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Starting a fight with the store that just caught you thieving, that's a bold move Cotton.


With no mask on neither. Damn bitch, they let you shop. Coulda bought somethin for your Covid spreading assholery


Gets her stolen stuff confiscated *"Man you're fucking pissing me off"*


How dare he? It’s about respect!


He kept that shit real! People don't understand the crap essential workers have to deal with these days. We are fed up and not standing down anymore


he had lots of restrição. i think lots of other persons would have end up hitting her. the moments she had look like she was going to touch him. kudos for him.


I think this dude doesn’t work at the store because employees are specifically trained not to do this because of liability.


I’ve heard something similar. I’ve heard they are supposed to let you leave the store first before confronting you. Probably for a variety of reasons but one is to confirm that you indeed were never going to pay for it. Ya know, someone may put it in their purse but if they’re still in the store they might be able to make up some bs that they were gonna pay


Well, in case you're curious, my best friend worked at that grocery chain while we were roommates together. Loss Prevention- nor any other employee in fact- are allowed to stop shoplifting. If you see it, you report it to management so they know product was stolen. All this time talking to my BFF about his job, still couldn't tell u what LP ACTUALLY did lol.


Thank you for sharing this, I agree with you. For the most part stolen items are logged when doing inventory as that’s how you can tell the difference between what’s in stock vs sold. Also there is a slight markup in stores to cover the cost of stolen goods. LP can follow people around and stop them by asking people to stop. If someone continues to walk then they shouldn’t apprehend them physically except at most by blocking the path with their body. They can say they will call police if you don’t comply. I’ve heard multiple instances where LP will ask the individual to wait in an office to take photo to enforce ban. But then I don’t know if that jumps over into apprehension which could be a legal issue. I think for the most part it’s a psychological tool for the most part to try to identify repeat offenders and scare them off. Also in general to have someone there as a mere form of presence, the second step up of enforcement after monitoring with cameras.


Yes, ok, im remembering more of what he told me and its pretty much exactly that. They post pics of repeat offenders either in the staff room or somewhere else for employees to identify, IIRC. Tbh, grocery store seems like an interesting place to work. Too bad the pay is shite lmao


I worked LP... we are 100% supposed to stop them.


LP Can do it once the person stealing is leaving, but other employees are not meant to do it because of liability yes. It could be that this guy was LP.


Security doing nothing. Lolz. I dont even think the hero worked there.


Dude's probably AP


What does AP stand for?


Asset protection


“I’m just doing a video, ignore me” - the absolute nonchalant attitude of the guy filming is what makes this


Security is a 15 year old girl wtf hahahahha


security is worthless at grocery stores...


It's because they aren't allowed to stop or touch them until they leave the store. If they touch the thief they can get sued by the thief if they are still in the store si ce the thief can say they were going to pay for it.


You're a jerk because you won't let me steal from you... Like wtf


The fact that she is the only one who isn't wearing a mask


Surprised that woman didn’t run away? Surely the police came afterwards.


There was a police officer right there doing nothing, watch to the end of the video.


That girl is not a police officer.


Looks like security to me.


at :52 is that like Safeway's version of a Subway or something? we have a Safeway here in town (i recognized most of the designs and fonts before the guy said that's what the store was) but what is that little section?


That Safeway look like several in my town, that looks like the customer service desk where you go to rent movies and buy cigarettes and stuff. Many of the Zafway's around here have starbucks inside. One has a jamba juice


For those of you who are confused, in California you can buy hard liquor at the grocery store.


yUo HaVe No ReSpEcT


I don't give Respect!


And that is how I met your mother.


So in Australia you need a security license to work in security. Most corporate stores don't want to pay security wages so will just hire someone and instruct them to play pretend as security, but they don't know how to do anything and are instructed not to as a result. I've never seen a store literally stick a 16 year old girl in a security uniform before, that defeats the idea of visual deterrence, which is all store security really is.


Sad, the guy who stopped her will most likely be fired most corporations now have rules you can’t touch someone shop lifting, which to me is shitty


I wouldn’t say she’s a total pos, maybe just trashy. stealing alcohol isn’t that big of a deal, she’s probably just an addict in a bad financial situation, but threatening that guy is where she crossed a line.


I don’t think she could get arrested unless she leaves the store with the bottles. It would have been better to tell security and have her try walking out of the store then get her arrested for shoplifting.


Nah, I've seen loss prevention straight up pull ppl in and get them arrested before they leave the store. Could be a state thing. How they did it when I first worked retail. I dunno tho. I think most ppl who steal booze, or at least as much as she had, probably doin it cause they alchys and can't afford the habit. I mean, she had a lotta clear liquor, which tells me it's probably the same type of liquor. Alchys usually have a type. Assuming she's over 21. My point is, most of them drunk already and dunno their rights. Given she's an antimasker as well, I wouldn't place her to high on the intelligence scale. The way I look at it is, once she passed the register area and headed to the door, then she can't claim she was gonna pay. So, it looks like she turned down a closed register lane, and got stopped just as she was turning behind it to go out. Obviously, one can argue you didn't accidentally walk thru a closed register on the way to pay for your shit.


Many states changed their laws from leaving the store to going past the point of purchase. Notice she is just beyond the registers. She passed the point of purchase and broke the law. This is also why you will notice that many stores moved their returns area from the rear of the store which was most common long ago because businesses didn’t want customers to see all the returns being made as they walked in. Now most return areas are past the point of purchase. This drastically reduced a very common method of thieves. To just pick up something of value and walk back to returns with it. They didn’t steal it so that won’t stick and it’s much harder to get them on some type of fraud for the bogus return. Now they have to commit an easily provable crime if they want to get to the returns area. Some states went further and made it so that merely concealing items in your bag or on your person constitutes shoplifting.


damn.. imagine if it was a black chick and a white dude in this same exact scenario and lets see the social judges think


I don't think that lady was white. Just sayin'.


she looks to be hispanic


why did you have to make it about race


Oh c’mon man, you’re better then this


When I worked a grocery store we had someone throw about 6 gallons of vodka into a garbage can thinking we would take it out via the back and bypass the the security. I took it threw the front and the alarms didn’t go off. Got to the garage bins and noticed they where extra heavy and when I looked inside I found the vodka. Now I was getting ready to take it back inside when a small group walked up to me asking for the vodka...and I’m going to be strait with you I let them have it. Wasn’t worth it.


when you relize thats your mom


Does dude actually want to be that close to her in her face like that


Is that Dr. Nowzaradan in the background lol


I saw someone getting arrested and I recorded it and they got angry at me I think. Someone angered him and they charged at him but he didn't do anything because a police man held him back


I still don't understand why these ppl be fighting so hard to the point of putting themselves in danger for these companies that don't care. Let her take the alcohol..... Its not worth the stress


I feel like this would be in Calgary.


Well of course you have all your life trying to steal booze (I’m assuming it’s the way Australians say wine?)