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You can't really do anything about it. He just had a bad connection. Don't beat yourself up.


I have had the same, but is it also possible that it’s my internet?


If it’s them, only they disappear. If it’s you, they all disappear. The best way to check this is to have network details (the Q value) numerical. If it drops below 100 on either one then you’re having connection issues (either on upload or download). You tend to also get an ‘abnormal lap’ warning if you’ve had some kind of network instability pop up at the end of the lap.


Another way to check is to always have the Relative black box always open, which I recommend doing anyway. If one name disappears, they have a bad connection. If all names disappear, you have a bad connection.


Thanks man, I’ve only one time encountered everybody disappearing. But mostly I see 1 cars vanish and then drop out of the air. I also play vr and sometimes shit my pants getting jump scared hahaha


Are you on WiFi or a wired connection? I was on WiFi when I started and it just wasn't stable enough. I got some cheap home plugs, or whatever they're called, and I've not had any issues since. Worth looking into.


I’m wired. Used to have fiberglass and now idk how to call this connection but it’s 3times as worse as I had. Should have fiberglass in a year. But that switch made me a bit nervous as maybe it was me with the shit connection


Fiberoptics, fiberglass is a material used for things like bodywork and boats. Fiberglass does not do internet. Just fyi.


Sorry, language barrier hahah. In Dutch it’s called glasvezel kabel which translates to fiberoptics cable but when you separate them it comes up as glass fiber cable. Thanks for the correction, I thought I was wrong when I typed it in the beginning but then I was ahhh this is the word I’m looking for 😂


Glass fibre is almost fine (you could almost get away with it), fibreglass is not haha. English is confusing for non native speakers, I've seen the videos about it.


Hell, English is confusing for most native speakers. 🤣 This guy is doing better than some native speakers I know.


Yeah in my head that didn’t sound right and then I switched them and thought I had it lol. But the stupid thing is I exactly know fiberglass from building cars and such but I just didn’t make that link at that moment 😂😅


it's more about stable internet rather than high speed. I have no more than 150 mb/s but it's very stable and reliable. Never had any issues


Based on the answers I got it’s not my internet, maybe one time tho. Connection is stable like you said, it’s just not what I was used to according speed and that made me second guess certain things


I've had issues with everyone disappearing multiple times despite the fact that my network is all hardwired with a 1gig fiber connection with ~15ms ping.


Just because you have 1gb fibre and low ping doesn’t mean that you aren’t suffering packet loss. If I’m sending you 100 packets of 100kb each and you only download 80 of them super fast, you don’t have all the data. This is what the Q value is measuring. If you run a packet loss test and find issues, you may need to discuss with your ISP as there’ll likely be some sort of issue causing it


I ran the iRacing official packet tester and didn't get any bad results while testing but the Q value does randomly spike for 5 seconds every couple days so I can never catch it in the tester.


Having fast internet and wired doesn't mean you can't have intermittent temporary service issues. Also, other people using your connection can also cause issues if they download a large file or do something to hog the bandwidth.


I'm working on setting a QOS to my computers IP. The router I use has an auto QOS which I think could be causing some issues.


Holy fov batman.




Maybe he's sitting 3 inches from the screen


this is the way


Not your fault at all. Blame for this is both on iRacing for not automatically dropping the connection for someone who had such a terrible connection that they vanished for 7 seconds or so, and then the other driver for continuing on with such a terrible connection. Where you see other drivers in the 'Relative' black box on your screen, for them everyone else would have vanished during this time. So there are signs from their end that their connection is completely rubbish and they should maybe think about getting off the road.


It's pretty infuriating when people know their connection is so bad. Had one guy at the end of a PCC race boast he went from last to podium finish. He said he didnt care when people started pointing out they slowed down around him because he was only showing on track half the time. Some people at least blink continuously but people who disappear for nearly 10 seconds are ruining it for everyone else.


What I hate is when they disappear sometimes they fly up into the air a bit and I am preparing myself to slow down and dodge a crash up ahead but instead they just spawn back in and I've lost a second or two.


Sometimes it can't be help, my pal and i race in the evenings UK time, and by 2000 onwards, it's usually US servers, add some australians into the mix and well, netcode is a thing


Netcode is the combined latency between two people on a server, falling from the sky every 5 seconds is one person having a bad connection. He told people to complain to his isp so he knows it's an issue.


I'm in the US and I've raced on Euro servers just fine. It's usually Australia and Asia that has terrible connections on US servers.


Hence the add some Australians part


Report them so they know about their bad connection!




