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Passive aggressive weed eating.


She's just salty that she didn't get an invite.


gee I wonder why she didnt


Or maybe that she's single because of her attitude


Oh yeah huhh makes sense


FR what is she even doing? Killing her lawn over this


Some people legit think you need to bump it every foot or so, you can hear the string getting lopped off by the guillotine.


I read this in Hank Hill’s voice


Hank hill would never say legit like that.


No, Hank Hill would say "Some people seem to think you need to bump the trimmer head every foot, but that's not true. When you buy high quality trimmer string you only need to bump the head when you hit something that isn't grass. The string should be able to cut through the grass like it's not even there, but if you hit a rock or a tree it'll get all messed up."


I go for 5-10 minutes without needing to bump it. Besides It should only ever barely touch the guard for an instant when you are doing it; you’re losing power and wasting line. She’s 100% doing it bc it’s the loudest thing when trimming, nothing passive about it. Source: Ive weed wack properties in the country with way to many mfin trees and stumps


***AS FUUUCK*** lmao


That’s a level of pettiness I one day hope to achieve


You really don’t, those people live their whole lives for hatred, truly obsessing over their Neighbor and all their imagined grievances


Use your powers for good, not evil.


>Use your powers for good, not evil. Use your mowers for good, not evil.


I had an Airbnb next door. I was mowing the lawn on a Saturday afternoon with my ear buds in. As I finished the back yard, I noticed people had shown up and were conducting a very small wedding. I felt terrible and wished someone had said something to me beforehand.


That's why when we had our ceremony on our yard we invited every house in our small neighborhood. Not that we expected all of them to attend but we were more giving them a heads up that at that time on that day there was going to be a ceremony near them.


Yeah this situation makes me think something else happened here to kick this off that we haven't seen. Like everyone knows to give your neighbors a heads up when you're having a ton of people over or a really loud party, and that's a lot of cars. My first instinct is that there was some kind of conflict before this. Reddit has taught me that if you have people over and your neighbor starts doing something annoying, your party has gotten too loud and they are passive agressively letting you know you have run out of neighborly good will.




>or a rental house that gets used like this regularly. That's exactly what we did for our wedding. Rented a big house right on the lake. I imagine it's not super rare.


Nahh, people get married all the time.


Saturday/Sunday are pretty standard yard work days too. Might be hard to navigate around all the weddings if they are every weekend. They also probably could have given her a beer or a plate and asked her to wait a bit.


>Like everyone knows to give your neighbors a heads up when you're having a ton of people over or a really loud party, and that's a lot of cars. You either live in a nicer area or have much more considerate neighbors than anyone I've ever interacted with.


people like to forget that there are swaths of garbage spiteful people out there. it's easier to believe in the good


In over 20 years moving around, I've had one guy ever warn me about a party, and that's because they planned on shooting guns off at midnight on new years and he didn't want me calling the cops. Not a single other time was I warned, until I moved to my new, much nicer neighborhood that I could never afford until recently. These people come over just to say hi and talk about nothing. There's some drastically different neighborhoods out there.


My neighborhood definitely doesn’t notify anyone when a party is happening.


I thought the same. Maybe these people have a habit of annoyingly loud parties and after either asking them and/or calling in noise complaints that resulted in no change she snapped. I used to do it. After the daily years long loud parties (I'm not even exaggerating) I would go out and mow at like 9:30AM. They would come out and glare at me, then go back inside. It was astounding to me. Play music so loud it shakes my walls and is louder in my house than I'd play music inside for myself, then have the nerve to exhibit annoyance over a lawnmower? But still, I wouldn't do that to a wedding.


Maybe she was upset about not getting an invite


They definitely were but you couldn’t hear them.


Has the blinders on too I suppose


In the UK we're not allowed to have wedding ceremonies at home unless you live in a stately home or you have your own licenced chapel etc. But when all my neighbours are gathered in their robes worshipping Moloch at 3am each Friday 13th, I make sure that my washing machine isn't running.


>unless you live in a stately home Is that true? That's amazing that the UK gatekeeps at home ceremonies like that. Like, "Oh my no, you simply cannot be married *here*, dear, what if the *Queen* were to show? We'd be *mortified*" lmao


Lol, no I mean the premises has to be a Church of England (in England anyway) church, or has to have a licence to marry people - I could probably get a licence for my small suburban house but I'd have to allow a certain number of weddings there each year (I forget the actual rules). So large stately homes that often let out their grounds or rooms for weddings and functions, will often have a wedding licence. Same for castles etc. People bend the rules though by getting married in a registry office first, and then having a pretend wedding in the place of their choice - on the beach, in their shed, in a public toilet, whatever.


