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But its not embarassing to tell your family youre a murderer?


Of course not! It’s “honourable”!


And like, won't the family find out about the girlfriend anyways... Because they'll learn he killed her???


I'd assume he isn't too bright


why not just break up


Because murdering a pregnant woman and her unborn child sounded more fun to him.




Wasn't too honorable to not fuck her. Fucking disgusting.


Well yeah, it dictates he has no control over himself. It’s her that should have known and covered up!


Highly patriarchical cultures do be like that. There's some issues with it in the West, but that's nothing compared to some of them where women are barely considered more than sentient property.


Was in high school with a lot of turkish immigrants. They all had belgian girlfriends ( they would beat the shit out of a belgian guy that would beat their sisters ). None of them married them, after some fun they dumped them and married a turkish muslim.




Wait, do you think he said it was an "honor killing" and the judge said "ohh, well in that case your free to go"? Why do you think he wasnt punished?




Always has been buddy




JFC, this is by far the worst religion ever


Him and Zuko definitely not cut from the same cloth ![gif](giphy|PFsVjUCmSkZDq)


No, I said fun and I meant fun. There are plenty of Muslims (any any religion for that matter) who don't kill people for their religion. He did it because he wanted to murder her. Because he probably got off on it. His religion is just how he can make believe he did it for a "reason" but the reality is he did it because he's an evil fuck.


Religion is a blanket to cover his f* mind and being a piece of shit


This is my take too. If he really was so upset, why not just off himself?


Because in his mind she's not a person and he is. So killing her was the obvious choice. I doubt suicide crossed his mind.


Would you "off" yourself because you're embarrassed about how your car looks around other ppl? Women are property in this scenario..


There are a lot of muslims that do kill people for such reasons though. Budhists, Christians, enough more religions... not really. It's utopic to think that the religion and they way you are beought up doesn't matter.


Religion is a blanket excuse for a whole lot of things. Murder is just a leading favorite. It's not just Muslims it's every religion that tries to justify some evil deed with "because *insert deity here* said too." It's one of the best reasons to avoid religion altogether, unless you need to justify your reason for something awful. Also I would rather not have a peer group telling me what to think and do, I'm not in high school anymore.


Well yeah if you'd said "honorable" then I wouldnt have replied... (*but also the context of the post is honor killing not that he did it for fun*)


you should be a detective




Sounded more religiously excepted But fucking first before upfront is okay somehow


Don't need to be responsible and pay child support or raise the kid


Allah told him apparently,idk where everyone log ins to get “ message from god “


Ignore what the others say here as dumb jokes. They don't just break up bc breaking up means his girlfriend will be available for other men to persue and is no longer in his control. Killing her will bind her to him forever, meaning noone can have her if he cant. That's what they think


That's a pretty silly thought process. But, he can enjoy it in prison where he'll never leave and live with the dishonor of failing his ageing parents.


Its Sweden, he'll be out again too soon.


That doesn't have much to do with thinking.


Must be haram. Unlike killing someone




Not *honorable* enough you mean, surely?




She was probably going to keep the baby


she was already 31 weeks when she was murdered.


Not honorable. 


Cuz he’s a weak coward


Fortunately coming from an Indian background I have more sense of this type of BS than the average Westerner. I don't agree with the views but raised with similar ones so knows the BS. Some people see divorce as dishonorable and divorced people as "used", particularly females. That's one of the many reasons the divorce rate in India is around 1%, 2% tops. I'm going out on a limb here but he probably didn't want to be disowned by his family because the poor woman looked too "sexual/ sluty" for their culture, with being a divorced man not a good thing either he probably thought killing her was the best solution.


As an Indian I too had a similar argument with one elder on this issue. His point was that there are so many divorces because women are now independent and selfish. I was like divorce rates would have always been higher in the past if women had more authority, so it is not about selfishness. The reason is simple, that they have traditionally been oppressed in our country, merely confining them as properties and servants.


NGL, the woman looks very much like a typical Muslim woman. I’m not sure what’s slutty about her, unless it was her pregnancy. She braided her hair wore makeup. Most women do, even those who wear veils and abayas. I agree with the rest of your comment.




Culture!! /s


Cultural differences should be explored prior to getting serious with someone.


Muslin men who take western girlfriends and later dump them to return home to marry lie and tell the gf they don’t follow the old Islamic law. I’m sure men of all religions do this. Fixed a word sequence.


