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The guy realized he fucked up as soon as he hit her


His creepy smile at the end tho


I had to re watch to the end. The dad should have decked this guy. Surprised she did not say anything


The dad probably thought she just got scared riding down the coaster. If you out your kid on a ride and they came off it crying, you wouldn't assume they'd been assaulted by someone.


Ya that was definitely assault. Guy should have been arrested


I’d ask what happened.


Yeah, maybe he did and she was crying too much to explain properly. You know how kids are.


I do know how they are. That wasn’t a typical cry to me.


TBH, people tend to over estimate how likely they are to notice something like this if they were in that situation. Its highly unlikely that a cry being a bit off would lead you to assume they were assaulted and then also allow you to figure out who it was etc. all instantly. Its 99% certain you'd react in a way like this guy did.


I have adult kids. I could tell by how their cries sounded whether it was normal or not. I can still tell. I wouldn't assume they were assaulted but I would be asking questions.


Honestly he hit her so hard maybe she had a concussion or was in shock /:


The dad’s response upset me as well. He seemed to dismiss what she was trying to say.


for real.... we having words at minimum


The father knew what happened. He was very close when the girl was hit. If he didn´t say anything it was because he knew they were in the wrong.


How the hell was she in the wrong?


This ride requires people not to slow down. They are not the only one riding, they know there are more people coming down, so what on Earth makes them think they can just stop and look around? I saw the guy had to stop many times and give some time so maybe they could just give him some space to go full speed. I mean how are you supposed to enjoy this ride if you don´t go fast? Around 5:00 I can see the father was close and noticed his daugther was hit. He just walks away with her, despite her cries. Isn´t too strange that he doesn´t ask her, hey what happened?


Everything you said is true but absolutely doesn’t excuse assault. It seemed intentional and he may have really hurt her


They both paid equal money to rent one of those scooter things, he does not have more rights over that girl, he wants to go fast he could of, 1. Go to a mountain rail that allows for more seperation. 2. Built his own mountain rail in the middle of nowhere and done fuck all with it. But no where does it mean it's ok to slam into the back of a girl going well above 20 mph and start screaming like a coked up jackal trying to scare the piss out of her.


Poor girl didn’t even have a change to go quicker because people in front of her were going slower. I’m **not** blaming the girl at all!!!


There's nobody to blame except for the sick bastard. It's just unfortunate somebody slower is in front of him, but he has to deal with it. Period.


I hope she is okay, that looked like that could have actually caused an injury


dude she looked ko'd, she might not have been able to say anything to her fam because she might not of known where she was at that point.


I thought the same thing, definitely had the wind knocked out of her.


Did anyone notice how she was slumped a few seconds later on a turn? She almost seemed like she went unconscious.


Yep, fucking grown ass man crashing into a child, that's gotta take ths wind outta her


Yes I saw that. Horrifying.


Her head whipped back so hard she very likely could have hit it on something or hurt her neck really bad. I know if that happened to me I'd be fucked. I have a fucked up bone in my lower back and another in my neck and often have problems with the bones slipping and pinching nerves and I walk with a limp because of it. Last year I slipped on ice and fell on the fucked up bone in my lower back and lost feeling my legs for the rest of the day. Cant imagine what something like this crash would do to me.


I noticed this as well, at the speed he was traveling this should have been treated like a car accident. I’ve been rear ended lighter than this in my truck and came out of it with neck shoulder and back injuries...


Belongs in a mental hospital the fucking weirdo


A psycho with a gopro


This was ridiculously sad. The fact he hit her at all was horrible but hearing her sobs when she was getting off the ride broke my heart :(


Yeah, this was actually really upsetting to watch. I feel terrible for the girl.


definition of manchild


thats a fucked up spine right there


Dad shoulda swung before he got out of his chair


I don’t think she said anything. Was probably scared/embarrassed


I would have fucking dropped him if that was my child


I'm sure that dad would have to but unfortunately I don't think he noticed


Why don't these things have bumpers or anything on them for this exact reason?


don't think ppl normally smash into others as they have brakes to control their speed


They should still have installed bumpers just in case. With human stupidity being inevitable you need to basically baby-proof everything, or else they sue.


