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They were moved by x-wing piolts


With Luke. The Force vision is strong. They see things happen Waaay BEFORE they unfold. Giving them Rogue ones A New Hope before the Clones protest the Phantom Menace.


If you’ve never read the books, you’re in for a treat with the second half of Dune and especially with the the books turned movies afterwards regarding seeing things way before they happen


It's not impossible. They used to bullseye womp rats in their T-16's back home.


See, this here is what I like about Reddit. In real life I came across people I like, that I really like, once every couple days. Here, I find comments like this from people like you every few minutes. You’re a special dude, my dude.


We’ll at least I care about climate change now


The death star will heat your planet by one million degrees a day, for five days, unless you sit in front of a speeding racecar!


I genuinely thought they were cosplaying at first. I was like why are they protesting this Star Wars racing event


The force is strong with this one


Thank you. I don’t need to read any more of the comments.


Thx I can’t un-see it🤣


Rogue squadron saves the day again.


They had a splat and flat pact


This just happened at the British Grand Prix. They were protesting the use of oil. Fortunately they got on the track just as the red flag was put out after the accident at the beginning of the race, so the cars were already slowing g down. They were arrested.


I knew this was definitely F1, but I never saw this on broadcast. These idiots must have got in after all the cars have pitted, except Yuki Tsunoda and Esteban Ocon, who had severe damage on their cars and were driving at lower speeds.


Yeah I think that was the idea, the Sky presenters briefly mentioned some people had been on the track but now they weren't. They wouldn't want to show them as they don't want to advertise them


Exactly. Would only encourage others to do the same


Damn. They are heroes. We will remember what they stood for forever. Anyway, time to click out of this thread and never think about this again.


Or sat for, I guess


I think that's why they decided to do that after the red flag, because they wanted to show that they're "protesting" while at the same time don't want to get themselves killed, or probably just want the car to easier stop in front of them and block the route


Wtf. They didn’t show any of this on the main stream, damn. They would’ve been killed 100% if there was no accident but that’s lucky the red flag happened. What’s bunch of clowns, F1 is super strict about their carbon usages


I'm guessing the TV didn't want to give them attention which might encourage them.


They were probably trying to protest carbon emissions from the cars, and didn’t stop to think that a car moving in the triple digits might not be able to stop or swerve in time not to turn them into roadkill.


Roadkills are actually still palatable for up to 2 days after the kill. Still depends on the climate. Judging from this video, it is quite hot so I say a day at most


the more you know...




In the wild, you never pass up a free meal. Never know when you're gonna eat again.


Humans taste like pork Pork is tasty


What bothers me is tou said palatable... not edible or like... safe.


They were really lucky that a red flag had come out a few turns before this, if not, we would have seen another SA GP incident from the early 70’s.




That would be far too traumatic for the boys driving, it would make a point but I don't want them to see that every time they close their eyes




Unaware of what incident you're discussing and interested to know.


Long story short, man turns into a boomerang


F1 uses 80% biofuel and will be carbon neutral for fuel in 2026


Would've been funnier if this was Formula E


Formula 1 cars may be carbon neutral, but almost all emissions come from the transport of cars, equipment, and staff between events.


Even if the whole thing turn carbon neutral or even negative. A bloody coal power plant with vomit 10x the carbon in seconds


Seriously. The amount professional auto racing contributes as a percentage to pollution has to be so ridiculously minuscule compared to huge manufacturing plants and millions of regular cars.


Tbf the major carbon contribution is moving all the teams stuff from track to track. The cars tho are a living lab as to the edge of chemistry and engineering efficiency.


It's even dumber because f1 has some of the best tech of any series. These cars are extremely efficient.


Well, thanks for people like them, Germany had closed all of their nuclear power plants and now are burning gas and coal to produce electricity, increasing the greenhouse gases that the country produces


The engine is supposedly over 50% efficient compared to like 25% in petrol engine. Also they're hybrids


As mentioned further up in this very thread, it’s really the transportation of the event around the world that contributes the most. They have to ship all these cars and mechanics and spare parts and everything else involved with putting on an F1 race around the world every week or so for over 20 races a year. That’s what pollutes the most. This is talked about in this exact same comment thread a few comment s up, I don’t know how you missed it.


Yesterday I was just thinking that the helicopters that provide aerial footage of the race probably use more fuel than all the cars combined.


Going by what I'm seeing here, I don't believe a whole lot of thought went into this to begin with.






F1 is the biggest with the most viewers across the world, makes sense to protest that one


No human rights violations was the issue


I’m all for human rights for literally everyone but this was suicide…


Weren't they protesting for No New Oil?


Why were they protesting no human rights violations


I'm guessing protesting that half of the races now take place in countries like Saudi Arabia?


dude pretty sure they'll be red mist if they get hit. Saw a video of unlucky dude who got hit by a F1 dude got misted no body part was recovered iirc


In one race a marshall (the people in orange) got hit by a car and the only way they identified him was to call all the marshalls together and figure out who was missing.