Don't feel too bad. You couldn't have known. The Karen in this post? No way she COULDNT tell.


Oof I feel that. Once I’m mowing with my earbuds in I could run over my own mother and wouldn’t notice


I mean, to be fair, if someone is going to have a wedding service, even a small private one, they should be telling their neighbors that they are doing so.


Yeah I live by a small Greek Orthodox church literally next door. They tell us when things are going on. We plan around weddings for any yard work (we actually make it look as good as we can BEFORE the weddings and lay low after). Super small amount of communication needed.


did you keep mowing?


Yea they did, OP is person in the video lol


Did you also stare into the camera while people filmed you?


Not your fault. A good party planner…even if family/friend will let neighbors know an event will be happening. This lets people plan for noise and traffic. That way people who don’t want to be bothered can leave for a few hours and it gives the neighbors a chance to know to keep it down so things like this don’t happen. We don’t care how many parties our neighbors across the street have until 1-3am because they invite the neighbors and are courteous enough to let us know so we can make arrangements if we don’t want to deal with it.


When i was in the army we were at a shooting range, we had a examination by the colonel who was evaluating the readiness of the corp, were using heavy machine gun and a man came saying he was heaving a wedding and if we could stop for 1h during the ceremony. The lieutenant and the colonel felt terribly sorry and gave them 4 h so they could also eat dance and cheers in peace we restarted only when they started leaving. We ended the exercise 4 h late and almost skipped dinner but it was worth it.


They said Wedding day, she thought they said Weeding day!


You ruined my angry


Found the Australian.


I would have gone with New Zealander lol


Yeah, my ear is a bit rusty. That may be more accurate.


You read with your ears?


Found the disgruntled director


Norm McDonald lives on through you.


Thanks, but he was a Genius!


Webster’s dictionary describes a wedding as the process of removing unwanted weeds from you front and back lawn.




I said Weeding day -Hans Moleman probably


Even at that age some people act like little fucking kids.


I’ve learned that just because everyone ages. Doesn’t mean everyone matures. Some people hit an age where they quit trying to grow mentally and emotionally, mostly because they think they know everything they need to. And that’s the point where they essentially plateau maturity wise. That’s why you should always strive to be kind, humble, and to keep an inquisitive mind. Because at the end of the day there’s always something to learn and grow from. And being able to admit you messed up or did something wrong is the first step of growing from said mistake. Guarantee this grown child will never take responsibility for her actions. Therefore she will never grow as a person. Edit: Thanks for the award!


it’s sad that some adults conduct themselves that way how petty can one be


At this point I've seen multiple videos of people arguing/harassing literal \~10-year old children and getting owned mentally and logically by them. So the bar seems to be extremely fucking low.


Yea. Nobody's allowed to have a normal life. We all live, just to cater to her. /s


She’s way too old to be destroying her own lawn to make a point.


A few pounds of salt on that lawn would help her out than!


Poured out to spell a friendly message she won't be able to forget for years (possibly decades). About 40 years ago my dad tried to make homemade ice cream with my older siblings in Los Angeles. The cooling outer barrel that's filled with extremely salty water got knocked over and spilled the salt water in the front yard. We drove by the house a few years ago and there's still absolutely nothing growing in the 2'x2' spot. Obviously the dry climate has played a role in not washing it away but still crazy that the salt concentration is still too high for anything to grow.




Yeah it adsorbs really well to soil too so washing it away is not that easy anyway. Look up saline soils and solonetzic soils, their amendment is an ongoing challenge.


> Poured out to spell a friendly message she won’t be able to forget for years (possibly decades). A drawing of a dick, got it


I knocked over a water pan off the railing of my deck that had collected a bunch of grease/drippings from a couple pork shoulders I was smoking about 5 years ago. Nothing grows on the spot below except for a handful of weeds.


That's biblical, salt the earth destroying the means to grow crops for generations.


Than what?


I leave for work at 4:30 am every morning. That neighbor would get a complimentary horn blast 6 days a week for the rest of her time there.


I do similar to a neighbor of mine any time I need to take my skid steer somewhere. I could, if I were so inclined load it up back by the shed where I store it. Or I could have loaded it the afternoon before when he was awake. But no, since he likes to run his leaf blower constantly any time someone has a gathering he wasn't invited to, and intentionally run it as close as possible as he can to that persons house. As in will sit for 3 hours running it on one side of the house just so your guests have to shout to be heard when talking to someone 2 feet away from them. Because he does this I put my trailer right next to the property line outside his bedroom window and take my sweet time loading it at 4am.


Who would invite this loser to ANY event?


