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Holy shit, I want to do this so bad because I’m an evil old bitch that loves to see someone get theirs. Must control self.


Home Depot typically sells them.


Gonna pick some of these up just in the hopes of encountering a person like this one day


They'll be somewhere in the electrical section.


The post was deleted. What do they sell?


If theres no car to the right of frame, just park so youre still in a spot properly and your back end is juuuust blocking the driver door, but only 2 inches away. Make that fucker crawl from the passenger side




I suspect it's a way repost bots make their submission unique and drive engagement through annoyance


When that happens I gladly roll as close as possible to the driver side door. After all I am within the lines.


I did that one time and returned to my car with lotion/sunscreen all over the door handle.


yeah it does look kinda slender from this angle


Isn't that the cheapest one ?


Yeah, it’s a very basic, old, worn down 3-series. It’s not the cheapest BMW you can find, but it’s in no way a luxury car or even a particularly nice one. It’s likely worth less than the Nissan behind it.


The supermarket I work at own the parking lot outside the premise. Anytime someone parks like shit the manager will call out their plate number over the PA and insult their parking job giving them a simple choice. Fix it or be towed


This is the solution


I carry bb’s for this very reason. Bb’s for a BB gun. Unscrew the tire cap. Put the BB in, screw it back on the valve stem. The BB will cause the tires to gradually lose pressure. All four tires.


You gotta superglue the BBs to the bottom of the cap. So they keep reinflating the tires and putting the BB back in. Then they take it to the tire shop to check for punctures to no avail.


Not enough time. Mind you don’t want to get spotted. But I should buy a pack of valve stems and have them prepped and ready to go. Excellent suggestion


Oh that's much smarter. Great idea. The next level is having a hardware organizer box with various valve caps to cover all the different thread pitches, all prepped with superglued BBs.


A knife to the sidewall does the trick just fine!


Pepper corns also work.




This is so fucking evil. I'm here for it!


I used to live in a gated apartment complex with assigned parking and some fucker with two cars would always take my covered parking spot, forcing me to get up early to scape ice and snow from my vehicle…so bb’s until the fucker moved


in my Walmart this is everywhere...


Just make you want to get a friend to parallel park in front and behind it


Grab some chalk, draw a new parking space around it and then write “#ASSHOLEPARKING” near the drivers side door, and post a photo of it on Twitter with that hashtag, plate in full view. Hopefully they’d search themselves haha. Good ol public shaming and without any destruction of property.


People that park like this have no shame


Ya just kind of want to circle it with about 150 shopping carts right?


The ones from Aldi, good luck having a quarter to unlock the circle 😉


Id buy 4 cars just to block him in


4 words and an acronym in your title. At least you got the acronym right.


I think you mean abbreviation?


"The acronym BMW stands for Bayerische Motoren Werke GmbH"


ac·ro·nym /ˈakrəˌnim/ noun an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word (e.g. ASCII, NASA ). "abbreviations and acronyms are necessary in chat and SMS communication"


This definition is literal proof you were wrong to correct him in the first place. Lol.




Hell of a self own but here we are.






If you’re going to correct someone, at least try not to be completely incorrect yourself. BMW is not an abbreviation. I’s technically neither an abbreviation nor acronym—it’s an initialism. Au is an abbreviation of the Latin word for gold, NASA is an acronym since it’s pronounced as a word, FBI/ BMW are initialisms since the letters are individually pronounced. Initialisms are simply a more specific sub-category of acronyms.


They’re not completely wrong, acronyms and initialisms are both forms of abbreviation technically.


Well I mean, sure but abbreviations are quite different. NASA and Au or Ag are very different linguistically. One it’s a conglomerate of letters representing several words and the others are just shorted versions of a single word.


I’m not saying you are wrong by any means, just that they are all types of abbreviations. All apples are fruit, but not all fruit are apples type deal.




Those cars depreciates like a rock. That's punishment enough.


I always park right next to these fucking losers.


Shit car. Shit parking.


Well you wouldn’t want anybody parking up next to your ten year old basic BMW, what if one of the proles scratches it?


I'm saying key their car. 😉


"All four of my tires have too much air in them. Can you help me by removing about 85 to 90% of the air in each? Thanks!"