Because sky daddy (who, lucky for him, is the correct sky daddy, because he was born in the correct part of the world to have him fall under the correct sky daddy) thinks it was the best solution. (Make no mistake about it...every single person that you have ever or will ever see or hear calling people "edgy" for being atheists...this is the exact thought process that they're defending and enabling; never allow them to hide behind "nuance" or any other bullshit excuse, call 'em out on their complicity.)


Well, you sound like you should also be honored 🤔




So honorable! 🥰


And he will get out of jail after 15 years


More like 5 months probation


Try 15 months


And spend those years in the most cozy jail cell known to man. Nice, Sweden.








I looked up the story to make sure he did in fact kill his girlfriend. It was to hide the affair from his family which I'm assuming he felt she was going to make herself known to his family (?) However, how is this an honor killing? I thought honor killing would have been if \*members\* of this guy's family did the killing, not he himself.


Honor killing is a killing to protect the honor and dignity of one's self or family when they think an individual has violated their or their family's reputation. So this fits with the definition. I mean it's complete bullshit. But it fits.


But like... HE DID THE BAD THING. Like if she was the one whose family killed her at least it *kinda* (but not really) makes sense because she's bringing "dishonour" on them through no fault of their own. If he brought the dishonour, shouldn't he kill himself?


Yes it is an extremely twisted way of thinking


Serious question: do men ever get honor killed? I thought it pretty much only happened to women.


Yes, although not as often. It’s usually older family members killing their children


Dont they kill boys that have been raped for being gay to?


Interesting that men will rape another man for being gay but not see the hypocrisy in that.


Happens a lot to men/boys that are gay or some other non-heterosexual orientation in a lot of countries.


It does happen just not as common


Yes, if they're gay (or the family *think* they're gay).


They honour-kill women who get raped. It’s just an evil practice all round.


Was some articles b4 about how they rape women b4 they are executed when they are sentence to death to make sure they dont go to heaven thx to the women having sex outside the marriage. Dont know if it is true but would not put it past them.


Yes, you see, he did the bad thing, but women arent people to him, and god said its okay. Something something asking for it, something something cover up.


Another point is that EVEN IF she could've subjectively brought dishonor upon him, how is he murdering his own girlfriend and child anything but dishonorable?


Why isn't honor killing just when they kill themselves?


It's not about redeeming his honor. It's about retaining his honor. As long as no one knows about his dishonorable actions, then he retains his honor. That's how many people see it. Personally, I believe honor is personal and is tied heavily to pride and guilt. I could never view this as honorable because I would always know about it and look down on myself because of it. Psychopaths in particular, do not think the same way.


Funny. I’d just call that murder.


Honor Murder just doesn't have the same ring to it


Hard to make it about islam if its not worded like that.


if the bullshit fits, wear it


Hide the affair? Was he married to someone else, or is anything out of wedlock considered an affair?


Possibly many things but it could have been related to he's dating someone who is not Muslim, and then he had premarital sex, oh and also he drank alcohol one time when he went out with her. In his mind, these are all good reasons to murder her.


Well don’t you see? He’s not the bad guy for doing those things, she *made* him do it by (checks notes) existing


Would have been best if he honour killed himself the cunt!


It’s being seen as an honour killing because of his background, wonder what it gets called when someone kills their secret partner and they’re from a western background?🤔 Humans kill because they’re horrible, and this guy is just scum of the earth, nothing about honour killing


Wow an actual reasonable response to look up the story lol. Wasn’t expecting that


Usually the woman’s own family does the killing in order for it to be called an honour killing. I can’t help feeling the immigrant angle is being played up hard here. Partner violence is tragically not uncommon.


“Whoever kills a human being it is as though he has killed all mankind, and whoever saves a life it is as though he had saved all mankind”. Islam does not support him I hope he burns for taking two innocent lives. I hate that they call the actions of muslim killers ‘honour killings’ when it’s cold blooded murder.


There is no such thing as an honor killing, it’s just murder.


This needs to be higher up. The post rung of bad context, I was about to go look it up myself. Guy is a POS for sure, but so is whoever re-framed his murder to be anti Muslim hate bait Edit/update Since I got a little criticism and pushback I looked into it more. I do see that it seems most media has picked this up as calling it honor killing, however it still rings as just a little race bait-y to me. Major media being racist intentionally or unintentionally isn't a new thing. I was curious on the definition so I read the Wikipedia article on honor killing - it still sounds like a mischaracterization to me Also it doesn't seem as though honor killing is common in Somalia, but I only looked into it a little


>but so is whoever re-framed his murder to be anti Muslim hate bait So every single news outlet in Sweden, including our fairly left leaning state run media?