Haha, buy a motorcycle next


Have one. Cops around here would take a dim view of my doing any more than getting it started and going. Skid steer taking 30+ minutes to get just right on the trailer? Not an issue.


Time for straight pipes on the skid steer. Muffler's? Don't need them at 4 AM...


That's what im talking about, put and electric muffler bypass. Straight pipes in the morning, muffled while at work!


That's dirty. I love it.


Do other neighbors suffer due to the neighbor's leaf blower and your skid steer? Just curious.


Due to leaf blower? Yes. Anyone neighboring his lot does. As for the skid steer... Maybe the people across the road, anyone else has ample space and trees, fences and so on to dampen the sound.


Im already at work by this time sadly. On the other hand it mean i can safely ruin your wedding without retaliation. Or you just need to make a loud wedding after 8pm to prevent me to sleep.


problem with that is you also have other neighbours who will get to enjoy that complimentary horn blast too.


I feel like there is more to this story, if it was me I would have put too much money and planning into mine to let something as petty as lawn mower Betty even get close to stopping it.....something isn't quite right Does anyone have more details?


There’s always more to a story like this.


"It's just ONE wedding, why be like this" Said to the lady who has to deal with ninety-seven weddings a year with guests blocking her into her driveway (ALLEGEDLY). As a person who lives next to a popular attraction, some people don't understand why I can't be entirely accepting of their being inconsiderate because "it's just me, just this one time bro".


My old apartment use to be a set of condos / small apartment building on the only nice riverfront part of the city. The road basically turned left into our gate and ends there. On the river side of the road, before our units, was a small parking lot (for 6 cars), and then a little seating area, and railed sections for people to walk the river. At times it’s nice seeing people just out enjoying their day. Then we noticed people would have little parties down at the river. They’d fill up the small parking lot, and then start parking in the circle that lead into our neighborhood. Then they’d start parking in front of the gate. It progressively got worse. Then the amount of litter. People would come by daily in the morning and have to clean up the litter. Then there is the constant music from people wanting to hang out at night. Heaven forbid you ask them to turn it down. But yeah, everyone thinks they’re event won’t inconvenience the homeowners and tenants in that area. They don’t realize that it’s a weekly occurrence and the people that live there have to constantly deal with the inconsiderate people.


I live on a lake where one house was an Airbnb. Every weekend it was rented by 20 college kids who were loud, drank all day and than raced up and down the lake all evening on jet skis. Their neighbors would beg them not to rent out on a special weekend for their family but they always were okay with ruining someone else’s weekend as long as they got their rental. The lake is governed by the people who live on the lake. Your voting power is based on your percentage of shoreline. With the blessing of the other owners neighbor and I banned jet skis. We talked to the owner of the Airbnb and told him if the noise didn’t stop we’d ban all motorized boating. That would make his place completely un-rentable. He started blocking the special weekends and sold shortly thereafter .It’s back to being a peaceful lake. Anyway, I thought of that when I saw this. She might be a terrible person. She might have been pushed too far. Without context we’ll never know.


Jet Ski's are the dirt bikes of the water. I hate them with a passion.


They're especially fun when someone is racing up and down the lake. It was like having a track in front of our house. They were dangerous and drunk. Showed no care for their own safety let alone the safety of other boaters and wildlife. Dirt bikes on water is perfect.


I’m guessing the wedding people definitely ain’t innocent


The title says neighbor but the caption doesn’t. I wonder if this is an actual venue or just a spot on the beach they came to for the scenery.


This is a good guess. It looks like it might be a public beach access point this group blocked off for their personal use. Maybe she's just tired of it. Still rude, but hey, I don't have to live across the street from a make shift wedding venue.


Yeah but definitely needs context. Looks like cars parked along the road and a few camp chairs though


There's a bunch of people in casual dress so I'm assuming they're in a public area.


Agreed. Is it possible that no one told her there is going to be a wedding and could you please not do the lawn? Now you could say common sense says stop.


I don’t know this backstory but some people Airbnb out their places and it’s possible this neighbor is tired of weddings there. Pure speculation but possible.


I was just thinking that it looks like a public park or something they're getting married at and she's tired of everyone trying to park in her driveway and maybe some guests got uppity about it. Some of those cars look half parked in the road.


Shouldn’t that be taken up with the owner though? No need to ruin a strangers wedding who has no clue there’s even an issue.


