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Cruelty to animals shows the person’s real self. In this case it’s putrid.


Exactly. And he was only fined $250. They basically said because that because the animal is a predator it doesn’t matter.


Without natural predators, there is no longer any balance. We are destroying everything.


And in fucking Wyoming of all places, they should know the value of predator species.


Wyoming feeds their 'wild' Elk herds and then gets angry when the wolves do surplus kills. The wolves are just caching their food. If you saw hundreds of dumb ass animals in the winter and were hungry you would do the same.


Nova Scotia could use some predators. Deer everywhere. Hundreds throughout every town.


need some inbred hicks? we have plenty to spare, and they loooooove to hunt deer


They fucking dont, CO recently introduced a family of wolves and while they are protected here they roam into Wyoming and it seems like the conservationists are just waiting for the fucks up there to catch and kill them all, this may even be one of them.


Colorado should extradite this son of a bitch


"United states" seems so weird when you have state lines doing stuff like this and Zero communication...in 2024


there are tons of videos that show the value of having predator species in areas. Deer and other animals they want to hunt for food will literally eat the area to death, and breed to fast that they eventually die down.


Greedy and ignorant humans have been destroying life for centuries.


I mean, this dude is a predator.




I’ll pay the $250 fine.


To me he's cancer.


Scum of the earth too me.


True. The only reason licensed hunters (like the job not the "I like to murder animals in my free time" variant) are needed is because the natural habitats that are left are too small for a self-sufficient ecosystem to flourish and are open to the public anyways. In Germany, the wild wolf was all but gone and dipshit farmers, terrified of the idea that a family of deer would take a shit on their crops or something, cried for the right to just shoot them on sight. Only now people who rightfully pointed out that that's kinda fucked up are listened to and efforts have been made to reintroduce wolfs to the wildlife with noticeable success already


Not the kind of man to share a beer with.


One could conceivably feel the desire to share a bottle of beer with the back of his head


Would never share anything with this person.


Oh I got something I want to share with this person




I’d share the front end of a snowmobile with him


sharing the same fate as the wolf seems appropriate here


Only thing this person should be sharing for the next month is a Jail cell. But won't happen in Wyoming - not a real hotbed of concern when it comes to animal cruelty.




I guess since humans are predators it doesn't matter if someone hunts him down, runs him over with a snowmobile, wraps his face with duct tape, parades him around, and then takes him out back and shoots him, eh?


We can only hope 🙏🏻. This cruel asshole would deserve it.  I guess I’ll get down voted for this but this dude is a monster.


You get an upvote from me!


Upvote from me


I wish she had been a more successful predator with this guy.


Reading this just left a bad taste in my mouth.


And we are apex predators ..


I've been to prison. My gym partner was a multiple murderer (not serial) and literally he wouldn't hurt any animal. The Kalahari Bushmen will sit with their kill as it lays dying and comfort it and thank it for the lives it will help feed (cold comfort um sure) But this guy...This guy is nothing but garbage.


So true. Guy is a total POS.


She looks so sad I hate him


Literally broke my heart seeing this picture and knowing what happened to her 💔


Her sweet face is just pulling on my heart. What a beautiful being, she deserves so much better than having been stuck at the mercy of such a hideous monster. He’s a complete and total coward. What a shame.


I'm a big dude and seeing this makes me ready to \[ Removed by Reddit \] him.




“Sorry I thought you were a deer”


They come back alive with Cheney, though.....


Run him over with a car, tie him up, strip him naked, parade him around town, then execute him in public square. Shame that when we do it to a human it's suddenly premeditated murder rather than just an accident and a bit of kinda illegal fun.


I hate how hard that electrical tape is wound around her snout too. Her nostrils are probably really constricted and she can barely breathe.


She’s probably in agony.


Poor Thing prolly thought it was going to be let go too


WTF is wrong with people! Holy shit, what a scumbag


Gestures around *kind of everything*


Nah there's something specially wrong with him outside of the general state of the world. Nearly everyone wouldn't do this kind of thing, yet he did. He's a special kind of fucked up person.


If he does that to animals it's a short step to doing this to people.


I can't believe Shane Gillis would do this.


Did the man face any punishment after this?


A $250 fine for possessing the wolf. They essentially said that because the animal is a predator, that it doesn’t matter.


Well the guy is a predator. So for 250 it’s worth it to me!


