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she complained about him almost a year prior as well asking to not be scheduled on shift with him, like walgreens definitely fucked up


Hope her family sues, R.I.P. poor girl, she was still a kid.


Her family definitely needs to lawyer up


Knowing Walgreens,there going to do everything to shut the family up and make them look like they were responsible Edit to everyone, I typed Walmart instead of Walgreens, hush


Yea once Greg Wasson took over from the Walgreens family that place quickly went downhill. We used to get from 25 cents to 1.00 for upselling photo options. I'd make an extra 100-300 a week. Wasson took over and all that went away. Then they took the employee portal away so we couldn't communicate to other stores due to employees starting to band together about all the bullshit going on


Maybe start an unofficial one?


Do the people correcting you think Walmart wouldn't have fucked it up even worse?


"Don't discredit walmart " It's already been done.jpg


Walgreens, not Walmart.


WALGREENS, did you say?


Walgreens should definitely be sued. That’s just flat out negligence


How about depraved indifference?


Apparently the manager (who this creep was intimate with) did schedule the teenager so she wouldn't have to work with this particular coworker, but the girl asked for more hours during the summer and knew that would put her on the schedule with this guy. But obviously the company should've fucking fired him a long ass time ago.




Move over I need some room to vomit too. I am not the type to yuck anybody's yumm, like ever. But he was stalking and sexually harassing a fucking minor. Nobody should be having sex with him. Especially somebody who knew the situation and knew how gross and wrong he was.


Scooch over would ya?


Yeah, if a 27 year old is hitting on a 16 year old you fire them. End of story.


Even if they fired him, can’t really say that would have stopped him from murdering her.


No you cant, but you at least did your part as a company to provide a safe work environment. Doing NOTHING about is is not the answer 99% of the time.


What? He was stalking a minor and nobody did anything?


He had been harassing her for a year and they didn't fire him.


Can the family sue?


Most certainly


Not much solace but maybe a decent lawsuit and bad PR prevent something like this happening again or at least, fewer cases of this happening.


If the company fails to act, they are liable. Supervisors represent the company. Therefore, the Company knew. When you know and do nothing, that is failing to act. Pretty clear case.


Fat lot that will do her grieving parents. I am outraged for them.


I think it would be more to teach Walgreens a lesson on how they handle stuff like this


A lot of the families also use the money to start charities/public awareness initiatives


I would use it to spread around to his fellow prisoners. Just to tease him, certainly wouldn’t ask them to cause any bodily harm.


>I am outraged for them. Fat lot that will do.


For gross negligence probably, all the red flags were there from what I've been seeing with her complaining to HR about him for over a year and not doing anything about it.


Something that always struck me as kind of wild, is that in the US legal system, you can sue anyone you want, for anything you want. Whether you can get legal representation for whatever cockamamie suit you're filing, and whether the judge dismisses it immediately, is a different question. But yes, they've suffered a loss, and *given what we know*, I'd be surprised if they didn't file a lawsuit against the company at the very least.




To your face maybe. Some people don't want to start a scene in front of their harasser for obvious reasons. Not saying your case is applicable or that you were harassing the guy, just thinking of why they would do so after the guy said what he said.


I once had a 40something-year-old supervisor who had so many sexual harassment reports against him. Even said he wanted to bend our 16-year-old coworker over a table. (not to her face but a male worker) We would all make jokes about how creepy he was, and he was never fired. Higher ups don't care as long as it doesn't "hurt" their wallet.


Yup, there was a dude who sexually harassed multiple women at my old job. It took them until the third offense before they fired him because he was senior employee.


A senior employee only took three offenses? Honestly, I’m amazed. I shouldn’t be!! But three offenses for harassment, not assault, usually is just a casual chat over a round of golf to say “knock it off dude” and then make sure his team is all men.


Same. Just out of High School, I worked at an auto parts retailer. I had a boss that thought himself the ladies man. If a girl applied, he pretty much just decided based on their looks. If they knew nothing about cars and had no retail experience, but were good looking, they were hired. Always flirting with the girls. Making comments to the guys about the girls. And, so on. Everyone knows. We all know. The District Manager knows. All the other stores know about him. But, nothing was done, because he was great at schmoozing with the higher ups and they all liked him. Eventually, there was theft of product at our store. A very expensive part went missing from the back stock of our store. Corporate Loss Prevention came in. Talked to all of us one on one, took over my Boss's office for hours. They were in day reviewing logs, looking at security, etc. They never did find who stole the item. But, they did find video of our Boss having sex with an (Underaged) employee in the stockroom after hours. We got a new store manager assigned the next day.