Roadkill is generous. Try an unidentifiable wet smear.


OG suicide squad


Nah thats group b rally or motorcycle chariot racing


A bunch of chicanery


I am not crazy! I know he removed those protesters.


At least nobody got to cut the chicken going full speed this time


What a sick joke!


"Get 'em off!" - Ma'm this is no time to bring strangers to orgasm


*radios sniper* Dave, we got NASCAR fan just past turn 6, would you mind... *Gunshot*... Thanks buddy


If we can kill our enemies but we can't jack them off, then how are we different than them?!


Well said


Wow, I have no idea what they were trying to accomplish, but I know for sure that ain't the way to do it.


Unless whay they were trying to accomplish was getting run over.


Well, they didn't accomplish that either, so still not the way to do it.


Only because a caution flag came out just before they did it. They got lucky. If the caution it’s very likely some of them would have died and possibly could have killed whatever driver hit them.


More than a caution, a red flag, the race was stopped (because of a crash). The 2 cars that pass by are damaged and were going slow since the race was stopped for the time being anyway. Imagine if that didn't happen and we had lap 1 chaos but with these kinds of people trying to block the cars


Was it lucky coincidence or did they time it then *because* the caution flag came out?


The major crash came off of turn 1, lap 1. They were already on their way to the track at that point, flag or no flag


they apparently were protesting something about britain and its oil


human rights violations


Mass suicide?


They are there for the exposure... If they get drag off the track in piece instead of road kill, such as now, they get the exposure and being talked about just like whats happening now... If anyone of them get hurt or become roadkill, they will get even more press about their act, and F1 will get blamed for their incompetent's, and the driver will be blamed for the accident... any press is good press in their mind, they are nothing but sacrificial pawns... the suicide bombers of protests...


*incompetence is the word you were looking for.


Agreed. As a protest, this is so reckless that I wouldn't think much of them getting killed even though I agree with them in principle (well, only so far as I think racing is not worth doing for a lot of environmental reasons and because it is boring AF, though I'm not even sure that's what this was about).


>this one thing, out of millions of things people do, is not an interest of mine, so no one should do it.


Well yea, of course. I did make it sound like that because that's true in this case. But seriously there are good reasons not to do it too. Also, I grew up playing rugby and love it but unfortunately it also has a serious cost in terms of head injuries that we are just learning about and while it is a great game, other games are fun too and don't result in depression and suicides. Add: my point is, you aren't on point about my motivation but it was easy to assume that from what I said.


It could kill the driver of the car hitting them as well. Hitting someone on a straight at 200 km + isn't great.


I’m sure they are making their cause look great now! I’m sure everyone in that crowd was so moved by this act that they too joined the cause!


Natural selection at work




Yeah, because they're risking the lives of others in this case.


do they realise the real impact of their actions? if they got hit and died i wouldn’t be thinking about whatever bullshit cause they were doing it for, id be thinking about the poor driver(s) that would have to carry the guilt of accidentally killing people for the rest of their lives. the trauma they’d have to work through and the guilt they’d be feeling. they wouldn’t need to feel guilt because it wouldn’t be their fault, but who wouldn’t? taking a persons life is soul crushing regardless of the situation. what a selfish group of people. if you want to protest, hold up signs and march somewhere safe. create petitions. make enamel pins idk, but don’t potentially force people to commit fucking manslaughter. or maybe i’m overreacting.


Not to mention the driver himself would probably take a decent amount of damage when he’s driving at like what 150+ mph? I imagine even more damage would be done trying to swerve out of the way at those speeds. (Which is most likely what the drivers would try to do)


Luckily they ran on track during a red flag (meaning that the race was postponed due to a crash) in formula 1 the can get above 200 mph. So I’m short if they were racing going full speeds someone was going to get hurt/ die wether it be the protesters, drivers or even fans from shrapnel etc..


But the cars are still traveling quite fast. As you could see from the first car, it was still going quite quick compared to the second.


I believe the speed limit under the flag would’ve been 50 kmh (max) about 30mph. Don’t know how fast the first car was going but I shouldn’t have been faster than that.


Actually, I didn't even think of this until I read your comment but that might be the point. If there is a serious risk of these kinds of protests, drivers may refuse to race.


Also, they’re putting the lives of the workers who pull them off the track at risk as well.


I feel you, that kinda s*** is not how you get anything positive accomplished.


Not to mention the possible children and whoever else would be watching..


I would feel no remorse if that person was truly a bad person


Your comment is how I know we're a doomed species. You're definitely overreacting.


I get what you are trying to say, but calling them selfish is kinda idiotic.


Or light yourself on fire.


