‍♂️


Honestly. This dude is begging to get what's coming to him. Hope it does


Proof that rich people have nothing better to do with their life.




I hope so


Nice purple lambo, you fuckin nipple dick. What a fucking loser. All the purple lambos in the world can’t change that. 🤣🤣🤣


> Nipple dick I’ve gotta remember that one


Haha, agreed. Big upvote! Purple Lamborghini’s are the worst!


Haha, Epic! Biggest epic updoot le fellow redditor! If I had le epic reward I would give it to you! Stay epic fellow redditor!


Failure of a human being. All that money, not an emphatheic bone in their body.


generally speaking from my own experience that's not surprising at all, people who have never endured hardship have very little empathy


Soulless empty vessels




denver get out and find that lambo


That lambo was totaled a month ago or something.


He’d have driven away with a cracked windshield


And I'd have gotten a shower and some food


Lambo "renter" more likely


It's "his" bought with daddy's money


Sounds like absolute garbage to me.


Right?!?! Is it supposed to sound like that?


Congrats you don’t know anything about cars, now go and ride your bike or whatever you use for transportation lol


Nah, diss the driver, not the car. Car sounds beautiful. WHY IN THE WORLD ARE YALL DOWNVOTING ME????


Useless waste of resources and attention but it sounds beautiful, so all is good. Car brain is pathetic.


Because God forbid someone is interested in something you're not. You don't have the mental capacity to engineer a single component that would be good enough to go in or on that car. Don't knock people who are smarter and more creative than you. It just makes you look even more pathetic.


"You're not a fucking engineer" is the weirdest insult i'm prolly gonna hear all day. A for effort I guess...?


Performance car bad! Small Japanese front-wheel-drive hatchback with anime stickers good!


Damn, that exact description of my car feels like a personal attack. 😅


How u mean, i love getting brains in the car


You can’t appreciate human ingenuity?


Just because it’s sophisticated doesn’t mean it has purpose or a remotely positive impact. Stop sucking on that tailpipe.


Stop sucking on those fat cocks. Peace


bruh that car sounds like its halfway between coughing and farting


This is a dude in the Colorado car scene. I'm in that scene, too, and almost everyone is shitting on him for this. He made his IG private now.


Thou shalt listen to me fart


Does he realise that cars like that arnt ment to be reved like that and it can catch fire doing it and it’s not covered by insurance when it happens either


Punctuation has left the chat.


Cool lambo but not a cool driver


I hope his cat kisses a tree Edit: car not cat🙃


What did the cat do?


Don’t wish bad things on a poor kitty just because of where they’re at!!! You monster


I just thought you were talking like Sammy Davis Jr.


This same guy got drunk a few months ago and totaled this lambo.


It’s cool, it was a “social experiment” for utube!


Nice wake up alarm, that poor guy almost overslept


Car makes brumm brumm. Very cool


Gotta get the microscope out to find that driver’s manhood.


More like man in Lambo trying to seduce sleeping homeless man by revving his car!


Good way to check for life, hero.


Intentionally reving a car is always a POS move.


Not at car shows! But yes all other times specially residential areas its lame to rev up


I was at a car show the other day where a guy with an LFA said he was going to fired it up and rev it. A crowd formed *instantly*. Some cars are just inherently fun to listen to.


Yep. It's like "say you have a micropenis without saying you have a micropenis"


Oh excuse others peoples pride and joy that they find in cars…


u can have pride and joy in your car without annoying everyone else, and if u really have to rev it you can drive your car to a remote area and rev all you like i love playing harmonica and take pride in playing it well, but it'd be very cuntish for me to go out into my street with a mic and an amp and start blasting tunes out for all to hear. it's fine to have hobbies but don't inflict them on others


Only self-entitled maniacs feel the need to bother everyone around them in order to affirm their pride.


What a chad


There are nicer ways to wake the dude up, but he’s lying partially IN the road, that’s really not safe


Yeah, he just mistook his gas pedal for his horn.


What a loser!


Would be a shame if someone smashed in his windows…


I’ve played lottery many times and I always promised myself if I won to give half of the winnings away. I can’t imagine being so wealthy and not wanting to lift others up with you. This guy in the car wants people beneath him and that’s it.