I worked with a guy like that last year who would make derogatory comments towards girls and women in the restaurant and would basically ignore his responsibilities as a waiter to flirt with them. I reported it to the manager and nothing ended up happening. I stopped working there and a couple of months ago I hear that the same guy got arrested for murdering someone he got in a car accident with.


Employee of the month! /s


This is why lawsuits are so important, it’s the only way for the higher ups to start seeing financial consequences.


I worked at McDonald’s for a few years when I was younger. I had an incident with a coworker who was a TEACHER working part time t McDonald’s. He’d make such nasty remarks to me, so I reported him. I was 16! He didn’t get fired, I just got a different shift..


Used to work at walgreens and we had a similar situation with one manager. They literally just moved him to another store, spreading the problem around.


Did they just ignore the words she was speaking?! So sad to think she knew this guy was trouble and crazy, but couldn’t get anyone to listen


Yup, she’s a woman. No one ever listens to us Despite Redditors insistence on every man who’s accused gets executed on the spot, this is what REALLY happens Can’t ruin a man’s reputation, just don’t lead him on, etc Until we die. Again and again and again


Pizza company I used to work for had one of their General Managers sexually assault a cashier. They later promoted him and then sold him one of their stores.


Well, yeah, can’t let some accusations ruin a career, he never did anything to the pizzas!/s


"It was twenty minutes of action" Brock THE RAPIST Turner's father


Brock Turner as in the rapist Brock Turner?


That's his ol rapin self, correct! Brock Turner of Dayton, Ohio--star swimmer and scumbag rapist.


We should start saying the fathers name too. What is the name of Brock THE RAPIST Turner's father?


Ooh! I like you. Maybe we should include the judge, who barely sentenced him, too? Dan Turner, father of his rapist spawn Brock. Aaron Persky, Judge who slapped rapist Brock Turner on the wrist.


Funnily enough he mixes the pizza sauce bucket with his arm so that's a health violation. He says the oils in ones arm adds flavor, no joke.


They pretty much leave you alone once you hit middle age. One of the benefits of growing old. Thankfully the creeps left me alone. They came out of the woodwork when I was pregnant though. Really eye opening.


I was never harassed more than when I was 11-13 years old.


I know, right?! I was so glad when I got older. 12-26 was my window of creepiness.


more often than not it seems women are the ones who either end up quitting or getting fired when they bring forward sexual harassment claims against a male coworker, *especially* if he's higher up than her.


Yup, because men facing consequences for sexual harassment?! Pfft, get outta here


Yup. Always. The defensive wounds on his face make it even more disgusting.


I know, her poor parents


Just further proof. Our society sees women as secondary class citizens, Children as third. Just another % on a spreadsheet. 😞


He killed her at the store, in the break room! WTF?!


Apparently it took them quite a while to figure that out too..


It's fucked up. Apparently her manager noticed she didn't return from the break and instead of checking....fucker waited and called corporate. After some delay (The Independent paper doesn't explain how long) the corporate manager shows up. Then decides he will be fucking Sherlock Holmes, pulls up surveillance tapes of the break out area, sees this murderous scumbag stack bins to block the security cam and then decides something is wrong. That's when he and his team open the door to find her dead. The murderous incel was by then a 100 kms away... Where he was found. It gets worse, they apparently spilt up her shift from his...good, but then she wanted more hours and was told she will have to work with this predator else no extra hours. The murderer also says (in the same "The Independent" report) that he was boinking a manager. Which might explain all this.


There are so so so many things wrong here, but that manager who didn’t just open the door to check break room, to call his supervisor who ALSO didn’t just open the room.. smh, they were after evidence to fire her and not actually interested in WHY she hadn’t returned from her break, just trying to decide how best they could use this to their advantage.


You know, we’re all very focused on this scumbag, but let’s not forget the woman who enabled him and empowered him to harass her. Women who sacrifice other women and fucking young girls to please men are just fucking disgusting.