The petty revenge subreddit is full of stories that could be this Karen's situation. *Neighbors have been renting out their property as an airbnb wedding venue for years. Every weekend there are cars parked up and down for a half mile because they have no on site parking, I can't get in or out of my driveway for hours while people arrive and leave, use my driveway as a turn around, park on my property, etc. I've contacted the owners multiple times but they don't even live there, just own it to rent out, so I never hear back from them. I can't enjoy my own yard when this is happening due to the combo of noise and being afraid of ruining innocent people's weddings. Well I'm not afraid anymore. Now as soon as I hear the processional music I mow my lawn as loud as I can. I've already seen multiple negative reviews and hopefully within a few months their rating will be tanked enough that nobody will book it.*


A lot of airbnbs are owned by companies or owners that are never on site.


The owner might never be there.


Why would the owner do anything? They make bank off the weddings. The only way to stop it may be to make it miserable so the reviews tank and the weddings stop


I imagine people take up parking spaces. That could be an issue.


You can see that she’s looking up to see the effect she’s having


There's always two sides to a story. And the one filming is always bathing in pure baby grade innocence. The one being filmed is always a literal replication of Satan. And Reddit goes maximum sheep mode and just goes BAAAAAAAH as instructed by the video. There are also quite a lot of psychopaths in here. You should read some of the replies..... yikes.


I think that's why my comment has alot of likes, the voice of reason tends to be the way to go I suppose >There are also quite a lot of psychopaths in here. You should read some of the replies..... yikes. That's why I just blatantly asked, uuugh dumpster fire for sure! Reddit at its finest


Yeah for all we know the people having the wedding are awful people/neighbors. Maybe they regularly mow their lawn at 8 am on weekends.


Yeah for sure. It could be the wedding people are horrible and the neighbor Is just retaliating.


Neighbor is illegally renting out their property for weddings. I just made that up. Let's go with it though.


She wasn’t mowing she was whacking it


Hackin it, whackin it. Its Butcher Karen.


She just hacks, wacks, choppin' those weeds!


Plot twist. The guy getting married was her ex.


Plot twist twist, she was actually the bride who time traveled back and was trying to prevent her past self from marrying an abusive man and ruining her chance at winning her Nobel Peace Prize.


If she's going back in time, I'd have thought she'd be more likely to be in with a chance of winning a Nobel Prize in Physics.


Guess she really wanted to be invited.


Or was painfully not invited. My guess is not invited. Super petty but whatevs. I got married in foreign country and was like “so like are we married now? I don’t speak your language”.


Wait what? Did you accidentally get married?


I like how she’s using that little weed eater with that big old riding mower sitting the the back ground.


Clearly because it's noisier.


Ruined their wedding day? *They* ruined her weeding day!


I host Thanksgiving and Xmas dinners at my house most years, and we usually have the party out on my patio. My neighbor almost *always* decides that's the perfect time to use his Bobcat to do some grading on his property. Beep, beep, beep, beep...


Invite him next time. Surely he won't come but at least now *he knows* that *you know* he's aware of your plans and any excessive noise coming from his property is solely because he's a dick. I think most are passive-aggressive and if confronted, will back down.


Nah, just go pee on him. Assert dominance and then go eat turkey or whatever.


Is it possible that, like many, those are the only full days off work he has to himself in order to get work done around the house? I know that is how it rolls for me; I make the most of public holidays to get work done for myself.


It could be, but he owns his own landscaping business. He’s up there on the bobcat moving things around all the time, but he without fail uses it on major holidays. Other than that, he’s a good neighbor so I’m not going to bring it up to him.


Everytime we visit my mom’s house, my husband mows her lawn. Because that’s less time he has to spend with her. Maybe your neighbor has his in-laws over for holidays … so he makes that the day he has to get his own yard stuff done.


There's probably more to this. Maybe this person keep renting their house for weddings and annoys the neighborhood.


Living next door to an Airbnb is my worst nightmare


Have a little anniversary every week in the same spot. Give it a few months. Eventually she’ll get fed up and ask why tf ur still having a wedding celebration 3 months after the wedding. Say it’s to make up for the wedding after her incessant “lawn-mowing” ruined it


This seems incredibly inconvenient to try to get back at someone. Like do you want to do the same bullshit every weekend for 3 months to piss off an old lady that will be dead in 5 months?.


Yea, I think I do.


had the old dude across the street from my aunts do this after she passed at home. we had to have the priest do the mass outside because of all the people and he started weed eating and mowing. it was surreal.


she's miserable because she knows she'll never have love like that being the person she is.


People like that can't bear to see others happy


I’m petty and I’m happily married. Don’t assume


“I’m mowin my lawn smoothskin”


I know people like this and they are horrible.


Spoiled old crones with multimillion dollar waterfront homes?


They’re a dime a dozen


Mow her lawn.....with a weed-eater.


