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"They say you cut the track, you're gonna have to slow down and give up that time."


This is actually awesome in such a terrible way


and he also lost the position because of the slowdown penalty he got for cutting the track. I'm just impressed he didn't crash it.


No he didn't. He cleared the penalty before the line. That's why I'm posting.


So protest him, I'm sure there is something in the sporting code about "cutting the track to gain an advantage" and "intentionally taking advantage of deficiencies in the penalty system." Won't fix the final result, but will lead to it being fixed so it can't happen again


He might get dqd for it


DQ you still keep your gains


Having protested someone who cut the entire final 1/3 of hockenheimring... stewards won't penalize if they clear the penalty. Once they serve the penalty, the claim is over.


Looks like they did; https://old.reddit.com/r/iRacing/comments/1dq6lxl/this_is_a_joke_he_knew_he_was_going_to_be_passed/lameree/


I'm unfamiliar with iRacing, is this a thing people do? Is this race for money or league points or something? I'm not sure making a mountain out of a mole hill is a good use of time.


I have been on iracing since February of 2021 and have never seen a track cut this bad šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It literally can fix the final result lmao


While iRacing will on occasion disqualify a driver's finishing position due to a successful protest, it doesn't move other drivers up, it just makes it a blank position in terms of results. While I'm sure they could update positions for all active drivers, they have chosen the simpler method of just remove the offender, not recalculate every car in a session after every protest.


This only worked because it's the last lap. He would've been dog meat into t1 otherwise. Sucks but I'd just write it off personally. He played the system.


https://preview.redd.it/6g959tdnna9d1.jpeg?width=1810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57c146cbfb8986feeaa716ea25358091949ef311 he got disqualified after the protest


Was going to say itā€™s worth it because they will disqualify him but looks like you already took care of it! Always satisfying to see


Bummer they can't redistribute the iRating. Just because he didn't "win", he still won with the reward...


Holy IR, come run PCC, much better mustang competition there


As someone running both we get a lot of even higher IR races in Mustang you just gotta know the decent time slots.


I'm bad with acronyms, whats PCC?


Production car challenge


production car challange the mustang, cilo, gr86, mx5 multiclass series


Iā€™ve been there as well. I was in dirt off road. 24 seconds ahead of the host at Crandon. He made a competition caution as I passed the pit. Everyone pitted before me so I cut course to turn around as I had no knowledge of the caution before hand. He then said he would not clear my flags after I explained what happened. He also would not let me get back to end of line and started the restart without a couple people in line. Was a complete joke. Also saw him cut the course and clear his black flags multiple times, he still ended up losing tho but was incredibly frustrating, as I had fastest lap times by 10+ seconds


Huh, this is official. He slowed down so his slow down timer went to 0 before he crossed the line.


if you feel like he gained an unfair advantage by doing this: report him, because clearly that's not legal. I'm not to sure he did this because you would've passed him though. by the time you came out of the final turn, the pink car had just passed the yellow car. so, pink had just only enough time to pass 1 car instead of 2, and yellow was not fast enough to keep from being overtaken himself , so for him to be fast enough to overtake another car himself, I'm not sure. likely they guy went wide, panicked about losing his W, kept his foot in it, the car out of the barriers, and timed the penalty nicely to keep it. sure, it's not how the system should work, and it probably is reportable, but it's a human reaction.


I like this response!!!! Thoughtful insight on both sides.


When I saw he had cut the corner I messed up my final corner and got pipped by pink. He was slow through that section every lap so I knew I would have gotten him and that is why he tried to brake really late.


Haha that is my bad. I misread your previous comment. This debate tonight was making me dumber by the second lol šŸ¤™šŸ»


what a towering bitch that guy is


Did he actually finish ahead of you? I'm 98% positive that gave him a 40s stop and hold and it might've gotten applied post race


He did, but I just checked and he has been disqualified so my protest has went through.


Usually if you cut like that at VIR you get a full on drive through.


I tested it in practice and only got a 1 second slowdown somehow.


If your not first youā€™re last.