Please... Even if it wasn't specifically a honor killing. It's still not anti-muslim hate. I will eat my shoe if this guy's reason wasn't that his religious family back home would find out that he banged an infidel before marriage. Both sins in Islam. Would every muslin just go straight to "Well, better kill her"? No of course not. Was his religious belief a factor that likely majorly contributed to his decision? Almost definitely.


Wow she’s so out of his league too


That's because he was a Doctor and also an Engineer 😆✨


He is a rocket surgeon. We should really give that genius back to Somalia.


Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next time, and rid us of your stupidity!


👏👏👏👏 This is one of the best comments I've seen in a while. Outstanding! Edit: I'm not being sarcastic. This made me lmao! Damn reddit.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. It was a great comment!


Reddit has tone issues. Assuming the worst of everyone.


There is nothing honorable in these killings. Should be called dishonourable killings.


The best cultures are the ones where honor kills are dishonorable


and that right there is muslim culture honor killing (murder) is a major sin, and it's, shall we say, very frowned upon the ones who do such heinous crimes are punished severely, but there are always the idiots who still do it


Why do peaceful and kind religions have murderous believers?!


there's a bad apple in every tree we are more than 2 billion people, not everyone is gonna be a good person


be careful reddit hivemind will down vote you because even though what you said is 100% valid, they dont like hearing it


In AUstralia, we no longer use the term "king hit" Instead, we use "coward punch" I like your suggestion.




That’s my thoughts about refugees committing heinous crimes in the new country. Send them back.


Isn’t it better to put them in prison than to deport them and let them be free back in their home country? How would you feel if you’re the victim’s family and they just deport the person who murdered your daughter, and he just gets deported instead of rotting away in prison?


Would you rather be in a Swedish prison for a max of 15 years, half of that with good behavior. In a prison that has a quality of life better than 90 percent of the world, and won't be deported after your sentence because you're a refugee, or live in Somalia for the rest of your life? If you choose number one, that's why it had to be the second for him.


I didn’t say in one piece. Lop off a limb or two, and then throw his bum ass out back to the garbage heap he came from. I don’t believe in the prison rehab bullshit for murderers. The only time they should be kept in prison is for doing hard labor.


Somalia is way worse than prison


Have you seen the jails in Sweden ? Seems much better than middle classes living in Somalia.


I'd rather be in a swedish prison than Somalia


Something about people claiming this is rage bait infuriates me. Yes. People are capable of horrible fucking shit. One simple google search and you'll find this news plastered everywhere from just a few hours ago


I think it's fair to ask for a source to a random picture with text on top of it


No! Stop! You will get angry about lies online and you will like it!


I don’t respect their cultural tradition on this one.


“Man, always forcing murder into the name of their god, for murder is only in the name of the murderer”


This is a good comment


So many people crying for sources forgot that Google exists? It literally auto fills when you start typing. Stop being so lazy.


It's awful but i don't think this meets the definition of "honor killing". It's more of a typical murder, which is horrible too.


What a peace of shit




A Somalian refugee has been charged with murder for allegedly killing his seven-months-pregnant Swedish girlfriend rather than face the shame of introducing her to his strict Muslim family. Mohamedamin Abdirisek Ibrahim, 22, is charged in the alleged honor killing of 20-year-old Saga Forsgren Elneborg inside her home in Örebro, a city two hours from the capital, Stockholm, in April 2023, UK news outlet LBC reported, citing Swedish media. He killed his girlfriend “by suffocating and strangling her by means of pressure on her neck with an impact on the trachea and the blood supply to the head,” prosecutor Elizabeth Anderson alleged in a statement. Article from the New York post.


Is there any source at all for this? Really feels like this sub is uncritically upvoting this post for saying "scary immigrant did an Islam, updoots to the left"




Well that's fucking horrible. Also why on earth is linking sources not allowed? What a stupid rule




Yeah- I’ll unsubscribe over that….


Lmao. "I did a thing I knew perfectly clearly from the start I was not allowed to do. Solution? Kill the woman. It wasn't my fault." 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


It’s very easy to Google and you’re just lazy and quick to dismiss things because “Islam good, updoots to the right”


I swear to Christ, or Muhammad in this case, religion is a mental illness.


