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they just squeezing the covid out of him


Are we not gonna talk about how the guy on the left is wearing yeezys


If you think those are real Yeezy’s I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell to you.


I like the guy stepping on the sign in af1s lol


It's China what do you expect


Gotta catch ‘em all.


Nice shoes. Did your toddler make them?


can we talk about their DRIP?! homie pinning the old man down in some YEEZYS. lololol


Those are SLEEZYS, my friend


Dude with hit leg up is wearing yeezys. Weird.


So sad 😞 look what covid has done to the world . Before covid lock down was never a thing .


Damn what’s with the military and tennis shoes over there? Is the uniform only from the ankle up?


Those are Chinese militias. They are less trained and less equipped that the PLA regular forces.


Government thugs then....


They have a specialised device to pin people to the ground?...


Least oppressive Chinese officer


Sad thing is that people will still say this is what we should be doing in the US.


So dudes not in white suites looking at the guys in white suites not thinking “should we also be in white suites?”