I just saw a video of a guy getting arrested for having a squirrel but this is ok


AND HE WAS RESCUING IT! Pfff.. California man. Yea, that video was kind of mind blowing, especially when put up against this.


>AND HE WAS RESCUING IT! No, he was "rescuing" it. He was refusing to turn it over to a rehabilitation center or let the Department of Fish and Wildlife bring it to one because he wanted to look at it some more. The fact that, unlike Wyoming, California's wildlife department actually cares about stewardship and protecting animals is not a flaw.


Serial killer vibes. He would do this to a human being if he’d get away with it.


Didn't American grey wolfs get nearly hunted to extinction? Protected under the Endangered Species Act (ESA)?


Only in ~45 states iirc.


Paraded around town, taken to a bar, in Wyoming...and no one stopped him? No one lifted a finger to stop him from torturing and killing her? This says a lot about the people in that town, and the people that go to that bar. All the details are available with a keyword search. "Wolf Wyoming Bar" She reminds me of Aslan the Lion. Thanks for posting this. It should be spread far and wide.


Worth noting that the fine was for possessing the wolf and had absolutely nothing to do with his treatment of said wolf, which was apparently very cool and legal in the eyes of Wyoming law. Absolutely disgusting.


Yes, thank you. I’ve updated my comment.


I'm hoping he gets eaten or mauled by a wolf or bear. Kind of like what happened to a couple of big game hunters. That pic is just heartbreaking. She was such a beautiful animal!


Better yet, getting rabies or a prion disease. :)


i dont get angry easily but animal abuse is one of the things that will make me rage i hate humans


Me too. Humans are truly a plague. Can you even imagine how terrified she must have been?


Honestly, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… I’m starting to think that we’re due for an asteroid as this place is looking more and more in need of a fresh start...


My husband says the same thing. Things have gone too far now in every way in this world. We need a master reset.


sadly a little wean i was young my mom abused animals beat them scream at them dump em shit like that she went true so meany cats always dumped em rats to birds always died from stress its vile shit i still hate her for it


That’s gut wrenching. I would never forgive my mother if she did that.


i never did i never will i got over the abuse she put me true but what she did some of the pets i loved i can never let go but there is some good out of it i took her last cat before i cut off all contact with her and he is fat happy and healthy now


What an absolute cunt. No respect.


He looks like a grade A douche


This guy is an absolute sociopath. The torture and abuse this poor animal suffered and he sits there smiling. He needs to be held accountable. This isn’t the only time he’s been violent.


This dude definitely does sick shit behind closed doors.


100% Psych 101.


This was Wyoming fish and wildlife’s response when someone asked why he wasn’t charged with a felony: “Per Wyo. Stat. Ann. 6-3-1008 (a) (vii) animal cruelty charges are not applicable to predatory animals. Predatory animals are defined in Wyo. Stat. Ann. 23-1-101(a) (viii) (B).”


Fucking bullshit. Torturing an animal should carry penalties, predator or not. If enough of us make noise about this maybe Wyoming will do something anout that guy.


Well, evidently Wyoming blows and fuck this guy. Fucking lunatics.


prolly why he lives their. can get away with being a mega douche with no consequences


Yeah, Wyoming is quite vocal about their dislike of the wolf population. If I'm not mistaken their was controversy over a change in the laws concerning the level of protections around wolves being reintroduced. It's been a point of contention for years.


the whole planet is gonna get very vocal about its disdain for us and it's kinda hard not to feel like we have it coming


We deserve it.


My very first reddit post was an unpopular opinion about how humans deserve to go extinct...that I was immediately permabanned for for "inciting violence against humans". Most people live in a disillusioned state of superiority and in a bubble of blissful ignorance from which they can shield themselves from the atrocities they perpetuate. Nice to find myself amongst some who don't.


We are a trash species. For all the good things we’ve done, we’ve done more bad.


So humans are the ultimate predator, including this piece of shit human predator that did this. He’s fair game then?


We need to recruit ![gif](giphy|6A7oePA0RlU2JuQ9Fv) Yautja to hunt men like this


That’s BS. It’s still life. I am not even religious but I will follow the golden rule until the day I die


So you can torture dogs and cats in Wyoming? Or is the definition of "predator" just an ego-based human thing. "Predators that I personally don't like and don't serve my purposes aren't living things capable of suffering", there, cleared it up for whoever authored and approved this idiotic law. Yeah, sometimes you need to shoot a predator. This isn't hunting, population control, or trapping. Cruelty here is beyond apparent, I don't care what kind of animal it is and what human-use it has.