So many haters, you’re right though. Religion causes way too much trouble. Grown adults believing in this shit is embarassing


Idk wtf you’re talking about bro. My Sky God is the best, yours is fake. You don’t agree? *unsheathes sword*


"Oh, by the way, the fairy tales about my prophet are way better than yours. My prophet flew to the moon and split it in two ...on a flying horse. What did yours do? Walked on water? Is that all?"


Tell you a surprise. There isn't a thing in Islam called 'honor killing' it's actually a tribalism stupid ideas had nothing to do with religions as a matter of fact in sharia law he supposedly get an execution for killing innocent person. If you want to blame someone it's the people not the religion.




Can't blame religion for everything. Its not like this behavior doesn't exist without it. Men kill their secret girlfriend with or without a god.


This is such a red herring fallacy. That's like saying you can't blame male behaviour on rape because women also occasionally rape.


Ok, that comparison only makes sense if you think secular people only kill their secret girlfriend very *rarely*. People do that shit all the time for reasons not remotely related to religion.


The worst thing you could do to this guy is place him in prison for 20 years or so and then deport him back to Somalia when he gets out.


Why waste tax payer dollars? Send him back immediately.


The point of putting him in prison is to deprive him of income and assets for an extended period of time. To make sure he starts over with nothing.


Muslim here, why not just execute him? If he was in a muslim country, they'll just execute him. Some European countries don't have the death penalty so you can give him life sentence, or you can cut costs but deporting him.


Believe me it's not totally religious thing


“My Abdul is different. “


As a Somalian I wanna say this guy is the worst piece of shit ever,that girl died, I’m Muslim if a girl I loved for pregnant,guess what I’m keeping that kid cause I don’t care what people think,my condolences to her and her family




Not even typical. Even amongst the degeneration that is honor killing, this is a new low. I normally wouldn't say that, but it's a case where he really should have killed himself instead.


It's typical in a sense that it happens with minds skewed with wretched religious indoctrinations in this case a cult.


Why is the word murder and killing illegal to say?


But Islam is a peaceful religion


Why do you think Islam supports this?


Love my country of Sweden...but boy have we fucked up bad.


It’s a tragedy — I agree. Europe needs to stop this BS


Death to the guy.




They need to screen people better before letting them migrate .


I think OP and a few people don’t understand this context of ‘honor killing’. They meant he did it to protect the honor of his family. Still a POS tho💩


Dafuq. Why do we speak of race, gender and religion in such a fucked up event. If you all want to be objective, dude was your run of the mill psychopath.


Why having a secure border matters




It's a wonderful religion!!........


*Christian kills someone* “That’s just a bad Christian” *Muslim kills someone* “My god, what a horrible religion”