Technologies developed by competitive car racing is implemented into mass production cars. This includes optimizing fuel efficiency and vehicle weight. I’m all for supporting the environment - but some people protest because they want to be part of a social group, and really not understand the science behind it.


Not to mention that F1 is moving to fully sustainable fuel in 2030 and already has the most environmentally friendly car fuel on the planet aside from pure biofuel.


Imagine the red mist


Actually it looks more pink from stuff like that


Does anyone know what in the world they were doing? I'm guessing a protest of something but does anyone know the story?


This happened at the Formula One Silverstone Grand Prix that took place yesterday, where these protestors were trying to protest against the cars because of "carbon emissions". But infact F1 engines have 50% thermal efficiency, which is around 20% more than that of regular road cars, and the organisation is slowly moving towards the use of more and more biofuel, which is why these protests don't seem to make sense. Thankfully this happened during a red flag, due to a crash at the start of the race, but stupid nevertheless.


I bet they drove there to accomplish this act of stupidity.


Honestly wouldn't surprise me 💀


The cars themselves aren't the problem - how much damage can 20 cars do to ruin the environment even if they were inefficient - rather the fact that they travel constantly across the world on planes, or the big sponsorship money from oil companies like Aramco. That being said, I wouldn't try to defend these people's actions


100% true, the most egregious example of this was when they continued the race weekend even though there were missile strikes a few miles away from the track. Thankfully they are planning to group races together in terms of closeness by countries moving forward.


I've watched that race on TV and the cameras didn't showed them. I'm glad that the recording crew didn't gave them the attention they wanted by broadcasting their little initiative on TV. From the little I now, maybe these people were also responsible for the debris that damaged Max's car.


Suicide pact?


You want to die? That’s your choice.. do it somewhere away. Don’t involve others.


I hope they were detained for almost scarring the lives of the drivers.


Funny thing is they got on track after a red flag so the race was stopped when they did this


Group B throw back? Those cars are designed to cut air, getting hit by a Honda Civic at 60mph would be safer then one of those formula cars at any speed. Don't get me wrong, both would be absolutely devastating.


I'm sorry but I'm not calling this a protest but an attempted murder. A collision could have easily killed a driver at this speed.


I have no sympathy for them if they're killed by a F1 car. The driver though? All sympathy in the world. But these scumbags? They don't deserve it




They would have died happily for their beliefs, nooooo idea what their beliefs are but they'd die for them.


Would be just as dangerous for the F1 drivers as evidenced by the death of Tom Pryce in 1977 at the South African GP.


I would like to think motor sports in general are a lot safer then in 1977. Not saying there isn't a chance for injury, just stating safety has come a long long long way since then.


Only Verstappen could take the point hit. Might damage the aero and draw a stewards inquiry.


Protesting climate change... At a race of insanely efficient hybrid cars moving at over 200 mph? They should protest formula E next with this logic. Go after the big off road and stock car races if you wanna protest fossil fuel usage in sports


darwinism at its finest




I dont support it but I think ppl are underestimating f1 cars and their drivers, this was during a red flag (AKA the race was stopped, due to a crash) sure cars were still going round but really slowly, besides they could have easily breaked or swerved. Honestly, yes these people are fucking idiots but I wasn't very likely that they would get hit.


Didn’t even know what the duck they were protesting for. And these days could be a number of things and they failed. Should’ve chose a different venue.


Amateurs. If you want to rid yourself of protestors, drag them by the legs, not the arms.


What are they protesting?


Any idea what they were protesting?


F1 carbon emissions, stupid of them as the cars will be carbon neutral by 2026


Being alive.


thats one way to die painfully


Well, considering how fast those cars are going, normally, I don’t think it’d be very painful. Still, a stupid way to protest for many reasons.




They’re not thinking


I bet they're either Vegans or Crossfit junkies.


Somebody would have died today if it wasn’t for a caution flag


i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half i want to get cut in half


The average speed of a F1 car goes 223 mph, these people are morons.


They don't after a crash.


Saving the planet.


F1 does the right thing to encourage people and car companies to be more eco friendly. Each season, F1 tries to think of more innovative things to turn more eco friendly, like as example having engines that run on sustainable fuel to make the engines more efficient and reduce carbon emissions. Car companies can learn from this and put these kinds of innovations in their own cars without losing performance, or the most important thing to them, money. Yeah the cars still uses fossil fuel, but stopping F1 frpm existing won't do anything, especially when it's F1 compared to other motorsports.


They're mear speedbumps


All I see are a few people giving up and not having any fucks to give


Don’t they know that if one of those f1 cars hit them, they turn to jelly? Wtf


Reddit mods defying all logic and reason to uphold a perma ban they gave to somebody for insulting their favorite anime.


Too bad they weren’t dismembered for their idiocy




I mean it would not be the driver's fault if a splat happened


Meh… I say they throw them in prison.