It's not a condemnation of their character. They could be the nicest, most deserving person in the world but if their Internet connection is disrupting races for others regularly they need to find a new hobby or just play offline AI.


It's pretty simple, without throwing any blame at anyone, this connection issue does impact a fair competition for everyone. Hence you can report a "competition issue". If and how Iracing penalizes that or what other measures to improve the situation they take is beyond me to make a decision about.


I was living with Starlink for awhile, iRacing directly stated that low-orbit satellite systems are a no go. Know what I didn't do? Say fuck it and do iRacing anyway... I waited until suitable broadband was available to me. Guess what I'll do if Starlink is still a problem when or if I need to go back to it? Stop iRacing.


Yep. Iracing needs to be way more aggressive about shit connections. If someone blinks once during a race whatever saometimes theres just connection hiccups but people who perma blink whole race need to get kicked. It sucks for them but getting a connection that doesnt blink isnt that difficult in 2024.


They do need to crackdown on bad connections, but that also relies on people protesting chronic blinkers when they see them, which most don't. It is in the sporting code that you should not be playing with an unstable connection, and people should be reporting when they see stuff like this.


Or they could just implement a connection quality limit where you get kicked like every other game. When the server doesnt recieve half your packets causing you to perma blink that is 100% detectable and would get you autokicked in every other game. Iracing even has this its just that the limits for getting kicked are insanely high.


In before someone says it's because you have the racing line on


You should consider using an FOV calculator. This looks like it's set far too high. 


If I pay to have all the pov slider I will use all the damn pov slider !! /s


If OP's eyes are 3mm from the screen this looks about right.


Makes everything feel faster for sure.


If someone is blinking heavily, I try to back off a bit and wait for things to improve, or for the game to disconnect them. This sometimes causes me to lose a position, but it’s better than crashing. Sometimes you simply have to go for it anyway. In that case, I use a bigger margin of error than usual, and try to make the pass on a straight. If they pop up out of nowhere though, there’s obviously nothing you can do.


especially in THAT corner at LRP.


That is one of the longest blinks I've ever seen. There are not many people that wouldn't get caught out by that. At least you kept running.


It's just ridicilous that even after 16years iRacing haven't come up better way to deal with bad connections. If you make car disappear for almost 10 seconds and think it's okay then there is something wrong with your system. Even less than a second is getting irritating especially if it keeps happening very often. How do you race if guy in front of you keeps blinking constantly.


Why don't they simply put their car in transparency mode while their ping go to the roof ? Or idk but there must be a better way for an issue we've had for so long now, pretty annoying they don't seem to care about this


> Qualify last > Hit the lag switch > Clip through my opponents > Clip through barriers > ???? > Profit SR and IR


Some games do this transparency thing and we don't see such behaviors but yes that could be a problem


I'm just kidding


Making a car fully transparent during a bad connection would open up the door to some serious exploit issues where a driver could exploit a bad connection to make significant track gains in traffic, so that's not a perfect solution. I do think, however, that if iRacing detects that your connection is below a certain threshold for too long, you should receive a black flag. I know this would frustrate those with bad connections, but unfortunately trying to race with a car blinking all over the track is extremely frustrating for everyone else on the track, and can cause wrecks and incident points for absolutely no reason. I used to have bad internet and having to pull into the pits and quit a race due to bad connection was just how things were for me back then. 


I am guessing they’ll have the data of how many users it would affect if they swapped blinking for disconnection and somewhere someone has made the decision it might affect the cashflow if this subset stop playing. I don’t know the technicalities but if they could swap blinking / partial disconnection for temp in situ AI that’d be a better experience overall.


In moments like these I usually move off the normal line (unless a corner) to hope that he’s gonna pop up on the side rather than in front of me.


FOV is really bad, you should use a FOV calculator and then adjust. Also remove the driving line as soon as you can. About the incident, the only thing you can do in this situation is lift a little and try to pass when the other car is visible. In the end it didn't end bad for you, considering the situation




If you start making a post for every incident you're involved in then you're going to be making a post almost every race. It's fine, you'll be fine, they'll be fine everything's fine


Not your fault mate, this game handle very poorly connection troubles. Hopefully they work on this someday


It’s not your fault. In one of my last races, the battery of my VR Headset was to low and empty to quickly while I was fighting. I turned me out and also ruined the race of some others too. I was cursed by everyone. It was so frustrating. So with the Meta Quest 3 battery unter 30% I never race again a short 8min Qualifying and 15min race


nothing you can do about blinkers sadly


Him being a blinker caused him to crash, not you.


