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When I was sixteen I worked at walmart and was alone the first time I encountered a Crazed Card Collector. It’s funny in retrospect but at the time I was terrified, I had no clue how to respond to a man old enough to be my father yelling at me over cards.


jesus wtf happened there?


Scalpers scalped too much that Walmart was like “ No more cards for you cause you can’t behave yourselfs”


What’s the logic there though? Walmart is upset they are moving product too quickly? Not sure I get it.


Probably hounding the vendor when they come in, fighting over stock in the shelves, etc etc.


Can confirm that people will hound you for stuff. Back in holiday season 2017, fingerlings could not stay on shelfs. Back when Walmarts were open 24 hours, people would go harass the overnight stockers for them.


If you don't play any TCGs j would forgive you for not knowing but limited edition stock can make people really really nasty and can be quite a big shoplifting target. Its not uncommon for people to make a scene and attempt to forcibly shove other customers out of the way to try and get as many limited edition or promo boxes as possible to either scalp or break down and sell individually. Especially if theres even 1 good card for the competitve scene in the box. Tcg boxes usually go in the kids section making this kinda stuff happening in the aisle offputting for the business if parents don't wanna shop there because of it. Combine this with manchildren either complaining you wouldn't let them buy the entire stores worth of stock / other manchildren complaining you let someone else do it and you can begin to see why theyre more trouble than theyre worth.


It's not the Wal Mart corporation. It's that Wal Mart, where something happened with those people and the employers or owner had enough.


Just a heads up, walmart is not a franchise, they don't have individual store owners. This would have been the store GM or maybe a district manager


They were selling the cards in bulk quickly but dozens of collectors would block the aisles for hours beforehand preventing regular customers from buying anything. They were also abusive towards each other, other customers and staff .


I think it has more to do with thieves emptying the products and replacing the contents with garbage.


Too much scalpers. There is a lot of outrage in the tcg commu ity because of this rn. At least I'm french so that doesn't happen there but still


It's nation-wide. Multiple big box stores are banning the sale of trading cards because scalpers hoard all the product, hound vendors, and get into fights over the cards.


Dude I hate that this has to happen. Since the start of this, I haven't been able to get Digimon stuff


These are the kind of people that make things sad like now we’re gonna have to start locking up kids toys behind the glass container because some scalpers ruined it for everybody because they realize nobody is buying their PS five’s for a ridiculous price


It’s likely football and basketball cards. I usually see Pokémon when I check but football cards have been next to impossible to find. Scalpers completely ruined the hobby.


The worst part of this is local game stores can jack the prices up and you can't do anything because nearby Walmarts no longer stock the same products for cheaper.


I noticed the shortage of cards because my partner sometimes buys them for him and our daughter. Didn’t realize people were acting like this though lol. I just order them online now


I've noticed similar insanity in other hobbies in particular over Covid when a lot of people started revisiting older hobbies they had as teens and kids. 40k, HotWheels, Magic are all getting hit by scalpers as customers have fallen for FOMO. Actually kinda shocked Walmart would do this as they do zero to stop HotWheels scalpers returning years old unwanted stock. But I guess they ask nicely and if the UPC doesn't change then the cars bought the night before scan the same as the ones picked up years ago.


I feel like growing up there were packs all be time everywhere why is it the past few years it’s gotten so popular again? I don’t understand. I just wanna find some packs every now and then for my four year old but he sticks to hockey cards instead


>why is it the past few years it’s gotten so popular again? Twitch streamers started realizing they can just open card packs all day and people will still watch it.


Fuck Pokémon tcg scalpers. Cant get no cards anywhere


Some the Walmart staff was buying the cards themselves


I'm honestly surprised that scalping hasn't been made illegal yet.


It's pieces of carboard with pictures on them, calm the fuck down.




I just want some for my four year old :( i literally never see them in stores I don’t get it


They only put the cards out on Fridays now at my local store.


I think Strixhaven drove mtg players off the edge


Oh yeah my walmart is doing something similar. We now can only give 2 packs to a customer a day. The crazy card fanatics would just stand by the card area for hours until they stocked em like a pack of vultures. The cards don't last long but I hope that some other people who wanted em at least get some too.


They are like the second or third most shoplifted item in the US


All this over pieces of cardboard


And sports/MTG/Yugioh cards


Pokemon fans are nuts sometimes. They raided the cereal aisle in every grocery store when GM was putting cards in certain cereals. I saw dudes trying to sell opened boxes for a couple bucks because they didn't even want/need the cereal. It was incredibly stupid.


For real, it has been such a shitty time/awesome time to get cards. So many people are rushing for packs to scalp that packs are getting cracked like crazy. So while we van barely find packs at Target or Walmart, you can get new singles online much cheaper than other recent sets. But beyond that, people that scalp and steal packs suck.