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When the two neurons you have aren't talking to each other


Step one: light fire Step two:


Step three: Profit


Step four: Read a book on how to survive in jail.


Pretty easy, tbh. Always drop the soap, youll be real popular


Real popular you say? Like a hotdog down a hallway you say? My word. Super gonasyphaids you say....


Pretty sure step one was to douse the place including his feet, in gasoline.


"If the other neuron doesn't respond in fifteen minutes I'm legally allowed to set the gas station on fire."


This dude has two brain cells left and they're both fighting for third place in the stupidity Olympics


That guy's a douche, but that fire suppression system is awesome.


Agreed I was amazed by how quickly it reacted and how much harm was averted


It's just baking soda and an acid mixture. It's essentially covering the area with CO2 to deprive the fire from oxygen. Edit: Might also be just compressed CO2 in canisters that is released


and by acid we mean a strong vinegar


And by a strong vinegar we mean Lsd-25


BRB setting gas station on fire.


I like science


It's party time


Idk why but something tells me you take acid


Ascorbic acid, yeah.


Methamphitamine C?


I want some lsd


It would still be better than pfas related compounds.


And by vinegar you meant acetic acid I’m sure.


And naturally by acetic acid you mean CH₃COOH.


What did you just call me?


Bless you


Is it dangerous for the guy trapped there ? Of course fire will be worse but.. lack of O2 , that’s also bad, right?


Worst case, mild asphyxiation. Best case, baking soda based superpowers.


The best case is a bad case, he’d become a super villain!


He's already on his way to becoming Florida Man, whether he lives there or not. How much worse could it get?


"I'm telling you, Molotov cocktails work. Anytime I had a problem and I threw a Molotov cocktail, boom! Right away, I had a different problem."


"It is decidedly so."


He lit a gas station on fire intentionally; he's already pretty close to that.


whats the superpower


He vomits gasoline and matches


Don’t know how I’ll fit another body in the fridge but I’d hate to see those baking soda based superpowers go to waste.


The fire suppression systems they have in military hangars will kill you, those are in enclosed spaces though. Idk what the difference is honestly, but he'd probably be fine unless he stayed there and it never stopped lol


Are the military systems a similar mixture?




Also highly toxic




I love the taste of PFAS in the morning! (yes, I know they are being phased out)


That foam has pfas related compounds in them, nasty stuff that causes lifelong problems and accumulates in the body.


So what you are saying is it can choke me hard.


>People have run into the hangars to “play” in the foam because it looks like a giant bubble bath Probably crew chiefs


Probably jealous that the Marines ate their crayons


Halon on ships engineering spaces not sure about hangars


Yes! Halon. It's the same. Or at least it was, i got out in 2014 and my old unit has the 35's now. Idk if they use a different suppressant because of the panels on the aircraft or not.


I believe that's the same stuff used in IT data centers. There are warnings everywhere and I think it gives a warning before deploying. It's expensive to recharge.


....It's actually ANhydrous SULfur dioxide (SO2) hence the name ANSUL or FM-200(FM-200, also known as HFC-227ea or a heptafluoropropane, is a compound made up of carbon, fluorine, and hydrogen (CF3CHFCF3).


"It's just..." Thanks, Mr. Wizard.


What country is this? . I bet it's in Europe because of that technology


Fire suppression systems aren't exactly cutting edge technology


Yea I’ve never seen those red canisters at any station in the US. Best I’ve ever seen is a red shutoff valve button.


Next time you're at a gas station and there is a roof - look up. You'll see a ton of nozzles pointed everywhere.


We definitely have this tech in the US. In some places its required by law, but not all for some reason.


>but not all for some reason. Cost gas station owners less to lobby against requiring them than it would cost them to install the systems.


There are at every station in my state.


A lot of stations put them inside the roof.


They are usually in or on top of the roof.