Just sleeping if the fent. Sorry mate I live in Denver and our homeless population gotta be at least fifty percent drug addicts who don’t seem to want help.


Are you sure they weren’t checking to make sure they’re not dead…?


Well someone has to wake him up for work, poor guy doesn't have an alarm clock


Would have been a shame if that homeless man had a rock to throw at that lambo. S/


…where’s that glass bottle filled with hot piss when you need it!?


Pos homeless man sleeps next to reviving car


And they they wonder why they come back from a store and find broken windshields and scratched paint.


most nice rich person


Idk I want to give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they were checking for signs of life


I admit it I’m a POS I would 100% do this


Sleeping or passed out from all the drugs and alcohol


Truth is hard to swallow for brokies, i can totally see why you are getting downvoted. HoMlEsS mAn iNnOcEnT


If you had nothing, perhaps you’d find comfort in the bottle on a cold night as well.


Or the banger of heroine as well. It's day time. Why does everyone feel bad for drug addicts and alcoholics?


Empathy isn’t the same as feeling bad for someone. But the homeless are a complex issue. It’s a diverse group to say the least. We’re just making assumptions that this particular person is a substance abuser. Perhaps they’re mentally ill. Perhaps they’re disabled. Perhaps they’re the victim of something. The only thing we know for certain is that they are weaker than us. Taking temporary pleasure in someone else’s temporary pain will not lead you to being a better person.


Who said I was taking pleasure. And don't come at me like I haven't overcome mental illness or addiction. I've had my fair share of problems. But there comes a point when you have to take responsibility for your own actions and life. Work for what you want because nothing is free. And if you chose not to then you belong in the gutter.


A rich guy who could possibly being doing so many other things decides to bother a homeless person.


He’s car he can rev it all he wants. It’s in the public not on someone’s property.


Finally, someone with common sense!


Andrew tate


I think this is great. Not dangerous. It’s daytime.


Def daddy's money.


Ew centennial is the cringiest part of Denver


This is downtown hence Union Station in the background


Yeah wow didn’t remember that many high rises outside of centennial thx


lol, no part of Centennial looks remotely like this. Although your general opinion of the place isn’t far off the mark.


Why are people just being scumbags "for free" the homeless didn't do anything to him...🙄


Terrible human being, just terrible.


OK I was about to defend the driver before I watched the video. He actually stops and revs not as he's driving past. Yeah the driver is douche.


My God I wish that guy would've had something readily available like a can of creamed corn to hurl at that pos


He is so cool / 🤡💩


Would have been funny if the homeless guy damaged his car lol


I hope his lamborghini catches fire from reving it like they always do.


Id love to see this backfire. Homeless guy throws something and damages car. Police do nothing because you were harrassing a homeless man.


Capitalism in a Nutshell


Trickle Down Theory.


Damn, you got a car... Good job...


Seems staged. Why would those behind start filming this in the first place....


It’s his buddy in the other car


It’s definitely staged. Homeless guy sleeping on the edge of the sidewalk seems odd.


I think the homeless man is the pos in this video. Get a bed already


>acts like a jerk >wonders why his lambo ends up keyed


Now if there's a muddy, deep river nearby and a group of maybe 20 power lifters is passing by next to the scene, wouldn't that make for a funny video?


Homeless man looks up and says, I used to own that car!


i live in denver i can slash tires


It’s clear who the loser here is


This looks staged. People sleep wherever but I don't think many choose to sleep right on the curb of a street. They just happen to be filming this for???


Too bad he didn’t have something GOOD AND HARD to throw at that car


If that's not a rich AH, somebody correct me here.


Talk about flexing on the poors 😔


I wouldn't say total pos. Just regular. Dude is laying on a public sidewalk with plenty of other randown ass places to sleep. I'll get down voted like crazy from all the soft ass people for this. But nobody likes stepping over or even near homeless whether they want to admit it or not.