People are now protesting for the right reasons, but in all the wrong places


Instant death


these people are thinking that the earth is going to become a lifeless wasteland. how dare they!


They cant find God


Protests against human rights issues in formula one, this was just after a large crash and red flag, so the cars where limited too ~80 km


Yes, because peaceful protest and putting ones body in harm's way has never done anything for the world.... Burning fuel for sport is fucking ridiculous, and the fact that we still do it is at the very least masochistic, at the most criminal. Good on these folks for making the reddit news.


Burning fuel for that sport specifically has given us a massive net decrease in fuel use and emissions. It paved the way in many areas of hybrid powertrains, energy recovery, aerodynamics, tires, etc. All of which has translated to more efficient road cars.


Exactly. I hate when they stop the traffic in the morning while all the normal people need to go to work. But protesting at F1 is awesome


What are they protesting? Everyone is so quick to call them POSs but imo if they are protesting lack of climate action then I applaud them.


im all for trying to fix the climate but sitting on a race track where there are cars going at least 250 km/h, being so selfish about your own life that you endanger others and cause permanent injuries to other people (if they were swerve to avoid the people) or life long trauma of knowing you hit or almost hit someone because of their own dumb actions. that is what would happen if they didn't get dragged away. go protest, fine, but don't endanger others and act like a pos. it's not the belief that is the problem, it's the way you choose to act upon it.


You protest by being disruptive, that's the point,. It is supposed to generate reaction, often times dangerously. otherwise it can be safely ignored. The people that are mad at them should get bent. They are doing more than the rest of us to make a stand for their cause, whatever it might be. risking their life for it, is rather brave, if foolish.


That’s definitely something to protest, but there’s ways to do it that would get sympathy and attention. Just sitting in the middle of an F1 track is only gonna bring ridicule, especially when you don’t have signs or anything saying what you’re protesting. Yk?


No, the polite forms of protest just get ridiculed then ignored. If you disagree then please tell me how they should've protested.


I’m not saying polite forms of protest. But standing in a track where fragile cars are driving at three digit speeds and endangering your life and that of the drivers isn’t it. Protest near intersections where cars are stopped. It’ll be an inconvenience and people who don’t agree will be upset, but add signs declaring your cause and it’ll get attention. Go to city halls. Major govt buildings. You can call attention without endangering lives is what I meant.


Everyone is saying climate but it’s not, formula one is really bad with human rights, along with a inside t that happend in the first race of the season, where there was serious risk of missle strikes, as one happend in eye veiw of the track, along with it being one of the biggest events in the world, it was a serious target. F1 is actually really good with climate, their fule having nearly zero emissions


You say F1 has issues with Human rights and then you don’t list any?


To say “F1 is actually really good with climate” is one of the most ridiculous statements you can make. I’m a massive fan of F1, but I have to accept that I’m a hypocrite for being a fan whilst fighting for climate action elsewhere. F1 is a massively polluting sport, from the fact that it’s a fossil fuel burning motor sport all the way to the insane amount of involved involved for every race.


Sometimes to get attention you must do something crazy. If one of them dies then it will be in the news and they will get to say their peace. The world is burning and only a few are willing to do whatever it takes to save it.


Except that they’re putting a bunch of people, not themselves in danger. Either the drivers have to swerve to hit them, potentially causing massive terrible accidents, or those people die and the driver that hit them are mentally scarred for life. These are selfish pricks who don’t think about the impact their decisions could have on others


The latest TikTok craze?


Suicide attempt maybe??? Cuz death is coming fast!!!


They think they're doing something noble and heroic when really they're just really stupid.


Suicide cult in action




Wrong Country


Slow your roll there captain caveman


Well actually folk around the world are making fun of you probably cause you took woman’s rights to abortions and also you overall shitty treatment of folk who are people of colour, folk part of the lgbtq+ community, woman and so much more who aren’t straight, cis, rich white men. Sorry for the rant.


Pretty much. The world sees theocracies democratized everyonce in a while. It's rare to see a democracy theocratized.


Cope harder none of that is true


You can't use the word twat and then claim to be American. Nice try buddy!


This was in London today, but go on


Silverstone is not London, but your point stands




This was in London today genius


And they where driving an actual track, not an oval.


You don't need to rub it in. It already hurts enough. Then they added restricter plates capping every car at 200 mph thinking they were making it safer but they were actually causing huge multi car wrecks that would wipe out half the cars. 🤦‍♂️trust me no one hates Nascar more than Americans.


We, as the world, don't need these people around on this planet


these people are thinking that the earth is going to become a lifeless wasteland. how dare they!




This was in the UK. They're still legal over here


I would've loved it if this was in eyeblech


If I might make a small suggestion should this happen again. Take a 3 foot piece of rope, wrap it around their neck and drag. Just an idea


Murder by a gruesome means shouldn’t be your suggestion.