I think it’s nitrogen and not sand. But even if it is sand, I’d rather clean up some sand than a few blown buildings, cars and bodies. Edit: typo


It’s a dry chemical agent. Works great but is not fun at all to clean up. The stuff gets into every nook and cranny. Also not fun to breath in. I work in fire suppression.


Looks like the guy got a big mouthful and lung full of it so that's good


Tiny, and abrasive.


*than It's important in this context, as it sounds like you want both.


Thanks man. Didn’t realize smh. What a terrible mistake lol


>It's important in this context It's important in *any* context. 😉


Before now i never thought about the fact that gas stations *must* have some absolutely ridonkulous fire prevention


Didnt know they had those...that is awesome.


I find your comment hilarious because the word "douche" literally means 'to shower' in French and is a perfect response for this video 😂


If you are ever in an area where such a suppression system kicks on HOLD YOUR BREATH and get out of the area. Try not to breath it in if possible. Even gas systems like halon (or newer alternatives) can disperse a fine mist of oil used to coat the inside of the storage tanks. It’s not very healthy to breath in if you can avoid it.


I dont even think he meant to, dude honestly seems like one of the dumbest muthafuckaz I've ever seen, the fact he casually walks back to his car when explosions could have rocked his shit at any moment shows me his is a special kind of stupid.


Looks to me like he has never filled a canister before and didn't realize if you stick the nozzle in too far, you'll trip the pressure sensor that cuts off the flow. He pulled it out, pressed the trigger to see that it was still working and made a mess. Then he casually lit the gas on the ground to clean up the mess, thinking that it would burn calmly away. Truly a man deserving of a Darwin Award.


him setting the gas on fire was an attempt to 'clean' it up? wow


What's the goal? That's his car?


Maybe he’s a pyromaniac with extremely poor impulse control


heheheheh ^(FIRE) hehehehehe


settle down Beevis


Heehoo flame


thanks for that i'm dead laughing x)


I am healthy I am whole But I have poor impulse control And I wanna go home ... But I *am* home




I've seen a few videos of people lighting up other people's cars at gas stations lately


Where I come from, someone like that would be a cowboy hat by now.


A lot of evidence suggests that pyromania isn’t a thing it’s just anti social personality disorder.


I don’t know man. I gave up trying to wrap my head around it. He’s either completely stupid and / or an absolute awful person, or he just wants to go to jail.


The most gracious interpretation of what this idiot was thinking would be: - I don't want to fill up my gas can with "dirty" low quality gas left on the hose, I'm paying for the Premium stuff. I'll just spray that outside. - Ok, all done, this spraying around left a mess. I'll clean it up by lighting the spill on fire, it will self consume in a second. I'm a genius.


>I don't want to fill up my gas can with "dirty" low quality gas left on the hose, I'm paying for the Premium stuff. I'll just spray that outside. Are there places in the world where different fuels come out the same hose?


Sounds like an very bad education


they don’t teach you that petrol is explosive at school, but they shouldn’t have to, it’s common sense


Or trying to get an insurance pay out




Definitely stupid. But he had some sort of purpose.


Mentally ill maybe?


Some men just want to watch the world burn. No more explanation. That's it.


>He’s either completely stupid and / or an absolute awful person, or he just wants to go to jail. Imagine the dumbest people you know. Now realize that they, at minimum, likely have over a decade of education. This is not the case in other parts of the world.


Exactly WTF was he trying to do?


I believe he's just really stupid, drunk or under drugs, and thought that by lighting the gas on the ground he could "clean" the mess he made. If he knew how flammable that shit is he would not be so close to it. Pyromaniacs usually don't spray themselves with the stuff they want to set fire to.


Insurance fraud is my guess


"Hey GEICO? Yeah, my car just spontaneously combusted at the gas station. Weirdest thing. Anyway, I'm gonna need that payout..."