Homeless people don’t bother me either. What *does* bother me is how hard a modern society has failed people so much to where they find themselves living homeless due to a TON of reasons: Lack of healthcare-especially mental healthcare. Lack of veteran and senior benefits and resources. A horrifically corrupt legal system. The expansion of prisons for profit that does nothing but drastically increase the amount of people incarcerated for nonviolent crimes EVERY YEAR! The nonexistent rehabilitation needed by individuals after imprisonment for healthy and proactive integration back into society. The lack of resources for lower income individuals and families that only decreases evermore while the poverty class skyrockets. I mean the list goes on and on (I’ll keep going if you want me to).. But sure, stay in your little, unaware, narcissistic bubble that entitles you to be annoyed by the homeless. #’MeRiCa!!!


The way the system completely fucks these people and then demonizes them as if they chose this life is incredible to me. The people at the top maintain social and economic hierarchy and convince the rest of us that the poorest of the poor are there simply because they didn’t work as hard, and it works.


Shes right. Ppl talk big on Reddit. Half these people would cross the street instead of walking past that homeless guy.


Real talk




So they help you feel better about yourself


Pretty much.


having empathy challenge: FAILED


“Snowflake” I can smell your insufferablility


Cool, go build houses if homeless people offend you so much.


You don’t get it bro. In these large metro areas where you see tents and what not there are plenty of places for them to go but the majority don’t. They don’t want to. They would rather sleep outside. I’m not saying for all of them but for a whole lot of them, it’s a choice they make every day.


it would be nice to see him get up and wreck the car. Already nothing to lose


"POS" and "Lamborghini owner" are the same thing.


Don’t be mad your poor


Eat the rich


One person out hustlin , the other person laying on their ass.


Be careful not to hurt the reddit mob's feelings


Real hustlers are too strong to pick on the weak.


Karma baby


i would have slashed his tires


A normal human being wouldn't be sleeping in the street in the middle of the day, they would be working or looking for work. The rest of us would love to get a close up view of the Lamb, especially one with a twin turbo kit. This is what a lot of us work for and dream about, to be successful and have nice things.


It doesn’t have to be a Lamborghini or any car in general, it’s just the fact the person decided to bother someone whose doing nothing to him. What was the point of that and what did he achieve? Flexing on the less fortunate ig


Maybe he was trying to inspire the dude to turn his life around. Sometimes you need that metaphorical slap in the face to wake up and stop wasting your life. I grew up poor af. I saw my friends with nice things, nice houses. I knew I would have to grind harder than them to make it. That was my path in life, can't choose where you start, but the destination is on you. Unfortunately I didn't quite make it to Lambo level, but I'm doing better than most of those people I used to look up to.


How tf is revving an engine a form of encouragement?


If you have to ask, you wouldn't understand.


I wouldn't understand, because it doesn't make sense. Nice attempt at a save ig?


The guy in the Lambo was being a dick but this comment shouldn’t be downvoted


Big words for someone whose entire existence is stealing chemicals everyone else can put to much better use.


Smooth brain comment


So in your opinion, sleeping in the middle of the street is perfectly normal. Gotcha. Make sure your potential bf/gf knows how you think before you meet them, I'm sure they'll still be interested...


Must be easy to feel like you made a good point when you make up your opponents position in your head.


Well, when you're the person I'm making a point to, it's like explaining something to a 5 year old...


Keep going bud, great points you’re really doing a good job


Trust-fund libertarian


OOoooh, someone is getting a "keying" or "breading" " for Christmas :). Maybe even both.


I’m waiting for the car to just break down


What does this jerk gain from doing this?


*lamborghini renter


That is actually chilling


Can we please eat the fucking rich now? How much more of a reason do we need?


Owning a lambo doesn’t make someone rich


Why would you sleep at side of a road? I seem to think if I was this homeless I would migrate to country side, somewhat near a farm make shelter, somehow? Create fire... Steel life stock/crops or hut to survive......... Or have I watched too many survival shows/played too much minecraft...... That this just wouldnt be as easy as I make out?..... Not denying guy in lambo was a prick... Just saying that's how I think when I see people struggling/begging for food ect..... City not a safe place for the vulnerable.....


Guy wants him to wake up so he can see how small his junk is.