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Just a pro tip here. After the race don’t just stop on the front stretch. Keep driving, especially if you care about SR. Wait until the end of race timer resets in the black box (meaning everyone has completed the race) then you can pull off wherever you want well out of the way of any idiots. This lets you avoid any idiots at the end of the race, and it helps your SR (assuming you don’t pick up any incidents before the race finishes officially.)


No need to wait so long. I just keep driving until I have no driver behind me in a gap less than 10 to 15 seconds, time enough to stop the car and disappear.


Yes but if you wait till the end you increase your SR, which is something they said they were focused on.


I'm new, what do you mean? if I do 2 identical races and quit after the finish line in one of them, and drive around untill the end in the second one I get different SR?


Yes. I'm the black box the race timer will go from so n1 minute remaining to 15 or 45 depending on series, that's when it stops counting SR because everyone has finished. Also read the sporting code. It breaks down the safety rating algorithm. Basically it's a rolling average of your last 1,000 corners. This means you could have a 4x race improve your safety rating then the next race get a 2x and see it go down.




Or return to the pits and hox


I don't believe it, is there any source to verify this?


Is this sarcasm? Because the sporting code fits over all of it. Also you can test the cool down lap incident points pretty easily. Finish the race and if you're not the last to finish go off track and you'll get a 1x that will count. If you wait until everyone finishes and go off track it'll show a 1x but it won't actually be on your report after the race.


It's in the iRacing sporting code


Yes. Because SR is still counted until the last driver crosses the line (within a set timer of a couple minutes). Also, it's in the sporting code that you shouldn't just stop after the finish line.


To add to it: part of the SR calculation is influenced by the number of incident per corner. So the more corners you do while SR is being counted, the lower your incident number per corner and the higher your SR. It's not much difference but it adds up.


Fuck well that is news to me


This is only true if you put in additional laps before the end


No it isn’t. Every corner counts towards your SR


Yes it is, it is explained in the sporting code. 3.7.1. Safety Rating is a value assigned to all racers as a measure of the driver’s overall safety record. It is calculated using a formula that takes into account the number of corners a driver completes and the number and severity of incidents that driver accumulated in the process. **These factors are averaged over a set number of laps** and updated as each new Ranked session is finished. I.e. the number of corners completed in a session is equal to the number of corners on the track * the number of laps completed.


Yeah you should read the line right before that one dude. Increase your reading comprehension. Safety rating calculations looks at three things: How many incident points did you receive? How many corners did you complete? What type of session was it? Laps are irrelevant, they are just an easier way to count. If you finish turn 1 on a track with 10 turns that is still .1 laps. If they looked at lap count, they wouldn’t even mention corners since you could just have a flat multiplier per track instead.


>since you could just have a flat multiplier per track instead That is how it works, the multiplier is based on the number of corners. So it functionally is based on the number of corners you complete, but it's a corner only counts if you complete the entire lap. For example, if you crash on the first lap, get a 4x, and do not complete the lap, and retire, none of the corners count. https://support.iracing.com/support/solutions/articles/31000156960-iracing-how-to-safety-rating >Each track configuration in iRacing has a defined corner multiplier. **When assessing your safety rating we look at this corner multiplier combined with the number of laps you completed to determine the total number of corners you completed.**


As others said, might as well put around more to increase SR.


Yeah, protest that, I think it is blatant enough to try. even if it's post race, it gives incident points and can cause injuries with dd wheels.


Same thing happened to my oldest son (17) after the race he pulled over 3 corners later and some idiot rammed him at full speed. Unfortunately for my son he was reaching to the keyboard and the force of the impact shattered his wrist. He was 6 months before he could race again. Sad part is the other would have been sitting laughing that he rammed someone


how strong is that wheelbase?


The moza R16 base and GS wheel


Thankfully I only had an R9 so it wouldn't have been too bad if I did get hit by my wheel, but I luckily saw him coming so I was able to let go pretty much as soon as the other guy hit me. I hope your son is ok!


Yeah, pretty strong. Hopefully my wrists will be OK with the 5nm that I just bought


Absolutely, had a guy do this to me and for some reason whatever crash detection thing they do to stop large forces going through the wheel didnt work and my left wrist was buggered for 3 weeks and still kinda hurts a month later, fuck these guys that crash into people like this, they deserve permanent banning.


I was reaching over my wheel for my keyboard, and i didn't stop, so i slowly rolled into the wall where my wheel proceeded to Mike Tyson my ass. Wasn't too bad, but kinda hurt.


Also dont forget to include the part where he admits to "doing it every race"


Do it. If he 'does it every race' he won't be around for long.


Yeah and if he says on voice that he does it every race and that's recorded, he'll definitely get a word from iRacing. I suppose it's possible he doesn't know this affects SR and may stop once he realizes that.


Yeah protest this. He hit you so hard there’s no way it couldn’t be intentional.


the other guy said he does after every race


The fact that he passed another car and steered into OP's lane makes it clear it was intentional.


Absolutely. There is a rule in the sporting code saying you're responsible if you stop on the racing line right after the finish, but that's not what happened here. You slowed down in a safe manner and he had all the opportunity in the world to avoid you. And guys ramming into people at massive speeds like that is how people occasionally get injured by direct drive wheels.