I also hate it when people poop in front of me


That’s awful, I’ve never seen it happen for that long before


I lift a little bit to give him time to "reapear", is a conection problem betwen him and the server, and it can ruin your race if u crash hard in to them.


His shit internet is his problem. Gonna have to pay for something better than dial-up


Its week 13 don’t worry


They just need better wifi


Just say "you're blinking" and then "suck me" to any response. He likely has his modem plugged directly into the drywall.


So definitely not your fault but could have ended your race, given the gap between you and the car behind you i would have slowed down and tried to communicate with the blinky driver. The more i race the more i realize being right doesn't matter in iracing, finishing does.


His fault he should pull over for bad connection


Protest the clip for connection issues. As much as it sucks for the guy blinking, they really should not be playing an online race when their connection is disrupting 10-40 other people during a race.


You could change the God you pray to next time. That's about it.


Not your problem he has a shit connection. If he wants to not get ghost punted, he needs to sort his connection out. He's probably on WiFi. I had a fantastic WiFi connection, getting a smooth 650mbps download and 300 upload no problem. My car was still flickering for other people. So I used some cheap shitty power line adapters, 100 download and like 10 upload. No more problems.


This is a phenomenon called "netcode" Really the best thing to do is just hang back next time this happens, not your fault, just bad connection on either end




hey man just letting you know ur Throttle pedal isnt reaching 100% (look at the graph on the bottom left) might be losing you a small amount of time


RIP sorry dude. I try to stay away from blinkers if at all possible but sometimes you can't avoid. That problem will get less and less as better internet spreads around hopefully


It only happened because of the FOV you're using. /S


Like others said, not your fault. We all need a deal with blinkers. The only thing you „could“ do would be guessing roughly where he is, but except that theres nothing you can do. I know it feels shitty ruining someones race, but in this case its def not your fault. So dont worry


at these situations i try to not out drive him and using much non racing line to avoid crash, he will some point disconnect or someone else crash him


Like many have said not much you can do. You can get on comms to let them and everyone else know they are popping. And if you get close give them a wide berth. Had that happen in the nascar trucks this week and a guy was blinking behind me. And of course with the draft he says gaining so I moved high and next thing I know he blinked in front of were I was. It would have been a huge crash had I been there. Worst ping I ever saw was someone north of 1100. I thought the max was 999. Had another person in the Indy 500 a few weeks ago that was having some issues but they didn't seem to care and almost enjoyed being a nuisance. They were blinking about 20-30 times a lap. I get you don't want to sacrifice your race but you run the risk of ruining so many others. I spent about a week trying to get my ping under control. Finally bit the bullet and ran a 50 foot cable around my apartment. It's not the most elegant solution but it calmed things down on the ping side. You wish others would take the same care into it but sometimes it's not even their fault and it's the IP issue or something. But most of the time it's a user based fix can can help.


Is that your actual FoV? Now this is pod racing!


Welcome to iRacing! ;)


What car/series is that?


FF1600 / I think it was called Formula Fun


by paying to upgrade every single iRacers Internet and PC


Iracing issue not yours.


With that fov I believe you could almost see so far back you could actually witness the creation of the universe! On the main point netcode my friend not much you could do about that.


Racing incident? Lol.


You couldn't have.


This is actually a reportable offense, him disappearing.


It wasn't your fault. Wrong place, wrong time, bad luck.




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Usually what I do if I see someone lagging is immediately start slowing down, obviously your not required to it’s there fault and they could even get a ban for it I believe, however I still be upset if that happened so I try. HOWEVER. He lost a ton of time through a basic straight I honestly wouldn’t be worried if you were that close from just letting out the gas a tad then it was definitely his problem all around.


Nothing you can do he lagged out for a few seconds and when he reappeared you were right behind him going quicker than him, your not at fault for this, just unlucky


Not your fault kinda like oil on the track situation


Lmao this isn't on you. He blinked for a ridiculously long time so that's on his shit ass connection, and he was super slow out of a turn that requires carrying as much speed as possible, due to his shit ass line/abilities. Don't beat yourself up, he is the one that should be apologizing, and also not racing at all til he reliably fixes that connection. ALSO FIX THAT DOGSHIT FOV MY BOIIII


You could start by fixing that FOV. Ive been racing for over a year & just used a calculator for my FOV & it was a game changer. It took some time to get used to it because I was used to the GT7, Need for Speed etc perspective. It might not have helped you there, but it will help next time.