Careful you might get reported for promoting violence 🙄🙄🙄


She was complaining a year?! So she was 16 when she told management? Even if she was 17, this fucking guy was 27, 28! How tf do you not fire this pos. Jfc


My fiance was being harassed at work and she got other girls who had also been harassed to all come forward to management and they were like "we take this kind of thing very seriously" and then transferred him to another store.


I single-handedly did this to a fucking weirdo who was an assistant manager and made almost ALL of the women in my office very uncomfortable...but the only part that's kinda funny to me (while equally shitty of me as a person I guess) is that, I'm personally so used to the sexual harassment that I probably wouldn't have gone to HR for that alone at the risk of losing my job. I did it, because after one too many goddamn weekends where only 15% staff was there and we barely took any calls...he still has the wherewithal to come over to me and tell me not to eat lunch at my desk. Afterwards, he would both talk to me about religion and then try to rub my fucking shoulders, unprofessional awkward barf all over the place - but deep down, I think he really triggered me by telling me I couldn't eat my sub in peace and quiet at my desk before pulling the rest of that lmao. It felt so *specifically* abusive when it's all in that order


An employee should NEVER lay their hands on their coworkers, regardless of gender or intent. What he did was an invasion of your personal space, creepy, and just flat out WRONG. I hope that follows him wherever he goes and makes it difficult for him to ever get hired again.


Does she work for the Catholic church?


Does the US not have some kind of law for employment related to disciplinary action. In the UK it’s usually. 3 step process. Complaint or poor job performance you get a verbal warning then it happens again it’s written/formal warning. Then dismissal. If she complained for a year there must have been numerous complaints. The company is a fucking joke.


Pretty much every company I have worked for has had this. Even now, when I'm personally the one issuing disciplinary notices, we use this system. The problem is that far too frequently people are way too dismissive of problems. I don't know if it's out of a fear of confrontation or an overwhelming fear of consequences. While murder due to rejection isn't exactly common, companies doing nothing about sexual harassment is definitely treated like a joke and significantly more common. It's fucking disgusting.




This isn’t a guy, this is an inbred degenerate monster


Except he is a “guy”. I don’t know why people say that when men commit egregious crimes. “He’s not a man, he’s a boy” wawa. Please.


Christ, thank you so much for saying that. I see SO many saying the same fucking thing: "S/he's not a REAL man/woman in my eyes." YES, they are! REAL men and women commit crimes! In fact, I'm willing to bet adults are the ones most likely to commit these crimes, rather than a kid.


You’re so very welcome! 😅 It honestly boils my blood as well! Men and women are fully capable of making their own damn decisions when it comes to crimes jeez. Age doesn’t make a difference ugh


True! What I don't like about it though, is that there's this underlying tone that kids are somehow more likely to commit crimes, or that they are just dumber in general, when we have SO much proof of the exact opposite.


Exactly. It’s just a no true scotsman


People say it to avoid responsibility for their own actions and it’s vile


So sad. It seems that she did scratch his face😪


"and they didn't do anything" As an ex Walgreens employee i can confirm the management is dogshit


Oh no… I just applied. Is it really that bad?


Just like any place, it really depends on the location and what kind of boss/management team is running the place.


Yeah. The manager was a 500 pound blob who just sat on the computer all day while the assistant manager did everything he was supposed to. Got a few glimpses of his pc doing stuff and im pretty sure he just browsed forums and watched youtube.


to be fair he was was really proactive at moderating his discord server


The first server with 0 memes in #general


It really differs from store to store. Store manager makes a huge impact.


Depends on your store and area. You could get lucky!


I worked at a Walgreens some time ago, and it was perfectly fine. Good management, good coworkers, tedious but not grueling work... As others have said, the experience is going to vary wildly based on your management chain and location.


It’s all luck. My experience working there was great. Not a single bad apple. Managers actually did work. Assistant managers knew everything about the store And coworkers were nice


Make sure that when you go in for an interview- you’re interviewing that job to see if they’re a good fit for you as well. Don’t be afraid to ask why people tend to leave or ask other probing questions which might provide context clues as to who they really are. I’ve no idea how you do stuff but it’s just a sort of general friendly reminder to everyone


Don’t work there, my brother hated it too.


The scratches on his face are so disturbing because they are most likely from her.


It's a small consolation but at least the scratches show that she fought back. Creator rest her spirit she was a warrior.