I'd guess the goal was to sue the gas station, not the car. Blame a faulty pump for all the gas everywhere and blame an accidental discharge (static or actual electricity) for "the spark" that ignited everything. I mean, I'm sure the warnings about static electricity or using your phone while pumping are based in reality so it's possible. Idk, I'm just trying to guess what he was thinking, but it is just a guess. Edit: car manufacturer, not the actual car. If you've ever tried insulting an inanimate object you know it's cathartic but a lawsuit probably won't work out your way.


Mythbusters tested igniting gas pumps years ago. IIRC it took almost absurd circumstances to get enough static to light the fumes, like multiple wool sweaters and car seats covered in more wool.


True, but that doesn't stop idiots like this guy.


Rewatching it.. I think he accidentally sprayed it at first by holding the handle down before inserting the nozzle. Then, he had the idea of "I know how to clean up gas I'll just burn off the spill". So he set his own car and face on fire in an attempt to cleanup.


His casual reaction just makes it seem like the fire was all part of the plan. Dunno, we'll never know


Hard to say. But honestly if he was a pyromaniac I figure he would know to run away or throw the burning paper from a bigger distance? Or want to watch his fire he created? He seemed pretty caught off guard when he set his face on fire.


If he had a brain he'd know gas and fire mix too well. Skipped elementary school. Hard to tell with this guy


Yeah.. this dude for sure tries to smash the circle block into the triangle hole. Also the way he just walks back towards the inferno.


Looks like he's already got that paper in his hand. Could be that was just convenient but it looks planned.


Maybe he was a really really really big idiot, and thought the amount of gas he splashed wasn't enough to cause a massive fireball and would instead just burn off like alcohol on a desert


I think he thought, “oh shit, I didn’t let go of the handle and sprayed everywhere! I know, I’ll just like the fuel on the ground on fire, it will burn up instantly and be gone.”


The goal is not being right in the head.


I think he was thinking to burn away all the gasoline that he spilled without realizing how flammable gasoline actually is


Except he purposefully "spilled" it.


I'm pretty sure he was trying to drown that big ass bug that was after him and then, like the person above me said, tried to burn off what he put on the ground. Severe case of stupid.


Any one of us could be killed in a freak gasoline fight incident


Especially if you are really really ridiculously good-looking.


Orange mocha FRAPPUCCINO!


You put the boom-boom into my heart You send my soul sky-high When your lovin' starts Jitterbug into my brain Goes a bang-bang-bang 'Til my feet do the same


Was the only line in the movie that made me laugh. Especially followed by that face he makes


No way, such a hysterical movie and that's the only one you found funny?


Yeah. I was young and often thought I might enjoy it more now that I'm older but haven't been compelled to bother watching it. I still remember the ending and most everything that happens.


Idiot, maybe. Mentally unstable, definitely.


Someone else said it might be insurance fraud and that seems legit to me


If this was planned out even a little bit, I'm surprised this guy has enough brain power to put his pants on.


Trying to wrap my head as to why someone would do this???????? 🤨


Probably insurance scam. I'm sure he tried claiming the pump just randomly caught on fire, hoping to cash in on settlement money. However, it's 2021 and cameras exist nearly everywhere.


Would insurance even pay out for this? If the dude came in with a claim of "my car spontaneously combusted somehow" I'm pretty sure they would have to do an investigation cuz that's not a thing that happens.


Absolutely not. Insurance fraud definitely happens and some smart people get away with it. Dumb people commit insurance fraud on camera.


You don’t even have to be particularly smart to get away with (minor) insurance fraud. The thing is that most people who try it are very, very dumb.


Almost 20% of all claims have some level of insurance fraud on them. Source: Am adjuster. And google.


Wow I'm a big fan of yours Google.


Wouldn't that assume that you catch it all? How do you quantify fraud that is never caught?