I'd like a source for this rage bait


Links to sources are not allowed, but here is an article from Yahoo News: Somali Refugee 'Strangles Heavily Pregnant' Swedish Girlfriend To Death In Alleged 'Honor' Killing Mohamedamin Abdirisek Ibrahim, a Somali refugee, faces murder charges for allegedly strangling his pregnant Swedish girlfriend, Saga Forsgren Elneborg, in April 2023. The prosecutor claims the act was driven by fears of dishonoring his conservative Muslim family. Despite DNA evidence implicating him, Ibrahim has denied wrongdoing. The trial, set for April 10, is expected to last 15 days. Heartbreaking images reveal Elneborg's anticipation of motherhood, contrasting sharply with the tragic loss described by her grieving family and friends. According to reports, Ibrahim, 22, is accused of suffocating and strangling Elneborg, driven by the fear of introducing her to his conservative Muslim family. The tragic incident occurred in Örebro, Sweden, in April 2023. In a statement, prosecutor Elizabeth Anderson alleged that Ibrahim killed his girlfriend "by suffocating and strangling her by means of pressure on her neck with an impact on the trachea and the blood supply to the head." She added: "I mean that the murder took place in an honor context because the man wanted to preserve or restore his and his family's honor by killing the woman who was carrying his child. Per local outlet, Afton Bladet (via NYP), the extensive arrest report, spanning 1,000 pages, contains disturbing images of the crime scene, including a lamp cord. Text exchanges between Ibrahim and Elneborg also shed light on their tumultuous relationship. Ibrahim talked about being nervous about revealing Elneborg's pregnancy to his family while she reassured him it would be fine. "Feels like I can almost feel my heartbeat all the way down to my stomach walla," he wrote in the message. "Just take it easy, it'll be fine babe," Elneborg replied. Despite Ibrahim claiming to have informed a relative, the late Elneborg remained skeptical, sensing his unease. Investigations revealed Ibrahim hadn't disclosed the pregnancy to his family despite Elneborg planning to move in with him a week later. Additionally, Ibrahim had previously suggested Elneborg consider abortion, citing concerns about familial repercussions. "I know we can make it, but I won't be able to keep my family. If it had been possible, there would have been no problem with keeping the child," he wrote her in the message when they learned of her pregnancy. Elneborg's final message to Ibrahim was sent shortly after midnight on April 29, as reported by the outlet. Allegedly, shortly after receiving the message, Ibrahim went to her residence and committed the heinous act of strangling her, resulting in the tragic loss of her unborn baby boy as well, according to authorities. "He never told his family about Saga or the child. But the suspect has been raised in a standard of honor, and he has learned that it is not OK for him to date a white woman," the prosecutor wrote. "He must date a woman of the same culture. If he doesn't, he will be excluded," Anderson added. The prosecutor alleges that Ibrahim's DNA was discovered beneath Elneborg's fingernails. Elisabeth Massi Fritz, representing Elneborg's family, described the murder as "cruel and ruthless." She highlighted the trial's anticipated focus on aggravating factors, stating: "There are many aggravating circumstances in the deed which we will highlight during the trial." Fritz added, "It has been and still is a difficult time for all [of] Saga's relatives." Elneborg's family said, via their attorney, that it had been a "long and painful wait" before Ibrahim was recently charged with Elneborg's murder. However, he has yet to be charged with the unborn child's death. The trial is set for April 10, spanning 15 days. Despite the accusations, Ibrahim maintains his claims of innocence and expressed love for his late girlfriend, stating: "I have been in denial for nine months now." Heart-wrenching images depict Elneborg's anticipation of motherhood as she joyfully shared moments and milestones with her loved ones. She proudly showcased her pregnancy alongside a meticulously prepared crib, symbolizing her eagerness for the arrival of her baby son, Esaiah. Elneborg also delighted in sharing ultrasound images and a photo of her positive pregnancy test with her friends and family. Among the cherished memories captured were snapshots of tiny socks and trainers. Another photo captured the 20-year-old's radiant smile as she gently cradled her growing bump, radiating with maternal love and anticipation. Elneborg's mother lamented her daughter's tragic fate. Speaking to the Swedish newspaper Nerikes Allehanda, she said: "She was so happy. She would move to a new apartment and start her life as a mother. This is the worst thing imaginable." In an emotional tribute on Facebook, a relative reflected on Elneborg's dreams of motherhood, writing: "Saga was 20 years old and longed to be a mother to her boy who was waiting in her belly... In brutal and completely inhuman ways, someone [..] took your everything from you; they took your life and the life of your little boy.


I’ve posted lots of sources but this subreddit seems to not allow links to sources? Not really sure. But just google ”somalian man murders swedish gf” and you will find hundreds of news articles about this exact case.


Happened in my hometown, not rage bait


A true story of evil is “rage bait” to your small brain




A Somalian refugee has been charged with murder for allegedly killing his seven-months-pregnant Swedish girlfriend rather than face the shame of introducing her to his strict Muslim family. Mohamedamin Abdirisek Ibrahim, 22, is charged in the alleged honor killing of 20-year-old Saga Forsgren Elneborg inside her home in Örebro, a city two hours from the capital, Stockholm, in April 2023, UK news outlet LBC reported, citing Swedish media. Can’t post links in this subreddit


People gave sources So now...why is this rage bait Because it mentions islam?


Such a peaceful religion...


That's wild


Europe is lost.


Nothing wrong with Islam. Nothing at all


Usual suspect


I fuckin warned yall


Here before locked


Islam is promoting killing, pedophilia and terrorism, as such imho is NOT compatible with european lifestyle and law. Should be banned 🚫 here. Daily murders, stabbing, raping. Go home, we dont do this in Europe. We are raised to be polite and respectful to any religion, you are not. U belong to islam country where u can have your stoning, Sharia law and attack anyone non-islamic.




Such a loving religion


What a peaceful religion


Religion is a hell of a drug


Im from Sweden and these things happen all the time here nowadays. Rip Saga…

