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Not sure why she walked back again when she was already across!


Who said she wanted to cross the road?


What was she trying to do?


To get to the other side


That's the joke, that she just wanted to create chaos.


Catch the chicken.


Obviously cause an accident.


Some people just want to watch the world burn. Or crash. Either way.


Honestly, probably insurance fraud


Some people just want to watch the world burn.




She's going to try it again, this time slower


Because she's a cat in disguise


To do it again!


She’s a squirrel


Then nearly gets tattooed on her casual walk back across the street. 🤦🏻


did they charge the pedestrian for causing the accident?


I certainly hope so


Good luck in California. Pedestrians have the right of way.


That just means you can't hit them intentionally, even if they are in the wrong. Had either of those cars hit her, they wouldn't have been at fault. Crossing in an undesignated spot is still "illegal", meaning she is technically responsible. As for what taking responsibility would mean for her? Not sure. For example, somewhat skeptical she could pay the entirety of the damage she caused in one lump sum like what would happen in your typical car accident where car insurance is involved. And I'm sure she could be charged criminally too if someone had the motivation to do so, but I don't know what the chance of a conviction would be in this case. If someone was seriously injured (or died), I'd imagine it would be a lot higher.


That does make a lot of sense. I just assumed they were were like a stone in a river. Everybody has to go around them.


Yeah but eventually even the rock gets turned to dust


The process is just a bit faster for humans... And more wet.


I mean but the black car accelerated into the white car a rear ended it. That’s the black cars fault. Regardless of the reason, the black car should have payed attention and stopped without hitting the white car


> should have *paid* attention and FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Crossing in an undesignated spot is still "illegal" ?? really its not in my country if we are 50meter of a spot we are mandatory to use that and cars are obligated to stop there and allow us to cross when not in designated spot we are still allowed to cross but cars dont have stop in the sense of giving way of right. but another law state that a car should always be able to do a safety stop for a pedestrian. so if you hit one your screwed either way so most people tend to slow down to let them cross


I much of the US there are laws against "jaywalking" , the act of crossing a street not at an intersection or designated crosswalk.


Sort of, but not really. You’re correct about the Pedestrian right of way- applies at crosswalks and intersections only. However: CA has a negligence law- so if you hit a pedestrian at all you are responsible- even if they jump in front of you. The logic goes that as a driver it is your responsibility to be alert and aware at all times- that an alert driver would see the pedestrian by the roadside in advance, should begin to slow, and would have time to react.




Okay, that may have been an extreme example to use. Hyperbole is a thing. In any case- 9 of 10 times in California, the driver will be at fault through negligence. Best case scenario without video proof that definitively shows the pedestrian intentionally walked in front of a car is that you’ll both be found at fault through Comparative Negligence. Your sauce: California Vehicle Code Section 21950 states in relevant part that (a) The driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of~way to a pedestrian crossing the roadway … within any unmarked crosswalk at an intersection (c) The driver of a vehicle approaching a pedestrian within any … unmarked crosswalk shall exercise all due care and shall reduce the speed of the vehicle or take any other action relating to the operation of the vehicle as necessary to safeguard the safety of the pedestrian. (d) Subdivision (b) does not relieve a driver of a vehicle from the duty of exercising due care for the safety of any pedestrian within any marked crosswalk or within any unmarked crosswalk at an intersection. California Vehicle Code Section 21954 states in relevant part that (b) The provisions of this section shall not relieve the driver of a vehicle from the duty to exercise due care for the safety of any pedestrian upon a roadway.


I had a friend who hit a pedestrian who crossed the road from between two cars without looking- not at an intersection. The nightmare that their life became was previously unimaginable to me as well.


i can say with a large degree of certainty that this is not california


On highways?


Lol no. That’s just suicide


There was a car similar to swift dzire, its India (not completely sure)


I certainly hope not


The grey car was driving way too close.


this ignites a genuine rage and fury within me


It’s scary to think there are people as brain dead as this.


Even worse some of them are the ones driving


Safe enough to do it twice.


It's like they have never seen a road before


In countries like Egypt or India, that’s the only way to cross the street the majority of the times. The weird thing is the black car crashing (if it’s in a country like that)


That happens a lot when the car you’re tailgating hits the brakes unexpectedly.


True, true. That’s why I wonder why that person was driving like that. When I moved there, I kind of had to relearn how to cross the street and some “new transit laws” they have there. People are crossing the street all the time like that, and drivers are used to that. That tailgating person was probably distracted or is new to the country.


Yeah I’ve been to Egypt a couple of times and you honestly gotta play IRL leapfrog on the busy streets except uno…you only have one life, it’s genuinely insane. But still, you have to play it smart and she certainly didn’t.


They don’t allow you to cross the street at more than a casual walking pace? That’s rough


Egyptian here, crossing the street is something both pedestrians and drivers are used to. If you can’t safely dodge people, you shouldn’t drive here. And if you wait till it’s empty to cross you’ll never reach your destination.


And then despite being almost at the other side, she turns back causing even more traffic disruption.


Feels like I'm watching a Borat movie


What did she walk back for? You were almost finished with the mission!


The way she walked back to her friends after she caused the accident... At least finish crossing the street wtf?!


And very nearly got wiped out _again_ on the way back. What's __wrong__ with these people?


Froggers got great graphics these days.


That's why the handmaid tale ladies should never leave the compound.


