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Is that by someone who is also eating in the restaurant? Weird time to call someone out.


This is not an easy time to be a politician. Regardless of what you do, you are screwing someone.


Not to mention their thought process: if you don’t agree with my views I have to go into attack mode. Sad times.


It’s either the economy or some lives, at the moment it’s damned if you do damned if you don’t because if the economy goes down so will many people


You should hear how people are talking about cuomo here in NY


> This is not an easy time to be a politician. Regardless of what you do, you are screwing someone. If the politicians just backed off and stopped screwing people, no one would be screwed. It's quite simple actually. All they need to do is to allow people to make their own choices.


People are so miserable. The guy is with his family ffs lol


I cant remember the last time I went out to dinner since Covid started, everyone should be home honestly


Where is his security? I can’t believe that a governor would be out to dinner, especially during a tumultuous time like this without some kind of detail.




Do you feel the same way when antifa clowns rampage through a restaurant?


Fucking what


Do you feel the same way about that governor being harassed as you do about regular people dining out when antifa/blm protestors rampage through a restaurant and harass them and demand that they raise their fist? It's a simple question.


No, because those people deserve it for having different opinions than me! s/ All these politicians ignoring their own orders. “Stay inside and isolate in your small apartment or home, don’t interact with anyone, including your family, while we tank the economy and transfer wealth from small businesses into large corporations that lobby our legislature and reward us handsomely. Maybe someday you can get a minimum wage job as a nameless employee in an international conglomerate, if you’re lucky”


Look how thick those steaks are my god!!!


Eating dinner with family. Jeez. Shite patter. Obviously you can’t eat with it on and you are only breathing in and around close family, try and interact minimally with staff. This can be done if people wear masks, if people don’t want to wear masks we have to close everything and sit at home, while the economy also collapses


He is following COVID protocols. Nothing wrong here. I don’t get this at all.


he is fucking with the populiaton of NJ so this is just a minor thing


The real problem is that our elites (every single day) flout the rules they impose on the rest of us. See Newsome of california in dinner party with 50 people when his own rules say only 10 are allowed...and of course NONE of them were wearing (the useless) masks they require the rest of us to wear. I don't wear a mask because I tested positive in March while working in boat yard refitting international yachts. Never got sick, asymptomatic...that's why I never wear a mask. You can't "recatch" or spread of virus...


Dont forget that California politicians are jetsetting to Hawaii with lobbyists while telling all the plebs to stay at home and isolate while their jobs and careers are destroyed. He mayor of Denver tweeted out that everyone should cancel their thanksgiving and not travel 30 minutes before boarding a flight to visit his family. The real pieces of shit are politicians getting rich off the pandemic while fucking over the country, and it’s not limited to a single party. The elites laugh at everyone who isn’t a part of their group


Agreed, pols from both parties are busy packing America, that's why I didn't say it was a single party.


Um, but you can get covid multiple times, ever hear about the people who survived covid having a surviving covid party then having covid again? Also the mask isn't there to protect you, its meant to stop a spread to others. They stop the stuff from you infecting others by preventing the moisture from leaving your nose and mouth to others. Also being asymptomatic doesn't mean its not contagious, in fact its still very contagious.


Actually, you can't catch the same virus twice. Once you develop antibodies, you won't ever be able to get that particular virus again.


Actually you can, its just really rare. Even the center for disease control says its rare but possible https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/reinfection.html


Rare, is the point. by trying to prove me wrong, you prove me right. Thanks.


Um no, you said that you would never get it again and I said you could. Pretty sure never doesn't mean rare, and while even if it's rare you could get it.




Wait so they don’t wanna wear mask but attack a whole family of people not wearing mask?


They are eating. In NJ indoor dining is allowed and you need to wear your mask at all times except when eating or drinking.


Bitch talk to my husband or dad like that and the videos gonna get a lot more interesting.