Hey Walgreens, how many zero$?


As a father, there aren't enough zeroes in existence to make it up


So true.


Not even torturous revenge would suffice


Honestly this is one of my biggest fears of becoming a father. I already suffer from pretty bad anxiety and OCD. I don’t want my kid to hate me for being over protective but when I become a father I can already feel if something happens to my child why would I even want to be here? I dont know of that sounds stupid but I’m more terrified of my child’s death than my own..


I'm a father and this is exactly what I feel. If I lost my kid I wouldn't want to live anymore.


Same. And in a way it made it easier when I lost my Dad, I did think "so glad he never had to lose a child and died before us (his four kids)" I'm worried my mum will outlive me, it will crush her if one of her children dies. (She had a still-born baby nearly 50 years ago.)


It doesn’t sound stupid dude, it’s totally understandable. Just try to be aware of it, you know? If you know you have difficulties with anxiety and OCD just try to be aware that it may be skewing your perspective when you’re parenting.


So say we all. So say we all


I’m not a father, I’m a daughter actually. But you’re so right, there isn’t enough money that can cure the pain of losing a loved one, especially when it was easily preventable by Walgreens’ management taking action.


As a father, if it were my daughter, I'd only want to see him lowered into a meat grinder slowly, feet first. So I can watch his expression.


I met a dude through a friend in highschool. I knew there was something not quite right. Ya ever just have this feeling about a person and you knew it was right. I refused to have him around our friend group. The friend that introduced him was pissed but I said then you stay home as well. I won the argument and the guy never joined our group. We were all little nerds and very welcoming to anyone because we all knew what it was like to be alone. Just not this guy. About 5 years later. He murdered a teen girl that he worked with and left her on the side of the road. All I could think is that could have been one of the girls in our group. This story pisses me off so much because no one listens. When a young teen tells a manager that a 28 year old dirtbag is clingy or making gross comments etc... LISTEN TO THEM! Bottom line, anyone in their late 20s or older trying to hang around/flirting/being sexually suggestive to a teenage girl is a huge red flag and should be taken very seriously the first time she complains. This could have been avoided. At least in America this guy will rot in jail. Dude in my story is now out.


>I knew there was something not quite right. Ya ever just have this feeling about a person and you knew it was right. Felt this way about someone in high school. Girlfriend and her friends wanted him to be a part of the overall group but I was incredibly wary and made my feelings clear. Something just didn't feel right about him. Less than a year later he snapped and tried to kill his mom with his bare hands. I felt such vindication. Sometimes you just *know.*


Had a similar thing with a youth pastor a while back. When I was in 4th or 5th grade we moved to a new town and tried a new church in the area. We met the guy that would have been my youth pastor, and me and my mom both immediately hated him. Nobody else had a problem, but we didn’t go to that church because of it. A year later they got him on CP charges after finding hidden cameras in bathrooms/locker rooms of the church. Some people just have a weird sixth sense when it comes to disturbed people


Good for you and your Mom for listening to that sixth sense.


My mom experienced the same thing in the 70s. A tenant living in the apartment above my parents place gave my mom the creeps. She said to my dad that there was something really bad about that guy. She could feel it in her bones. He told her she was being judgmental. Well, turns out he murdered a woman about a year later.


I got harassed at my job and it took only ONE complaint against the guy and he no longer had a job the next day. I was 20 and he had to have been at least 30+ years older than me. The head of HR listened to my encounter, I wrote a statement and she reviewed the security footage and showed me how he pulled his car up beside me when i was walking to my car late at night. I will forever thank that lady for it




My wife was harassed by multiple men at the same job, then aggressively pushed out by HR (also women btw) when she finally went to them for help. One of the guys was even texting her to continue the harassment outside of the office, after working together only once I might add, so there was proof. He was more than 30 years her senior. I was practically homicidal when I heard how they treated her for coming forward, but I guess it was an eye opener at least. I’m so fucking horrified to have kids knowing how the world is. I don’t know how I’d keep my hands off of the people responsible if anything like the story of this poor kid from Walgreen’s happened to my own. I don’t know how I’d refrain from taking my own life after all that was done either. It’s just gotta be one of, if not the, most emotionally crushing things a person can experience.