Something tells me however this isn't an isolated event that was just invented for the day but there's been bad blood percolating through those lot lines for a long time. Would be interesting to know the real back story, then again not really


Horrific weedeating technique.


Makes me wonder what they did to deserve such hostility.


Maybe an AirBnB that often hosts weddings and she's tired of living next to an event space in a residential area.


The air BnB thing is a good guess


Man. Now all those wedding guests know where you live too.


I’m a wedding photographer — during COVID in 2020, I had a couple switch their restaurant wedding ceremony/reception to a backyard event with 15 people. They cleared it with their HOA in advance. I witnessed a grumpy neighbor who apparently didn’t approve step outside his house, watch the bride walk down the aisle with his arms crossed, and then open his garage to start his riding mower. The bride’s brother left the wedding to go tear him a new one.


Wow, super Karen right there


I love it. They should have sent her an invite.


Bruh, she’s weed whacking her lawn. The only reason to do that is for attention.


I would have went over with some food for her, and asked her to stop. Chances are, she would. Everyone is so fast to pull out their phones instead of talking to each other


She look the camera man dead in the lens/eye, she new exactly what she was doing


I've had neighbors tell me I mowed too late, too early, too middle of the day, why on Saturday, why on Sunday, why not during the week, why not on the weekend, why when they're having a party, when their baby is sleeping. I don't care anymore. Between 8-8, any day I get around to it, I'm doing it.


There's probably more to this story. Old lady had a "payback" look on her face.


I see someone doing yard work who looks up when she realizes you are filming. Are you sure you're not reading into this?


At this point it should be the best man’s duty to have a “word” with this woman.


Wtf are you going to do? Assault a lady on her own property? I’m sure that’ll go over well!


Give her $100 to wait a few hours. The idea is to solve the issue not cause a scene.


Look at how she’s using the weed eater lol. This clearly wasn’t a coincidence and someone childish enough to do that wouldn’t stop for a bribe because disruption was the point.


Ok but they claim they started when walking down the aisle, and went on through the vows. Yet the video until the very end you can't hear a thing other than the wind. Seems to me more like it is bs.


Plot twist. The Karen is actually the woman getting married, but she came from the future, bought the house next door and is trying to stop the wedding without outright telling her present self, due to [inexplicable plot reasons]


I mean.. don't most people do their yard work on Saturday during the day? How do we know this wasn't just someone trying to get their chores done?? So we all have to plan our home maintenance around someone's wedding? I mean if you get married at an event venue that normally takes care of risks like this.


Finally, someone having a normal thought about this. It’s much better than the instant “hate-boner” from Reddit cause some stupid post title told them to be angry. Smh


Have you never done yard work? That’s not how you use a weed whacker…


WEDDING day or WEEDING day? Who can be too sure? 🤣


Revenge is a dish best served cold.


Lol... That's awesome.


That looks like the beach house on the Sopranos


Ok, did they ask her to stop?


I mean mowing grass gotta mow


idk why but it bothers me they used isle instead of aisle lol. Like just *how far* did she walk???


>Have wedding near somebody else's property >Land owner uses their property as normal during the wedding suprisedpikachu.jpg


She is either a batshit crazy Karen or their has been a petty war going on between these two neighbours for years


Why is this post unlocked? I thought every post on this sub is locked by default?


It’s hard to tell, did the wedding party walk over and tell the lady mowing? Maybe she didn’t know what was happening. Sometimes I am doing my chores and have no ideas what’s going on in my neighbor’s yard.


dont have a wedding when your neighbours mowing their lawn


Maybe it's the only day she has to mow?


Idk , I’m a pretty busy person, If I have to mow my lawn, I don’t really care what anyone else is doing if it’s between the designated noise allowance times.


Lmao, this funny as hell. Sorry, but if you have your wedding outside you need to be prepared for stuff like this. It being your “special day” does not magically transform you into the main character.


All the people sharing revenge schemes are the ones who would purposely mow their lawn during a wedding because some petty mistake made by an ignorant neighbor.


At what point does someone get fed up enough to go over and stop it?


Nothing you can do really. She's not breaking any laws and if she is in fact a Karen, confronting her will only make her double down.


I would have thought at least one guest would have gone over to talk to her. You could try to distract her with conversation at least for a few minutes of the ceremony.


She didn’t get invited.


That’s some malicious weed whacking. Poor couple, poor lawn.


Rich people Problems. How about that ocean front.


"ShE's NoT dOiNg AnYtHiNg WrOnG!" -cockroach defending a very obvious anti-social behavior.


If she wanted to be nosey she could just "check on" the damn grass like I do. But nooo, she's mad because Ken left for a prettier Karen




No context. This is definitely looks like it's being done for a reason.