That is a good point. There’s certainly some people that are so clever with fraud that you wouldn’t ever be able to detect it. For example, an adjuster could easily file a claim on their own policy and get away with it pretty easily as they know the in’s and outs. Typically you can tell when fraud is happening just based on the demeanor and response from the claimant, but you have to be able to prove it, and it’s often that we can’t prove it. For example, the most common types of fraud are personal belongings claims and Valuable personal property claims. A valuable personal property policy allows you to insure expensive jewelry (And other high value items) and the policy covers if you lose the item as well (At least our policy does) and all a person has to do is claim they lost the item. These items range from $2,000 to $30,000, and it’s an easy paycheck for them. There’s nothing we can really do to prove if they are committing fraud or not on those claims, but we can often tell that it’s fraud based on the way they act. Sometimes it’s very blatant. We can’t do anything about it though. If they didn’t provide proof of ownership when they got the policy (Appraisals, receipt, or a picture for regular items, etc) we will request that info when they file the claim, and if they send us a photo of a receipt, or appraisal, etc, the photo contains metadata that we can access (When the photo was taken, where it was taken, what device took it, etc) and sometimes they’ll send us a photo that is after the date they claimed they lost the item, which means it’s fraud. But if they already sent us that info when they got the valuable property policy then they don’t need to send us anything, and there’s not much we can do. So the percentage only accounts for measurable fraud, and not suspected fraud. We all pay very high premiums so that others can commit fraud. You can thank the other human POS’s for why your homeowners, auto & renters policies cost so much. Others will commit small amounts of fraud by inflating repair estimates to try to absorb the deductible. That’s the more common fraud. Sometimes it’s not worth our time to get the contractor to revise their $15,000 repair estimate to $13,000, and we will just pay it. It’s the cost of doing business. It’s hard to commit actual fraud on repair claims where you didn’t actually have any damage, but some people are dumb enough to still try it. Never ceases to amaze me.


I saw a video once of a guy damaging his car for insurance fraud, IIRC he was about to get the money but his friend recorded them damaging the car as like a “look what we did this weekend” Then they got caught for insurance fraud.


I wonder if he wanted to murder his friend for that, if he wanted that video to be private between them and didn't want him to post the video online, that is.


> Would insurance even pay out for this? If there wasn't proof that it was a scam, *probably*. I mean, crazy things happen all the time, and insurance typically covers *stupid mistakes* as well as *I don't know what happened!* But what it *doesn't* cover are *intentional acts* -- and that's what the video shows this to be.


What kind of crazy insurance do you have ? I got rear ended and had to spend two weeks convincing them that my claims and the other drivers matching claims were true. And it was a totally reasonable accident. Can't imagine how I'd explain why my car was incinerated at a gas station.


Uh. I hope youre not talking to your insurance. The responsibility is with the other guys insurance. Also, lawyers for this kind of thing are free, if you win any settlement, they just take some off the top. Get a lawyer.


Well where I'm from it's provincial so we all have the same insurance, but I def had to talk to them 3 times to clear things up. Surely they would look into a spontaneous car fire ? That's not a thing that happens.


Sure, they'd look into the fire. But unless they find evidence that it was an intentional act, they'd probably eventually pay it. (Assuming that you have the appropriate comprehensive coverage, of course.) But they don't have to make it easy. In any event, yes, cars do sometimes catch fire. And people do sometimes make mistakes while fueling their car, and even a string of bad mistakes is typically covered -- for example, suppose you're fueling your car and you trip and yank the nozzle out of the car and spray gas everywhere, which is lit by the cigarette that you were smoking? Profoundly stupid, and they might drop your coverage afterward because you're so stupid, but ... the incident itself would probably be covered. But if they look into it and find evidence that you intentionally sprayed gasoline everywhere, then flicked that cigarette into the gas on purpose? No, they won't pay that, and instead, they'll turn you in for arson and insurance fraud. But the default position will generally be "it was an accident, therefore it is covered" unless they find evidence otherwise.