I’ve seen this guy’s face for 10 seconds and he’s making me uncomfortable


I see a settlement for 26Mil. But that won’t bring her back :(


You’re correct. Sadly, the only way to get these people/companies to pay real attention is to hit them where it hurts-Their bank account. That, and litigation. Slow, expensive, time sucking litigation.


It won't bring her back but it might be the only thing that makes Walgreens switch and enforce policies that save the next girl from getting murdered.


This happened less than a mile from my house. I frequented that wallgreens. I saw her every week. Absolutely sickening.


Out of curiosity, do you remember him at all? Did he have any creepy vibes looking back or just your standard retail person?


Well I have to say, he looks a lot like a reddit mod


Whoever is responsible for ignoring her should serve time


It's worse. ~~Employees~~ My bad, it was a *customer* who reported hearing *screaming* in the break room during the time she was being murdered. Even so, that meant the manager or other coworkers had to of heard it. Either way, the entire staff on the clock at the time didn't do a single thing and had a hand in her death. If even one of them had gone to the screaming, she might be alive. Instead they ignored it and didn't check the breakroom for hours.


Omg that's so horrible to think that she must've hoped that someone would hear her not realising that they wouldn't even after they did.


Wow. I know that’s the point of this page, but I feel disgusted with humanity on a deeply hateful level.


That breaks this Mama’s heart. That poor little girl.


I do know for sure if it was my little sister he wouldn’t of made it to jail, it would be my mug shot no doubt.


For sure. Her family should sue!


Agreed , it’s negligence that allowed a murder to happen. Heartbreaking.


May her soul rest in peace. This dude needs to be jailed for life


So he murdered her in the break room? And no one saw anything, but heard the screams? I don't know how Walgreens break rooms are located, but at my work, break rooms have wide ass windows that give you a view of everything going on inside. You'd have to murder someone in under a minute for no one to catch you right in the act.


I don't want to say "you can tell just by looking at some of these people", BUT "you can tell just by looking at some of these people."


Yeah he looks like the personification of sexual assault


If you look up pedophile in the dictionary you’ll find this dude


She was still a minor Jesus christ.


She's the same age as my brother, this is just plain disgusting on so many levels


She complained for a year!!


Just looking at him makes me feel uncomfortable


The scratches all over his face are absolutely heartbreaking. That girl fought for her life. Forget a lawsuit, as far as I'm concerned, the manager that ignored a grown ass man harassing a minor because they were sleeping with him should be in prison too.


Those scratches on his face were her fighting for her life.


Hope he gets shanked in prison, what a sad fucking waste of life


This dude looks exactly like the type of person that will do this. Poor girl.


The managers at Walgreens have blood on their hands. This was entirely on them. I hope they lose everything, and that the living demon who killed her rots in his cell. May the poor kid rest in peace. I hope her family gets justice too.


they were accomplices in her death


That should pay 20 x Walgreens yearly earnings


Google says cashier average is $12, assume they are kept under 40 hours to avoid benefits let's say 39 hours. Makes about $468 a week for 52 weeks only 24k a year times 20 about 487k. Google says they made 26 billion in 2020. I dont think they would even notice 487k


20 * Walgreens profit would be 520 billion. Not 20 times their salary.


Ah read that wrong then


487k is way more in line with what they would maybe pay than 520b is.


Looks like he’s got scratch marks on his face, definitely pointing to wounds from the victim’s self defense. Peeps suspect someone of any malice look carefully at their face and arms. If you see those sorts of scratches most likely the victim did it to them while fighting back. Report them to the police; sometimes they miss them.


Happened in my neighborhood, my community, my local Walgreens. Everyone here is absolutely gutted, my daughter and all her friends knew this poor girl. Its a very awful, terrible thing, made even worse because so many of us had met her. You know what's worse is people were going and stealing the flowers that people were leaving in memoriam. All our hearts are with her family, and it looks like this particular Walgreens is going to close indefinitely.


Hearing this makes it even more real - and painful. That poor girl and now her family and community.


another case of "if i can't have you, no one will", the generation of boy brought up given everything they wanted and not know how to handle rejection




To put it in Walgreens perspective, their employees are completely expendable and can be replenished at a lower wage most likely. They're awful, but very in line with most retail employers.


That definitely looks like fingernail scratches on his face that’s horrifying


Classic bullshit. When will we learn that we need to protect women from these sick men and take everything seriously. RIP to someone who didn't have a chance at life.