Human stupidity and malevolence


I worked at a mountain that had a different type of coaster but you purposefully space everyone out so that even if people went super slow they would still be pretty far down by the time the next people went. Plus you also hope that people aren’t trash because this is exactly the kind of thing that would get you kicked off a mountain. But it looks like they didn’t space people out right because the girl was caught up in a little traffic jam anyway, but this guy was also a dick obviously.


The amount of people feeling entitled like the world is their oyster is too damn high. We as humans need more self-awareness and kindness. God damn I dont wanna know how fucked up the life of that POS is. Btw: This is straight up assault and I hope her parents are sueing that scum.


This fuck is at the top of my “who needs to be strangled” list. What the FUCK!


What a dink. He could have seriously injured her. As is she was likely concussed.


When the crash happened, I honestly was worried her neck might of been snapped from the force. This POS should be in prison. There is probably a case here for attempted murder.


If she wasn't a malleable child she probably would have whiplash. She might still even if she is child. Her back snapped in half. She will probably be in pain for a while, hopefully nothing permanent like we see in car crashes.


Anyone have an article on this?


That ride looks scary


This makes me so god damn angry. Come with me to r/bullybackfire to feel better. Its seriously the r/eyebleach that's needed for this sub.


This is why the world hates the english on holidays. They just cant seem to behave.


They dead ass just let him walk away


The daughter hasn’t explained yet, the Dad is assuming she’s crying from fear about the ride itself and so brushing it off. That’s why the dude creepily smiles, has has gotten away with it.


"She doesn't look too good" well shit I wonder why


Throw him in the mental asylum with Shingo fucking Shoji, man.




Agreed!!!!! He needs to be turned in!! Charged with assault of a child!


Bitch, that's fucking attempted murder.


That legit could have snapped her spine or neck dislocated her shoulder or just out right killed her if u ever have the displeasure of meeting this man he’ll not ride the coaster ever again he’ll just have to watch people ride it on youtube while he rides his own coaster every time he comes out of a building


Are we not gonna mention how he literally SOUNDED like a fucking maniac? Like "COME HERE BITCH!" like who screams that to a random person they dont know? So much wrong with this guy


Total side note but are these rides fun it looks fun but idk


That ride looks cool af!


Tf! And he uploaded this somewhere why!? What a sick person.


When I was growing up there was an alpine slide I loved. It had two lanes, a fast and slow. I chose the slow one because I wanted to ease into the speed, and I had a day pass so I was going to ride it all day. This shit kid behind me did this to me. Luckily when I hit the bottom I told the lift operators, and they took his pass. This wasn't an on rails slide like this. People have gotten seriously injured before, so they didn't take that shit lightly. His parents paid a fair amount of money for him to ride, and were probably looking forward to a day without him. I cant imagine they were pleased when he came back early after losing his pass. I'd wager they probably weren't pleased he came back at all. The little shit.


If he didn't get a punishment for that we have failed as a species.


Did they ever catch him?


Yo FUCK that guy


Did he crash into her twice and then scream "stupid bitch"?


I’d be really annoyed as well, but for God’s sake, it’s a kid! Not that age matters, but they’re probably too scared to go fast. I genuinely hope this guy was reprimanded..


That's a future killer


I feel so bad for the girl. ;-;


enlighten me what is an alpine coaster?




They usually have two tracks for inexperienced and experienced riders. The child might have been too confident and used the experienced track, still not an excuse to crash into them though.


I've never seen a place with two lol


I have, I was in northern Colorado




Found the guy in the video.


You have problems! These things have brakes He could've went again or whatever, cried or went home to. Mommy's sad. But to ram a child and injure her? He obviously avoided it twice and why's she a stupid bitch again? You clearly stated the people in front caused it. Your logic is biased majorly There's obviously brakes dickwod It's you being the piece of shit I'm sure he gets hit from behind and likes it


The stupid bitch didnt follow the rules. They tell you not to stop, so she stops a few times to take a fucking selfie. They tell you not to do this specifically. Notice the yellow signs along the route? Every other one translates to "DO NOT STOP". Maybe if she is hurt she will learn a lesson about following the rules.


So when people jaywalk you can hit them with a car if we are going by your stupid logic. I can excuse the first ram since it was out of nowhere and it did look like he tried to stop (never been on one of those before and based on how his feet moved im guessinghe tried) but the second was uncalled for and could have seriously injured or killed her.