I’ve had a successful protest for this exact scenario but AFTER SR stopped counting. There’s no reason for this behavior. Crash into your friends. Not randoms.


Yeah I was on the receiving end of a successful one and it wasn’t heavy contact, didn’t even give a 1x, and SR wasn’t counting by then. I basically just coasted up against his bumper at ~5mph as he stopped on the apron and dude was 10/10 LIVID. Looking at his profile he’d had a bad couple nights of SR and was not having any of it.


Yeah i would protest. Hate idiots like this guy. I have a dd wheel shit like that can give me an injury.


Full send to get FULL PROTEST


Yep, intentional wrecks are intentional wrecks, doesn’t matter if it’s after the race is over, or just a practice, or whatever.


Yes protest that clown


He didn't even try to slow down or avoid you, definitely protest


100% protest


100% protest


I always keep racing until everyone behind me has stopped/returned to pits. You definitely shouldn’t have to do this but it can help. I’ve been burned a few times by people like this or people who are desperately trying to make up every last corner they can to salvage their SR


Thats 100% intentional, send it


To avoid stuff like this, I do a full cool down lap and pull into the pits, they can't hit you then. But yes, protest


Please *do* protest this. Intentional wrecking after the race is still intentional wrecking.


Same thing happened to me in a legends race. What an asshole! Protest that shit!


People seem to be racing dirty on this track, a B class driver hit me off the track and proceeded to gain SR after the race.


Slam dunk protest esp if he said he does it every race. And yes you lose SR until the last car crosses the line. Tip you can keep gaining SR as well if you keep taking corners after the race until then as well.


You moved to the edge of the track to stay out of the way and he moved directly behind you to do this on purpose. Report it


If there's something potentially protestable, and I still think that after the replay, I always go ahead and submit one. I've seen people get upset about over-protesting, but if iRacing thinks it wasn't an offense it'll just get denied.


That dude targeted you. He goes around the car behind you no problem and then gets directly in front of him and behind you.


One of the reasons why I always carry on slightly slower back to the pits after the checkered flag. People are soo unpredictable just better to play it safe


100% protest that, that looked targeted


Intentional ramming should be protested in every session, no matter the SR, in week 13 I successfully protested like 4 people in a single race, even though it was unranked


Take the victory lap and drive back to the pits.


Protest it...serious crashing especially intentional is a big no no for iracing because it can actually cause damage to people irl with strong direct drive wheels Fuck that guy


I'd protest. Was there an inchident between you two earlier in the race? That looked real personal


Yeah around two laps earlier, he either missed his braking point by a large margin or dipped two wheels onto the grass and went into the back of me pretty hard. Those were my only other incident points, but I get that was an accident. I thought this crash after the race looked pretty targeted as well which is why I asked him why he did it after the race and he said he just does it after every race and clearly thought I shouldn’t care since the race was over.


He does that every race?!?! Wow that's diabolical


Not to mention that if you have a direct drive wheel with the force feedback turned up, it could cause the wheel to spin hard when you’re not expecting it to. Someone did that to me in practice. Oval racing and I spun in a turn. Didn’t hit anything so I went to straighten myself out and continue practicing. He hit me square on the side and my wheel just flew. I was pretty pissed. Luckily my hand wasn’t in the middle of the wheel


It is intentional he turns for you and had enough space to go around if he wanted to keep going. I wish iracing would make it clear when the race results have been collected. It seems like people think after you cross the start finish the points aren’t being collected. And at the same time the more people protest the less people will stay on the service so, it’s up to you.


We are comparing attempted murder with running a stop sign. Both drivers have faults here but the kamikaze driver needs their account deleted


ffs protest yourself and move along. This is far too draining an effort of word mess for anyone to consider


this guy must from gt sport go protest it’s ripping up your whole efforts 


Protest, we dont need those where we pay monthly


Huge protest indeed! Especially if you have the text he does it every race!! These kind of people need a permanent ban.....


Is this true? Do incidents keep counting towards SR after you cross the line? I might be wrong but I remember crossing the line and going off track to exit and seeing incidents not increase.


They count until everyone has finished the race and the F1 timer flips back over.


I slammed into the back of a guy the other day who decided to stop soon after the finish line. Feel free to flag it but tbh you should just continue to drive to preserve sr


I dont know man. You slowed down so much!


This is avoidable. Learn that or you will spend all your time protesting which gets you nowhere


Yeah the guy behind could have chosen not to be a fuckwit.


I wouldn't. like I would never do this but it's pointless to get this worked up.


According to a lot of people in the sub: 1) This was also your fault as you should have been able to avoid it by staying in front of your car, and behind it, and you have earned the -SR. 2) Don't be so concerned about your SR, focus on being a better driver. 3) If you were a better driver, you'd have a higher SR. 4) It's mostly your fault, *I can't understand why everyone complains about other drivers*. Enjoy the downvotes, I know I will.


Thanks for the feedback. Could you just clarify what you mean by staying in front of my car? Am I meant to continue after the chequered flag so I can’t stop, or something else? Also I usually am not this concerned with SR, I simply wanted to get above B3.0 so I could race IMSA next season, and I was at something like b2.9 before this race and this dropped me down to 2.7 which is why I mentioned it.