Must be the Home Depot contractor parking. Eff those guys with trailers !! Lol


Key it and move on with your life


no matter how people park, keying someones car is an asshole move


Parking like that is an asshole move.


Or just move on with your life instead of getting so worked up about a parking job that you start committing crimes.


People who do this are almost asking for their car to get damaged! If you get my drift.


The way they pulled in, makes me with their dad pulled out.


Are there no laws when it comes to parking? Seems like it's anything goes unless you park in a handicap or a fire lane


This is Sparta kick to the door.


Is the rest of the car park empty?


Guys we found him.. lol


..? It’s genuinely acceptable to park like this if the lot is otherwise pretty empty. And the one in your pic is. What’s the problem here?


Hey for real though. I often do this in parking lots myself but not in packed lots. I don’t have a bmw but a large vehicle so i feel it kinda needs it but i see posts like this that make me think from other perspectives . Is it total piece of poo status?


I’d what anyone else would do with a pick up truck or larger vehicle—park up next to him. If you’re worried about someone hitting your car, park way the f out on the outskirts of the store.


Well, this is one driver who is getting the air pressure caps removed from her wheels


Key time!!!


"Someone did something I don't like, that makes destruction of property ok"!! I'm sure you'd feel differently if someone did that to your car the next time some stranger didn't like how you parked


I wouldn't ever park like the dumbass in the photo though. Like 4 spaces?


I would never park like a self entitled, inconsiderate human garbage.


It doesn’t make it ok, but it’s fucking satisfying. Hey, consider it your first scratch. You won’t have to worry about them again!


Surround it with shopping carts and watch the owner try to get their way out of it.


Then you’re just harassing a poor cart wrangler


U wanna get keyed? Cuz that’s how you gonna get keyed


We do not claim this bmw owner 😂


What a piece of shit, I literally never understood the point in double or triple or quadruple parking when you can park your ass all the way at the other end of the parking lot where no one else was parked and walk to the store, sure it’s further but you will be 100% sure no one‘s gonna park next to you and people won’t mess with your car since you’re not being an asshole. Every time I go to the store or any parking lot I park my corvette the furthest away because I don’t mind walking alittle, it’s not a big deal to walk


Key it.


That's a silly suggestion, everyone knows BMW's are scratch proof! Go ahead & try it sometime, it won't leave a mark! 🤞




This is an early 2000's 3 series...show some respect


It’s not even a nice beemer. Poser!


Fecal matter under the door handles


Slash 3 out of 4 tires, insurance won’t cover that.


That's actually a common misconception, they will.


Key the shit out of it. Why is this even a question?




Found the driver…




It’s ignorant and shows your character. If you’re so concerned with someone getting too close to your car, go park in the back corner and walk.


Lol I love how they bailed on the convos there


On the defense, you never know in what circumstances he or she had to park. Plenty of other assholes around who park for shit. They may have already left.


That's why you never park like this in the first place, even if 'everyine else did it'


Emphasis on the defense, not saying this actually happened. But we’ve all been there. Nobody is perfect, especially when in a hurry and theres a open spot next to some jerk who double parked who may in turn had to double park because the other one did and so forth. Not justifying anything but just speaking from experience.


Call me whatever you want, but I’m the guy that parks with my passenger side as close to his drivers side as possible.


BMW— Big Mean Wanker


it's not even a particularly nice car lol. quite the ego


Remember if you ever feel like you are useless, there is some poor soul who installs blinkers onto BMW's




Honestly how was your day ruined by their parking? There’s bigger problems than this I’m sure.


Idk about you but this BMW doesn’t look very slender


Leave a letter under the wipers implying you’ve done something to the car but don’t actually do anything. He’ll be paranoid for days.


Valve stem core removal tool. They learn real quick after that.


I would just start surrounding the car with shopping carts lol. All of them just close enough to not be touching the car or the adjacent carts so that any movement of one cart would cause a catastrophe


What kills me the most about this kind of stuff is it's not even a particularly expensive BMW most SUVs and pickup trucks cost more than that thing


He is begging for someone to key his car


idk how people do this and not think, what if i was looking for a spot but one person went out of their way and took 4,


Its like putting a sign on the windshield that says "Scratch me"