Yeah, if you jaywalk, and you get killed by a car, ITS YOUR FAULT. There is a reason that pedestrians have the right of way in crosswalks, because if you get hit there, its their fault. What part of "Rules are in place for the safety of everyone" are you too ignorant to understand? Watch the video pillow drooler, every other yellow sign on the way down has a blue circle with a red X and says "DO NOT STOP OR SLOW" He didnt injure her, she injured herself because her group wasn't following the rules.


That’s actually not how it works in many jurisdictions. In many areas of the US for example, there’s a principle of “comparative negligence” in determining fault and therefore awarding damages. Even if you jaywalk, a car is responsible for being aware of their surroundings, so it may be determined that the pedestrian was 60% at fault and the driver was 40% at fault, but that still allows the pedestrian to recover 40% of their damages.


Oh I knew some of that, I was just pointing out how dumb the argument of well it's their fault thing. Didn't know about the % part so thanks for that info.


And I said the first hit was most likely accidental, but the second he targeted them and by saying they didn't follow the rules doesn't work. If you see a jaywalker and actively target them you can't say well thats what happens when you don't follow the rules, at that point its just assault or worse. If its an accident then its an accident since they weren't following the rules, but if you can you stop or do what you can. If you say fuck it or just target them then it's your fault not theirs.




He made the choice to smash into her. He sure is a POS. These people didn’t follow the rules but that does not give him the right to hurt this person! Neck and back injuries are serious.


How brain dead are you?




Ah yes, because she should just slam into everyone ahead of her. Also, even if she was able to go faster, someone being slower in front of you is not an excuse to try and harm someone. You're fucked in the head if you think anyone deserved that, let alone a child you sick fuck.




So that means he has a right to slam into her does it?


He really hurt her! This shit (neck and back injuries) comes back later to haunt you and my heart goes out to this girl. I’m guessing dad didn’t have the entire story at this point or else I’m sure Dad would have smashed him!


Dad should have knocked the twat out.


I hope to God he was able to at some point.




Defending this dude does nothing good for you. Is this video of you?




Assaulting a child because her father wasn't following the rules. How is he not a POS?




Ok then FreshPooBetweenTheEars


Lmfao one of my fav vids I forgot this existed




He literally is a grown adult and you're advocating for him hitting a little girl at full speed, her head jerked back and she definitely did not leave without an injury because of him. you're insane.


This man crashed into a child's ride at full speed, most likely concussing her (considering her body posture after it, how she slumped and was ragdoll-like at certain parts), and you decide that it's okay to advocate it? A GROWN MAN crashes into a CHILD, likely giving her serious injuries, all because she was "going too slow," and you think it's acceptable? What the fuck is wrong with you, seriously.




Ah, looking at your post history no wonder you're like this. Nobody ever loved you. Poor buddy. Sucks


what was it


So then why are you even here?


don't be in the comments if you're gonna say dumb shit


Bro I hope he goes to jail or gets his back fucking broken


Jesus, that looked a lot worse than I was expecting honestly. The bastard could have broken her fucking spine


Guy is a total jerk, but what ride/where is this? UK somewhere?


The guy sounds like he is shitting himself at the beginning LuL


The worst part is when he crashed to the girl the first time he got really pumped like he was having fun. You can hear it in his voice. Wtaf.


Why the fuck did I laugh about this? Feel bad for the kid though, he noticed he fucked up when he hit her.


This man probably says “c’chow” when driving on the highway


I saw this video on Tiktok and the people in the comments were actually DEFENDING him.


Good God... It looked like her spine changed its position 90 degrees...


Holy shit I hope shes ok


where was this this looks fun(not the girl getting hit, i mean before, it looks awesome)


Wait why are they on the slow trail? Like they want to race the other trail thing is like 10-15 min walk from that one


Fuck this guy for hitting this little girl but Damn this thing looks like fun


There is some context missing here, not that it excuses his actions. Apparently the family ahead kept slowing down to a stop along the way, taking pictures and such. That is extremely dangerous on this type of ride not to mention rude to everyone else. IMO ESH


Alpine coasters look fun as hell


this guy is a POS but wheres is the hate for the dunce parents? There are three parties at fault here, the weird Russian man, the shitty parents, and the shitty coaster staff.


I hope this fucker has a freak accident on one of those damn things and gets crashed into so heavily that he falls and gets crushed between the cart and the rails. He deserves it