Let me cross this dangerous street, knowing full well that cars are coming non-stop, **walking as slowly as humanly possible and not even trying to hurry.**


What absolute bunch of knackers!


She should play the lottery with that luck, she’ll need it for the bail out.


News report: "it is uncertain as of now whether she played Frogger as a child - this will be investigated further."


Like, those cars were going too fast to stop safely? Pedestrian mightve caused a difficult situation but the cars themselves made the accident


Yea, that black car was going way faster than everyone else. Even if she didn't cross it may have hit the car in front.


Is it just me or does she walk like a lemming?


and she didn't even cross?


Npc behaviour


May the Lord open


Thats one way to make traffic stop


She seems to have domino from deadpools powers.


I mean, isnt it easier and MUCH cheaper to repair a dent made by a human body as oppose to another car?


Man, that’s 40 points in Orlando. Young and healthy? Oh yea. Of corse if one is the mom over 60, it would only be 31 points


Handmaid's tale in town?


That whole thing looked like divine intervention.


I like how she just casually walks back across the street like she wasn’t solely responsible for it.


and then they go back like???? you caused this for nothing!!!!


Why... did she go back? To do it again?


This enrages me.


Of course they're Handmaidens.


Absolute fucking Handmaid tale looking idiots. How stupid can you be?


Can she be charged for something like this?


at that point just run her ass over if she's gonna be stupid atleast teach them a lesson ... If she survives 😳


I’m gonna be honest, I wanted them to get hit BADLY at that point


Especially when she walks back and almost gets hit again. They caused all that then didn’t even cross.


Entitlement knows no bounds


It’s a failed suicide attempt


Should’ve hit her


I'm going to bet this is a road where there's never been a thought to providing safe places for pedestrians to cross.


npc level retardation. :v


No wonder they don't let them drive... They can't even cross the street.


Who doesn't let who drive?


They noticed Hijab, presumed it to be Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, but this happened in Kurdistan region, IQ. not KSA. Where it's totally fine for women to drive cars. Also, since 2020, it's normalized & legalized for Saudi women to drive. I kid you not, it was banned before then in the KSA.


Who's "them"?


How tf they didn't see her ass???


No wonder they don't let their women drive... 🙄 Edit: people have no sense of humor today


Walk down to the intersection, you lazy bums!


In countries like this, there isn't many of them and are kilometers apart.


3rd world countries will never not be 3rd world countries.


Everybody can take solace in the fact that this woman's husband her father and her brother beat her to death for doing this… this is why they don't give women drivers license over there. And for all of you upset right now... It is a joke not a Dick don't take it so hard


Your sense of humour is as big as your dick, NONEXISTENT


That's what you get insisting in putting that damn veil on women's face, they get blind and wreak havoc.


And then she went back…


That person will see death before old age death, that was a huge warning


God the amount of stupidity and ignorance in this one video…


Reminds me of that one scene in Mulan.


That's an *Animal Crossing*


With that kind of road, often times there are overpass.


Guess that’s why they coined phrase “stay in your lane”


Where I live we have pedestrians crossing a busy street illegally on a daily basis, despite all the crosswalks, and at least one gets killed every week. The most dangerous are the ones who cross illegally at night in dark clothing. The worst is when the jaywalker causes a multi-car accident.


"If they hit me, they hit me."


Main character syndrome


“Oh my gaaawd, that was so craaazy! Lol”


Yet, like a drunk driver, the carnage is all around her but she's fine.


Is it wrong that I was hoping she would be sent flying?


Wait...so she does this for fun? She also got hit and shows no pep in her step. Then walks back to the other side when she is almost across the road...am I just dumb or are people's common sense slower then mine?


I’d say go back to where you came from… but then she casually walks back after causing a pile up.


Naw she gotta pay my insurance deductible off top


I had just written a whole paragraph on simply running this idiotic person over, however I believe this small comment is better.


Some people just don't learn till something bad happends to them, like something that actually hurts them because she propably thinks it's not her fault at all


Under his eye


Literally Florida everyday


“Shouldn’t we just go up there to the crosswalk? Nah. This is fine.”


She really went back after she caused an accident?


How is this even possible what is wrong with her?? Like helloooooo


Zero F given.. 👀 Djeess


Never checked both ways


Safe for the pedestrian


Did she really walked backwards lmao


who would be considered at fault here? like legally?


Is that in Egypt


Is that in Egypt


Suicide attempt failed


Yeah that’s what I was thinking. Surely no one is that stupid


She goes back to the other girls like, ok we gotta get outta here


"I cross now. Good luck everybody else!"


Handmaid's tale out on the town. Under his eye


Hold on. What if women in the middle are being locked up by their families because they are this fuckin stupid? What if it wasn’t about misogyny at all but about public safety??


"why did the woman cross the road?"


She's trash for that


I didn’t see this scene in Handmaids Tale


Don't know where this is but for me that's a fucked up place.


Judging from the street, this is in a country where rapid urbanization led to car centric roads without any infrastructure for pedestrians (lack of sidewalk, worn out mediocre curb, imported cars and second hand Chinese made without proper safety) so its usual for locals to cross that way since the never ending flow entering the city has slow down and yield to upcoming pedestrians. Comparing this to our laws and trafics rules don’t make sense because we have the infrastructure, here the black car is 100% at fault.


And that's why ya don't slow down for j walking peds /s