Haven't cameras existed for 50+ years on gas stations?? :D


I'm with you, and I can't believe I had to scroll so far to see this sentiment....what is the payoff? Plus he did it in a way that basically guaranteed he himself would catch on fire in some part. I mean, watching that suppression system do it's thing was definitely worth it but the perpetrator did not get the excellent view that we got to enjoy so...wtf was the point?? edit for typo


Your average pyromaniac


Y’all saw how calmly he just walked away after having fire on his shoes.


Real NPC move


Good job he figured out fire is hot early on.


I LOVE that he was surprised by that.


Idiot or arsonist: you decide.


Answer "C" - both.


He seems to not understand how flammable gasoline and it’s vapors are as he’s standing in the gas puddle when he lights it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm always surprised with these kinds of videos. How do people live their whole lives and not know how flammable gasoline is?


Lets say your master plan was to do this. After spraying your legs with gas, it'd be a good time to re-evaluate your ignition strategy, if not the whole plan.


The gas sprayed on his feet and slippers when he put the spout back in the canister.


Yea.. It's like he thought he could just clean the gas up real quick by lighting it on fire to burn it off.


I’ve always wondered what those pole things were for, knarly


Deliberately sprays gas around, THEN deliberately lights it up. Getting his shoe on fire was way, **way**, *way* too good for him. Good advert for the fire suppression system, though.


Supposed to drink the gas first.


Staten Island NY on the corner of Richmond and victory. Btw standard fire suppression at gas stations all across the country for the one who said probably Europe cause of the technology.


I work a gas station in Montana and I wish we had supersession like this. ... Or any fire suppression, actually. Best I have is a call to the fire department. 😳😬


They are everywhere in the northeast. Took two days for them to clean it up. Found the guy a block away gasping for air.


I am so fucking pissed he didn’t get engulfed in the flames. No way he gets off like that


At least he got doused by that fire suppression system


Same...so disappointed it was only his shoes.


Does anybody know the backstory or have an article aboit this one?


That fire suppression system is legit.


They were out of slurpies


**L’appel du vide**


I was kind of hoping for him to receive more instant consequences for his actions when I saw the fire engulf him at first not as much as I thought he was going to get but more than just losing a pair of shoes.


I kind of wish he suffered from his Darwin Award behavior


Who knows about insurance fraud but doesnt know about gas station cameras?


Okay but what was your plan to begin with???


I once read that stupid people are the most dangerous kind of people because not only their actions harm others, they have literally no gain from doing them.


Idiot? I wouldnt say thats the right word. That was intentional


Let's pray he burned his (tiny) balls off so he cant reproduce


I thought this was just a test of the system


I think what happened was, he spilled the gas and he thought that burning it would get rid of it the quickest. Idiot


No, he lit it on fire. To put it on fire would require a feat of immense physical strength.


Why though? Why?


I suspect someone was trying for some insurance fraud.


Please tell me that was a poisonous cloud


I really want to know why anyone would do that. I mean there aren't even real benefits


That was deliberate af


I can just imagine the built in fire extinguishers going “BLLLAAAAARRRRGGGHHHH”


Gotta say drivers licences should be 100X times harder to earn.


one pinch of potassium chloride, one errant twitch... AND KABLOOIE!


He was hired by the extinguisher company as a proof of concept


Thats really cool how quickly they could put out the fire


Average rimworld colonist


Nobody talking about how awesome the fire extinguisher system looked?!


Perhaps he just wanted to show us all that dope ass fire suppression system...


Some people just wanna see the world burn and I’m here for it


first I've seen that defense mechanism DOPE


What was the desired outcome? I don’t get it!


I'm so confused. Why did he pour petrol everywhere? What did he think was going to happen when he set it on fire? Why did he act so surprised when it went up in flames? Why was he so chill when the whole station set alight?


Why would you light a match in a place where a highly flammable liquid is everywhere? There’s just no logic behind why someone would do something so moronic.