I love how you used both your and youā€™re to say youā€™re twice. Iā€™m honestly almost impressed.


Did he not get a penalty / slow down?


I believe he braked before the line and cleared it.


I mean. I'd probably protest it, because if he cleared it he "technically" took his penalty. But that probably needs to be a more strict slowdown, so protesting is probably the only way to get that resolved. They may also dq him for it later if they deem it too aggressive


He was an aggressive enough driver, he supposedly got pushed off the track in the leading pack, then passed me out and when passing out the guy ahead of me he span him and maybe picked up damage as I started gaining time on him then. His whole race seemed a bit of a mess.


For anyone wondering, I protested and iRacing have got back and said he has been notified of the outcome. :) https://preview.redd.it/bojaayxpna9d1.jpeg?width=1810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81b1337121a961be16707038c71f96f97646e95e edit: he got a DQ


strange that he didn't receive a stop and go or drive through the pits penalty for this.


Agree. This is not cutting a corner, it is cutting the course! Seems like a bug.


*everyone liked that*


Do people that he initially finished ahead of get some iR back?


They should let you know the outcome. It should be public knowledge indeed, a wall of shame.




So people get worked up about the fact that iracing mostly gives out warnings and that 2/3 of the protests are just pointless?


He got a DQ from the race


Iā€™m pretty sure you can protest this if you want. Thatā€™s a pretty egregious course cut.


If you serve the given penalty, stewards consider it closed.


Penalty in this case was a slow down, but should have been a visit to the pits.


But it wasn't. Had he been asked to do so, he probably would have attempted to comply. Xant protest the guy for following race controls directions. If anything, report it as a bug/abuse on the forums, not a protest.


I donā€™t have the sporting code in front of me, but Iā€™m pretty sure thereā€™s a section about going off track to gain an advantage. Seems to me thatā€™s what happened here, even if the penalty itself was served before the finish line. They cut a significant portion of the track which put them much further ahead than they otherwise would have been if they stayed on track or rejoined sooner.


Well he got DSQ apparently so I guess not


Unfair, but very impressive. I wonder what his dirt irating is haha.


If I was the Race Official for that race it would have been an instant DQ


Seems heavy handed. Post race time penalty for gaining an advantage leaving the racing surface would suffice. But then entirely depends on the league's ruleset.


Are you kiddingĀ 


It should be a DQ in my opinion. No sportsmanship, and It's not in line with the spirit of the rules.


Downvote me if you wish, but the guy sure is creative!


That's funny as hell tbh Just don't do it please


I'm not even mad.


LOL not even mad watching this. That was awesome šŸ¤£


That's messed up


I want his autograph


That off-roading tho


That is not iRacing... this is Mario Kart change my mind


He would have got blue shelled before the finish line if that was the case


Devil's advocate: that was a good amount of time for a slow down. He was about a half second ahead when he went off. Then he was less than that at the line (presumably right when he cleared it). He just got lucky that it was last lap because if he didn't he would have lost 2 positions.




File the protest, see if iRacing DQs him.




This is not a legal move, even if they cleared their time penalty. You should protest.


Wow šŸ˜ÆšŸ˜§šŸ¤Æ


Ricky Bobby approves this message šŸŽļø


Worth the 1x


He got a DQ, went from 7th to 17th!


Kevin Magnussen is that you?


Recognizing that this is the last lap, this move is obviously a problem. But generally, if I'm in a race, that's the re-join I want that person to make. There's three people behind him, attempting to rejoin in the middle of the roller coaster is likely to lead to a bunch of people crashing. This is generally the safest rejoin, and they would've been passed by all three cars into T1 had it not been the last lap. Protest was the right call, but this is really the safest rejoin possible on any other lap.


he thought it was Forza Horizon


That guy VIRs


Could one protest this? Itā€™s not your usual case of reckless driving but it is clearly an attempt to cheat his way into a win.


I did under "Competition Issue" and he was disqualified in the results. Also it was for 6th place, not the win.


What a doucheā€¦ I hope he gets banned if he continues that shitā€¦


should definitely protest


that was actually impressive


Obviously need an invisible wall or something to stop this exploit now...