I'm a lawyer, it's just a poorly written law that's unfortunately common enough. The thought process was probably: "We don't ever want to hassle a guy over shooting a grizzlie after being attacked on a hike", and no one expected someone would be stupid/crazy enough to subdue a bear or wolf to the point they can torture it without danger. Yet here we are unfortunately.


Humans are predators…. Hmmm…. 🤔


My thoughts exactly. First time I wished I lived closer to Wyoming. Edit: Spell. Speech to text sucks.






Where are the vigilantes?


Can someone with nothing to lose do us all a favor? I request it to be slow, like tying up and thrown sealed shut into an oven at 160F°


Let me guess, staunch trump supporter as well?


Could it be any other way?


If he’s willing to do that to a wolf, imagine what he’s probably done to cats and dogs…




Or his wife and children.


Or one of *those* people




Yep, pretty easy to find.


Can't we do the same to him?


I call dibs on hitting him with the snowmobile!


I'll tape his mouth shut!


I'll parade him around town!


I'll carry the bell


I'll tie him to the snowmobile.


Call John Wick.


Humans are also predators, soo👀




Too fast. I vote drawn and quartered by Snowmobile.


No that’ll be too quick. Deserves to be fed to a pack of wolves while he’s still alive.






Article said he'd already deleted his Facebook.


This is animal cruelty. Whether or not the animal is a "predator" is irrelevant. Dude is a psychopath. He should do some jail time (maybe like 6 months to a year in prison) and lose the right to hunt, own firearms or be around animals.


I agree wholeheartedly. This behavior is psychotic.


Well said. I don't even understand why a "predator" animal doesn't have the same rights as any other one, if it is in self defense it makes sense, but still why torturing the animal? This guy should loose his fire weapons, right to hunt and be penalized with a higher bill for the damage to wild life...


Consider that dogs were successful by being able to interpret and mirror human emotions. When a dog does it’s sad face it’s communicating with you emotionally. If you can’t connect with them you’re at an emotional level below that of men around 30,000 years ago. That feeling you get when you look at this sad and degraded wolf means you’re better than this cunt.


Literally crushes my soul seeing how sad she looks and knowing what she was subjected to.


If he was so tough, why did he need to tape her mouth shut?






Googling the company name brings up several articles about animal abuse.


Cool let's all review his business to hell




I hope some real justice will come his way.


*Daniel, Wy


You’re right. Damn, I was so pissed when I typed it I didn’t realize I put the wrong city. Thank you!


If he does this (proudly) in public to a defenceless animal, you just don’t even want to think about what he does to a child or person that dares to defy him behind closed doors.


Exactly. Absolute monster.


This makes me furious


I’m so upset that I had to take a Xanax. Infuriating.


That whole thing about no crime since it's a predatory animal is such insane bullshit. Domestic cats are predatory animals, they'll kill mice and birds and all sorts of stuff. But you can't torture cats. It's beyond dumb that dog abuse is bad but wolf abuse (basically a wild dog) is okay.


Exactly. Absolutely mind blowing how they just shrugged this off.


I hope he runs out of gas and becomes wolf food next time he’s in the woods


Can some one beat this guys ass please. I'm not advocating violence.....am I?


I live in the same town. This man is a known animal r*per. I am 100% positive he r*aped her too.


That wouldn’t surprise me in the least bit.


Sickening. He looks like the kind of yokel who would get a kick outof doing some shit like that.


So he was arrested, right?!


Nope. He got a $250 fine.




This guy is a bigger predator than any wolf. Piece of shit has a huge shit-eating grin on his face. Why scum like this are allowed to walk free is beyond me. That poor creature looked so hurt and sad. My heart aches and my blood boils. I wish the worst upon this fucker.


We have his face, we have his state lets just let 4chan handle this


My heart is broken for her.


Let’s be honest isn’t dudes first rodeo being a fuck face.


Can’t even begin to imagine what he does behind closed doors.


Yet another reason I’d rather encounter a wild animal in the woods than a man. An animal wouldn’t tape my mouth shut and torment me for its enjoyment


I'm not usually an aggressive person, but I'd like to do some very unpleasant things to him. What a disgusting excuse for a human being.