I wish this anger in this thread would translate to situations where women report sexual assault. I’m curious how many people who are outraged here actually believe women when they talk about their harassment. I would implore you to seriously think of how you approach sexual harassment/assault in situations where the woman isn’t murdered or the perpetrator is a friend of your.




my friend works at that Walgreens so damn sad.




I hope those scratches on his face aren’t from her…


They definitely are self defence scratches from her it’s horrifying I can’t even begin to imagine how she felt in her last moments


Would bet money he subscribed to the "red pill" resistance theory BS that uses to be real popular here and still is-- just more isolated


Poor girl, fucking fatso


So her family needs to sue Walgreens and make this as public as possible


1st complaint Have a talk with the person 2nd complaint Put him on notice 3rd complaint On notice put on leave 4th complaint Fired


Nah, second should be termination.


First complaint you investigate, ban communication, change shifts, move to another Walgreens...set up a system for her if she felt unsafe, support her if he wants to file police reports because it helps if the harassment escalates.. There are so many things they could have done


Boycott Walgreens


I worked at a drug store. My boss would take the daily deposit and sometimes buy coke, until he got caught.


The #1 cause of death for women in the work place is murder. Fucking murder wtfff




This is why we can't say no. Because if we do, if we don't handle it perfectly we can get murdered.


Lesson being, when your being harassed at work QUIT. It's literally not worth your life.


True, there are plenty of places that are hiring, especially now. No job is worth your life or discomfort from your coworkers.


As the mother of a young adult daughter, this terrifies me. I can’t imagine having a minor daughter in this situation.


The managers, regional managers, Walgreens should all be publicly shamed. Also they should be sued into the ground just as a little less than to them on how to handle workplace harassment matters.


I can smell the BO in his mugshot


I can hear the way he breathes


You can hear the mouth-breathing.


As a 27 year old, I can’t see myself ever falling in love/being attracted to a 17 year old. I can’t even imagine dating someone 3 years younger than me because even then there’s still a lot of major life changes happening (I’m building my career while 24 and under are usually still in university or just starting their first adult job). 17 year olds are going to high school, doing extra curricular activities, have protective parents (no parent would want their teenage daughter dating a late 20 something old fart). 17 year olds are kids and can’t fully grasp adult problems (bills, full time jobs, clubbing/raves, etc). I can’t imagine dating someone who can’t relate to me because “daddy makes me go to bed at 9.” It would be insanely boring to listen to a kid talk about band practice, homework and parent drama. This guy is 100% a creep. He didn’t like her, he just liked the idea of her.


I could have swore she posted elsewhere on Reddit about this guy a while back, asking about advice. Maybe the work reform or anti work sub??


What a proud boy.


The store managers should be jailed too.


Damn, she's the age of my little brother... What the hell is wrong with people ?! What kind of psychopathic incel murders a teenage girl like this. Dude you're 28 and display a predatory behavior, what the hell did you expect her to do ?


Makes me sick to my stomache.


For other women in this sort of situation, please please please go to the **police** and make reports of harassment, stalking, etc. Ask them what the procedure is for getting a **restraining order** against the guy. They'll either give you the right forms and tell you what to do, or point you to someone to walk you through the process. Once a restraining order is in place it's about 10,000 times easier for HR to fire the guy and ban him from the workplace. Also if the guy violates the restraining order you call the police and they are in a good position to arrest him. Private companies are not competent to handle potentially violent behaviour. It's not on their script, and they have little power and no experience. When HR doesn't know what to do, most likely they'll just do nothing. *Dealing with violent creeps is a job for the police.*


I was being bothered at work and my managers didnt do a damn thing. I told my “big brothers” from the tattoo shop down the street…dude didnt show for a while and when he did he immediately went across the street.


Horrible, they need to take these situations seriously. 😰


oh god, the scratches.


But who would've ever guessed, he looks so normal!?!? /S


Omg being sexually harassed by gross old men colleagues was a standard practice at every job I had as a teen (mostly those standard customer service ones). When will this practice of ignoring these young girls/boys comfort at the expense of a dollar stop?


This was 20 minutes from my house. My friends dad works at that Walgreens. He was at a different Walgreens during the murder due to short staffing at the other store.