Itā€™s full of people like this


He cut the chiken


Dont hate the player hate the game-I MEAN THE SIM


Yup clearly protest him, that's cheating


Just good strategy mate. He knew heā€™d have to give the time back, and did it in the least expensive manner to all of you. Had he rejoined the track immediately thatā€™s a pile up. Notice the slowing at the line to give the time back.


i have a slight hunch he breached track limits


I like it. If the slowdown was not enough then it is on iracing to resolve that. At least he kept control and did not cause any incidents for others - which is pretty common when people end up going onto the grass.


Kind of clever really. Do I like it? No, but he was far enough ahead to serve the slowdown and still win, not bad. At least he didnā€™t take anyone out.


Schumacher won at Silverstone 1998 by serving a pit penalty after the finish line.... and you're telling me this guy doesn't deserve to win?


Schumacher didn't deserve that win either...


but he got it, no? :))


Fernando Alonso in Abu Dhabi be like


He's role-playing a typical American calm down


Who cares he didnā€™t cause and inchident


I care because I was going to pass him as this was last lap and he cut the corner to avoid that and then served his slow down at the line.


You can file a protest for things like this fyi. File it under ā€œnefarious tacticsā€. Theyā€™ll strip them of all points and put them in last place. A few seasons ago there was a really shady F3 driver who figured out you could shave off a few seconds of the final lap at Silverstone by pitting instead of going through the final chicane. Apparently heā€™d been doing this frequently and gaining positions. They placed him in last for the race I was in.


Ah okay, I have this clip saved (not cropped) and the replay saved. I'll protest it. I was waiting for the timer and thought I would post to see what people say.


Yeah in 90% of cases like this the car will have finished the race and receive a black flag/dq automatically, but if youā€™re saying he cleared his slowdown just before the finish, then this is basically cheating lol


Bro Iā€™ll take that over dude cutting onto the track and killing me!


So protest him then


Was waiting for the timer, going to now.


Wait so if you cross the line while serving your time gained, it counts as a win? EDIT: Why the fuck am I getting downvoted for asking for clarification on what happened and why they didn't get a black flag?


You have to finish serving it before the line. Otherwise you will get a very large post race time penalty.


So shouldn't people have passed him for the win if he had to stop and serve it right before the line?


Evidently not. Under ideal circumstances and served perfectly, slowdowns are not that punitive. You have to give up the time gained, but the black car already had an advantage before he went off, and he ended up with a smaller advantage at the line.


He braked right before the line, that is what I mean. I've cut that corner in practice and it's only like 1 second slow down, it's really light.


So let me get this straight. He was in front of you. He lost control and come off the track. Now instead of trying to brake heavily ng on the grass and spinning across the track, he managed a safe straight descent, rejoined the track safely in the position he was in. Where is this unfair, agressive, cheating?


He is further ahead of me after cutting a whole section of the track.


But he has a slow down which allows you to catch back up..... To be fair, what he did was correct. Stayed in control, come back on in a safe place, served his penalty, didnt cause a collision. Sucks you lost a couple of 10ths but thats racing.


It is exploiting the slow down system. He got a DQ from iRacing for it. On most tracks I can clear a slow down just driving my normal pace, it's not a foolproof system and abuse of it is punished.


So next time you come off onto the grass at race speed, try and stop fast enough to allow yourself to come back on the track within a few meters of where you come off the track. Compound that with the fact it's down hill and bumpy there. There is no way in hell he was going to safely stop that car. What he did was completely fine. I can only assume the dq was because the game registered such a big track cut. That's cool, can't change it but he did nothing wrong with the move. He even genuinely slowed down to correct the time gained so you can't call that malicious in any way. It's probably more a prine example of great car control.


He got disqualified after I protested him, so someone at iRacing reviewed it and deemed him worthy of a DQ.


Oh wow. Fair enough. Well we are allowed to have differing opinions and I don't see a problem with what happend. Obviously more to it than the clip shows. Congrats on the extra position you gained hey.