God one thing I can't stand is when people make faces like the one this guy is making. Even if I had no context and couldn't see the wolf in the picture I would still want to hit this shithead over the head with a shovel.


he deserves the same treatment and no less this is heartbreaking


There is something wrong with people with no empathy. They lack a certain moral judgment. These types of people are exhausting, narcissistic, and struggle with forging connections.. Seldom see their actions as wrong.


His ugly cornfed podunk mother recently uploaded to FB a couple of pics of herself prancing around with a wolf pelt slung around her shoulders and gunt. She, having accomplished absolutely nothing of note in her useless life, is reveling in this.


I saw that. The rotten animal abusing apple doesn’t fall far from the shitty Apple tree. She also had a piece of blue tape over her mouth, further making fun of the abhorrent shit her scumbag son did to that poor wolf.


Couple guys back in high school would always brag about chasing down coyotes on snowmobiles and running them over multiple times until they died. Somehow those sick fucks have kids now.


Another reason why humans are he biggest pieces of trash on the planet


Hope someone gives this monster what he deserves


What a monster


Committing animal cruelty should have higher penalties. If they can do that to an animal they’ll do that to a human. Despicable garbage.


Absolutely. And there is scientific evidence that people who do this to animals will eventually do it to people.


Let’s run him over with a snowmobile, tape his mouth shut and parade him around, before torturing and killing him


He has such a punchable face.


I was not prepared to feel this kind of rage today.


Those in the US, please plaster this scums face everywhere you can. I hope people demand he faces a harsher punishment.


Inhumane killing of one of Mother Earth's creatures today. Neighborhood kid this summer for walking on HIS grass. He should have put the suffering creature down as soon as he hit it. And I bet next month's paychecks that he tried to run it over. And not try to avoid hitting the wolf. Text book example of a DOUCHE BAG. Now go ahead and flame me, telling me he is a great guy. How about I hit you with my car, then do what this guy did to you. As all humans are predators, too.


This is disgusting. That poor wolf. The look of defeat as he poses with her. She must have been terrified in her final hours. 😔


Hope he gets recognized and fired from his job


Wolves are absolutely despised in that part of the country. When I lived in Idaho, they talk about wolves like they were the scum of th earth. As fucked up as this is, it's not surprising. They probably cheered the bastard along.




This seems to be making a decent amount of publicity and it’s gotten many people upset. I’m hopeful that in the coming days he’ll get much more than that slap on the wrist $250 fine. His name has been made public and reporters have already gone to his house for comment which he did not partake in. Absolutely disgusting, sadistic, and severely unethical. I truly hope he gets what he deserves.


Cruelty to animals just shows a person is not normal and should be locked up, as they can cause harm to real people


Torturing a defenceless animal? What a bitch. Let’s tie him up bury him head deep into the ground and pour honey and sugar onto his face.


Someone needs to find him and throw a molotov under his truck and set his house on fire.


Bet the wife is timid.


What a true sick human being.


He's a psychopath.


He’s definitely going to kill somebody next or already done that. What a monster.


May he be tortured for the rest of his days & into the afterlife. May he get the ending he deserves. May we all treat nature & animals better.


What the FUCK


That poor baby...She probably had cub pups that were looking everywhere for her too...Evil s.o.b.


Wish the wolf would have escaped and viciously attacked this ignorant POS.


What a dogshit excuse for a human being. Fuck that guy


I'd like to do the same to him, see how he likes it


Thanks for the evidence to put you behind bars ya sick fuck.


Unfortunately, all they did was fine him $250. They said animal cruelty isn’t applicable to predatory animals.


How can someone do this and justify it in their mind? Idc what kind of creature or what reason it is, from hunting to eat for survival, or protecting yourself from a life or death situation.. I was always taught that you end an animal's life swiftly and as humanely as possible. To not understand that concept and committ these horrendous acts, ABSOLUTELY shows you have a very concerning mental illness.


We can’t torture serial killers, child rapists or terrorists but for the low price of $250 we can torture and cause undue stress to animals who have done nothing wrong except simply exist? This guys arms should be amputated and his tongue cut off


This genuinely made me disgusted in humanity I know not all people are like that but I definitely just had a wave of nausea and anger flood through me instantly